Chapter 971: Loneliness

  Chapter 952: Loneliness

Turin, the roaring sound of artillery fire rose up in rolling smoke, and the smoke filled the entire city. The eagle flag that was hunting and waving in the wind was already tattered and ragged, and it seemed like it would fall in an instant.

In the ruins of the collapsed buildings are even more dead bodies on the ground, and from time to time there are also the screams of the wounded, vaguely visible wounds with more than blood, but no one went forward to pay attention.

Thick smell of blood and sweat smell mixed with each other, filling the air, pungent and unpleasant. War, but still continue.

Outside the city, the Italian soldiers soldiers have already happened to charge, like waves undulating, and in their mouths, they let out shouts that shook the heavens and the earth.

This is the cry of the soul, the sound of each other infectious, mutual incentive, fading the heart of many inexplicable fear.

The Gatling in the fortress was still spitting out tongues of fire, dragging the long sound of bullets, like locusts crossing the border have cut through the clear sky, only to see a constant number of soldiers fall to the ground.

However, these hidden firepower did not have to be complacent for long, after the pause in the attack, the shells were quickly released, leaving behind only a piece of rubble.

After the artillery fire, the Italian soldiers in the rear attacked again. Heart-rending shouts, frantic killings, and hot beacons made the soldiers of both armies more frantic, and the war became more and more intense.

On the airship, Molex had already put down his binoculars, as if he couldn’t bear to look directly at the scene in front of him.

If he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t believe that the troops fighting below were Italian soldiers.

Although the scene was a bit chaotic and obviously lacked training, the will to fight shown by the Italians was beyond his expectations.

The heavy casualties did not deter the Italians. In order to be able to seize positions at the first opportunity after the artillery fire, many Italian soldiers directly lie down and lurk a hundred meters away.

To know that these days the shell aiming, there is no high-tech guidance, even if the coordinates are determined, it is only an approximate position, the hit rate all depends on the experience and luck of the artillerymen, a little bit of deviation, it is a hundred and eighty meters of error.

This means that the Italian soldiers who did not retreat, not only to face the threat of enemy fire, but also the possibility of being killed by their own artillery.

This spirit of desperation, and the legendary Italian army that played dead on the battlefield and groped the fish, is not a species at all.

While being shocked, Morquez also raised his vigilance against Italy deep down, and at this moment he finally understood why the country was against the unification of the Italian regions.

With so many people who were willing to fight for this country, once the Italian regions were unified, it wouldn’t be long before it was another medium power.

For Austria, which has the French Empire in the west and the Russian Empire in the east, there is really no need to have another power in the south to increase military pressure on itself.

Although a short period of time, France and Italy will become mortal enemies, but politics this thing who can say?

After slowing down, Admiral Moorcock commanded, “There’s nothing more to see, land and return to command.”

Austria’s purpose had been achieved, using the Italians to deplete the French troops not only increased the hatred between France and Italy, but also increased the difficulty of Italian unification.

Turin was the capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and this battle to recover the capital was the responsibility of the Sardinian army. The main force of the Italian army on the battlefield now was dominated by the Sardinian Kingdom.

War is cruel, according to the current situation on the battlefield, when this battle is over, the 300,000 Sardinian army is bound to suffer heavy losses.

The strength of the most powerful states in the Italian region was weakened, the power gap between the states narrowed after the war, the Vienna government’s policy of regional balance was realized, and everything was developing in a good direction.


At the French command headquarters, Marshal Adrien grimaced and questioned, “Is this the fortification that you claim is solid as gold?

And let the Austrians bleed them dry? I’m afraid you’re ready to let the boys of France bleed dry!”

It’s not that Marshal Adrian is not strong enough inside, it’s really that the reality is too much of a slap in the face. Under the heavy artillery attack of the Austrian army, the planned fortifications of the city became a direct target.

Due to the fact that the French army lost a large number of artillery pieces in the previous battle, so that the Turin defenders lacked sufficient heavy firepower and couldn’t even make an artillery counterattack if they wanted to.

Of course, this was not a big problem. After losing air control, even if the French army had enough heavy artillery, there was no way to utilize its own power.

After all, once the artillery positions are exposed, they will have to encounter enemy air strikes. Heavy artillery is inconvenient to move, encounter enemy air attack, not even have a way to run.

Decentralized deployment to the fortress, and can not give play to the power of artillery clusters, after all, the siege of the city only need to tear open an opening. Any one place is broken through, into the state of street fighting, the city is difficult to move the artillery, it becomes a pose.

Lieutenant General Tom, who was responsible for the construction of the city’s fortifications, hurriedly explained, “Marshal, we did not anticipate in advance that the enemy’s firepower would be so fierce.

Turin’s city fortifications are already at the world’s top level, mainly designed with reference to the intensity of the Russo-Prussian War, and no one expected the enemy to actually ……”

Admitting to cutting corners is impossible, it involves a huge network of interests, once involved everyone will have to suffer.

In this context, naturally can only let the designer take the blame. Only if the designer resists the responsibility, can the problem be uncovered.

Without waiting for Tom to finish, Marshal Adrian interrupted, “Shut up, I don’t want to listen to this nonsense. Anyway, the problem now is: our city fortifications are unbearable and must be solved immediately.

If the city fortifications can’t work, then the street battles will have to start earlier. Right now the ones fighting at the front are all Italians, and even if we kill or injure as many as we can, Austria won’t feel any physical pain.

Don’t expect the enemy to have any scruples, this is the city of Turin, it has nothing to do with Austria, they won’t care if the people in the city die or live.”

In fact, as early as before the beginning of the defense of Turin, the French army had considered the issue of transferring the people, but how could the civil opposition.

Standing in the position of France, Turin is its own territory, and the need for Italians to sell their lives, the French army naturally can not do too much.

In addition, the transfer of people said simple, but if you really do it is not a day or two can be completed, the defenders simply do not have so much time.

There are two sides to everything, a large number of civilians stranded in the city, in increasing the logistical pressure on the defenders at the same time, but also will make the enemy jealous. After all, this is the European continent, no one wants to carry the bad reputation of slaughtering civilians.

However, the reality was very much a slap in the face. From the enemy’s unbridled use of artillery to attack the city, Marshal Adrian knew that he had miscalculated.

Times are different now, before the outbreak of the Continental War, Austria was only one of the European powers, and it was natural to pay attention to the reaction of the European world.

But now it is not the same, once the defeat of France, Austria will be the only one. As a European hegemon, a little gossip is no longer a threat.

Besides, the main force attacking the city was the Sardinian National Independence Army. For the sake of political necessity, the future Sardinian government also came forward to endorse Austria and put the blame on the head of the French army.

After hesitating for a few moments of effort, Tom said fiercely, “Marshal, since Austria used the Italians as cannon fodder, we can use cannon fodder against cannon fodder.

Arm the city’s young and strong, put their families under house arrest as a threat, and force them to participate in the defense of the city.”

Forcibly enlisting strong men was not a new tactic, it had happened from time to time throughout history. It was only with the advent of the age of hot weapons that people found the temporary conscription of strong men to be untenable.

Combined with the rise of liberalism, the increasing cost of forcibly conscripting strongmen, the easy loss of popularity, and the increase in population countries were no longer short of soldiers, forcible conscription of strongmen only gradually decreased.

Tom dared to put forward this proposal, naturally not without purpose. The people’s heart of God horse, here in France never had, naturally can not talk about losing.

From the current situation, the French army in the Italian region is certainly not stay long. The contradiction between France and Italy and has been buried deep, after the war will certainly be a long confrontation, and now forcibly conscripted Italians on the battlefield, the equivalent of early weakened the enemy’s strength, for the post-war France to alleviate the pressure.

After a moment’s effort, Marshal Adrien shook his head: ”It’s useless, the Italians won’t be that obedient.

Even if we capture their families and threaten them to go to the battlefield, these guys will likewise have a way to cause trouble.

Just think about the Italian soldiers we recruited before, rather than fighting a war, it would be better to say that they are on a picnic.

The most important thing is that the law doesn’t apply, and even if we develop them to be passive, we can’t really get rid of all their families.

At this point, we have to think about the aftermath of the war. The country is trying to find a way to get in touch with the Antifa alliance, and we can’t afford to give the enemy an excuse to make negotiations more difficult.”

It is a tradition in the European world to negotiate if you can’t win a fight. That the French government was in secret contact with the Antifa was already an open secret among high-ranking officers.

Adrien was now poking the windowpaper through, and was in fact in complete despair over the war; after all, the enemy had already killed its way from Switzerland into the French hinterland.

The atmosphere in the room fell silent for a moment, and Lieutenant General Tom sighed, ”If it doesn’t work, then we’ll just have to let the lads fight with their lives.

With our troop strength, it’s not hard to hold out for a while. But the casualties, there’s no way to control them.”

It was obvious that Lieutenant General Tom was not just putting on a show, he was really worried about the fate of France.

Fishing for money was money, as a member of the vested interest group, his interests had long been tied to France.

The tofu dregs of the project is not entirely his responsibility. From the very beginning, the Turin fortifications were built to make money, with no thought of being attacked by the enemy.

What’s more, the continental war broke out so suddenly. The construction materials had to be prioritized to supply the front line, and it would have been too late to build a real city fortification for Turin.

The book “accidentally came to the ancient times” Legends, the ancient mankind has infinite strength. Legend has it that the ancient beasts can overturn rivers. Legend has it that ancient mythological figures were able to fly and do everything. Is all this true? What if you accidentally come to the ancient times? Wilderness Survival anchor Zhao Hao encountered this problem! ========================= This book, also known as “The Secret of the Ancient Times”, will unlock the secrets behind many ancient legends than

(End of chapter)

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