Chapter 596: Prospecting the Path of God Transformation

Chapter 591 – Prospecting the Path of God Transformation

“The material that Jiao Xiuyuan used to make the doppelganger is from Ruomu?”

With a movement in his heart, Li Fan held the withered branch of Ruogi in his hand and carefully sensed it.

After a long time, he shook his head slightly in thought.

“Seemingly but different, as if it is of the same origin, yet there is a clear difference.”

“And with Daoist Decaying Wood’s temperament that hates cultivators so much, it’s unlikely that he’ll make a deal with Jiao Xiuyuan.”

“So this is ……”

In front of Li Fan’s eyes, the scene of Ruomu being besieged by the cultivators, the trunk of the tree cracking from it, and many branches falling from the air suddenly flashed again.

“Perhaps, back then, these detached branches had a whole new fate after falling into the Xuan Huang Realm.”

Plant vitality, always unexpectedly tenacious. On ordinary grasses and trees, all of them would have broken branches reborn from time to time.

Not to mention strange existences such as the [Ruomu] that could give birth to an Everlasting Fruit.

“However, it’s not easy to tell whether Jiao Xiuyuan is really a branch that fell from the Ruo Mu, or whether he merely found the stump from that year and used it as a material for refining his doppelganger for the time being.”

Li Fan’s mind moved, and the withered branch of the Wakewood in his hand suddenly sent out new buds.

In an instant, the new bud grew into a tender new branch.

At the end of the branch, as if it was bearing fruit, there was a small golden-colored round object hanging.

The corner of Li Fan’s eye twitched.

This “golden fruit” was naturally the golden dan that Taoist Monk Wood had promised to give him along with it.

It was just that the way it was stored was quite strange.

Li Fan stretched out his hand, wanting to take off the Golden Pill.

A slight resistance came from the “fruit”.

Li Fan exerted more force, and the golden elixir was smoothly removed.

The new branch was violently thrown backward due to the reaction, and then kept swaying in the air.

However, it didn’t sway for long before it retracted back into the wakizashi dead branch with a whoosh.

Without waiting for another thought in Li Fan’s mind, it drilled out again with a golden dan.

Li Fan looked at the Ruomu withered branch in front of him as if it was a living thing, and his heart was a little heavy.

He didn’t act rashly, but just like picking fruit, one after another, he kept removing all the gold pills it produced.

It took nearly an incense stick of time.

A total of three hundred and seventy-two.

When all of the golden pills had been handed over, the Wakizashi withered branch had also completed its mission.

It turned into inches of flying ash and drifted away without a trace in the wind.

In the process of “picking fruits” just now, Li Fan seemed to put the golden pills in the storage ring, but in fact, he had already quietly started to absorb them with [Returning Truth].

It was the same as the previous guess. The single magic jindan only increased the progress of the fixed anchor energizing by 0.25%.

For the Double Dharma Golden Dan, it was 0.5%.

Instead, it was the Triple Dharma Golden Pill that had a qualitative leap. A single one increased the progress by 2%.

However, out of these three hundred or so Golden Dan, the Three Dharma was only a minority.

The vast majority were single and double methods.

And there was not even a single one of the Four Dharma and above.

So when Li Fan completed the unlocking of the fifth anchor point, there were only sixteen specially selected jindans left.

However, Li Fan did not pick them based on the number of Jin Dan cohesion methods as a criterion.

Rather, he made his judgment based on the rarity of the method of Golden Dan.

Like some unusual five element methods, which were not yet as subtle as Li Fan’s own comprehension, there was naturally no need to preserve them.

On the other hand, there were some that dealt with areas that Li Fan’s current knowledge was still shallow, and would be valuable to Li Fan, who had just entered YuanYing.

The entire YuanYing realm was the process of cultivating and perfecting one’s own Cave Heaven Dharma Domain.

The more complete the Cave Heaven Dharma Domain was, the stronger the combat power exhibited by the YuanYing cultivator would be. When it was possible to do so, and the external Xuanhuang Realm environment was almost identical, one could look forward to the God Transformation Realm.

The specific details were not yet clear to Li Fan.

However, the general process was vaguely clear in his mind.

The so-called “marrow of heaven and earth, in order to obtain its God”.

As the name suggests, the role of the marrow of heaven is roughly equivalent to that of human bone marrow.

The most important thing about the marrow of man is its function as a blood producer.

The Marrow of Heaven, on the other hand, is the creation of Dharma.

The laws of heaven and earth, like the blood of the human body, are the cornerstone that maintains the world to be able to exist stably.

Without blood, a person would die, and without laws in Heaven, the world would perish.

By disguising one’s own Cave Heaven as the Xuan Huang Realm’s native environment, one fooled the Heaven’s Pith’s instinctive act of empowering the Laws, and thus appropriated for oneself a sliver of the Laws that were originally supposed to be present in the world.

Of course, it was just like how the Marrow of Man also assumed immunity and defense mechanisms in addition to its function of blood production.

The Marrow of Heaven also had a certain amount of countermeasures.

Therefore, during the process of [Pumping the Marrow of Heaven], one needed to always be careful of the backlash of Heaven and Earth.

Often, only one type of law could be extracted at a time, and one could not be insatiable, and needed to act according to the amount.

If one were to say that sacrificing the Heavenly Pith is a way to take the laws for oneself after one has enough strength and is open and aboveboard.

Then draw the heavenly marrow, is the strength is still weak, sneaky theft of law.

Through the means of strengthening oneself and weakening the other party. Pull down the gap between the two sides.

Thus, for the future process of merging the Tao to make sufficient preparations.

Li Fan now stood at the cultivation level of YuanYing realm, and once again previewed the process of [Drawing the Heavenly Marrow] in his mind, and sure enough, compared to when he was at the Jindan realm, he had a different and more profound realization in his mind.

“Transmission of the Law, truly a heavenly talent.”

“Beginning with the wonder of the fake heaven and earth and the method of peeking into heaven and earth, a mortal who is unable to cultivate, step by step, becomes able to be accommodated into the entire cultivation system of heaven and earth.”

“And then through seizing the essence of heaven and earth and extracting the marrow of heaven and earth, narrowing the gap between heaven and earth and the Self.”

“Sacrifice the Spirit of Heaven and Earth to grasp the power to wrestle with Heaven and Earth.”

“Finally, reverse the reasoning of Heaven and Earth, take their place, and witness immortality forever.”

“Step by step, with a clear purpose ……”

“It’s truly indefensible. No wonder with the might of heaven and earth, all of them were defeated in front of the New Law cultivators. It had to be forced to fight back.”

Li Fan sighed once again.

Looking back at the steps of this cultivation once again, Li Fan’s heart suddenly stirred, only to feel that this process, seemed to be extremely similar to certain ones in his memory.

And then when he wanted to think about it in detail again, the inspiration that had appeared in his mind with great difficulty suddenly disappeared.

Even after using the Dao Transformation Stone, he was unable to recall it.

A feeling of disappointment couldn’t help but well up in Li Fan’s heart.

“Strange ……”

Li Fan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and in a flash, he fell into deep thought.

He was almost certain that the epiphany he just had, if it was under normal circumstances, would not have dissipated so quickly.

It should have been influenced by some kind of power, causing that trace of inspiration to suddenly pass away.

“Just like what I experienced in Senior Sister Zhao’s illusion.”

“Being imprisoned in a secret room, once I tried to cultivate, the walls of the room would purposely emit noisy, sarcastic sounds in an attempt to prevent me from entering a state of cultivation and recovery.”

“And this shackling in the Xuan Huang Realm is even more silent and unknown.”

“Transmission Heavenly Father, is that you? ……”

Li Fan suddenly looked up at the sky with a puzzled expression.

(End of chapter)

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