Chapter 501: The Taste of Power

Chapter 499 – The Taste of Power

Li Fan briefly explained to him about rebuilding Cong Yun Hai Immortal City and invited him to meet him.

The tone of his voice was cordial, and he did not pose as an island master in the slightest.

This made Gao Yuan unable to help but feel somewhat flattered.

Gao Yuan, who had fought for most of his life on the Ten Thousand Immortals Island, knew that these so-called “representatives” and “deputies” were often more difficult to deal with than those who had been officially appointed.

Although he didn’t know how this famous cultivator of the Tian Ji Sect would choose himself.

However, he was currently his top direct superior, so he could not be neglected.

Gao Yuan hurriedly packed up and hurried towards the location agreed upon by both parties.

As for the defection ……

That was just pure whining.

It is impossible to defect, not to mention that the danger is so high, he, Gao Yuan, is at least a member of the system in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

If he really defected to the Five Elders Association, would he be better off without a skill than he is now?
I’m afraid that after the valuable information in his brain was drained, he would be cast aside and ignored.

He wasn’t that stupid.

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his mind, Gao Yuan pondered over the reason why this newly promoted Acting Island Master wanted to see him for a while as he hurried along.

After a long time, he finally reached the location where both parties had arranged to meet.

Tai’an Island.

The island protection formation opened, revealing a passageway, and Gao Yuan then flew into the formation.

As far as he could see, Acting Island Master Li Fan was sitting in front of him.

Zhou Qing’ang, the guard of Tai’an Island, was standing on the side in a formal manner, sweating like a pig, looking very nervous.

The two seemed to be talking about some sensitive topics, and when they saw Gao Yuan arrive, they suddenly stopped.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Gao Yuan could not help but thump in his heart.

This Tai’an Island town guard, in terms of job grade, was still one level higher than himself.

He was actually acting so out of character even in front of Li Fan, so it seemed that this Ancient Heavenly Mechanism Cultivator was really not that easy to deal with.

Gao Yuan, who had read countless people, immediately lifted his heart up and went forward to bow and salute.

“Greetings, Island Master!”

“You’ve come.” Li Fan looked at Gao Yuan and revealed a kind smile.

“Do you know why I sought you out here?” Li Fan asked.

Gao Yuan muttered in his heart, but his mouth was not slow: “I don’t know.”

“I heard that you were standing guard at the entrance of Buzheng Hall before?” After a moment of silence, when Gao Yuan felt a little uneasy, Li Fan asked.

“Back to Island Master, exactly.” Although he knew that the other party was asking knowingly, Gao Yuan still respectfully answered.

“How long has it been since you joined?”

“More than ninety-eight years.”

“A hundred years have passed in a hurry. You have worked hard ……”

“You have been on board for a hundred years and your position has not been mobilized, have you ever had any complaints in your heart?”

“Little man dare not.” Gao Yuan’s heart tightened and he hastily shook his head to show his own loyalty.

“Very good.”

Li Fan nodded his head and praised some, then would turn to the main topic.

“Every time a cultivator is inducted into the system, he needs to go through the test of the White Jade Inquiring Stage within the Buzheng Hall. In the course of normal day-to-day affairs, you also need to go to the Buzheng Hall from time to time. I’m sure you know more or less about the cultivators within the Cong Yunhai system, don’t you?” Li Fan asked.

“Back to Island Master, we don’t dare to say big words. But the basic information, we are still clear.” Gao Yuan slightly raised his head and sized up Li Fan before adding, “At the very least, people can’t be recognized wrongly. Furthermore, which people are good-tempered, which people have backstage backgrounds and can’t be offended, all of these doors and ways, I have to understand.”

“In our line of work, our status is low. If we are not long-sighted and offend someone we shouldn’t, it won’t end well.”

“Well then, you come and help me see which of these cultivators are available!” Li Fan didn’t pay attention to the whining in Gao Yuan’s words, instead, he waved his hand, and instantly, like a cluster of stars, densely-packed cultivator avatars appeared in front of Gao Yuan all of a sudden. “Available people?” Gao Yuan first froze a little.

However, when he thought about what this Island Master had mentioned to him earlier, the great cause of rebuilding Immortal City, his heart immediately thumped.

“As you know, I have just awakened not long ago, and I am not very familiar with the personnel within the Cong Yun Sea.” Li Fan said quietly from the front.

“Steeply taking over this big task, my heart is also apprehensive that, for fear of screwing up this matter.”

“As the saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools, if you want to successfully complete this task, you need to form a strong team.”

“Since you have some understanding of them all, you might as well help me advise.”

“In the future, when the foundation of Immortal City is laid, I will definitely not forget your credit!”

When Gao Yuan heard this, he immediately felt his throat dry up a bit.

Looking at those cultivators of yesteryear that he needed to greet carefully one by one, they were now right in front of him, still to be selected by himself.

In the past, he could only look up to them, but now, he could easily decide their fate.

As long as one gently spoke, they would join to become this new island master’s squad to build his career.


“Is this what power tastes like?”

His heart suddenly beat violently and indisputably.

His face turned red, and the surging heart of Gao Yuan couldn’t help but feel a little fluttery.

However, he was not overwhelmed by a moment of false glory.

He clearly knew that the “power” in his hands was given to him by the Island Master Li.

Before Congyun Immortal City was built, all of this was a castle in the air, seemingly beautiful, but if there was a slight mistake, it would collapse and cease to exist.

But ……

If the Immortal City is successfully completed, the power will be given the opportunity to become real.

This kind of feeling of being able to manipulate destiny is too good to be true, so that Gao Yuan, who first tasted the flavor of it, can’t stop.

So he secretly vowed in his heart that he would do his best to seize this rare opportunity and complete the metamorphosis of his life career.

At that moment, according to the list of cultivators, one after another, he introduced Li Fan in detail.

Time passed slowly.

Li Fan relentlessly listened to Gao Yuan’s narration and was pleasantly surprised in his heart.

The ability of this gatekeeper cultivator, whom he had accidentally gotten to see in his previous life during his initiation into the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, was really greatly out of his expectation.

He couldn’t help but know the basic information of every cultivator like the back of his hand, and even their temperament and the complicated relationships that might exist behind them.

“It’s really a treasure to dig up.”

As Gao Yuan went deeper into his introduction, the more satisfied Li Fan became with him in his heart.

“A small person, there are also uses for a small person.”

“Exactly where I can take the opportunity to break the situation.”

A suitable cultivator was picked out by Li Fan and memorized in his mind.


Half a month later.

All the surviving institutionalized cultivators in the Cong Yun Sea received a message from the Acting Island Master.

Seven days later, a rebuilding ceremony for Cong Yun Immortal City would be held at the location of the original Ten Thousand Immortal Island.

All personnel, be sure to attend on time.

(End of chapter)

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