Chapter 25: Money Moves the Heart

Chapter 25 – Money Moves People’s Hearts

Dragging the fat man’s corpse into the Tai Yan Boat and then briefly cleaning up the bloodstains on the ground, Li Fan then returned to the house as if nothing had happened.

“Truly unaware of what’s going on.” Li Fan commented.

This fatty obviously hadn’t understood the situation. Relying on a bit of cleverness, he realized that Li Fan might have blended in under an impostor’s name, so he came over impatiently to threaten, probably in order to try to gain some benefits from Li Fan.

But he didn’t think about it, it was right that Li Fan was mixed into this Liuli Island. However, wasn’t their group of people from the Outer Realm also the same people who got their household registration by assuming the identity of a disaster victim?
What is the essential difference between him and Li Fan?
Once he got the Liuli Island household registration, he really regarded himself as an aborigine.

Li Fan can see very clearly, before that masked, came to meet the immortal master, and Sun Zhang’s Tianbao building, acted cautiously, afraid of being known by others.

It was obvious that their identities as mortals in the Exiled Land were not to be seen in the light of day.

Because of this, this fat man who did not know how to die and came to the door to threaten, Li Fan casually killed.

He didn’t believe that the Heavenly Treasure House and a group of people from the Departed Realm would make a big fuss about this and investigate.

Furthermore, even if they find out that the fat man came to Li Fan’s place before he disappeared, but now he can’t even find the body, as long as Li Fan bites out that he hasn’t seen it, they can’t possibly do anything to Li Fan.

After all, if things got out of hand, it would not be beneficial to both sides.

And if Li Fan is hesitant to make a move, and doesn’t dare to do so, keeping the fat man alive may cause all sorts of trouble.

So Li Fan decisively chose to nip the seedling of a possible threat in the bud.


As Li Fan expected, a few days passed, except for Su Changyu who came to ask a question, the inexplicable disappearance of the fat man didn’t cause any other people’s concern.

This incident was just a small episode in Li Fan’s island life and was quickly put behind him.

These days Li Fan was inquiring about various matters on the island while plotting how to rationalize the use of the treasures in the Tai Yan Boat.

Gradually, Li Fan had a rough idea of this Liuli Island he was on today.

This sea was called the Cong Yun Sea.

The Cong Yun Sea was vast and boundless, scattered with tens of thousands of islands, large and small.

Liuli Island was located in the south of the central sea of Congyun, and its size was medium.

Because the sea around the island was rich in a kind of glazed fish with delicious meat, it was named Glazed Island.

The glazed fish is not only popular among the mortals in the neighboring islands, but even the pills made by certain immortal masters will also use the glazed beads that are occasionally born in the glazed fish’s body.

That’s why there are immortal masters on Liuli Island who collect a certain number of Liuli beads every year.

Immortal masters generally do not ask the world, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see. The small and large affairs of Liuli Island are generally governed by the Liuli Mansion established by the owner of Liuli Island.

Residents of the island can get a job in the Liuli Mansion. The higher the risk factor of the job, the higher the pay.

Among these jobs, fishing for glazed fish is the most popular.

It’s not too risky and the pay is good.

What’s more, only 70% of the caught glazed fish need to be handed over, and 30% can be left to sell on their own.

So this fishing job is really a meat and potatoes.

Unfortunately, a big boat is needed to go out to sea, and the glazed fish are erratic. Finding them requires the island’s special spirit guide.

Spirit guides are only issued by the Liuli Mansion when going out to sea, and they will be taken back when they return.

Fishing privately is impossible. And once caught, they are directly executed.

Therefore, this matter of catching glazed fish can only be carried out with the permission of the Liuli Mansion.

And those who can go out to sea to catch fish are the envy of the islanders.

The other day, a fleet of ships went out to sea, in addition to fishing for glazed fish and returned with a big catch, but also encountered a shipwreck. The ship was said to be fleeing with its family to avoid the storm, so it was carrying a dozen boxes of gold and silver jewelry!
At the moment, it was all cheap for the fleet.

Regarding the items salvaged from the shipwreck, the rules of the island were the same as the glazed fish, and they could keep 30% of them on their own!
So when this flotilla returned to the harbor, half the island was sensational.

Even the island’s chief treasurer, Steward Qian, personally came to check it out.

Looking at the members of the flotilla, each with their mouths on the verge of a crooked smile, quite a few people on the island were red-eyed.

They all started to look for connections in private, wanting to ask for a share of the qualifications for the next sea voyage.


In Li Fan’s opinion, he could slowly whitewash the uncountable treasures on the Tai Yan Boat through the same operation, and the risk was still relatively small.

The only difficulty was how to obtain the qualification to go out to sea alone.

The existence of the Taiyan Boat could never be exposed.

There were too many people on the island who wanted to join the fleet, and after casually inquiring, Li Fan learned the key.

There were three major cronies under the Liuli Islander, Steward Zhao was in charge of the island’s personnel, Steward Qian was in charge of the property, and Steward Zhou was in charge of the security.

And the vast majority of the fleet’s places at sea were in the hands of Steward Qian. Steward Zhao and Steward Zhou had always wanted to intervene, but they had always been firmly controlled by Steward Qian. Only one or two fleets were allocated.

Where there are people, there are struggles.

Li Fan remembered Steward Zhao’s reaction when he saw him on the day he was naturalized and thought that he might be able to meet this Steward Zhao.

However, Steward Zhao was not something that today’s Li Fan could just say he could meet.

Li Fan was prepared to still go the way of Sun Zhang of Tian Bao Lou.

After inquiring where the location was, Li Fan came to the door of Tianbao Building and wanted to pay his respects to Sun Zhang.

But he ate a closed door.

“Go go go, what kind of status is our Elder Sun, and is it something you want to see? Hurry up and go!” A few big men in black at the doorway looked at Li Fan wistfully, as if they were about to make a move at the drop of a hat.

Seeing this, Li Fan had no choice but to leave first.

In his heart, he felt a little strange, Tian Bao Lou is at least open for business, which people are not even seen to drive people out of the argument?

And these few black-clothed big men all made their own decisions without asking for instructions, as if they already knew who Li Fan was ……

“It should be that they have been instructed to deliberately not see me.” Coming to a conclusion, Li Fan guessed that there should be some kind of change on the side of the people of the Leaving Realm, causing Sun Zhang to directly turn his face away.

After some inquiries, Li Fan realized what had happened.

It turned out that that Su Changyu had resolutely chosen to become an Immortal Master experiment in order to get rid of the miasma in her body as soon as possible.

Before leaving, Su Changyu signed his name on that remnant deed.

Since then, the three deeds have been finalized, and the deed has completely dissipated.

There was also no more involvement between the Leaving Realm and Tian Bao Lou.

“No wonder it suddenly flipped out and deliberately avoided us. I just didn’t expect that Su Changyu to be so decisive.” Li Fan sighed.

“Ai, we’ve all advised him not to be in such a hurry. But where he was willing to listen!” The one who said this Li Fan also recognized, it was Xiao Heng who had previously claimed to be the son of the Zhennan King within the Tianbao Building’s cave.

Xiao Heng seemed to have an extremely good relationship with Su Changyu, and at this moment, he was incomparably frustrated, “If it wasn’t for the sake of saving his terminally ill sister, Brother Su wouldn’t have fought so hard.”

Li Fan listened to this and pondered.

(End of chapter)

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