Chapter 967: A difficult situation

  Chapter 948.

Continuing the conscription, Vittorio Emanuele III naturally had no problem with it. Only with enough troops would it be possible to drive out the French and then revive the Kingdom of Sardinia.

After struggling for so many years, it was not easy to see the light of day, and nothing could be said to give up now. In order to win the final victory, paying a little price was completely worth it.

Besides, the battle was not in vain. The Vienna government had long ago made a promise that all participating countries would share the spoils of war with their contributions in the war.

Thanks to Franz’s reputation over the years, this promise was still very much recognized.

The French had a huge family, and any amount of money they could spare would be enough to feed the Kingdom of Sardinia. The only prerequisite was that they had to have something to show for their accomplishments.

Even the boss had this attitude, and the people below him were even more so. The only thing that matters is to finish the war and share the fruits, everything else is just a side issue.

In order to drive out the French as soon as possible, everyone’s behavior on the issue of conscription was naturally extraordinarily positive.

As for the promises made during the conscription, no one cared even more. In the past, in order to call on the people to drive out the French, the promised conditions were even more favorable.

Whether or not they could honor them, this question is not sure whether they did not think of it, or intentionally did not think about it, or simply not ready to honor it.

This is not important, there is a payoff. See the Italians so cooperative, Molex naturally want to return the favor, in addition to the supreme command, the rest of the power is naturally all decentralized.

Letting a group of idealists, speculators, and mouth-breathers take command of a force, what would happen in the end was none of Moorcakes’ business.

Although there are quite a few states in the Italian region, there is a huge disparity in strength between the states, and the most economically developed kingdom of Sardinia is able to top the sum of several small states in the south-central part of the country.

From a global perspective, the best way to stabilize the situation in the Italian region is to balance the strength of the Italian states, and weakening the Kingdom of Sardinia is completely necessary.

Now is the best opportunity to collect the capital of the Sardinian Kingdom, no matter how you say it, the Sardinian Legion is duty-bound to do so.

Conscription is conscription, but the war can’t be stopped. Turin is not a good bone to gnaw on, and until the cannon fodder recruitment is complete, the Austrian army is unlikely to take their own people to fill the pit.

Infantry can’t go on, but artillery can be free to play, plus airships and airplanes in the sky, the days of the French army in the city of Turin will not be easy.

For the sake of air defense needs, the French command has been transferred to the basement. This makes the self-esteemed Marshal Adrian very disgraced.

However, it was no longer a question of losing face, but whether or not they could hold Turin and preserve the Italian region.

Don’t look at the Italian region to have no industry, to have no resources, as if the burden of France, in fact, here is the same support for the spine of the French Empire, the importance of second only to the mainland.

From a strategic point of view, the loss of the Italian region, the French Navy can only be in front of the door to play around, the Mediterranean hegemony and they have nothing to do.

From an economic point of view, the Italian region for France to provide cheap labor and commodity markets. Loss of Italy, France’s manufacturing industry, which has been in the doldrums, is not far from closing down.

Economic strategy on the impact of large, political impact that is more deadly. Originally the situation is not optimistic, and then a big defeat, no one is more optimistic about them.

If no one is optimistic, no one will invest. You know that the French government is trying to pull the British down, if you lose the Italian region, the British government, even if the head of the iron, will not be able to jump into this pit.

Moreover, with the series of failures in the past, the situation in the country is already unstable, and if the Italian region is lost, who can guarantee that a revolution will not break out in the country?

In order to avoid the worst situation, the Paris government early ordered to defend the Italian region, and Turin is the most important part.

Marshal Adrien asked, “Is everything ready?”

The middle-aged officer replied confidently, “Don’t worry, Marshal. We are fully prepared, no matter how powerful the enemy’s armored forces are, they are still meat on the table when they enter the city.

Every street, alley, and building in Turin will become a place for the enemy to bury their bones.”

In order to hold Turin, the French army also made full preparations. Not only had they deployed heavy troops and constructed perfect fortifications, but they also had secret weapons prepared by the Paris government.

War is the best impetus to promote the development of military industry, after the outbreak of the continental war, the French have not been idle, all kinds of new weapons are endless, only to be covered up under the Austrian aircraft and tanks.

Of course, new weapons are not necessarily battlefield weapon, the vast majority of new weapons are the fate of the battlefield day trip. Only weapons that have been tested in actual combat can become a real battlefield weapon.

Marshal Adrian was not impressed by his men’s assurances, holding Turin would only ensure that the enemy would not be able to make quick work of the battle, and if the enemy was willing, they could still push all the way to southern Italy. To win, it was still necessary to take the initiative.

There was no doubt that the time to strike could not be now. There was no way that the French would go to the head of the enemy without the means to deal with his armored forces.


In London, the situation on the continental battlefield was reversed and the British government was stumped.

The Russians had been enough for them, and without waiting for the British government to take action, Spain and Switzerland joined in; and before they could react, they were suddenly told that the French were going to lose.

Looking at the analysis report in his hand, Gladstone couldn’t help but let out a soul-searching question from the depths of his heart: “Is this what the French are doing?”

It should be known that France was claimed to be the world’s number one land force power, and was also recognized by all the countries in the world. Before the outbreak of the war, the French military also bullish slogan can be a lot, what “within six months in Vienna parade”, “three months to end the continental war” …….

From the current situation, the French should not be talking about going to Vienna parade, but to go to Vienna to see the parade.

Army Minister Rosario: “I am sorry, Prime Minister. Although somewhat unbelievable, it is indeed true.

The French have fought a shitshow on the battlefield, and apart from catching the Antifa allies off guard early in the war, they haven’t got a record to show for it.

According to the analysis of the Military Intelligence Observer Corps, after the outbreak of the war, because of the drastic expansion of troops, the combat power of the French army was all the way down. The original combat strength advantage gradually turned into a disadvantage.

In contrast, Austria’s situation was much better. They had a large reserve force, as well as a large number of reserve officers, and were able to form a fighting force in a short period of time.

In addition to the backward mobilization system, the French also lagged behind in the research and development of weapons and equipment across the board, with planes, tanks, and new machine guns all being developed by the enemy.

In the case of comprehensive backwardness, the French army was able to fight the current war performance, has been considered very good.

Facts have proved that modern wars can no longer be won by bravery, and attention must be paid to the overall development of the army.”

This was sincere, although Rosario had the suspicion of washing the ground for the French army, it was still true overall. The French army’s defeat on the battlefield was indeed built on the dual role of system and weaponry.

As for the purpose is also obvious, in addition to asking for military expenses, there is nothing that can make the Minister of War so hard.

Times are different now, and now Britain has to face threats on land as well. The Austrian threat to the Cape of Good Hope is not to say, that can only be counted as a fraction of a small profit, is not enough to make the Vienna government crazy; the Russian threat of India is different, but wherever there is an opportunity, the Czarist government will certainly not let go.

With the French in the previous lesson, the British government also had to strengthen the construction of the army, or in the next Anglo-Russian war, they will have to suffer a big loss.

Gladstone frowned, now he really did not have the heart to dwell on the issue of military expenditure, even if the threat of the Russians is great, that is not a moment to break out, on the contrary, the continental war at any time may be a huge change.

“The question of army construction will find time to discuss later. The French government has asked us for help many times, and it looks like they can’t fight anymore.

For the sake of the balance and stability of the European continent, we must quell this war as soon as possible and preserve the French’s vitality.”

“Armistice” was easier said than done. The Anti-French Alliance had already gained the upper hand, and asking them to let the French off the hook was obviously too much to ask.

If the Anti-French Alliance did not have an absolute advantage on the battlefield before Russia, West and Switzerland entered the war, the British government would have intervened and relied on international mediation, which might have been possible.

Now is not the same, three of the five European powers have declared war with the French, Britain even if you want to group mediation, can not get a decent lineup.

Strife between the powers is not good to get involved, small countries to come together inside, may not be the first to put themselves into it. In addition to Britain, the European continent can no longer find the second qualified to mediate.

Even if the scope is enlarged to the whole world is also the same, is not a great power to come together, no one will buy.

Foreign Secretary George shrugged and said: “It is difficult to do. The advantages of the Antifa alliance are too obvious, and the Austrians will certainly not pass up this opportunity to weaken their rivals.

The most troublesome thing is that the Habsburg dynasty’s ability to pull in allies is too great, and all the major countries on the European continent have become part of the Antifa alliance.

This is just the beginning, as far as I know they are also pulling in Portugal, Holland, and the three Nordic Confederation countries. With the French performance on the battlefield, no one can guarantee if these wallflowers will join the anti-French alliance.

Now if you want to preserve the vitality of France, unless you get the Paris government to surrender immediately, with the existing chips in their hands, you can get some of the benefits for yourself.

Everyone knows how arrogant the French are. Even if the Paris government is willing to compromise, the French people will not agree.

With a series of defeats coming in from the front, Napoleon IV’s rule is already starting to become unstable, and at this time, compromising with the anti-French alliance, I’m afraid that a revolution will break out within France.”

This is not alarmist talk, the internal situation of France is indeed very dangerous. After the outbreak of the Continental War, Austria banned the export of food on the one hand and inflated prices internationally on the other.

International prices have risen, as an importing country of France, domestic prices naturally followed upward. Capitalists also took the opportunity to make a fortune, and the ordinary people became the biggest victims.

If the French army has been victorious on the battlefield, naturally able to suppress these contradictions; Unfortunately, the French army has been frustrated, in the past was suppressed contradictions, now can not be suppressed.

(End of chapter)

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