Chapter 3: A Mortal Wants to Catch an Immortal

Chapter 3: A Mortal Wants to Catch Immortals

It was as if time had pressed the accelerator button.

Li Fan implemented his plan in an organized and step-by-step manner.

With the experience of two lives, everything went smoothly as if it was water under the bridge.

He still took the imperial examinations.

This time, however, with decades of experience in power, he naturally wrote an essay that was far superior to his previous life. He was ranked first in the township examination, the assembly examination, and the temple examination, and won three consecutive prizes, which made him famous all over the world!

Subsequently, he was young to increase the seniority of the reason, self-application to the field as an official. The destination is still Wen County.

The court above although there are many incomprehension and regret, but still approved his request.

So in the third year of his anchorage, he came to Wenxian again.

This time, it could be so much better than the previous one. Due to his fame, he knew the temperament of all the officials in the county. With very little effort, he managed to bring Wen County to its knees.

Then, he began to promote and cultivate his beloved ones from his last life, continuously growing his power.

At the same time, he drew drawings of flintlock pistols and ordered craftsmen to produce them according to the drawings, and told them all about the difficulties in production. After that, he ordered people to go around and privately recruit skilled craftsmen, striving to develop more advanced guns.

The mining of minerals in the mountains was not idle either. Li Fan swept away all the mountain bandits within the mountains near Wen County and pulled them all to mine. Relying on the mines, he built many workshops in the deep mountains to mass produce crafts and iron weapons. At the same time, he secretly organized a merchant fleet and went on a selling tour around the world to accumulate funds.

Anchored for 4 years, Li Fan secretly searched and finally found a double of Emperor Xuanjing. It was the existence of this double that led to the near failure of his assassination plan in his previous life. Luckily, he had always been cautious, and with his many backhanders, he was able to avoid failing in his endeavors. Li Fan personally trained the double, half a year passed, a few flawless.

Anchor 5 years, Jiangnan drought. Li Fan ordered his subordinates to pretend to be vagrants and attacked the Luangya King’s residence. Li Fan led the crowd to pretend to rescue, but in fact, the secret of the secret of the King of Luangya directly killed the family. At the same time, he let his double appear.

Since then, Li Fan has taken control of the Luangya King’s residence.

The news of the killing of Luangya King’s family, only Luangya King himself was able to survive shocked the whole country. The emperor was furious and sent troops to suppress the displaced people. Li Fan was promoted to governor of Jianghuai Province.

Li Fan’s power further expanded. However, after this, he was cautious. Instead of continuing to expand outward, he kept a low profile in climbing technology and developing productivity.

In the 7th year of Anchor, the locust plague came as promised. Li Fan had prepared for it, and naturally there was no plague in Jianghuai Province. He also applied to the imperial court to open warehouses and release grain to receive the victims. The imperial court obliged.

With this opportunity, Li Fan got a large number of people. After that, these victims settled down under Li Fan’s rule, and Li Fan’s strength exploded.

In the 9th year of the Anchor, the wedding of the King of Langya and the granddaughter of the Chief Grandmaster was held as scheduled. That night, Li Fan broke into the bridal chamber at night, scaring the Langya King’s consort half to death. After learning that Li Fan had killed the King of Langya and used a double to take over the magpie’s nest, she even angrily denounced Li Fan as a traitor. Li Fan did not think so, but instead laughed and asked her to write this horrifying incident on the letter as it is.

Li Fan with this letter, pretending to be the king of Langya messenger, secretly into the capital to see the chief university scholar.

Li Fan’s face as usual, will now control the entire Luangya King’s House, and claimed that he and the granddaughter of the university scholar’s wedding night will have a husband and wife of the real. The university scholar was shocked and asked Li Fan what he wanted to do.

Li Fan bluntly said that the university scholar in power for many years, too many enemies. And several sons are waste, after the death of the university scholar, I’m afraid it is difficult to protect the family all around. As long as the university scholar in the necessary time to help him Li Fan a force, he Li Fan will certainly protect the university scholar family a hundred years of wealth.

The university scholar pondered for a long time, slowly asked what is the matter. Li Fan laughed, only said that there will be known later, and then drifted away.

Anchored 10 years, Langya Wangfei gave birth to a son. Obviously, this is Li Fan’s seed. Li Fan wrote a letter and went to the university scholar’s residence to report his joy.

Anchored 15 years, the emperor finally fell seriously ill. After getting the decree to pass on the throne, Li Fan took his inner circle and traveled by night and day, and entered the capital at a rapid pace.

After the king of Luangya’s replacement succeeded the throne, Li Fan borrowed the emperor’s will, in the courtroom to arrange a large number of believers. At the same time with the university scholar secretly cooperate, did not make any waves, on the control of the situation. Anchor 16 years, rebellion rose everywhere. Li Fan took the opportunity to insert his inner circle into the army, and then took advantage of the military success of the rebellion, and greatly promoted. However, in three or four years, the army was also firmly controlled by Li Fan.

Anchored for 20 years, the world gradually recovered from the turmoil of emperor turnover. Li Fan decisively poisoned the fake Kang Ning Emperor at this time, killing the last possible threat in the cradle.

After supporting his own son to become the emperor, Li Fan appointed himself as the Imperial Master, moving from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and once again, the world was in power.

After this, not only did the gears of Grand Xuan Kingdom’s development not come to a standstill, but instead, it ran at an even higher speed due to Li Fan’s will!

Anchored in the 35th year, the Imperial Master’s Mansion.

Li Fan looked at the secret letter handed over by his men, and after reading it carefully for a moment, he could not help but frown.

“In that case, the mists on this Market Abyss will disperse for half a day every fifteen years?”

“Reporting back to the Imperial Master, this is exactly the case. Our Immortal Visiting Battalion was ordered to station beside the Market Abyss and observe it day and night. Finally some days ago there was a harvest.” The Immortal Visiting Official kneeling on the ground recalled the scene at that time, a shocked look still remaining on his face. “After the fog cleared, there was vaguely light shining out from the bottom of the abyss. We used binoculars to observe it, and surprisingly found all sorts of inverted sights.”

“Although what each person sees is not the same, but there are 100,000 great mountains rolling, majestic buildings hidden therein, vaguely visible; there are towering cities standing on the plains, smoke and fire flourish, no less than a million people; there is even a city in the sky surrounded by a road of haze, all kinds of rare birds and exotic beasts flying in between, when it’s really …… “The Immortal Visitor paused, before spitting out the feelings in his heart. “It is really incredible.”

“It really is from the Market Abyss.” Although he had known about this news for a long time, but now that it had been personally confirmed by his subordinate, Li Fan was still a little excited in his heart. However, his many years of experience had long since allowed him to keep his joy and anger at bay.

He asked indifferently, “Can you find a way to get down to the bottom of the abyss?”

The Immortal Visitor’s breath stuttered, and then his face turned a little white. He quickly kowtowed and thanked, “My subordinate is incompetent. We have tried various methods, but as soon as we descend to a certain depth, we are cut to pieces by the sudden astral wind. The astral wind is so powerful that even our toughest armor cannot resist it for a moment.”

Upon hearing this, Li Fan did not look much disappointed.

After waving his hand and letting the Immortal Visitor leave, Li Fan muttered to himself, “It seems that we still have to wait for you guys.”


Anchored 50 years, Grand Xuan Kingdom, Xuanjing.

The Xuanjing City which was incomparably lively in the past was now silent and somewhat eerie.

The vast majority of the people of Xuanjing had been forcibly relocated to the neighboring cities in January under the decree of the current Imperial Master, saying that it was to escape from the calamity. This kind of ridiculous excuse was not believed by anyone. However, the Imperial Master did not go too far, really do not want to go is not forced, just suggested that the home to dig a basement to hide. These people only as a joke.

Li Fan got the report, also did not bother. He has already done his best.

In the streets and alleys of Xuanjing City today, there were ambushes of the special troops that he had carefully prepared over the years to use against the two Immortals.

Now that everything was ready, all that was needed was the east wind!
At night, with the bright moon high in the sky, the two Immortal cultivators arrived as expected!

“Dao Xuanzi! Don’t bully others too much!”

Kou Hong’s angry shouts spread throughout Xuanjing City.

“Da da da da da ……”

Countless tongues of fire suddenly lit up, and tens of thousands of bullets were like waterfalls, all of a sudden blasting at the two Immortals in unison!

(End of chapter)

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