Chapter 36: The Myriad Wonders

Chapter 36: A Myriad of Wonders

Yin Yu Zhen’s premonition told her that as long as she went along with helping Li Fan, there would be endless benefits in the future.

Although she did not know what kind of achievements this uncle would have in the future, Yin Yu Zhen still chose to trust her intuition and did everything she could to help Li Fan.

Thus, Tian Bao Lou was in full operation under Yin Yu Zhen’s authorization.

While collecting meteorite iron, a large amount of other completely unrelated materials were also procured together in order to cover their ears.

The other forces within the Liuli Island sensed the abnormalities of the Heavenly Treasure House and secretly sent people to investigate.

But under Yin Yu Zhen’s early preparations, they naturally failed to find out anything.

Instead, Tian Bao Lou had released a large amount of fake news about the Star Sea Quicksand according to Li Fan’s idea. Knowing that there might be a fraud, the other forces first chose to wait and see.

However, one of them held the idea of “buy it first, even if it’s fake, we can still sell it again” and went on a rampage to buy things related to the rumor. So, they couldn’t help themselves. They joined the purchasing army.

For a time, the prices of Liuli Island soared and chaos ensued.


Li Fan, who was the instigator of all this, just quietly stayed in the Listening to the Specter Building to cultivate.

It wasn’t until three months later that Yin Yu Zhen finally contacted the Chamber Walker of Tian Hua Chamber of Commerce.

Early that morning, Yin Yu Zhen and Li Fan rode on Tian Bao Lou’s own boat, left Liuli Island, traveled tens of miles north, and came to the sea where both parties had agreed.

The boat was loaded to the brim with goods for this transaction.

It was only after the sun had risen that the party finally waited for the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce.

Only to see a black spot in the sky rapidly enlarged, close to Li Fan realized that it was a flying boat!
On the flying boat was flying a bunch of flags with the word “Wan” written on it.

The boat was only half the size of the Tai Yan Boat’s second form and was about fifty meters long.

The flying boat quickly arrived above the heads of the crowd, and then slowly stopped on the surface of the water.

“Boss Yin, long time no see!” After stopping, a bellowing laughter came from the flying boat.

Yin Yu Zhen was looking at Li Fan, wanting to see a look of surprise on his face.

Unexpectedly, Li Fan did not look the slightest bit strange even after seeing the flying boat of the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce, as if he had already seen it a long time ago.

Yin Yu Zhen was a little disappointed, but at the same time, she was even more curious about Li Fan.

Only when she heard the sound of the Chamber of Commerce walking, Yin Yu Zhen turned her head.

“Walking Wu, the last time we met was three years ago.” Yin Yu Zhen replied with a smile.

“Time has really flown by.” Wu Walking sighed with emotion, and the person was already on the Tian Bao Lou ship.

“And this one is?” He looked at Li Fan and asked with a smile.

“An elder hired by our Heavenly Treasure House.” Yin Yu Zhen replied simply.

Seeing that Yin Yu Zhen was unwilling to say more, Wu Walking was sensible and did not ask any more questions.

“It’s better to look at the goods. I’m afraid that after this time, it will be hard for us to meet again.”

Yin Yu Zhen froze when she heard this, “What do you mean by that? Is something changed?”

Wu walked and shook his head, “I don’t really know the exact reason. It’s just that a few days ago, I suddenly received a notice from the headquarter side that all the Chamber Walkers within Cong Yunhai have stopped all operations and returned as soon as possible.”

“If I hadn’t already made an appointment with you for the date of the transaction, I’m afraid I would already be on my way back at this moment.”

“That’s why this transaction can’t be delayed, it has to be done as soon as possible.”

Yin Yu Zhen was a little flustered for a moment, knowing that the reason why Tian Bao Lou was able to open up in Liuli Island was because it was backed by the Wan Hua Chamber of Commerce.

Now that the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce is suddenly withdrawing from Cong Yunhai, what should Tian Bao Lou’s business do in the future?

Would he still be able to keep Tian Bao Lou? And why did her own premonition not react at all this time?
Yin Yu Zhen’s mind was so confused that she actually froze directly.

“Shopkeeper Yin?” Seeing that Yin Yu Zhen froze, Wu Walking could not help but voice out a reminder.

Yin Yu Zhen forced a smile and came back to her senses.

Walking into the cabin, she began to count the traded goods.

“Sixteen pairs of Jade Bits, twenty-three pieces of coral, forty-six Night Bright Pearls ……” Li Fan led Wu walking past the various goods one by one.

From time to time, Wu Walk picked up one of the pieces and carefully observed the color.

Then he nodded again and carefully put it down.

“Star Sea Quicksand, three pieces.” As he walked to the center, Li Fan reported with his face as usual.

Wu Walking’s face was delighted as he quickly walked over to the pieces of Meteorite Iron.

Gently caressing them with his hands, he later turned the meteorite iron over and over again.

Seeing this scene from the side, Li Fan knew that this Wu Walking was not an ordinary person.

The lightest of these meteorite iron is fifty pounds, but in the hands of the other party is like a toy.

Only after a moment, Wu Xing put down the meteorite iron reluctantly.

“Boss Yin, good luck this time. I actually collected such a good thing as Star Sea Meteorite Sand.”

Li Fan and Yin Yu Zhen glanced at each other and sighed with relief in their hearts.

It was certain that Xiao Heng was right.

This time, Heavenly Treasure House had taken advantage of the situation and snatched a lot of Star Ocean Quicksand.

The quota for the Pure Body Spirit Pool should be able to be taken without any problems.

There were no more expensive items after this, and Wu Walking was satisfied with the goods provided by Heavenly Treasure House this time.

And because both parties would not be able to see each other again for a long time in the future, he specially invited Li Fan and the two of them to come to the flying boat of the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce as guests.

After having a good meal and wine, Wu Walk led the two of them to the warehouse of the flying boat again.

“These are all the ones I collected from the various islands in the Cong Yun Sea, some of them are worth a lot of money, while others I’m not sure of the role. They are just rare, so I bought them in passing. If you two are interested, you can pick a few pieces from them.” Drinking happily, Wu Walking said somewhat smugly at the wide array of treasures.

Yin Yu Zhen was quite excited when she heard this. She had the ability to avoid evil, so wouldn’t coming here be like a mouse falling into a rice vat?
Li Fan originally had little interest in this, but looking at Yin Yu Zhen’s look of eagerness to try, it was not easy to refuse, so he accompanied them and wandered around in here.

“Only one incense stick of time oh!” Wu Walking seemed to be very interested in this kind of game and said in a loud voice to the duo.

Yin Yu Zhen ignored it, as she was in an extremely excited mood as she kept traveling through the warehouse.

There were no less than thousands of various treasures in here, and even though she was able to avoid bad luck and could barely distinguish their value, she was still dazzled for a while.

Li Fan, on the other hand, was bored and aimlessly picking up a piece and looking at it, and then quickly put it down.

He, Li Fan, had been reincarnated for nine lifetimes and floated for three hundred years, what mundane treasures had he not seen before?

As long as they were not related to Immortal Cultivation, he didn’t care.

Although this Wu Walking’s physique was far beyond that of an ordinary person, he was obviously not an Immortal Cultivator either, and was only doing business on the mortal world.

How could there be anything in here that he, Li Fan, cared about.

As Li Fan thought this, his body froze when his hand touched one of the items.

It was because the [Return the truth] prompt jumped out steeply.

“Chargeable item found, is it charged.”

(End of chapter)

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