Chapter 1279: Stealing the Power of the Darkness

Chapter 1266 – Stealing the Power of the Darkness

Li Fan had no choice but to temporarily stop driving the Infinite Mirror.

Continuing to fling out a ball of Source Force Essence, he saved the Infinite Mirror Spirit from near death.

The wish power essence stored in his body was generated from the day and night prayers of those hundred Psi clansmen in the underground blood pool chamber of the Sun family during this period of time.

Luring out the abrasive wind plague lurking in the Infinite Mirror had consumed a portion of it.

Earlier, in order to repair the injury of the Infinite Mirror, as well as Li Fan, the diety himself, some more had been used.

There wasn’t much left.

Li Fan estimated the rate at which the source power essence was being consumed, “Just enough. There’s no need to make another trip back.”

“That’s ……”

Li Fan inadvertently glanced towards the center of this small world filled with dead silence.

It seemed that the appearance of the source power essence had caught the attention of the golden head hidden there. A rather marvelous illusion, as if being stared at by a monster, surged through his heart.

“Hmph, even if you had some heavenly origin in your lifetime, now you have nothing more than a skull left. Still dare to make trouble in front of me ……” Li Fan stood with his hands in the air, and a trap formation was instantly created between the slightest movement of his mind.

Locking the space where the golden head is located, sealing it.

“I’ll find you again in the next life.”

Li Fan had no intention of finding out from this golden head this time.

After exploring the Boundary Protection Formation here, returning to the Xuan Huang Realm and following the cause and effect to find the hidden traces of the Boundary Protection Formation was the most pressing task.

Under the essence of source power, Sun Luyao slowly awoke from his fainting spell.

“Rest, continue.”

However, Li Fan’s faint words caused him to be struck by lightning.

However, in his heart, he did not even have the slightest thought of daring to disobey.

Because Sun Luyao knew that the survival of the Infinite Mirror was only at Li Fan’s whim.

Even, it was not impossible to erase his mirror spirit and replace it with another cultivator’s consciousness.

“This time for you, although there is some pain, but more meaning is some kind of refining. The so-called thousand refining into iron, ten thousand refining into steel. You are but a mortal, but by chance, you have become a Limitless Mirror Spirit. You also see, the infinite mirror now performance. Casually analyze something to immediately die, so how can you call it an immortal weapon?”

“Even though this is due to the fact that the Infinite Mirror is broken and not a complete body, it is more due to your weak Mirror Spirit.” Li Fan said in a deep voice.

His words put Sun Luyao to shame.

“This source power essence is something that even a long-life cultivator would beg for. To use it on you, it can be completely called a waste. Yet, I still did it ……” Li Fan said in a ghostly tone.

“There are great terrors between life and death, and great opportunities between life and death. You comprehend it well!”

Saying that, Li Fan maneuvered the Infinite Mirror again and analyzed the remnants of the formation hidden under the world ruins.

Sun Luyao only felt that he was rapidly weakening again, but with Li Fan’s encouragement from before, he tried his best to revitalize his spirit and try his best to maintain his sanity.

“I must not fail what senior has entrusted me with!”

A scene since he came into contact with Li Fan surfaced in Sun Luyao’s mind.

There was no doubt about Li Fan’s help along the way, but Sun Luyao himself had never been able to contribute anything. Now that there was an opportunity to return the favor, Sun Luyao made up his mind not to let Li Fan down.

Moreover, Sun Luyao also knew that what Li Fan said was indeed true.

During the life and death trials, his Origin Consciousness was also getting stronger. The growth in these few days was better than the previous decades of hiding in the Sun Family’s secret room.

As Sun Luyao’s mind was stirring, the ghostly light that was originally a little shaken became stable again.

As Li Fan watched, he could not help but nod slightly.


Holy Dynasty Great Enlightenment.

Li Ping, who was seated in the Sacred Emperor’s Seat, had already completed the copying and implantation of the ten clusters of Xuan Huang Heavenly Dao Breaths.

However, because of the long period of uninterrupted work, Cat Treasure’s emotions had collapsed and he had gone on a complete strike.

Even if more source power essence was lured in, the cat treasure only treated it as if it was invisible and huffed and puffed.

The Holy Emperor had no choice but to pause it first.

He looked in the direction of the central four states of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

“The Offworld Rainbow Light of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, is it ready.”

Because of the previous harvest of the Star Ocean Origin True Intent, the Xuan Huang Realm’s Heavenly Dao Consciousness, which had eaten its way to the bottom, became foolish. Instinctively, it wanted to attach itself to it again and take a ride.

However, he was dissuaded by Li Ping.

The premonition in the Saint Emperor’s heart told him that this trip of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance would never go as smoothly as it had for him before.

Apart from the fact that the Saint Emperor had a prescient prediction of the dangers on the road, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance simply could not follow suit. The more important reason was that the members of the Immortal Alliance organized to explore the Star Ocean this time were all composed of Harmonious Dao cultivators. Yet there was no strength that could truly convince and suppress them.

Although in the Xuan Huang Realm and the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, they spoke according to their positions. But when it came to the Star Sea, especially under the desperate situation, it was hard to say who would listen to whom.

“Dao Origin State Blue Feather.”

“Flowing Light Prefecture Jin Ri.”


The list of Harmonization Cultivators who were traveling forward this time was not a secret.

As the Holy Emperor looked at each of these names, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly in his heart.

“Dozens of Harmonized Dao bodies falling, even for the Xuanhuang Heavenly Dao, as well as the Holy Dynasty, it is undoubtedly a good thing.”

“It’s just a pity. ……”

Pity was pity, but the Saint Emperor would never be a womanizer and step in to stop this matter.

He merely waited quietly for them to leave.

Besides, maybe there was really someone among them who had extraordinary luck. Who would be able to survive in the star sea of crises and finally succeed in realizing the Dao?
Even if the Sacred Emperor stopped them, they would only be treated as blocking the path of others and would end up in a situation where they would not be able to stop until they died.

Five days later, a seven-colored rainbow light slowly flew out of the firmament under the watchful eyes of all the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance cultivators.

Compared to the last time, this time seemed much more familiar.

The different colors separated in turn, and eventually disappeared into a dark sea of stars.

Li Ping watched them leave, and in his heart, he mourned for them for a moment.

Another seven days later, the Holy Emperor’s expression moved.

He flashed to the secret space inhabited by the Yu Clan.

Nowadays, under the rule of the Sacred Dynasty, the Psi Clan could roughly be divided into three clans with different missions.

The most numerous of them were the ones who lived from birth to death, and the only thing they needed and had to do every day was to glorify the Holy Emperor’s benevolence. This group of people is the fusion of the beast cultivated, life, life gestation cycle is extremely short. When really like leeks, cut a crop and a crop, endless.

As for the second category, the medium number of Psi clansmen, their treatment was more than one step better in comparison. Every day, they had enough rest time, and they could even read different books. As native Psi bodies, some of them would be drawn out to participate in the community optimization experiments.

As for the third category, they were the least numerous and the most special. They could be called the purest, primitive Psi clansmen, still believing in the great Sea of Darkness and maintaining their long-standing traditions. However, since they lived under the rule of the Holy Dynasty Great Qi, they naturally had to listen to Li Fan’s orders as well. Even the issue of who was greater, the Holy Emperor as well as the Sea of Darkness, within the ethnic group had reached a united opinion.

The Holy Emperor was the incarnation of the will of the Sea of Darkness. The Holy Emperor, the Sea of Darkness, and the High Ancestor of the Psi Clan were three in one and inseparable. Although the theory was a little rough, it had actually resolved the possible conflict brought about by Li Ping’s intervention, causing the tribe to completely stabilize.

“Greetings to the Sacred Emperor.” When the leader of the Psi Clan saw Li Ping, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed in obeisance.

Prior to this, because Li Ping had not made it mandatory, these Psi Clansmen were not required to kneel and worship when they saw him. However, since the birth of the new theory, there were all sorts of standard etiquettes that were born within the Psi group, which even the clan leader had to abide by. Li Ping also let them go.

“Open the Psi Realm Passage.” Looking at the Psi Clan members kneeling below, Li Ping ordered in a cold voice.

The Psi Clan members rose, and a doorway slowly opened to the sound of a mysterious and ancient song. Li Ping took the lead and flew into it.

Upon entering, he was instantly engulfed in endless spectral darkness.

However, Li Ping did not hesitate in the slightest and sped in the direction where the sense was.

Silently, it was getting closer and closer.

The object that the sense had locked onto was naturally the Xuan Gong that was able to increase the cultivator’s source power output that had been revealed to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance earlier through the identity of the Spirit Elemental Sect Master.

In this aspect of pressing, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was surprisingly efficient.

Li Ping could already perceive that a large amount of labeled source power, in a cohesive compressed state, was impacting into this sea of darkness.

However, counter-intuitively, such a majestic and terrifying energy was unable to cause the slightest energy ripple here.

I don’t know whether it was because the Sea of Darkness itself was too vast, or there was something within it that swallowed the ripples without a sound.

The distance was very close, and Li Ping could not help but slow down his speed.

Even though he had absolute confidence in his own strength, he was still cautious.

Concealing his body and breath, he dived in close.

Within the Sea of Darkness, where sound could not be transmitted and there should be silence, regular intermittent muffled sounds appeared.

It was like the sound of a drum being violently hammered, causing the Saint Emperor’s heart to vibrate.

Li Ping became serious.

His entire qi and blood was now mixed as if it was heavenly. Even an attack from an Everlasting Habitat might not be able to shake him. Now it was surging because of this simple muffled sound ……

“It’s not caused by an outside force. Rather, it is the rhythm of this Sea of Darkness itself.”

Soon the Saint Emperor made a judgment.

Not resisting the muffled sound, Li Ping stood on the ground for a moment, bringing the sound of his heart beating into perfect agreement with the rhythm of the Sea of Darkness.

It was as if he had completely merged into the darkness, and his own discomfort disappeared.

Only then did Li Ping continue to move forward.

Soon, he could “see” the source of the muffled sound.

Or rather, perceived.

It was like a balloon that had been punctured, or a maelstrom that had split the Xuan Huang Realm.

In front of the sea of darkness, a “small opening” appeared.

The raging compressed source power was violently poured in from this gap, and under the natural repulsion of the power of the Sea of Darkness itself, some of the darkness power was absorbed away along the channel formed by the two forces confronting each other.

Li Ping stopped and watched from afar, adding a few more points of gravity to his heart.


After a long time, he gave such an evaluation.

The Sea of Darkness power, along with the compressed jet source power, formed a perfect state of balance.

The source power had not been able to truly invade the Sea of Darkness, and likewise, the counterattack of the Sea of Darkness had not been fully aroused.

In a strange balance, the call between the source power and the power of the darkness was reached.

It was important to realize that the Sea of Darkness ebbed and flowed.

This meant that the output of source power on the side of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance had to change and adjust along with it. If the equilibrium was broken, it would instantly usher in a shocking counterattack from the Sea of Darkness.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance must have been maintaining this device for quite some time, and it seems that their research on the Sea of Darkness has been perfected.

“The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, there are capable people.”

Li Ping could not help but sigh.

After all, having ruled half of the Xuanhuang Realm for thousands of years, it was not surprising that there were such undercurrents.

“Compared to the darkness power that normally overflows to all parts of the Xuan Huang Realm, these extracted darkness powers are more peaceful.”

“It is also easier to utilize.”

After watching it once again for some time, Li Ping also detected the clues.

“I just don’t know what the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is going through all the trouble and extracting this peaceful darkness power for.”

The unknown, however, did not hinder Li Ping’s actions.

As the Sea of Phenomenal Darkness that maintained the stability of Xuan Huang, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance’s extraction of its power was surely an act against the heavens.

Li Ping was the “Incarnation of the Xuanhuang Heavenly Dao”, so naturally, he could not just stand by and watch.

However, he did not take action easily.

Firstly, because of this perfect state of balance, if he broke it rashly, the turbulence in the Sea of Darkness might be even higher.

Secondly, just putting a stop to the extraction behavior here would only be treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

What Li Ping wanted was a way to put an end to the thieving behavior of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance once and for all.

The Holy Emperor’s patience was abundant.

After observing here for more than a full month, he first returned to the Sacred Dynasty.

Bringing nearly a hundred people from the Original Specter Race here.

“Asshole! What blasphemy is that!”

The Sacred Emperor could see the anger within the leader of the Psi Clan from the way he was acting with his hands and feet.

The other Beast Clansmen also hated the great Sea of Spectre, which they believed in, to the extreme as they watched it being stolen by a thief.

If it were not for Li Ping covering up such drastic mood swings, I am afraid that they would have already exploded in rage.

“This visit is to resolve this matter.”

“Those who desecrate shall be executed.”

Li Ping’s intention reached the minds of the Yu Clan.

The group of Psi clansmen suddenly knelt again, their faces filled with determination to sacrifice their lives.

In a corner that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance did not notice, this group of Psi clansmen began an ancient ritual.

That was the method of communicating with the Sea of Darkness that had been passed down since ancient times.

What Li Ping wanted them to do was to provoke the attention of the origin of this Sea of Spectral Darkness.

Don’t look at the big commotion here, but in fact, compared to the huge Sea of Darkness, it was just a small hole that had been poked in the body.

Without the balance being broken, it wouldn’t be noticed at all.

This was why it allowed the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to continuously steal the power of the darkness.

However, if the rituals of the Psi Clan were used as a guide, all would not be well.

Even if the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance wouldn’t be immediately expelled, the repulsive force of the sudden change would be enough to upset the balance.

And because it was a change in the Sea of Darkness itself, with this huge object as a base, even if there was a slight turbulence, it would not be enough.

As the ceremony progressed, Li Ping sensed a slight ripple in the Sea of Darkness.

He instinctively covered his breath as much as possible and hid it.

(End of chapter)

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