Chapter 98: A Time Without a Bottom Line

  Chapter 98 The Age of No Bottom Line

The Hungarian Revolutionary Party of 1848, by its very nature, was not a mere revolutionary party, and the rapid growth from a small party of one hundred and eighty people to become the leader of the Hungarian Republic was filled with too many speculators.

It is easy to get on board and hard to get off, the original moribund Austrian Empire, at this time full blooded again, many people’s hearts broke down.

If at this time, the Vienna government issued a pardon, the city of Budapest would most likely surrender without a fight.

Obviously, this is impossible, neither the Austrian Cabinet, nor Franz, the Crown Prince, did not give up this opportunity to hit the Hungarian powerhouse.

The suppression of the rebellion was the best reason for doing it. The wider the scope of this rebellion, the more nobles involved, the more favorable to the future rule of Austria.

In terms of concentration of wealth, it is estimated that Hungary could top the list. Nominally, there was a five percent ruling class, but in reality, less than one-thousandth of the population controlled 90 percent of the wealth of the whole society, including serfs and workers all belonged to the scope of their property.

There is no reason why such a strange social order should not be broken.

This revolution, in fact, remains an internal power struggle within this five percent of the population, with the remaining ninety-five percent of the population only passively involved.

This is also the reason why Kossuth, can ignore the army’s scourge of the people, his supporters come from this five percent of the group, the remaining ninety-five percent of the people belong to the ones who can be sacrificed.

“Are you sure the enemy will release the water to attack the city? In the state we’re in now, even if they don’t have to do anything, it won’t be long before Budapest becomes a dead city!” Pedro growled

There was no way out, the Austrian government wouldn’t let them, the top of the revolutionaries, go, and they didn’t want to die, so they had no choice but to lull the soldiers into fighting for their lives.

Kosut was so successful in his lulling that he even fooled himself, for the sake of ultimate victory, he didn’t care about anything anymore.

The Austrian army fought steadily all the way, advancing at a very slow pace, which seemed to be very difficult, but in reality it was the best method of warfare, without any risk.

Including the damming of the upper reaches of the river was actually just a cover, and any politician with ambitions to annex Hungary would have preferred to keep besieging Budapest rather than the most hateful water attack tactics.

Kossuth said incredulously, “Are you saying that the enemy is deliberately putting pressure on us to force us to take the extreme path and then destroy Budapest? No, it won’t, it’s impossible!”

After saying this, Kosut sat there motionless, as if he had fallen into a spell.

The vast majority of the uppermost strata of Hungarian society is concentrated in the city of Budapest. More than half of the people in this city were nobles, capitalists and their vassals.

To the Vienna government, these people were better off dead and clean, and even if there were still Habsburg family advocates here and there, Franz didn’t mind sacrificing them.

We are all politicians, and using the thinking of politicians to consider whether it is worth sacrificing the city for a long-lasting Hungarian kingdom, this account can be calculated by anyone.

Pedro said, almost shouting: “Wake up, Mr. Kossuth, this is the plot of the enemy!

Now the National Guard has gone mad, and even some of the fallen nobles, small merchants, and the middle class have not escaped them.

If it continues, they’ll grow bolder and slowly reach out to the upper class, and by then it’ll be too late for us to even try to control the situation!

This is exactly what the enemy would like to see the most, to use our hands to remove the Hungarian national elite for them, and then put all the blame on us, so they can annex Hungary logically!”

If Franz had been here he would have given them credit for their brainstorming skills, yes he wanted to take the opportunity to remove the dissidents, but he had no intention of relying on the Revolutionary Party to do it, which was too much to ask.

In the war on the death of a part of the people, the black pot directly dumped on the revolutionary party on the line, it is difficult to not dead people will come out to defend it?

At this time the Hungarian Revolutionary Party’s reputation stinks of the street, they do anything heavenly anger, that is the natural operation.

Beautiful dream was punctured, Kossuth face gloomy terrible, as long as a thought, he almost fell into the enemy when, personally destroyed the Hungarian nation, he was afraid.

Never mind that Hungary had a population of more than ten million, there were only so many as half a million or six hundred thousand whom he considered his own people, and the city of Budapest was more than a third of that.

Without these people, there would be no Hungarian nation; they were the pillars of the nation.

After half a dozen moments, Kossuth eased up, “Thank you, Petőfi! Just a little bit more, I would have been a sinner of Hungary.

You are right, the enemy is indeed hatching a plot, they could have captured Budapest much faster, but they have been dilly-dallying, it seems that they want to wipe us out.”


When Kosut wanted to clean up the military discipline, it was too late, the results of the Battle of Venice had already come through.

The pro-Austrian wing of the provisional government continued to grow in strength, speculators were looking for ways to get another ship, and Kosut was taking on even more pressure.

The temple is small, the wind is strong, the pool is shallow, and there are many kings and queens.

The provisional government of the Republic of Hungary that is also the three religions and nine streams of all kinds of people, this is a special social environment caused by.

Before the development and growth of the Revolutionary Party, the government’s suppression, many members of the Revolutionary Party became the government’s most wanted criminals, run away, and local gangs, associations and organizations to deal with.

Many Hungarian revolutionaries themselves had another identity – that of a member of a gang society. Human relations are applicable in any place, and by using this relationship, these gangs and societies, which had contributed to the fight, had a place in the Provisional Government.

If the revolutionaries were strong enough, they would have been able to suppress these people, but not anymore.

Everyone knows that the Revolutionary Party is not working, the provisional government is finished sooner or later, do not take advantage of the last opportunity to make a profit, when the Austrian army to come in there will be no opportunity.

…… (omit 10,000 words, shallow)

And it’s not just these club organizations that are taking advantage of the fire.

The capitalists weren’t idle either; if they didn’t use this opportunity to root out their competitors, did they still deserve to be called black-hearted capitalists?

Buying and killing people is just the most elementary operation. For the more upscale ones, they use their connections in the government to plant a counter-revolutionary charge against them and directly execute them on the spot.

According to the statistics, the provisional government of the Republic of Hungary, which had existed for less than three months, executed more than 3,000 people for counter-revolutionary crimes, most of whom were workers participating in strikes.

In the most extreme cases, when the National Self-Defense Forces entered a house to kill and rob, they could first label the owner as a counter-revolutionary and kill the original owner to take possession of their property.

On the shelves next Friday, Hai Yue in preparation!

(End of chapter)

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