Chapter 613: Extra: When I’ve been here a hundred million times The End

Chapter 608 – Extra: The End of My Hundred Million Times

What is true and what is false?

So many worlds one has experienced.

That one vivid face, that one singable past event.

The rivers, lakes and seas, the green winds of the mountains.

Love and hate, long life obsession.

Heroes and cowards, saints and sinners.


All these, are they fake?

Initially, Qiao Sidao was a bit confused.

He felt that since all things in the world were illusory, what meaning did those deluded beings in the world have in their lives?
The divine powers and magic treasures, the realms of cultivation that they had been pursuing with all their heart and soul. Once time and space restarted, they would all have to start all over again.

The death they feared was instead no longer the end of life, but another beginning.

What may have been a close friend in one life may become a stranger in the next.

How sad is that?

During that perplexing time, Qiao Sidao seemed to have lost interest in everything.

He even began to actively spread the truth to the outside world that the world was false.

Originally, he thought that he would attract the attention of outside “observers”, and thus finally free himself.

What Qiao Sidao didn’t expect was that no one would believe him.

On the contrary, they laughed at him as a madman.

Qiao Sidao did his best to tell people the truth, but all he got in return was impatient heckling.

“Then see if this lord’s sword is real!”

When he annoyed the others, even a sword light flew by and directly chopped off his legs.

At that time, Qiao Sidao saw that there wasn’t the slightest bit of pity in the eyes of the people around him.

All of them were gloating gazes.

How many crazy people there were in the world, and how could that observer from beyond the firmament care.

Since then, Qiao Sidao also came to his senses and broke off the idea of revealing this shocking plot.

He regrouped his mood and tried to blend in with the world as much as possible in each life.

Giving up the intention of being a savior, he only sought a way out for himself.

As a member of the false world, trying to escape from it was destined to be incredibly difficult.

At the very beginning, Qiao Sidao was also at a loss.

But soon, he found a way. No longer making a big deal out of publicizing to others that this world was false.

Instead, he compiled fictional words to describe a world of many shakti illusory immortal cultivation living in the immortal’s magic treasure [Walking Lantern].

With his experience of going through countless civilizations, the scene depicted was naturally magnificent and vast, attracting the attention of many cultivators.

When the words slowly circulated, Qiao Sidao found that there were some cultivators who started to actively discuss the question of whether the world they were living in was real or not.

Naturally, the topic of “what should be done if the world is found to be fake” also became the object of discussion in a small area.

“If it can be fake, then it means that the operating laws of this fake world must have been copied from the real world outside.”

“Reconstructing a set of flawless world architecture ……”

“To be able to do that is almost indistinguishable from creating a world. It’s no longer possible to talk about what’s real or fake.”

“Not bad, the so-called truth in falsehood. Even if the beings in the world are false, the world functioning cornerstone may not be false!”

“Speaking of this, I am reminded of the Taiyan Sect’s Dao Transformation Stone. It is said that every moment within it, countless worlds diffuse themselves. I wonder what kind of scene would be in those fleeting worlds.”



The discussion of many cultivators pointed out a clear path for Qiao Sidao.

Since then, his goal was clear.

In each life, he no longer pursued the realm of cultivation, but became intoxicated with the side disciplines of formations, prohibitions, and diffractions.

Cultivation could not be retained with each reincarnation, but memories could.

In Qiao Sidao’s preconceived notions, with the slow accumulation of little by little, he who grasped enough knowledge would one day find out the cracks of this [False World].

The idea was beautiful. But actually practicing it was difficult.

At the very beginning, Qiao Sidao’s paragon level did skyrocket.

It quickly went from knowing nothing to quickly getting started.

But it was only when he really wanted to make his way to the top that he realized the extent to which the Immortal Cultivation World had monopolized this knowledge.

What could be learned in the ordinary sects were only some of the most rudimentary techniques. In the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, there was even less information on this aspect.

If one wanted to truly seek the essentials, one still had to travel to the ten Immortal Dao Sects.

But how can a person with mediocre qualifications enter the Immortal Sect?

This was the case in ancient times, not to mention the wasteland of Immortal Cultivation after the destruction of the sects.

Only a few worlds, such as the Immortal Network Descent and the Immortal Alliance Unification, could provide suitable soil for learning.

If that was all, Qiao Sidao thought to himself that he was always improving.

When time was long enough, it might not be impossible to find a way to break through the worlds.

But ……

When Qiao Sidao had experienced the 9999th world.

Instead of being born into a new world again, he came to an azure ocean.

There, Qiao Sidao saw a scene that he would never forget.

Dense and countless divine souls were huddled together.

From above, one could vaguely see a face that seemed to be in deep sleep.

In the middle of the ocean, a whirlpool rolled up. Millions of divine souls kept tossing and turning in the ocean along with it.

The divine souls collided and crushed each other, and some directly shattered and dissolved in the ocean.

While the ones that did were absorbing the remnant souls in the seawater, becoming even more refined in the reorganization.

It was as if a long needle was constantly stirring in Qiao Sidao’s mind. The sky was spinning with incomparable pain.

What was even more unacceptable to Qiao Sidao was that he horrifyingly realized that a certain lineage of memories in his soul was slowly disappearing in the waves of the ocean of resentment.

Slowly despairing in his heart, Qiao Sidao gradually lost consciousness.

When his “self” memories awakened again, he didn’t know how many reincarnations had passed. Just like before, he came to his senses without warning.

Although the vast majority of his memories had been lost, key information such as the [False Realm] and the [Sea of Grievous Souls], as well as certain bits and pieces of formation knowledge, were still deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul.

“It seems to be to prevent the other divine souls from awakening their reincarnation memories like I did. Every once in a while, a wave of cleansing will be performed on us.”

“During this cleansing, I will lose most of my memories.”

“If I am too slow in accumulating knowledge, then I will never be able to master enough to escape this place.”

After some calculations, Qiao Sidao came to this conclusion.

Even so, he didn’t give up easily.

Having seen too much, Qiao Sidao had already realized one thing. If only the number of iterations was high enough, then any kind of strange things could happen.

Just like himself, it was clearly impossible that he would inherit the memories of retaining the reincarnation of each life.

But things happened.

Qiao Sidao hunkered down and waited.

I don’t know how many times he had gone through the cleansing of the Sea of Grieving Souls, but he finally waited for the chance to break through.

It was a highly developed world called the [Eternal Immortal World].

Not only was the life span per capita extremely long, even without cultivation there were thousands of years of life. There was even a great existence called the [Immortal Spirit Tower] among them.

The Immortal Spirit Pagodas were located in every corner of the world, releasing pure aura day and night.

What is more crucial is that any knowledge.

Feats, formations, alchemy, pill making ……

Everything, you can inquire and learn in the Immortal Spirit Tower, and there are no restrictions.

After looking at the star-like information in the Immortal Spirit Tower, Qiao Sidao’s body, could not stop trembling.

He understood that the way he could escape was hidden within it.

So Qiao Sidao wasted his sleep and studied.

He survived in the Eternal Immortal Realm for three thousand six hundred and fifty-eight years, never taking a step away from the Immortal Spirit Tower for a moment.

Although there was still a long way to go before he could see through the [False World].

But Qiao Sidao finally saw hope.

After going through several thousand more cycles of reincarnation, when after coming to his senses from another great cleansing.

Qiao Sidao was pleasantly surprised to find that, seemingly due to the fact that his divine soul was more resilient, this time the memories that were lost were much less than before.

This made him even more confident.

He continued to accumulate knowledge and insights and waited for the next [Eternal Immortal Realm].


After Qiao Sidao came to the [Eternal Immortal Realm] for the ninth time.

At the end of his life, he finally surveyed the secrets of the world he was in.

It was a false world that was molded with a certain inferred wonder as its core.

The vast majority of the living beings in the world were virtual existences.

Only a small portion, had real divine souls.

And he, Qiao Sidao, was one of the millions of divine souls.

“Derivation has the limit of its ability.”

“It also means that there is a gap in time, in this world.”

“Every minimum interval is my chance to escape from here.”

“Of course, in order not to be noticed by outsiders, it’s best to do so when the world reboots.”

Qiao Sidao stood at the top of the Immortal Spirit Tower, looking at the dome of the sky above his head, and thought silently.

He spent the rest of his life, beginning his preparations.

When the lifespan ended and he himself sank in a darkness.

Qiao Sidao awoke from his slumber.

He sensed the fleeting opportunity, like a thin thread, to break through the boundary.

The scene [in the outside world] was imagined ten thousand times in his mind.

Had also imagined confronting those [Observers] that might exist.

However, Qiao Sidao could never have imagined that the so-called outside world was actually so cold and vast.

The Divine Soul, which he originally thought was already as strong as it could be, was precarious under the attack of the cold air.

It seemed that in the next second, it was going to go up in smoke.

What was even worse, behind him, in the halo that he had escaped from, there was also a strange sound.

It seemed to be some sort of alarm.

Floating in the air in a daze, Qiao Sidao surveyed the scenery around him.

“A museum? ……”

He fell silent.

It turned out that his world was merely an exhibit.

Vaguely, he could feel several powerful auras that were coming towards this place.

The sky and earth were vast, but there was no hiding place for him.

Qiao Sidao finally felt it, what was true despair.

Just then ……

he saw a human skull in the center of the museum.

It was just sitting there quietly, seemingly looking at him.

From the skull, Qiao Sidao felt an incomparable warmth.

While the whole world was rejecting him, it was sending out the greatest kindness possible to itself.

As if it was a mother’s embrace, it brought tears to Qiao Sidao’s eyes.

Thus, the divine soul was about to dissipate.

Qiao Sidao fought with his last ounce of strength and burrowed into the skull.

There’s one more chapter of the main text late

(End of this chapter)

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