Chapter 398: Ten Years of Reunion

Chapter 396 – Ten Years Reunion

Although there was some regret on Huangfu Song’s face, the purpose of this trip had clearly been achieved.

“Let’s go, with the [Falling Star Divine Sword] of Guan Xingxiu protecting our bodies, we will definitely be safe and sound on this trip.”

He re-called out the Dust Crossing Boat and said with joy.

Thinking back to the conversation between the two in the courtyard just now, Li Fan thoughtfully said, “The wave of local resistance has gotten this serious nowadays?”

“It all requires you to hire an umbrella?”

Huangfu Song said, “Fear not ten thousand, fear not one thing. This remote place, anything can happen.”

“If it gets out of hand, really bundle the two of us up and throw us towards the ashes of the Ashen Silence Flowing Flame, saying that an accident has occurred.”

“What can we do?”

“It’s different when Guan Xingxiu’s Falling Star Divine Sword is around.”

Huangfu Song’s face was rather self-satisfied as he said, “Don’t look at the fact that he only has a Harmonized God cultivation now. But a Falling Spirit of Transformation realm that has fallen from the Harmonization realm can be too much more powerful than an ordinary Spirit of Transformation cultivator.”

“At the very least, in this Lanlin Prefecture where there are no Harmonization Immortal Exalts sitting around. This flying sword of Guan Xingxiu will be able to suppress all disobedience.”

Fatty took out the small golden-colored sword again and touched it lovingly.

Li Fan stared at the Falling Star Divine Sword and could vaguely feel a bold and sharp aura from it.

Recalling the lazy look that he had just seen, he couldn’t help but feel some emotion in his heart.

“A generation of Harmonized Dao, just because he didn’t see the situation clearly, he even fell to this.”

Then remembering Guan Xingxiu’s words, he couldn’t help but ask.

“Just now Senior Guan said that the old leader passed away, but the Extreme Cheng Immortal Exalt has fallen?”

“Not bad. It was just a short while ago.”

“His old man ended up dying quietly in his Heavenly Extreme Courtyard along with that willow tree.”

Li Fan could not help but see the aged face of Immortal Honorable Extreme Cheng in front of his eyes.

“If there was no [Returning Truth], I’m afraid that soon afterward, I would be just like him, only able to wait in fear for death to come.”

“So what if I’m a Harmonized Dao cultivator, if I don’t certify immortality, it’s ultimately a falsehood.”

Seemingly opened up by the feelings brought about by the fall of the veteran Harmonized Dao powerhouse, Huangfu Song put away the Falling Star Divine Sword and said with all the emotion, “Perhaps Guan Xingxiu’s disillusionment has something to do with this matter as well.”

“With the depth of five hundred years of Immortal Exalt Extreme Cheng controlling the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance Garrison Courtyard, there is still no hope for immortality. This shows just how difficult it is to go against the reasoning of heaven and earth.”

“Guan Xingxiu’s cultivation was cut down, and it’s even more difficult to start cultivating from Harmonized God again.”

“You have to know that if you want to merge with the Dao again, you have to use a similar heaven and earth spirit as proof.”

“Heaven and earth prana are already rare, and if there is a requirement for the nature of the prana, it’s even more impossible.”


In the midst of chatting with Huangfu Song, the Dudu Dust Boat reached the central core area of the Spirit Locking Formation, the established location for the placement of the Heavenly Xuan Formation Pivot.

Currently, the formation was not yet fully constructed, so it was still necessary to wait for some time.

Apart from the formation masters who were also students of the Huan Yu Academy, the rest of the cultivators were not very friendly towards the arrival of Huangfu Song and Li Fan.

At least it seemed so.

However, after Huangfu Song released the Falling Star Divine Sword, these cultivators also had to tighten up.

Meanwhile, in Shi Lin Prefecture, near the former From the Sea of Clouds and the current Cong Yun Yuan.

Zhang Haobo looked at the endless void not far away, his face showing sorrow.

Even though it wasn’t the first time he had seen this scene, he was still a bit unable to accept it.

His former hometown, that blue and life-filled ocean.

When they met again, it had actually turned into this appearance.

“Hao Bo, I’m sorry for your loss.” Xiao Heng walked over and patted his shoulder, comforting him.

“What exactly happened back then? Why did the large Cong Yunhai suddenly become like this?” Zhang Haobo could not help but ask once again.

Xiao Heng shook his head, “I don’t know either. At first, Elder Skull suddenly reminded that there might be a great calamity coming to the Cong Yun Sea. So shortly after you guys traveled to the Nine Mountain State, I also left the Cong Yun Sea far away.”

“Ye Feipeng, however, seemed to know something and insisted on refusing to follow me.”

“I originally thought that he would hide another encounter from me, but who would have thought that he would never show up again after that.”

“I think that nowadays he should be long gone.”

“Had I known this, I should have persuaded him again in the first place.” A trace of sadness flashed in Xiao Heng’s eyes.

After a long silence, he continued.

“Over these years, I had tried to pry into the changes that occurred in the Cong Yun Sea. But what I didn’t expect was that just less than a year has passed, and most cultivators barely have the slightest impression of the Cong Yun Sea.”

“It’s as if this region, just never existed.”

“Even now, I can only recall the existence of the Cong Yun Sea if I look at this abyss in front of me with my own eyes.”

Zhang Haobo said, “The same is true for me. After being in the Nine Mountains Prefecture for nearly ten years, it’s surprising that I don’t have a single moment’s recollection of the Cong Yun Sea.”

“It was also only after I came back to you guys and witnessed the Cong Yun Abyss that past memories emerged like a tidal wave.”

He paused and whispered, “This should be the influence of the Everlasting Heavenly Father.”

Xiao Heng also nodded slightly, “Perhaps soon, this memory in our minds will also disappear completely like the Cong Yunhai of old.”

The two of them looked at each other speechlessly.

There was silence by the abyss.

It wasn’t long before it was interrupted by a rumbling sound coming from not far away.

The duo looked back and realized that it was Little Sister Su and Su Changyu who were sparring again.

“Brother, be careful!”

Su Xiaomei flashed a wry smile towards Su Changyu.

A split second later, dozens of figures with different costumes appeared at the same time, surrounding Su Changyu.

These figures were holding different weapons but had no faces.

On each blank face, there were only different blood-red symbols flowing.

“Let’s see if you can block this move!”

These faceless blood faces spoke in unison, jaggedly laughing in their respective strange tones.

The weapon in the figure’s hand emitted a silky blood aura.

Countless blood-colored outbursts accompanied the voices together and were about to bombard Su Changyu’s body.

Not only did Su Changyu not panic in the slightest, instead, he closed his eyes precisely.

The moment that beam of blood light approached him, his right hand, which he extended, glowed with a glistening white light.

Moving at an extremely high speed, in an instant, it produced the sight of a thousand hands appearing together.

Each phantom of a hand held the incoming blood light in its grip.

It then exerted force at the same time.

After a split second, the bloody light was reversed in direction.

Instead, it was launched towards those dozens of faceless bloody faces. “Boom!”

The situation reversed in a matter of moments.

Caught off guard, those figures were hit by their own attacks.

Many figures disappeared.

However, one of them, after receiving a blood aura, was unharmed.

Instead, he used the light of the explosion to conceal it and quietly approached Su Changyu’s side.

The body exploded with a loud bang.

A giant net of flames was about to envelop Su Changyu.

Su Changyu’s face remained unchanged, but his eyes snapped open.

In each eyeball, there were two pupils present.

The four black holes were shrinking as tiny as the tip of a needle at this point.

The blazing flames in front of them were also fixed for a split second.

Su Changyu then slapped his palm out.

The target was not the flame in front of him.

Instead, it was Su Xiaomei who was hidden in the dark.

“Bang Bang Bang!”

One by one, illusory palm shadows surfaced, and explosions constantly resounded in the surroundings.

“You can’t hit me!”

Su Xiaomei’s voice came from all directions, as ponderous as ghosts and gods.



A smile surfaced at the corner of Su Changyu’s mouth.

High above the sky, a transparent, gigantic palm had formed at some point.

It completely enveloped the battlefield where the two of them were located.

It then pressed down on their heads.


The earth sank deep and raised dust.

The large handprint landed on top of the ground.

And Su Xiaomei, who was hiding in it, could no longer hide.

She was grabbed out by the illusory five fingers and bound in the air.

“Open for me!”

Su Xiaomei shouted angrily.

Her eyes turned red, and her clenched fingers loosened slightly, instantly tending to be wrenched away.

Su Changyu extended his right hand and held it remotely.

Another illusory giant palm emerged.

Iterating with the previous transparent palm.

Little Sister Su was then suppressed once again.

“Ahhhhhhh! So annoying!”

Little Sister Su’s natural aptitude continued to be stimulated.

Her hair also gradually turned crimson.

The air around her became distorted from the scorching heat.

But no matter how much she struggled, she was never able to break away from the suppression of the giant palm.

“I’ve lost!”

Accompanied by Su Xiaomei’s furious cry, a round of red sun inexplicably surfaced in the sky.

The giant palm silhouette turned into nothingness under the burning of the red sun.

Su Xiaomei, who had regained her freedom, did not have a joyful look on her face as she put away her own [Red Yang Cave Heaven] Domain.

Scratching her head, she flew to Su Changyu’s side.

“Brother, how did you become so powerful?”

“I suppressed my cultivation to the Jindan realm, and now I’m not even a match for you.”

She asked with some curiosity.

“Back when we left the Cong Yun Sea, the Yin Yue Ting sisters discovered the remnants of the Dao Rhythm Ancient Objects from the Ancient Era.”

“After all these years of restoration, it’s already possible to experience a complete strand of Dao Rhyme.”

“This [Heaven Suppressing Palm] just now is what I have gained from sensing the Dao Rhyme. Little sister, your enlightenment is far superior to mine, so I believe you can realize a stronger divine ability from it.”


“Back when we left the Cong Yun Sea, the Yin Yue Ting sisters discovered the remnants of Dao Rhythm antiquities from the ancient times ……”

At the same time Su Changyu opened his mouth, an identical voice sounded at the same time.

It formed a strange duet.

However, as he slowly closed his eyes, the other echo grew weaker.

Eventually it was faintly audible.

Su Changyu had said that this was due to him practicing a special gong method, and Su Xiaomei and the others who were slowly getting used to it did not think it was strange.

“Good lord! I’m going to comprehend this divine ability too!” She clapped her hands happily when she heard Su Changyu’s words.

Even without opening her eyes, Su Changyu was able to see the appearance of her sister in front of her who she hadn’t seen in a long time.

Although she was already a YuanYing cultivator, she was still like an overgrown child.

Thinking of this, Su Changyu stroked Su little sister’s head favorably.

“After more than ten years of separation, everyone is finally reunited once again.”

Xiao Heng on the side couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved as he watched the scene in front of him.

Suddenly, he sensed the slightest fluctuation coming from the hand bone of the storage ring that had not been used for a long time, and immediately his face was delighted.

Ever since the skull senior had issued a warning earlier and saved the lives of the crowd, he had once again fallen into a deep sleep.

Unbelievable, now finally woke up?

At that moment, Xiao Heng could not wait to enter the White Bone Advance Realm.

(End of Chapter)

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