Chapter 559: Flatland Landing Desolate Star

Chapter 555 – The Flatland Desolate Star

However, things that go against one’s wishes are often the norm in the world.

For some time after this, Han Yi did have a smooth life in this “loom” village.

He had no worries about food and clothing, and every day, he would utilize the [Feather of the Xuan Bird] in his dantian to absorb the free heavenly fortune between heaven and earth.

When the loom village was attacked by monsters from other villages, they even invoked the “Heavenly Fortune Authority” in secret, calling the wind and rain, flying sand and stones, and helping them to defeat several waves of foreign enemies.

As a result, Han Yi’s status in the loom village grew higher and higher.

The loom village monsters not only specially built a tall stone building to serve as his chambers.

They even equipped him with ten sturdy and powerful guards for close protection.

Even the most holy “maiden” in the loom village will be offered to him.

Han Yi looked at the other side of the cat head and body appearance, heart a chill, decisively declined.

Just when Han Yi thought that he would be playing the role of “son of God” in the loom village for a long time, an accident happened.

One night, he suddenly woke up for no reason.

While the surrounding area was silent, Han Yi felt his heart pounding.

Quietly get up, check the surrounding, he was shocked to find that the original should be day and night to guard his safety of the ten personal guards, actually do not know when, all suddenly disappeared.

Han Yi knew that something was wrong, even the bags could not pack, to escape from the bedchamber.

At this time, he realized that in his sleep, there were already nearly a hundred masked black-clothed soldiers, completely surrounded his chambers.

Through the faint firelight leaping in the chambers, Han Yi could vaguely tell that the degree of animalization of these soldiers was quite a bit higher than the loom village congregation.

Although they were still human, their limbs were thick and their palms had become like demonic beasts.

This group of people was clearly rushing towards him.

Han Yi felt bad, and his heart became ruthless, calling up all the Heavenly Luck he had absorbed over the past few days.

Just as these soldiers were searching for Han Yi, a stream of light suddenly lit up in the sky, instantly illuminating the night sky.

A huge fireball fell straight towards the loom village.

The black-clothed soldiers present were immediately stunned by this scene.

The sleeping villagers of the loom village were also awakened, looking at the scene above their heads that looked like the end of the world, not knowing what to do.

Han Yi, on the other hand, hid in a corner formed by a sturdy boulder at the same time he sensed that the heavenly fortune he had accumulated over these days had been consumed.

Originally, Han Yi thought that the meteorite that he had summoned with all his might would definitely be able to smash all of these black-clothed soldiers to death.

Who would have expected that in the face of this death threat, there was suddenly a figure among the soldiers that let out a heaven-shaking roar.

His body swelled several times in an instant, and with a stomp of his feet, he rose up into the air.

It actually rushed straight towards the meteorite in the sky.


With a violent explosion, the figure fell back to the ground at an even faster speed than when it went.

It was drenched in blood and was not in its full form.

However, the meteorite that Han Yi had summoned was finally altered by a trace of its descending trajectory.

Instead, it fell towards the center of the loom village, where the houses were densest.


The earth trembled.

In the blink of an eye, the Loom Village was almost turned into a ruin. The cries and wails were endless.

Those hundreds of black-clothed soldiers, although they had escaped the frontal attack of the meteorite, they could not escape the aftermath of the meteorite’s impact, and they were also heavily killed and injured.

Han Yi was not seriously injured due to his early preparations and some remnants of his Heavenly Luck protection.

Feeling that this place could not stay for long, he took advantage of the night and chaos to quietly escape the loom village alone. Far away for more than ten miles, just when he thought he was safe.

Suddenly, he noticed the sound of wind coming from behind him, so he panicked and took cover.

But he was still a beat too slow to dodge it.

What seemed like an invisible wind blade sliced a large wound on his back.

Han Yi endured the severe pain and turned back to look for his attacker.

However, he unexpectedly realized that the one who had done it to him was still an acquaintance!

Loom Village High Priest, Si!
Han Yi pretended to be full of anger as he questioned him about the reason for his attack.

In reality, he was secretly and rapidly drawing on his heavenly fortune in an attempt to seek a silver lining.

And perhaps thinking that Han Yi was already at the end of his rope and at the end of his rope, Si didn’t rush to make a move, but instead, with a face full of resentment, he revealed the reason why he had plotted this attack.

Originally, since Han Yi repeatedly showed “miracles”, originally in the village of the status of respected, respected by the villagers of the high priest Si, but slowly “unemployed”.

It’s very understandable.

Priest position, the main task is to represent the villagers, and the gods to communicate.

To report the prayers of the villagers to the gods, and at the same time, to announce the oracles heard by the people.

However, with Han Yi, who was able to repeatedly manifest miracles, it was almost equivalent to the existence of a god incarnate.

The villagers would not seek him as their “spokesman” again.

After losing the right to explain to the gods, all the honor and glory that Si had in the past was replaced by Han Yi.

Watching Han Yi live in the tall bedchamber, watching every time Han Yi went out, the village name was terrified of kneeling …….

Jealousy is like a poisonous snake, growing in Si’s heart.

Even when Han Yi showed his god-like power, Si still had the thought of “killing a god”.

However, it was obvious that no one else in the loom village would support this move except for him.

So, he turned his attention to the village of Kang, which was more than ten miles away.

Kang Village, was much stronger than Loom Village. The level of animalization of the villagers was clearly a level higher.

But between the two, there hadn’t been any major conflicts. The wilderness was vast and boundless, with nearly inexhaustible resources.

Even if there were occasional conflicts between the two villages, they were often resolved amicably after negotiation.

But Si’s quiet visit changed everything.

Si revealed to the leader of Kang village the news of a “divine spirit” in Loom village.

He also warned that with the help of the spirits, the loom chief’s ambition had grown.

He wanted to use the power of the spirits to sweep the four directions and become the “emperor” who would rule the wilderness.

This process is bound to be filled with bloodshed and killing.

Si didn’t want to see so many living beings fall, so he quietly came to ask the Kang Village people to eliminate Han Yi, the culprit who was deceiving people in the name of the gods.

After some persuasion, the leader of Kang Village also felt that it was too dangerous to allow the loom village to hold the “descending deity”.

So after ten days of planning, Si acted as an inside man, and Kang found the right time to surround Han Yi’s chambers with a hundred or so of the village’s best men.

Although Si had also told him about the powerful ability of the descended deities to call the wind and rain.

But Kang was also very confident.

This elite under him had killed their way through mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Swords were still not afraid, let alone the wind and rain in the area.

Until a meteorite fell from the sky and crushed Kang’s outlook on life completely.

(End of chapter)

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