Chapter 961: True or False Heavenly Medical Bureau

Chapter 954: True or False Heavenly Medical Bureau
In the face of Hanhai’s bloody questioning, the “Heavenly Jade Venerable One” finally turned his head to “look” over.

His eyes were still not open, and his voice was also quite strange.

It was intermittent, loud and small.

“Who am I?”

“…… You guess?”

As he said this, his left hand snapped.

The Cloud Water Heavenly Palace, which had long been dead silent, with no survivors other than Hanhai and Taiyi, at this moment unexpectedly resounded simultaneously with the painful wails of the disciples before they died.

Hanhai, who was nailed in mid-air and unable to move, even saw a transparent figure rising from the disciples’ corpses.

As if they were still in the moment before death, their faces were filled with terror and despair.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ……”

What that “Heavenly Jade Venerable One” had done was not just a simple “kill”!
Rather, he wanted to make the disciples of the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace live forever in the agonizing torment of that moment before death!

What kind of grudge is there to do such a vicious thing?
With grief and anger in his heart, Hanhai exploded with all his strength, trying to break free from his control.

However, he was unable to shake the black awns that penetrated his body, and in turn, because of the counter-attack, he was bleeding from his seven orifices, which was miserable to the extreme!
Hanhai can only watch this person in front of him, will have died disciples all transformed into seemingly alive, seemingly dead miserable existence!

“Heavenly Jedi Venerable One, Lord of the Way of Killing.”

“Such a means is definitely not something He can do.”

“No, no……”

Hanhai’s eyes were lost in thought, and his mouth muttered lowly.

A moment later, as if he thought of something, Hanhai’s body shook slightly, “Heavenly Doctor? You’re a Heavenly Doctor!?”

As Hanhai shouted out these words, the figure that was tormenting the crowd of disciples from the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace also gave a slight lurch.

And then a weird smile appeared on his face.

“Heavenly Doctor ……”

“Heh heh heh, not bad. I am the Heavenly Doctor!”

As these words came out, the world in Hanhai’s eyes changed with a bang.

The original “Heavenly Jedi Exalted One” looking murderer had instantly changed into the Heavenly Doctor’s appearance!

His eyes were full of compassion, and his face was so dignified. But what he did was so appalling!
The black sword light that trapped Hanhai also turned into a fine black needle!


“Why! Heavenly Doctor!”

Hanhai, who thought he had surveyed the truth, let out an earth-shattering roar.

“Why! Why!”

He kept questioning.

The Heavenly Doctor, on the other hand, ignored it, and the look on his face hadn’t changed in the slightest since the beginning.

Just that cloudy eyes, with a little appreciation, looking at the “back from the dead” Cloud Water Heavenly Palace disciple.

As if viewing their own masterpieces in general.

Newborn disciples first face full of confusion, looking at their own somewhat transparent body, and then look around.

But gradually, they also slowly realized what was happening to them.

Hanhai’s angry roar even made them realize who the culprit of all this was.

“Heavenly Doctor!”

“Heavenly Doctor!”

Here and there, the roars of resentment and anger resounded through the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace.

It was creepy.

That Heavenly Doctor, on the other hand, seemed as if he was listening to some exquisite piece of music, and an intoxicated look actually appeared on his face.

This made it even more difficult for the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace crowd to control their emotions, and they were eager to eat the Heavenly Doctor’s flesh.

However, they were still under the Heavenly Doctor’s control and could only hiss in vain.

They were unable to make any moves to resist.

I don’t know how long had passed, but as if the Heavenly Doctor had heard enough, his face suddenly changed. With his cold snort, endless darkness engulfed the crowd of Cloud Water Heavenly Palace.


The scene cut off.

When another bright light appeared, it was back to a short while ago, when Hanhai and Taiyi were conversing in the great hall.

“It seems that this nightmarish memory is the source of the tormenting Hanhai.”

Li Fan secretly pondered.

After viewing this memory a few more times again from Hanhai’s perspective and confirming that there were no other abnormalities, Li Fan’s strand of divine sense wanted to leave from here.

But what Li Fan didn’t expect was that he couldn’t find a way out!

The scene here, in its constant cycle of repetition, had become extremely close to the real time and space.

If anything, from the phantom dreams and memories, it was still possible to awaken.

But how could one return from the real to the real?
The connection with the outside world had been cut off, Li Fan tried many ways to leave, but they all ended in failure.

However, Li Fan did not panic.

After all, what came here was only a strand of his own divine consciousness.

To the original, the injury of losing this wisp of divine sense could be healed in less than a breath of time.

As a matter of common sense, since there was no hope of escaping and there would be no damage to the Honored One.

Li Fan could have simply annihilated himself.

However, due to his nature to survive, this strand of Li Fan’s divine consciousness still wanted to try again.

See if he could find a way to break the situation.

“Even an alien like me cannot escape from this eternal nightmare. Let alone the owner of this place, Hanhai.”

“But the reason for creating the current situation is worth some debate. Whether it is because Hanhai himself has been stimulated too much, and he is unable to free himself. Or is it ……”

Li Fan continued to experience the nightmare from Hanhai’s perspective despite his shock.

After experiencing the hellish scene again and again, the cold grunt of the Heavenly Doctor and the darkness coming.

Li Fan concentrated and looked towards the darkness.

The darkness only lasted for a few breaths.

At first glance, it appeared to be pure darkness caused only by the lack of memories.

However, Li Fan was keenly aware that the time the darkness enveloped was divided into two distinct parts.

The first section was when Hanhai was forcibly obscured from perception of the outside world.

It was the interlude of the nightmare cycle that came next.

However, the manifestations were both a dead pitch black, and thus Hays, who was in a state of insanity, was not able to distinguish between the two.

Only Li Fan, an outsider, could vaguely perceive the subtle differences.

Even if Li Fan was not accustomed to the tragedies of the world, his heart was like a rock, and he was not shaken much by the tragic situation that took place in the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace, and was still able to maintain his absolute calmness.

It would have been very difficult for him to notice the vast difference between the two.

With an entry point, the next strand of Li Fan’s Divine Consciousness kept waiting in the Nightmare Reincarnation.

Trying to penetrate the darkness and witness what was happening in the outside world.

“It seems that that [Heavenly Doctor], didn’t just stop because he was tired of hearing about it. That sudden subtle change in his face ……”

“It’s someone coming.”

Li Fan suddenly realized.

Patiently going through hundreds of rounds again, little by little from the subtle light and shadows captured each time.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, Li Fan finally pieced together what happened in the moment when he was obscured by the darkness.

Not long after the “Heavenly Doctor” had suppressed all the people of the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace, a figure flew rapidly from the sky.

The “Heavenly Doctor” showed a mocking look as his figure faded and disappeared.

And that later figure was also the Heavenly Doctor’s appearance!
(End of chapter)

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