Chapter 727: The Giant Corpse Suddenly Disintegrated

Chapter 722 – Giant Corpse Suddenly Disintegrates

Huangfu Song saw that Li Fan had fallen into deep thought and thought that he had also moved to go back to try his luck and look for life-extending treasures.

At that moment, he hurriedly persuaded him.

After all, without Li Fan, if he and Dongfang wanted to explore the Mystic Domain, their efficiency would definitely not be as high as before. If they wanted to exchange for the limited treasures on the Qing Xuan list, their hope would be even more remote.

“Actually, it is a good thing for us that Immortal Blue Feather has issued a bounty this time. As the saying goes, a significant portion of the cultivators will be attracted back. The pressure of competition on the White Mist side will become smaller ……,” Huangfu Song also analyzed it in a decent manner.

Li Fan smiled and waved his hand to cut him off, “Brother Huangfu doesn’t have to worry, I don’t have any thoughts of returning. Moreover, maybe I will even stay in the white mist longer than you guys.”

Dongfang Yao instantly became curious, “Why, which item on the Qing Xuan Ranking do you have your eyes on, Brother Li?”

Li Fan did not hide anything and said after a moment, “[Final Stone Disc].”

Dongfang and Huangfu looked at each other in dismay, “One hundred thousand Qingxuan points to gamble on that secondary body whose role is still unknown ……”

Dongfang Yao couldn’t help but advise, “Brother Li, think twice! The risk is just too great. If that thing just has a loud name and not much of an actual role, won’t we lose our money at that time? It would be better to look at something else. Even for a Harmonization Technique, it would be fine! Even if you can’t use it yourself, you can still use it to trade with others ……”

Dongfang Yao rambled on, and Huangfu Song gave his opinion in a pensive manner, “Terminal stone disk ……”

“I heard that after the birth of this Subspecies, no other Tian Xuan Subspecies were produced again for a full decade. It caused the gang at headquarters to be nervous, and they thought that from then on, there wouldn’t even be any more Subspecies descending.”

“Because of this, it got the name [End].”

“But ……,” Huangfu Song said with a slight frown, “causing the Heavenly Xuan Mirror to produce an abnormality for such a long period of time, it was originally thought that it had something special about it. As a result, after researching it for a long time, there wasn’t a definite result, so I finally had no choice but to give up on its research. This might also be the reason why the Immortal Alliance was able to place it on the Qingxuan Ranking this time.”

“After all, it is a Heavenly Xuan Sublime Body, so it might actually have some practicality that the Immortal Alliance has yet to discover. The price tag of one hundred thousand Qingxuan points is high, but if it’s the right bet ……”

Li Fan smiled and continued, “A book with ten thousand benefits as well! I am willing to give it a try!”

Dongfang Yao staggered, “Brother Li’s gambling nature is so big. If it turns out in the end, that thing is really a broken rock with nothing in it ……”

“Then at the very least, it has a collection value, so it’s not a blood money loss!” Li Fan kindly laughed, sparingly.

“The only thing I’m worried about now is if there are other people who want to compete with me. There are thousands of Immortal Alliance cultivators, and I’m definitely not the only one with a heavy gambling nature.”

Huangfu Song stroked his palm and said, “Then it looks like we need to speed up our progress, we’re still quite a bit short of 100,000 Qingxuan points!”

After this discussion, the three of them unified their goals and continued to explore the Mystic Domain with all their might.

Time hurriedly passed in this process.

Huangfu and Dongfang had already exchanged the [Dissociation Disk] and the [Devouring Yuan Sacred Body Technique] long ago, and shifted their goals to other treasures.

The accumulated Qing Xuan Points were also getting closer and closer to one hundred thousand.

Now that the three of them had explored the Mysteries, counting the initial one [Life and Death Mysteries], it had added up to the number thirteen.

Practice makes perfect, as the exploration process became more and more skillful, Li Fan also summarized some of the laws regarding the existence of the “Mysterious Domain”.

Still based on the conclusion that the current Xuan Huang Realm was born from the fusion of many other worlds in the ancient Xuan Huang Realm, Li Fan realized that the so-called Mystic Realm was probably the “fragments” that were shed from the original world during the process of fusion and collision of the worlds.

The so-called Misty Realm is very treacherous and often has its own unique rules, which is very similar to the “weirdness” of the Xuan Huang Realm.

Comparing the clothes of the bodies of the cultivators in the lost domains and the pattern style of the buildings, Li Fan realized that these lost domains obviously had their own different origins.

“World-level derivation is occurring in collision, and the white mist is its buffer zone ……” After completing the exploration of a maze domain once again, Li Fan had a realization in his heart.

This might also explain why there was such a vast space in the white mist, as that was originally the distance between worlds.

“Damn it, it’s getting harder and harder to find maze domains that haven’t been discovered yet.”

The Puxian True Boat sped through the white mist for several days, passing by several misty domains, but the Measuring Heaven’s Mirror transmitted hints that they had already been recorded. Dongfang Yao couldn’t help but curse.

Huangfu Song was playing with the Dissociation Disk in his hand and said somewhat absentmindedly, ”It’s normal, it’s almost a year now since the Immortal Alliance issued the Exploration Edict, isn’t it? With the number of Immortal Alliance cultivators, the shallow part of the white mist should be almost explored. If you want to gain something next, you must continue to go deeper ……”

“Bang!” Before Huangfu Song finished speaking, he suddenly heard a loud bang.

It was as if something had crashed onto the Puxian True Boat from above, and the boat shook violently for a moment.

Huangfu Song subconsciously put away the Dissociation Disk in his hand, and after his divine sense swept through it, he showed an odd expression.

Because that which collided with the speeding Puxian True Boat was clearly the corpse of a cultivator!

Moreover, judging from the clothes worn by the corpse, it was not from the Mystic Domain, but from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance!
The three people on the boat were instantly flabbergasted, and thought that an Immortal Alliance cultivator had suffered some kind of misfortune and died here. Immediately, they stared and stood on guard.

However, the next scene that happened made Li Fan and the others couldn’t help but look appalled.



First one or two, and then more and more intensely.

One after another, the collision sounds rang out, and the Puxian True Boat was in a constant state of vibration, its protective light shield becoming precarious in an instant.

Huangfu Song cast a spell to reinforce it while looking at the scene outside, his face pale.

Only to see the overhead black pressurized, countless cultivator bodies, like raindrops, falling from above.

Some bodies were still relatively intact, while others were already in pieces, with only limbs remaining.

But without exception, the edges of their bodies seemed to have traces of a twisted, writhing black rope.

The faces of the corpses that could occasionally be glimpsed were not as hideous as those seen in the Lost Domain.

Instead, their eyes were tightly closed and their faces were calm.

The rain of corpses was continuous, as if it would never stop.

Forcing a high-speed rush out of the range enveloped by the rain of corpses, I was afraid that it would damage the Puxian True Boat.

The three of them brought the flying boat to a halt and shot out to block the incoming corpses falling above the flying boat.

Though they were all lifeless existences that posed little threat.

However, this bizarre scene still caused a slight chill in the hearts of the three.

(End of chapter)

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