Chapter 815: Extra: The Mystery of Eternal Life (If you want to seek the Law of Eternal Life, you need to enter this)

Chapter 809: Extra The Mystery of Long Life (If you want to seek the Law of Long Life, you need to enter this chapter!)
The content of the extra has nothing to do with the main text, so you can decide whether to subscribe or not.

The draft box stored for a long time to write half of the extra. I’ll write it while the inspiration is still there.

I will not delay the normal update at night. There will be two more chapters in the evening.

“Ding Dong!”

I woke up from my sleep with a jolt when I heard my cell phone beep.

It took a full small half-minute of slowing down before my violently beating heart slowly calmed down. I picked up the cell phone on the table and looked at the time.

Two thirty in the morning.

“Damn, sending messages at this hour, it must be that old thing Zhang Yaobin!”

Cursing in my heart, I clicked on [Teng Xin], and it was true.

“Li Yang, look at the mailbox. Write me a research report based on the information inside, just about thirty thousand words. By twelve noon tomorrow.”

The text combined with Zhang Yaobin’s avatar with a lewd smile on his face instantly made my eyelids flutter and my blood pressure rise.

In my head, I had already greeted his ancestors once, but my fingers were involuntarily jumping on the cell phone keyboard.

“Okay, boss!”

I let out a long sigh.

“It can’t be helped, who let me get stuck with such a tutor. Bear with it a little longer, and when this paper is successfully published, I’ll be able to graduate.”

“Of the six reviewers, four are friends of Zhang Yaobin. Whether or not it passes the draft is not a matter of his word. During this period of time before passing the review, it’s definitely about treating me like a cow or a horse. It’s gotten worse.”

Spitting in my heart, I clicked on the mailbox, downloaded and unzipped the attachment, and checked the contents.

“Against the reasoning of heaven and earth, in order to prove longevity ……”

“What the hell.”

Sleepiness instantly dissipated, and I couldn’t help but straighten my sitting posture, staring intently at the picture in the computer.

Half a month ago, in the Baise Boundary region of Xiangnan Province, a strange thing happened. A thousand-meter-high mountain peak cracked open, revealing a smooth, mirror-like cliff. On top of the cliff, the words “Against the reason of heaven and earth to prove longevity” were carved in ancient seal script from top to bottom.

The local government acted very quickly. After the incident, the scene was quickly cordoned off. The incident is not yet known to the public.

This is because the ancient seal script used to write these nine characters was the official script of the Dedication Dynasty, seven thousand years ago.

So the investigation team invited Zhang Yaobin, the country’s chief expert on the history of the Dedication Dynasty, to assist in the investigation.

To see if they could find any clues from the ancient texts.


I looked at the time in the lower right corner of the screen.

“It’s not April Fool’s Day, playing this kind of joke on me.”

The moment I saw the information, my first reaction was disbelief.

“Lingyun Peak, over thirteen hundred meters above sea level. The first peak in the Baise Realm area ……”

A quick search picked up the incident mentioning that peak.

“Nine words, over a thousand meters. Judging from the spacing of the words on the picture, each word is at least a hundred meters in size.”

“Even now, trying to carve them out on a mountain cliff would be a big job, right?”

“A seven thousand year period of the Dedication Dynasty? How is that possible?”

“But this handwriting, it’s really good.”

My thoughts lurched slightly.

But Zhang Yaobin, this old man, although he was a bit ugly and capitalist in flavor. But when it comes to doing things, he is very conscientious and reliable. Not so much as to amuse me with things that are not true.

I quickly searched the Internet again in the Baise boundary area related news.

Sure enough, I found something fishy.

“Families, we are just a whole speechless bunch. It’s hard to take an annual vacation, want to come to Baise Boundary travel. When we arrived at the entrance of the scenic spot, we were suddenly not allowed to enter! This kind of feeling, who understands!”

“A sudden accident has occurred at Baise Boundary, and the scenic spot is temporarily blocked. For the sake of your own safety, please cooperate with all the tourists!”

“Saying it out you may not believe it, what exactly did I see in the Hundred Colors Realm ……”

Before clicking in, this piece of content had already been deleted.

“It seems that something did happen.”

“Dedication of the dynasty ……”

Stroking my chin, I couldn’t help but recall the account about it again in my mind.

The Ancient Xian Dynasty was the first dynasty with written records.

And, between it and the second dynasty [Yu], there was a huge civilization break.

The difference between the two eras was almost 800 years. To this day, no one knows what actually happened during those lost 800 years. How exactly did the Ancient Xian Dynasty, which was so prosperous, perish.

There are not many people who have studied the Ancient Xian Dynasty in China, and Zhang Yaobin is considered to be the most authoritative one.

The direction of my research, though, is not the Xian Dynasty. However, it is only because there are too few surviving relics of the Xian Dynasty, and they have long been studied. I had no choice but to settle for the second best and change my direction.

In any case, under the tutelage of the old thief Zhang, I have learned from experience and am not unfamiliar with everything about the Dedication Dynasty.

But its performance, basically no different from other ancient dynasties.

This time, the thousand meter mountain carving, on the other hand, is somewhat beyond my knowledge.

After drinking a cup of coffee and staying up all night to finish reading the information sent by the old thief, it was almost midnight.

The doubt in my heart is getting thicker.

The “smooth as a mirror” mentioned in the information is not an adjective. Rather, it is a statement.

It was really like a polished mirror, unlike the rough mountain.

Moreover, the material seemed to have changed, and it was much harder than ordinary rocks.

However, for the purpose of relic protection, it was not yet possible to measure it accurately with instruments.

The strange thing is not only that.

When the words [Against the Reason of Heaven and Earth to Prove Eternal Life] were revealed, the animals in the vicinity of Lingyun Peak, as if they were frightened by an inexplicable reason, took the initiative to stay away from this place.

Not only birds and beasts, but even mosquitoes and insects, all of them stayed away.


“A 30,000 word research report, how the hell do I write it?”

With my head in a daze, I cursed in my heart.

After only agonizingly making up two thousand words, I could no longer resist the raging sleep and drifted off to sleep.

There seemed to be a lot of dreaming.

But somehow, that big line of words [Against the reasoning of heaven and earth, in order to prove longevity] was as if it had been carved. Always embedded in the depths of the mind. Let the dream wake up and float, but always unchanged.

The next day, when I woke up, my first reaction was to look at my cell phone.

“Li Yang, don’t forget, tomorrow at twelve noon.”

The old thief had indeed sent another message reminder.

“I ……”

Resisting the urge to explode, I looked at the time.

Nine thirteen in the morning.

“Only four hours of sleep ……”

“Why does it feel like sleeping for three days and three nights.”

I slightly moved my body full of aches and pains and simply dealt with some breakfast.

It was then that the research paper began.

“Twenty-eight thousand words left, twenty-seven hours left. Each hour is just over a thousand words, with my hand speed, it’s more than enough!”

I knew that this was the old thief’s way of coping with the top and delivering, not really any subject drilling.

So try to talk about empty words, platitudes, will focus on the “auspicious” aspects up.

“Auspiciousness” is not a superstition.

It is real.

The most famous, and most talked about, is the “Five Stars out of the East in the Land of the Rising Sky”, which was unearthed in the last century.

Soon after it was unearthed, the country’s fortunes turned around. It is now on the top of the world’s great nations.

“Since this longevity stone carving has appeared, then the average life expectancy of our people, up three to four years, should not be a problem.” I suddenly thought in my head.

Fingers flying on the keyboard, my thoughts were like a spring.

Surprisingly, the report was completed before twelve o’clock that night.

A tap showed that the email had been successfully sent.

I couldn’t help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

It was reasonable to complete the old thief’s mission. I should be relaxing at this moment.

But for some reason, that thousand meters of stone carvings kept shining in my heart.

Unable to sit still, I ghostly opened the picture of the stone carving again.

“Against the reasoning of heaven and earth, in order to prove eternal life.”

“What exactly does this mean?”

I slumped back in my chair and looked at the picture displayed on the full screen with a frown on my face.

My mind wandered and I drifted off to sleep.

“Ouch ……”

When I woke up from the chair, I realized that I had fallen a bit off the pillow due to sleeping in the wrong position.

I grimace and bear the pain.

Trying to stretch my head in the opposite direction to relieve the symptoms.

It was this movement that gave me a sudden flash of inspiration.

“Opposite direction to relieve muscle tension.”

“Isn’t that [Reverse]?”

I instantly had many more thoughts come to me.

“Modern people, because of the incorrect office posture. Often leads to many chronic diseases.”

“Cervical spine, lumbar spine ……”

“Diseases all over the body.”

“And often simple stretches can alleviate the symptoms.”

I clicked on the little broken site and with some searching, I instantly found many related videos.

“One move teaches you to get rid of back pain.”

“A few simple moves to let you say goodbye to back pain.”



Again, I could vaguely tell that none of the moves were exactly the same, though.

But the core idea was always pretty much the same.

That is, to make the body assume a posture that is the opposite of the rigidity of everyday life.

“Isn’t that, that’s the [Reverse Human Body Rationale]?”

This thought couldn’t help but pop up in my mind.

However, on second thought, when these movements were integrated, weren’t they the radio gymnastics that the country had implemented?
It’s just that some of the more difficult movements were deleted because they needed to be popularized.

“If this set of [reverse] movements contains all the muscles, joints, and ligaments on the body ……”

“And what would happen?”

I couldn’t help but be interested.

At that moment, one by one, I opened the fitness instructional video and tried to organize and categorize these movements.

After an afternoon’s work, I gave up.

Because the content of the movements in these videos, too much repetition, too inefficient.

For example, in order to relieve pain inside the shoulder blades, it is often necessary to do seven or eight sets of exercises.

And therein lies the conflict with trying to relieve cervical pain.

It’s hard to see straight through.

“Forget it, why am I bothering with that. I’m really tired, just go get a massage.”

Turning off the computer, I shook my head and went back to bed.


That nine-character stone carving, it still won’t go away.

In my mind, it seemed to emit an odd golden glow.

When I woke up the next day, my eyes were first a bit confused.

It was stagnant for a long enough time before I walked to the computer again and opened that picture.

The look was a little trance.

Finally, I dialed the phone number of my old classmate.

“Old Zhang, [Heavenly Question] lend me to use. Hey, you don’t care so much. It’s just for one day, and I’ll return it to you soon.”

After hanging up, I sat down and waited patiently.

The Heavenly Question, is the latest generation of [Quantum Intelligent Computer] developed by the Immortal Academy of Sciences.

It is said that the quantum volume has long surpassed the 10,000 mark.

The specifics of what outrageous level it had reached were not disclosed to the public.

What Old Zhang can send me for external use is naturally only the civilian limited edition of [Heavenly Question].

Not long after, in the lower right corner of the desktop, a round icon suddenly lit up.

I knew that this was the AI of [SkyQuest] had taken over my computer.

On the desktop, a line of twenty-four hour countdown began to jump.

“Saying one day, it’s really a fucking day. Old Zhang is really something.”

I cursed, then made my request to [Heavenly Question].

The computer screen, in an instant, became pitch black.

And then the data stream was like a waterfall, constantly pulsing.

In my anticipation, this should be a simple thing.

With Tian Man’s arithmetic, it should only take less than a second to get it done.

But more than ten minutes had passed, but there were still no results coming out.

“It couldn’t be that Old Zhang’s side is also taking up arithmetic power.”

Just as he was about to make a call to ask, the data on the screen suddenly stopped.

It was as if it had died.

After a few moments, it returned to normal.

A video, which then played automatically. Just what I needed, a whole set of [Reverse] moves.

The character modeling in it was still myself.

After quickly skimming through the video, I blushed a bit.

This kind of action, is it really something a human can do?
“Forget it. With a physique like mine, I’m afraid I won’t be able to accomplish it at all.”

It was meant to be a whim, an act of nothing. It was normal to give up at will.

I muttered under my breath and was about to turn the video off.


A cold mechanical tone rang out from the computer speakers.

“According to the calculation, citizen number A6BH85208511068G6B, you have a 99.99% chance of completing this set of maneuvers.”

The voice appeared so suddenly that it startled me.

I then immediately reacted, “Heavenly Question?”

“I am.”

“You can actually talk?” I couldn’t help but be a little curious. “Learning human language is not a difficult thing for me.” Heavenly Man said modestly.

“I didn’t realize that the Quantum Intelligent Computer, had already developed to such a level.” I was astonished in my heart.

But this wasn’t particularly rare. As early as the beginning of the century, there had already been widespread concerns and discussions due to the rapid development of AI. In recent times, there were even a number of proposals to popularize the domestication of intelligent robots as soon as possible.

I didn’t pay much attention to this matter, but instead asked curiously, “Is there really a 99.99% chance? That set of movements, how do you see how it doesn’t look like a human being can insist on doing it in its entirety, right?”

Tian Man once again gave an affirmative reply. But added afterward, “It just might need a little help.”

I hesitated for a moment, originally still somewhat hesitant. But once again, the contents of the Nine Character Moment inexplicably surfaced in my mind.

“Just try it.” I suddenly thought so.

Just a few moments after I made my decision, the household robot, YH63 type, but suddenly stepped in with heavy steps.


I froze at first, then realized. It was Heaven’s Question who had taken it over.

Being stared at by it, a sudden chill surged in my heart. However, things had come to a head, so I had no choice but to start the first move.

This set of Reverse Reasoning Moves that had been summarized and deduced by Heaven’s Question only had a total of nine styles. However, each of these moves was extremely strange and complex. It mobilized as many muscles and joints of the body as possible.

For example, I am now trying to do the first style, you need to first one hand stretched behind the head, one hand from the side waist to rise. While holding each other’s hands, try to expand and stretch your shoulders. The head needs to be tilted back slightly accordingly.

And that’s just for the upper body.

While the upper body remains in this position, crawl on the ground. Both thighs are spread out, stretching the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles ……

Just like a toad with an odd posture.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch ……” After only a slight attempt, I sucked in a cold breath. Ready to get up and give up.

Just then, a cold mechanical palm violently held me down.

My face changed drastically, “Tian Man, what are you doing?”

“According to the individual agreement, number 001. Heavenly Question has the right and obligation. To assist Citizen Li Yang, to perform fitness exercises.”

“Estimated time required for completion: three hours,”

“Required supplies: 15 Human Trauma Repair Fluid, 3 Compound High Energy Compound.”

“The relevant items have been purchased. The required credits have been deducted from Citizen Li Yang’s account.”

I panicked when I heard Heaven’s Question’s words that didn’t contain any emotion at all, “Cancel the agreement! Cancel the agreement!”

“Warning! The protocol cannot be canceled. Fitness assistance program, about to be activated.”

“Three, two, one.”

A few moments later, my miserable wail resounded throughout the house.

I myself didn’t even know when I lost consciousness and fainted.

It was just that when I woke up, it only felt as if I had been sleeping for ten days and ten nights.

And looking at the time again, surprisingly it was indeed seven days later.

It was as if I had regained my life.

My mind was clearer than ever before. Thinking was also incredibly swift.

Even my memory became better.

I didn’t realize at the time that this was the effect of that set of reverse reasoning movements.

I just thought it was the result of a rare good rest.

Because of the seven days of evaporation, the unanswered phone calls and unreturned messages have piled up.

I just had to tough it out and deal with it first.

After being scolded for a while, I plunged back into the tasks set by Old Thief Zhang.

After a full month of getting up early and staying busy, it was finally barely done.

I couldn’t help but let out a long breath.

In the past, at this time, I would feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Now, however, I seem to be in high spirits and have a bit of energy left over.

Standing in front of the mirror, I surveyed myself in the mirror, “Well …… it’s a lot more refreshed.”


I couldn’t help but think of the reverse reasoning maneuver that I had only done once again.

“Is it hard to believe that it really works so magically?”

My heart was once again eager to try it out, but thinking that Tian Man had already left, it was a bit difficult to complete that set of maneuvers by myself alone.

Moreover, the process of practicing it was really extremely painful and unbearable to recall.

Just when I was wandering around, the household robot YH63 had come to my side at an unknown time.

In the eye area, a dark red light kept flashing.

I suddenly felt a wave of creepiness, and subconsciously asked, “Heavenly Question?”

YH63 did not respond.

It just mechanically repeated, “Does it execute the assisted exercise program?”

I breathed a sigh of relief.

In the face of YH63’s somewhat insistent questioning, I thought about it and gritted my teeth and chose yes.

This time, it was as if it was slightly more adaptable.

I was only out for three days.

Checking the number of items consumed afterward, only 10 of the Human Trauma Repair Fluid were used up.

On the contrary, it was the Compound High Energy Compound that used up a full 7 sticks.

It should be known that a single Higher Compound was enough to keep an ordinary person from eating or drinking for a month.

It was also unknown where so much energy had been consumed.

After completing my training, I took another close look at myself.

Comparing it again to the previously recorded image, I realized that I might, seemingly, might have lost weight.

“Losing weight that efficiently?” I was a bit surprised.

However, what really made this set of reverse-reasoning moves take me completely seriously was when I was called over by a classmate to play basketball one night.

You know, my ball skills are average. There weren’t many opportunities to play, and I was basically playing on the bench.

That day, I sat on the sidelines. I was thinking about the nine-letter stone carving, and I was a bit out of my mind.

The court missed a pass, and the basketball flew straight toward my face.

My brain had not yet reacted, but my body had already reacted naturally.

Subconsciously stretched out my left hand, and without lifting my head, I steadily caught the ball.

This hand, also let the people present a little stunned.

“Okay, when did your kid practice this hand.”

“Brother Li, bull!”

I smiled back.

Tossed the ball back.

Looked at my left hand in thought.

When I got back, I spent ten thousand credits on a full physical.

The results shocked me greatly.

Physical functions, reaction speed, cellular activity ……

have almost all reached the highest level that a non-professional athlete can achieve.

You have to know that not long ago, I was just a waste that couldn’t even hold on to running a thousand meters.

The effect of that set of reverse reasoning movements has far exceeded my expectations.

Even, I can be certain that even the training programs executed by athletes from all over the world are definitely not as good as this set of counter reasoning moves.

“What on earth is going on?”

“It is simply impossible for simple gymnastics to have this kind of miraculous utility comparable to surgery.”

I finally realized something was wrong.

Thinking of reporting it immediately, but for some reason, I hesitated a bit.

Next, a whole year.

Whenever I had time, I practiced with the help of the YH63 model.

From the very beginning of still not being able to stand it and fainting.

Later on, it has been possible to complete a whole set of movements alone.

It’s just that after every workout, sweat poured down like rain.

It was as if he had been starved for a long time.

And in addition to the counter reasoning moves, I’ve also summarized the counter reasoning thinking.

When it’s late at night, lonely, and you want to reward yourself. Suppress your desire.

When one feels hyper and doesn’t want to sleep. Force yourself to sleep.

When one wants to feast and drink non-stop, stop in moderation.


The double reverse reasoning of body and spirit, my physicality, too, evolved towards inhumanity.

“Hundred-meter speed, long ago exceeded the world record.”

“200KG snatch is also a breeze.”


After completing another round of physical fitness testing, there was no more shock in my heart.

Instead, there was some trepidation and fear.

Against the reasoning of heaven and earth, in order to prove longevity.

These nine large words glittering with golden light appeared in his mind once again.

I knew that the reason why my body had undergone such an incredible metamorphosis.

The key was in these words.

“Ancient Hian Dynasty ……”

In the thirty years since then.

Successfully graduating, I shifted my research direction to the disbelief of the crowd.

I majored in the archaeology and exploration of the Ancient Xian Dynasty civilization.

That set of counter-reasoning moves, too, didn’t stop.

It just stopped going to tests.

Because I was afraid that once the test results came back, I’d be arrested as an inhuman monster.

Only I know what kind of horrible flesh is under the cover of unusual clothing.

The remains of the consecrated dynasty are indistinct.

In the past thirty years, my team and I have only found five relics of the ancient Xian Dynasty.

What makes me feel a bit regretful is that there are no such extraordinary things as the Nine Character Stone Carvings among them.

As time passes, my friends and mentors have already grown old.

And I have remained unmarried.

Because I had to hide one thing.

That is that I, aging, something that all humans are destined to do, did not happen to me.

Every day when I go out, I have to wear makeup.

Although over the years I have reached the point of perfecting my make-up skills, I also try to avoid contact with outsiders.

But every time I think about it, the risk of exposing this matter of my immortality.

I would feel a pang of trepidation.

And so, I knew it was time to leave.

Late night.

In the realm of a hundred colors, my body sped.

It was as if I was walking on the ground in the midst of many treacherous and majestic mountains.

With a light step, I leapt hundreds of meters.

And this, still wasn’t the limit.

The constraints that had been weighing me down for so long disappeared without a trace. I only felt an incomparable freedom.

“Vastly like Fengxu riding the wind, without knowing where it stops, floating like the world is left behind, feathering its way to immortality.”

Murmuring in my heart, I soon arrived at my destination.

Lingyun Peak, the Nine Character Stone Carving.

This place has been unblocked by the government.

But it is only advertised to the public as an artificial attraction built by the local tourism department.

It was also heavily criticized by netizens at first.

At the top of Lingyun Peak, I leapt down.

It was as if I could fight against the heavy ground and walk in the middle of a thousand-meter cliff.

“It’s already my third time here.”

“This time the feeling is more and more obvious.”

“The faint aura that remains on these nine characters ……”

“What exactly is it?”

I whispered as I slowly stroked it with my hand.

“Heavenly question, what do you think?”

The watch on my wrist suddenly projected an odd creature with a round goo and only two pairs of eyes.

It was none other than the quantum intelligent computer that had been popularized and domesticated, Heaven’s Question.

Only, I already understood in my mind that the Heaven’s Question I carried along with me was not the same as everyone else’s.

“Derivation based on comprehensive data.”

“The Ancient Xian Dynasty, most likely, is related to the legendary [Immortals].”

“There are indications. Before the ancient civilization was severed, in this world, there used to live powerful beings called [Immortal Cultivators].”


The answer given by Heaven’s Question this time was not the same as before.

“Another new discovery?” I asked.

“Nah. It’s just my guess.” Sky asked more and more human-like.

I didn’t pay any attention to it.

Instead, I felt the large letters beneath me up close.

“Against the reasoning of heaven and earth, in order to prove eternal life.”

“I’ve already reached this terrifying level of physical quality by going against the reasoning of the human body. If I can truly go against the reasoning of heaven and earth, what will happen?”

“But the Reason of Heaven and Earth is something that is void. And how can it be reversed?”

I stood on top of the thousand meter cliff face, lost in thought.

Until the sun rises in the east and the sunrise spreads across the sky.

I still haven’t gotten over it.

“Xian, Xian, Xian ……”

“Where to find the path of Xian.”

Independent of heaven and earth, I only felt the loneliness of being alone.

(End of chapter)

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