Chapter 987: Flowing Water Creates Cultivators

Chapter 979 – A Cultivator Made of Flowing Water

Spirit Wood Realm, Li Fan’s “Ancient Sect” area.

Between the “Pill King Sect” and the “Tian Ji Sect”, on the wide, flat stone plaza, the blood aura rushed to the sky.

More than five hundred flesh and blood puppets were seated on their backs, operating the “Cang Sheng Spiritual Yuan Gong” according to their instincts.

“It’s also that you’re strangely fast, rolling over each state to grab some cultivators over. Otherwise, if the disappearance of all these cultivators were to gather within one or two states, it would definitely cause the alarm of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.” Li Fan said with a smile.

He casually set up a formation on the square, hiding the flesh and blood puppets while also dispersing the strong smell of blood.

“That’s not necessarily true. The grassroots defense force of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance hasn’t recovered so quickly, and many places are still basically undefended. Moreover, all of the ones I captured were the lowest level Foundation Establishment cultivators, the Wanxian Alliance may not really care.” Li Qing shook her head.

“That’s also true, I’m afraid that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is busy building the [Eternal Immortal Wall] and dealing with those million unconscious cultivators.”

“The Divine Demon Disaster, although the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance has not broken any bones, it has lowered its grasp on the grassroots a bit. I’m afraid it won’t be long before another large-scale Immortal Alliance Entrance Examination is held.”

The principal and the doppelganger exchanged words.

Until above the plaza, many subtle sounds that were barely perceptible suddenly surfaced.

It was like the sound of gears turning, resounding in each of the flesh and blood puppets. Iterating and resonating, it eventually turned into an overall crisp sound.

“Ta da ……”

The principal and the doppelganger glanced at each other.

“It’s quite sweet, after reaching the threshold, it will actually take the initiative to remind.”

“Also come this Spirit Elemental Sect Master, he’s also a wonderful person.”

Li Fan could not help but appreciate him more and more and decided that he must meet him in his next life.

“How is it?” Looking towards the doppelganger who was running the Cang Sheng Spiritual Yuan Gong, Li Fan asked.

In fact, he had already clearly sensed the increased cultivation level of running the Spirit Elemental Technique within his bilocation through Synchronized Perception.

However, he still had the bad taste to ask so.

“Well, although the growth is very slow, it can already barely cultivate.”

“Next, as the number of people practicing the Spirit Elemental Technique continues to get larger, the efficiency of the technique’s operation will also slowly grow. Until it reaches a limit.” Li Qing continued to cultivate while analyzing.

“Hmm, then it’s time to implement it in the small world.” Li Fan nodded his head.

The large-scale manufacturing of the Heaven and Earth Oven caused the aura of the small world to revive. And then utilizing the Xuanhuang Clear Heart Mantra as well as the supporting herbs to get rid of the Immortal Mortal Miasma in the mortals’ bodies. Even though the chances of being able to succeed were not considered high, as long as the base was large enough, there was no need to worry about the number of cultivators that could be mass-produced. In the end, all of them were allowed to cultivate the Cang Sheng Spiritual Yuan Gong to mass produce low-end cultivators.

During this process, if anyone was found to have extraordinary talent or outstanding abilities, they could be absorbed as a full member of the Ten Thousand Realms Confederation.

The true gong method is bestowed.

As for other cultivators with little utilization value, they were dispatched to enter the blood-colored river one after another.


A set of processes like an assembly line had basically been finalized.

Although it was very simple to say, it was only after Li Fan synthesized all the opportunities he encountered during his reincarnation that he was able to create this system.

Ordinary cultivators, I’m afraid that even the [Heaven and Earth Baking Furnace], which is capable of creating unlimited spiritual qi, could not find a way to make it in their entire life.

The prototype has been completed, the next step is how to implement it. However, it was a step-by-step job, and Li Fan let his doppelganger, Li Qing, take full responsibility.

At the same time, the [Heaven and Earth Ten Thousand Spirits Grand Formation], which connected and controlled all the Heaven and Earth Ovens, was handed over to Li Qing to take care of.

“There may be a risk that the Dao One Worm may mutate, this point cannot be dismissed. Monitor it at all times, and if there is any movement, it needs to be dealt with immediately.”

Li Fan said, not knowing what came to his mind, he changed his mind again.

“Well, if there really is a mutation of Daoyi Insects, there is no need to exterminate them all. There may be no harm in leaving some samples of each mutation, it may be of great use in the future.” Li Fan admonished.

The doppelganger took orders from himself.

After explaining his affairs, Li Fan was considered to be temporarily free.

At this time, all the plans have officially entered the accumulation stage, only waiting for the next thick and thin. Li Fan, who was a bit bored for a while, flashed to the hall outside where the faceless stone statue was placed.

Gently pointing towards the air, he released Yan Fangzhou who had been trapped for a long time.

Trapped in an empty place, always subject to formations to interfere with thinking, the days were like years.

According to Li Fan’s observation, at this moment, this former pride of heaven should be really crazy.

He was not aware that he had been released and freed, and even when Li Fan waved his hand in front of his eyes, there was not the slightest reaction.

Splitting out a strand of divine sense, he entered Yan Fangzhou’s sea of consciousness.

None of the instinctive defense mechanisms appeared for the intrusion of an external object.

Yan Fangzhou’s past memories were completely fragmented as if they had been sliced by a knife.

Only from time to time did a storm of thoughts of fear, helplessness, and pleading for mercy roll up and sweep through the sea of consciousness.

“Poor child, let me save you.” Li Fan smiled faintly.

The divine sense swept across, crushing all the remnants of Yan Fangzhou’s thoughts.

And then, like painting on a blank canvas, he recklessly fabricated a brand new life for Yan Fangzhou.

Born in the Spiritwood Realm, he was sent to the Yan Family of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to lurk around since he was a child.

Later, during the process of liaising with the Spiritwood Realm, he was accidentally discovered. In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, he retreated, intending to introduce the other party into the Spirit Wood Realm to silence them.

Although he succeeded in doing so, he was seriously injured and fainted.


Li Fan, who had mastered the [Cloud Water Illusion Dream Technique] and had a lot of experience with it, quickly implanted all of these true and false memories into Yan Fangzhou’s mind.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Fangzhou leisurely awoke.

The brain was blank for a long time, and with a violent tingling, a picture suddenly came like a tidal wave.

Yan Fangzhou looked at the solemn Li Fan in front of him, and a wave of shame immediately surged in his heart.

“Your Holiness, I ……”

Li Fan waved his hand, “Everyone misses at times, it’s good to come back alive.”

Yan Fangzhou couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his heart.

“That cultivator who discovered your secret has already been disposed of.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve returned to the Spiritwood Realm, take this opportunity to just stroll around more.”

“During the time you were unconscious, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance had a bit of a change of heart. It’s just the right time to think about how to cover up your disappearance.” Li Fan faintly admonished, before his figure disappeared.

Yan Fangzhou bowed and saluted before his divine sense swept through the Spirit Wood Realm.

The expression instantly became somewhat confused.

“This place …… is so different from before I left. What happened?”

Yan Fangzhou looked at the brand new Spiritwood Realm, his heart both shocked and delighted.

“Fang Zhou? You’re awake?!” At this moment, a somewhat excited voice came from far away.

“Shang Tianzhi?” Yan Fangzhou’s eyes narrowed.

This exceptionally gifted teenager was a member of the Mountain River Xuan with him.

By his design, he was abducted back into the Spiritwood Realm and forced to join the Ten Thousand Realms Federation.

But Shang Tianzhi himself was still unaware of this, thinking that he was a patriarch who had joined the Federation one step ahead of Yan Fangzhou.

There is one more chapter to be around 1:00, the rest of today’s debt repayment or tomorrow during the day. At most write until 1 o’clock, and then late is too hurt, simply can not slow down.

(The end of this chapter)

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