Chapter 983: The End of the War

  Chapter 963 – The End of the War

Not waiting for the confused revolutionary government to react, the anti-French alliance first soldiers in the city, whether to “surrender” has become the new focus of controversy in the French parliament.

“At this point, we can no longer fight. In order to preserve the vitality of France, I suggest that the war be ended immediately and the subsequent problems be resolved through negotiations.”

The old man’s proposal instantly gained everyone’s support. Those who knew the time were the best, the French Parliament was the result of a compromise between all parties, and those who were able to sit here were those who were able to bend and stretch.

The true generation with an iron head was either clicked by Napoleon IV or by the revolutionaries. Those who survived and were able to mix well were politically astute masters.

Originally digging a hole, Napoleon IV naturally could not leave the Revolutionary Party a rich family fortune. Not only rolled away a large sum of funds, even the city of Paris defense artillery were sent away in a package on the pretext of reinforcement of the front.

The Antifa alliance was at the city’s doorstep, and Paris could not be defended at all. Even the enemy does not need to attack the city, besieged for a month or two, the defenders themselves will collapse.

France’s arrogance in the war has been almost worn out, “truce” has become the consensus of the people who know, the war party has long been out of the fire.

Just as the proposal for surrender was being passed, François, a Socialist member of Parliament, hastened to oppose it: “We cannot surrender at once, or the enemy will succeed in his plot.

If we all don’t want to bear the hat of traitors and be reviled for the rest of our lives, we must resist now.

Without expecting to defeat the Anti-French Alliance, we must at least show the people our determination to resist. The revolutionary government needs to prove to the outside world with real actions that we are not traitors.”

Even though history was written by the victors, that wasn’t a pot that could be taken for anything. If it really had to carry the hat of a traitor, the revolutionary government wouldn’t be able to hang around for long.

In François’s opinion, if the revolutionary government wanted to stand firm, it had to make this show, even if it would lose a lot of money.

A young officer replied angrily, ”Mr. François, it’s not a matter of whether we want to fight or not, but we really can’t fight anymore.

With the main force surrendered, what are we going to do to resist the enemy’s invasion?”

Everything is easier said than done. “Resistance” is easy to say in the mouths of politicians, and they don’t have to charge into battle anyway, so naturally there’s no pressure.

But for the commanders of the Revolutionary Army, it wasn’t easy at all. No one knew better than they themselves what level of soldiers they were leading.

Seemingly defeating the government army seemed like a bull’s eye, but in essence it was all based on the government army intentionally letting off steam.

The fact that the French army would show them mercy did not mean that the Antifa alliance would be soft. Bringing a bunch of rabble to fight with the enemy is clearly giving away their heads.

Seemingly feeling that his dignity was being challenged, François immediately warned, “General Fick, please watch your words. The Revolutionary Army is invincible in battle, so why can’t they resist the enemy invasion?”

Fick’s young officer’s face sank, politics is so strange. Knowing that the Revolutionary Army was a bunch of rabble, everyone had to treat them as an “elite force”.

“Invincible” is just a slogan used to motivate morale, whoever takes it seriously is a fool. Now it has been placed in the open and has become a weapon in the hands of politicians.

This is also a result of the special situation of the revolutionary government, where the leaders of the revolution were a group of people, and now the people in power have been replaced by another group of people.

Of course there is a technique to the seizure, the speculators used the revolutionaries to simply, let them command the revolutionary army, seemingly to maintain the status quo, but in fact it was an opportunity to exclude them from the power system.

The status of the military in France was not low, but it was not high either. Once one’s status is confined to the army, one automatically loses the opportunity to compete for the highest political power.

It is true that power comes out of the barrel of a gun, but the problem was that they did not control all military power. After winning the revolution in Paris, the revolutionary government was armed not only with the Revolutionary Army, but also with the adapted Paris City Defense Force and the National Self-Defense Force.

Compared with the improvised Revolutionary Army, the latter adapted to the Revolutionary Army is obviously stronger. Strength is power, which is also the reason why a large number of royalist parties were mixed in the French parliament.

Whether one wants to admit it or not, the status quo of the revolutionary government in Paris was that the internal royalist parties were stronger than the revolutionaries.

François seemed to be forcing the revolutionaries to fight for their lives, but in reality, why not use the opportunity to weaken the strength of the three royalist parties?

“Mr. François, how long do you think we can hold off the enemy? You have to know that once the enemy soldiers are in the city, Paris is a lonely city.

We do need to show our courage to the enemy to gain favorable conditions for the post-war negotiations, but the prerequisite is that we can achieve decent results.

This is clearly not something that can be achieved by sitting in a fortified city. The city of Paris does not have much in the way of supplies, and with the loss of external support, we will not last long even if the enemy does not attack.

If I were the enemy commander, I would besiege Paris, divide my forces to occupy the rest of France, and then stall for time.

The millions of troops of the Antifa Alliance, once dispersed in France, will cause what kind of destruction we can all imagine. Perhaps without even negotiating an armistice, the enemy would have emptied France.”

This is not alarmist talk, but what would really happen. “Looting” is a tradition among European armies, and if millions of Allied troops were allowed to loot French soil, it would be a problem if they weren’t emptied out.

The financial loss is only a minor problem, but the fear is that the enemy will not be so disciplined, and will give them a human tragedy of nine empty rooms.

At that time it will not be a question of taking the blame, but whether there will be France is a problem. Anyway, the Anti-French Alliance has many members, a dozen countries can endorse each other, and black can become white.

The cruel reality left the main war faction speechless. At this moment, they truly realized the difficulties of the government.


On October 27, 1891, after some symbolic resistance, the revolutionary government in Paris was forced to surrender to the Allies, putting an end to a continental war that had lasted more than a year.

After accepting the surrender of the French government, and regardless of whether the French wanted it or not, Albrecht was the first to order the military administration of Paris.

Entering Paris again, Albrecht was overwhelmed with emotion. “Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river.” He never dreamed that one day he would actually enter Paris as a conqueror.

The convoy entered the Champs Elysees, looking at the imposing gate in front of him, Albrecht frowned and indifferently ordered, “Send someone to tear it down!”

In February 1806, Napoleon defeated the Russian-Austrian coalition in the Battle of Austerlitz. In order to commemorate this glorious victory, the French government specially constructed this “Arc de Triomphe”, which represents the splendor of France.

It didn’t matter that it represented the splendor of France, it was Austria that was the stepping stone. In the eyes of Marshal Albrecht, it was a symbol of Austria’s humiliation.

In the past that was no way, Austria did lose the battle of Austerlitz, the victory of the war against France is also the Russians to fight out.

After the last war against France, Austria, who was so good at saving face, was too embarrassed to ask the French to tear it down at the Vienna Peace Conference. Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that the project sucked as well.

Now it’s different, the Austrian army have fought their way into Paris, naturally there is no need to keep this eyesore of a building.


Lieutenant General Friedrich persuaded, “Marshal, this gate was built to commemorate Napoleon’s winning of the Battle of Austerlitz, and with our fall, France went to the top.

History is history, and even if this gate is torn down, it cannot be changed. Rather than that, we should leave it as a warning to future generations.

In honor of this history, I suggest that all post-war treaties be signed under the Arc de Triomphe.”

Can make two people hate so bitterly, naturally, not once because of the defeat of the battle, in the past few hundred years the Habsburg dynasty fought a lot of defeats, also did not see everyone so moved.

The key is after the battle of Austerlitz, Napoleon forced the Habsburg dynasty to dissolve the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburg family face pressed on the ground ravaged.

As royalty, there was no such thing as not wanting revenge back. The Bonaparte dynasty’s delayed integration into the European aristocratic circle was also not unrelated to the Habsburgs’ retaliation.

Seemingly thinking of something, Albrecht smiled slightly: ”Friedrich, you are right. History should indeed be remembered.

We also have to thank the French on this issue, if it wasn’t for their help in recording it, I’m afraid we all might have forgotten that part of history.

Austria would not be what it is today without the spur of this humiliating history. Your suggestion is also excellent and I will pass it on to my country.

Pass the order to send men to protect this gate and forbid anyone from destroying it.”

There is no doubt that the so-called “remembering of history” and “historical spur” are nonsense. Perhaps it had a profound effect on the older Albrechtians, it really had no effect on the younger generation.

Time washes everything away, and if it weren’t for a mention in the history books, it’s likely that many people wouldn’t have known about any of this. They were deliberately emphasized for no other reason than to create a glowing image of the Habsburgs.

Including the signing of the treaty under the “Arc de Triomphe”, not only to humiliate the French, but more importantly, to send a signal to the outside world – the former Holy Roman Empire is coming back.

(End of chapter)

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