Chapter 544 – Separation

After the great war, there was devastation.

The King of Chu looked at the earth that was already in ruins and sighed, “There will be no more Qiong Yu City in the Western Region since then.”

Qin Feng, who was on the side, said, “At least, the people are still alive.”

The King of Chu froze slightly at his words and then looked around.

The surviving generals were packing up the relics of their dead companions and tending to the injured.

A sliver of sunlight cut through the night curtain, restoring some vitality to the dead earth.

The generals who had suffered a lot looked up at the sunlight, and light reappeared in their eyes.

“That’s a good point, at least the people are still alive.

And as long as one lives, there is hope.”

He skims his head and looks at Qin Feng, his expression straightening, “You deserve a lot of credit for the Western Region Natural Disaster being able to pass through it peacefully this time, I will report to Emperor Ming of Fengtian City about what happened this time.”

“I merely did what I could, in the end, it was Lord Ghost Head who appeared to save the day.” Qin Feng said this, then looked around for signs of the Northern Ghost Head.

In the end, under the shade of a tree, he saw the Western Region Secretary and Lord Ghost Head standing together, seemingly talking about something.

Qin Feng’s two eyes narrowed slightly, his heart of gossip blazing.

After all, this Lord Ghost Head might be that unreliable old man!

There is something fishy . Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and slowly approached the shade of the tree without any trace.

But how could he hide this small action from the two high-grade Divine Martial Musketeers?
At the shade of the tree, the two stopped talking and looked over in unison.

Underneath his white face, Old Father Qin revealed an odd color, then deliberately said in a deep voice, “What are you doing?”

Without being able to 100% confirm the identity of the other party, Qin Feng’s body trembled before he dryly laughed, “My junior is here to thank senior Ghost Head, after all, if senior hadn’t stepped in earlier, I’m afraid that I would have died nine deaths.”

“There’s no need for that, I just happened to arrive.”

Qin Feng paused, wanting to continue speaking to test the waters.

At this time, the King of Chu was the one who followed him over and said some words of gratitude as well as his worries about this Western Region Natural Disaster.

The two bigwigs were talking about business, so naturally, Qin Feng couldn’t continue to intrude, and could only retreat to the side.

He came to the side of the two ladies and opened his mouth to ask them about their encounter with Lord Ghost Head.

After hearing this, Qin Feng pondered, ”It seems that Elder Ghost Head is the one who came to the Western Region to save the day, and the odds are that it’s the Heavenly Supervisor’s backhand.

Earlier, Senior Fu said that Elder Ghost Head might be my unreliable old man, and I’m now starting to have a bit of doubt as well.

It’s just that he’s wearing a white face and can’t be seen in his true form, so wouldn’t it be embarrassing if he’s mistaken.

The two ladies, what do you think?”

A flash of unnaturalness crossed Cang Feilan’s eyes.

Liu Jianli wanted to speak.

As Qin Feng’s wives, they naturally did not want to deceive their husband.

However, when the words came out of their mouths, the two of them felt something in their hearts.

Glancing to the other side, Father Qin was staring straight at them.

“We… . not sure.” The duo felt a little guilty, after all, they had spoken against their hearts and deceived their Sangha.

Qin Feng held his chin and mused, “It seems that we can only confirm with Elder Fu later.”

“I see you keep looking over there, but is there something you care about?” King Chu was curious.

Father Qin looked back, “It’s just that from those people, I saw my past self.

The youngest Third Grade Sword God in history is truly something, in time, she might be able to reach the legendary Transcendence Realm. And that Cang Long woman, she also has a promising future.”

The King of Chu recognized, “Those two women are naturally not bad, but Duke Qin who married them is not a generalist either.

I am somewhat curious as to what kind of person that Qin family head is that he can raise such a male son out.”

Father Qin sniffed and said with a straight face, “As the saying goes, a tiger’s father does not have a dog’s son, if the son is so capable, then the father is naturally even better.”

The King of Chu froze at his words and then responded, “That’s a reasonable statement.”

After a pause, he spoke again, “This time, thanks to Lord Ghost Head’s intervention in the Western Region’s natural disaster, we were able to minimize the danger, and I will definitely explain this matter to Emperor Ming.”

Father Qin immediately replied back, “If it is possible, I hope that I will be plucked out of the Western Region Heavenly Tribulation.”

“This,” King Chu looked embarrassed.

“I am no longer the Northern Region’s Secretary, and have things I am attached to; my appearance in the Western Region this time is merely by order of the Heavenly Supervisor.”

Listening to the other party’s firm tone, King Chu finally nodded his head and sighed, “In that case, I understand.”

After the King of Chu left, Fu Ruoyun stepped forward and asked with a raised eyebrow, “You didn’t tell that kid about your identity?”

“Not yet.” Old Father Qin also had his own considerations.

“I see, but what should I do, I’ve already told him my guess, and although he can’t confirm it yet, he should have already become suspicious of you.” Fu Ruoyun somewhat apologized.

Father Qin’s face stiffened as he heard this.

In this world, there were always all sorts of natural and man-made disasters, life and death.

The dead have passed away, and the living still have their own paths to walk.

The people gathered in Qiong Yu City, and it was also finally time to part ways.

After asking Qin Feng about Little White’s whereabouts, Bai Wou Xie planned to bring Third Aunt Mo forward to look for him.

She had already learned from the arriving demonic beasts that her family’s dragon vein land had lost its dragon spirit, and after her anger, she was helpless to accept the reality.

And not having to fight with other demon kings for the Dragon Vein Land anymore, she also decided to take Little White back to her side and live together.

With such a big change in the Western Region, King Chu and Sifu Fu Ruoyun naturally had their hands full.

Moreover, the appearance of the Underworld Ghost Realm, as well as that terrifying existence, was also a shadow that haunted their hearts and could not be dispersed.

They had too many things to confirm, so they hurriedly took their leave.

It was only when Fu Ruoyun was leaving that Qin Feng also made some side comments, but what he got was this answer – she had gotten it wrong regarding the earlier speculation about the identity of the Ghost Head!
But Qin Feng still sniffed out some different flavors from the other party’s unnatural eyes!
The Martial Marquis Army’s expedition to the Western Regions was perilous and it was time to go back.

Facing those powerful enemies, the Marquis Army, which had only lost 30% of its generals, could be considered to have escaped from death, and such low casualties were all due to Qin Feng’s intervention!

Every general looked at him with gratitude.

Outside the ruins of Qiong Yu City, the generals of the Marquis Army were ready to go.

Lie Ying asked, “Is Military Master Qin really not going back with us?”

Qin Feng shook his head, “I still have some matters to attend to before returning to Fengtian City.”

The appearance of the rift in the Underworld Ghost Realm and the descent of the terrifying existences made Qin Feng feel even more strongly that improving his strength was a top priority.

Therefore, he wanted to accumulate enough Hongmeng Immortal Qi to step into the Fourth Grade Prosperity Realm with the help of the Tushan Fox Clan’s Illumination Heaven Stone before leaving the Western Region!

Of course, the Ancient Divine Breath that could help Niang Zi enhance her cultivation, he would also try to collect some.

On top of that, the four words revealed by the remnants of that residual fire still surfaced in his mind, unable to dissipate.

After leaving the Western Region, he still had to head to the Southern Region’s Jinyang City to visit Senior Li Yang’s tomb .

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