Chapter 969: Cannon Fodder Mobilization

  Chapter 950 – Cannon Fodder Mobilization

Franz just laughed at the Russians’ divine brainchild. As a matter of fact, such whimsical plans have always abounded in real life.

Politicians are human beings, and since they are human beings there are times when they get confused. Especially when interests are involved, the probability of making mistakes is even greater.

On the surface, the Russians under the banner of allies, preempted the occupation of France, Austria really can not do anything, but the Vienna government can drag ah!

Can not force the division of France, there is no way to delay the negotiation time. One year can not be two years, two years can not be three years and five years, a long time the Russian army and the French people can still live in peace?

Austria can watch and wait for the Russians to withdraw their troops, and then come back to consider the disposal of the problem of France.

If not to coordinate the relationship between Britain, France and Russia is too troublesome, almost no possibility of success, Franz also really want to push a hand, and then slowly enjoy the game between the Tsar’s iron fist and French nationalism.

“Telegraph the troops at the front, tell them to end the war as soon as possible, the soldiers are still waiting to come back for Christmas!”

It was only July, almost five months before Christmas, and it wasn’t hard to simply defeat the French, but time was running out to sign a treaty and then withdraw the troops before Christmas.

Normally, this kind of post-war conference involving the interests of multiple countries would usually be noisy and drag on for two or three years.

There is no doubt that Franz did not want to keep dragging it out. There were signs that the Hanoverian government was active again, and there was the shadow of the British behind it.

It is important to realize that the enemy within is far more formidable than the enemy without, and once these guys are allowed to talk to the interest groups of the states, there will be a lot of trouble behind them.

Franz did not want to test human nature, human nature is the most unreliable in front of interests. The most important thing is to create an established fact as soon as possible and establish the name of the ruler and the minister.

With this name, Franz will not be afraid of these guys to make trouble. If you can’t move the king, you can’t change the state government? Who dares to jump out and make things happen, just collect black information and bring him down.

As long as the army, tariffs, diplomacy, and money-issuing power of the states are collected, and the judiciary, culture, and education are unified, no matter how much trouble the following will make, it won’t be able to turn over a big wave.

Today’s times are different, when in order to collect these powers, Franz below a few state governments to fight for more than ten years, only bit by bit to get their hands on, and now direct one step on the line.

As for the resistance of the state governments, that can be completely resolved through negotiations. As long as the interests are suitable, there is nothing that can’t be negotiated.

Lulling, buying and pulling together, coercion and seduction, these routines Franz has long been familiar with. Anyway, the core is to bring in allies while taking out enemies in the process.

Compared to making an example of a chicken, sometimes it is more effective to make an example of a monkey. The more joyful you jump now, the faster you will die in the future.

Franz wasn’t worried about someone making a lot of noise, what he was most worried about instead was these guys not doing anything. After all, only the more they do, the more problems will be exposed.

If there really is that kind of pure and flawless politicians, in fact Franz can not help, after all, the emperor is also to talk about the rules of the game.

But this kind of people who are dedicated to public service will not be an obstacle to unification. After all, after this war, the idea of great unification had taken hold.


With Franz’s order, the fire of war once again burned, from central Europe to southern Europe smoke, there is no longer an inch of clean land.

The southern allied command, the Italian states representatives have gathered together, to participate in this very political and military significance of the General Assembly.

Since ancient times, the Italian region is a collection of vassals, the situation of chaos is second only to the German region. Now that the unification of Germany is imminent, the Italian region also needs to be sorted out.

Previously, in order to unite all the forces that can be united, for the purpose of pulling together the Italian nationalists, in the disposition of the Italian region, the Vienna government has not been openly stated.

Now that the big picture has been settled, there is no point in dragging it out any further. Whether it was a partnership to form the Kingdom of Italy or a direct separation into a number of states, a clear conclusion was needed at this time.

In a sense, this meeting was a passing phase. Those who were eligible to participate in the meeting were well aware of the intentions of the Vienna government.

People did not oppose, in addition to arm in arm, but more importantly because of the distribution of benefits. It is easy to establish a unified Italian kingdom, the question is who is going to take the lead?

Specific distribution of benefits not to mention, light crown belonging is a difficult problem.

Before the time of the Italian independence organization is dominant, although the organization is fragmented, at least there is a nominal leader Vittorio Emanuele III.

Now it’s different, the royal families of all the states are involved, no one is nobler than anyone else, and behind all these people are a bunch of interest groups, no one is likely to give in.

Since we can’t come to an agreement, we can only fly solo. Anyway, there has never been any unification, so it’s no big deal to play separately.

It’s easy to split up a family, but hard to split up the family property. Originally, there were territorial disputes between the Italian states, and because of the French occupation, it has now become a muddled account.

When the parties could not settle the dispute, it was the turn of Austria, the boss, to step in and do the arbitration. And because the states did not really restore power, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not convenient to directly intervene, mediation of the contradictions between the parties fell on the head of Admiral Morse.

“The purpose of inviting you here today must be clear to all. The defeat of the French is imminent, in order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, regarding the pattern of the Italian region after the war, it also needs to be clarified now.

First of all, the states will become independent again, and a series of tasks such as forming a government and resuming production will be the task of the new government. What is to be done is still left to the future governments of the states to deal with on their own.

What we need to do today is to make a preliminary demarcation of the territorial boundaries of the states, which in principle will be based on a comprehensive consideration of their historical origins, taking into account their contributions in the war against France.

Any requests or suggestions you may have can be put forward, and we’ll hold discussions together in an effort to come up with a result that satisfies all parties.”

“Deliberation”, that was completely overthinking it. The so-called “historical origin” was nothing more than restoring the pre-war boundaries, with a slight change at most, and overall consistency.

What we can really talk about is the distribution of “contributions”. The Vienna government could not give one state’s territory to another, since everyone had the good sense to join the anti-French alliance.

Therefore, the French had to pay for this part of the land. In a sense, this gathering was also a preview of the post-war conference on the division of the spoils.

The main reason why Morse chose to hold the meeting at this time was that the battle of Turin was about to start. If we don’t stimulate the Italians with some benefits, the Italians from other states besides Sardinia won’t be motivated enough!

The cession of French territory was definitely exciting news for the Italians who had suffered from French rule.

As for the question of Austria taking advantage of the opportunity to become bigger after the partition of France, this was not a question that should concern everyone.

As an enemy, the Italians naturally hope that France is naturally the weaker the better, preferably directly to the division of a hundred.

Vittorio Emanuele III proposed: “Your Excellency the Commander, the conflict between our families is not very controversial, the key to the conflict is to drive out the French.

Since 1870, the French have been ravaging the Italian regions, and we have the right to claim damages from the French government.

As long as the French pay enough to make up for the losses of all of us, the little dispute that exists between us can easily be resolved.

In order to expel the French as soon as possible, we in the Kingdom of Sardinia are willing to do our best. Three hundred thousand Sardinian soldiers are now fully loaded and ready to attack the enemy at any time.”

Among the Italian states, only the Kingdom of Sardinia had a direct border with France and was under the most military pressure. Conversely, the Kingdom of Sardinia was also the biggest beneficiary once France was divided.

After making Austria’s intentions clear, Vittorio Emanuele III naturally cooperated. Especially since the next thing to be recovered was the capital of Sardinia, they were more than obliged to do so.

Moorcakes smiled faintly, ”Very well, I’ll leave the next attack and defense of Turin to you.

On behalf of the Austrian government, I make a promise here that after the war, everyone will receive at least 30,000 square kilometers of territorial compensation, as well as a considerable amount of war reparations.

But these lands and reparations will only be distributed to the states and individuals who have contributed.

You don’t have to worry about the difficulty of governing the enclaves, we are responsible for coordinating the territorial swaps for those allocated to states, and for those allocated to individuals, independent statehood is allowed and Austria will provide security.”

Scanning the crowd’s performance, there was no fervor, and Molex was slightly disappointed.

It was right to think about it, having just suffered from the poisonous beating of society, it was the time when the country was most eager to be strong. The knowledgeable people all wanted to unify the Italian region, who would run out to build an independent country with an iron head.

Not to mention these soft footed nobles in Italy, even the group of military nobles in Austria, so many years have not heard of anyone who wants to build a country independently.

It’s not that we don’t want to be the boss, the problem is that it’s not the Middle Ages anymore, long past the time when the village chief was king.

In this world of legal system and bloodline, you can’t be the king of the grass just because you have a gun. Without the support of the subjects, to build a country independently is looking for death.

Unless one is a member of the royal family, has the legitimate right to inherit the throne, and has the support of the local people, otherwise even if all the powers support him, he will not be able to sit on the throne.

In this regard, the promise of the Moorcakes to individuals is “flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water”, visible but not tangible.

It was the states that could really make a difference. With the exception of Sardinia, where the king himself participated, the rest were just representatives. Since they were part-time workers, it was normal for them not to be excited.

(End of chapter)

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