Chapter 966: Turin Attack and Defense

  Chapter 947 – Turin Attack and Defense

“Charge ……”

In the midst of a shouting and killing sound, the Turin Offensive and Defense Battle was launched. As a key node in the southern front of the war, France and Austria have invested twelve points of energy.

The ownership of Turin not only determined the ownership of the Kingdom of Sardinia, but also affected the ownership of the Italian region.

The bandwagoners were ready to see the outcome of the Battle of Turin. If the Austrians successfully took Turin, then everyone would work together to drive out the French, otherwise everyone would have to think twice before acting.

As a show of good faith, these guys have staged multiple armed uprisings in the Italian regions, holding back at least 200,000 French troops.

In order to facilitate the command, Morquez, the southern front commander, has moved his command to the front line.

Do not pay attention to can not, the street battle is perhaps the French army’s best chance to turn the tide, the French will certainly not give up this opportunity.

In the field armored troops can be invincible across the sand, to the city is not the same, randomly get a little obstacle will be able to block the way forward.

Anchored armored troops, that is the meat on the plate, as long as the French are willing to take the life of the fight, a dynamite packet will be done.

As a cross-generation product, the Austrian armored forces is a word – expensive, which was also jokingly referred to by the Austrian military as “land cruiser”.

This is not bragging, a state-of-the-art tanks, production costs and a cheapest cruiser has been comparable.

The cheapest armored car cost tens of thousands of guilders, the most advanced tanks cost up to more than 200,000 guilders.

With Austria’s family’s foundation, the fact that there are only four tank divisions and eight armored divisions until now is enough to explain the whole thing.

In fact, even these twelve divisions are not fully organized. Because there is no need for air defense for the time being, the air defense artillery regiment was omitted, and the motorized mechanized infantry regiment was even more absent.

The number of tanks was also grossly insufficient, with each division having between 150 and 260 tanks; the armored divisions were a little better, with each division having almost 220 to 300 armored vehicles.

This is still only theoretical, in reality the number of tanks and armored vehicles that can be used by each division will only be even less, after all, there is also damage on the battlefield.

The tanks and armored vehicles of these days have a high failure rate, and many times a battle comes down, one-third of the armored tanks are down, and the rest must be overhauled.

This is also the reason why the French were able to collect their troops and re-establish their defenses. It was not that the Austrians did not want to ride out the battle, the key was that the armored units, which were the killer, did not have the ability to execute a blitzkrieg.

Now the status quo of the Austrian armored forces is: a nominal division, able to pull out to fight, often only a regiment, the rest are in the equipment maintenance.

Just because the French were blindsided by the torrent of steel does not mean that they were out of fighting shape. In fact, the French army showed a fighting ability, a will to fight, that was still tops of the era.

Of course, the fact that the French were able to revitalize themselves was also directly related to the orders of the Vienna government. To minimize the French on the battlefield, it was only natural to give them hope.

Really if you crush the main force of the French army at once, the most you can do is to take out hundreds of thousands of French troops, and then there is no then.

Losing the hope of winning, even if Napoleon IV didn’t want to surrender, someone else would make the decision for him.

Surrendering of one’s own accord and being beaten and surrendered by resistance are two completely different concepts. The former is nothing to get, to solve the problem at the negotiation table; the latter is already caused by the established facts, just waiting for a contract to clarify the law.

Do not want to let the French end of the country much to go, Austria wants to realize their own strategic objectives, must rush before the French surrender, into the French mainland.


With what kind of enemy, what kind of attitude is adopted, and Austria clearly qualified to be taken seriously by the French. After the outbreak of the Continental War, French commander-in-chief Adrien ordered the fortification of the city at the first opportunity.

As a key place containing multiple attributes such as strategy, transportation, politics and economy, Turin was naturally the key object of care. A fortress rose up, and with the buildings in the city, it became a war monster.

Against the roaring artillery fire, Captain Adler was leading his third company to launch a charge. No, I should say creeping forward.

Bullets flew right over Adler’s head, and an unlucky man with his head raised too high happened to be hit by the flying bullets, and only had time to let out a scream before going to meet God.

Battlefield deaths are normal, the war has been carried out until now, the third company of soldiers has replaced three quarters of the company, Edler this company commander is the fifth term.

Of course, it wasn’t as if the four guys in front of him were all dead. Except for one unlucky man who had met his match with God, the other three were alive and well, one of them promoted and two of them in the hospital recovering from their wounds.

The battlefield is such a hot and cold place. Basic officers die fast and get promoted fast, as long as they survive a few battles, promotion is a matter of course.

There was absolutely no need to worry about their superiors standing in the way, because they were either promoted up, or they went into the hospital, or they went to meet God. In short, the position was vacant.

Here, going from soldier to general against all odds is no longer a myth. As long as the war lasted longer, anything was possible.

Captain Adler, who was not a cadet and had no background in connections, became a company commander less than a year after the war broke out.

In addition to a flexible mind, and excellent military skills, more importantly, it was luck. If he didn’t have two parents, a harmonious family, and a lack of face-punching villains, he was somewhat like a son of luck.

Austria’s reserve officers, although many, at most equipped to the company platoon level, in the context of the great expansion of the army, as a veteran Adler directly in order to the squad leader.

That’s not all, the first time he participated in the battle, Adler’s company suffered heavy losses, and the direct leader platoon leader and deputy platoon leader either met God or went into the hospital.

Before the battle was over, Adler was acting platoon leader. It had nothing to do with promotion, because those in his platoon who were higher in rank than him left the battlefield, and according to the rules of the Austrian army it was his turn to command.

After successfully completing the mission and making war contributions, it was only natural that the acting position would become a real one. After a few more victories, Adler became a company commander in a daze.

No unruly, did not fight a stunning war record, ordinary young officer Adler, where the qi is almost exhausted.

There is no way, higher level officers are not only in great demand, and no longer need to lead troops to charge, whether killed in action, or the probability of being wounded is greatly reduced.

With fewer pits, the demand was higher. In times of peace, there are fewer people who have made a war record, so naturally, if you have a war record, you will be able to get to the top, and if you are not capable enough, you can still slowly cultivate.

Now it can’t, there are war merits everywhere. Unless the war work is amazing, you can be promoted out of the ordinary, or else the professional knowledge test is inevitable.

After all, the more troops one commands, the higher the demand for an officer’s ability. Apart from a few geniuses, most of them had to be cultivated later in life before they could be competent.

The all-out counter-offensive has already begun, and as the war is about to end, the post-war period is one of major disarmament, and naturally the grassroots officer training courses no longer exist.

One can’t just organize officer training and send them discharge notices before the coursework is completed!

After all, it’s not really a protagonist, and there are a bunch of similar templates in the Austrian army.

Sensei how low the probability of occurrence, once the number of magnified over, is no longer a minority. It can be said that every one who survived the rain of bullets unharmed is a legend.

Looking back and identifying the dead, Captain Adler angrily cursed, “All of you, keep your heads down and don’t learn from that idiot Cole!”

Sad? Perhaps there was, but after much experience, the nerves were numbed. Perhaps to avoid being sad at a time like this, Captain Adler deliberately distanced himself from everyone around him.

Without waiting for Adler to finish his sentence, the French bullets spewed out again. Although the Gatling was not as good as the Maxim, it was still a great weapon when installed in a fortress fortress.

With Cole’s previous experience, along with the whistling sound of bullets constantly ringing in everyone’s ears, everyone buried their heads as low as possible.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the two soldiers on Adler’s right hand side were blown apart, with half of their heads falling directly into the reach of Adler’s front.

After shaking his head for a while, he woke up from the sound of the bombing, and saw the bloody heads of his comrades in front of him, and he almost vomited.

Forced to endure the nausea and discomfort, Adler immediately ordered, “The enemy ahead has laid mines, we don’t have demining tools with us, pull back first.”

There was no doubt that this exploratory attack had failed. Not to mention that we didn’t bring any demining tools, even if the tools were prepared adequately, we couldn’t resist the enemy’s fierce firepower!

This is the Austrian army itself to start, the French are just following the example. Although the Maxim machine gun is too late to copy, but the Gatling can also be used to make up the number.

The enemy is so well-prepared, and then take the lives of people to fill in on the very unwise, the Austrian military does not respect this kind of blood and courage of the rigid, the pursuit of victory ignoring the lives of soldiers, that is to be court-martialed.

Tentative attack failed, Molex did not feel lost. Sacrifice is not meaningless, through the daytime trial, the Austrian army has figured out the French external firepower deployment, for the next attack laid the foundation.

In the allied command, Admiral Morquez asked, “How is the formation of the Italian Legion coming along?”

How could the war to liberate Italy lack the participation of Italians? At this time the value of the Italian independence organizations came to light, and the Austrian army recruited troops under the banner of the independence organizations in every region they occupied.

In order to fully respect the feelings of the Italian population, these troops were divided geographically. For example: the National Independence Army of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the National Independence Army of Lucca, the National Independence Army of Modena, the National Independence Army of Parma, the National Independence Army of Tuscany, the National Independence Army of the Papal States, the National Independence Army of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies ……

Sensei has a national independent army for every Italian state, regardless of its size, anyway, taking into account everyone’s face.

As for whether the Italian independence organizations are willing to accept it or not, it doesn’t matter anymore. Accepting it would naturally be good for you and good for me and good for everyone, and if not, Molex wouldn’t mind directly appointing commanders.

Anyway, there are a lot of Italian nobles who defected to Italy, so they will always be able to find someone who is willing to cooperate. The scattered Italian independence organization only has a good reputation among the people, but it doesn’t have much appeal among the nobles.

For the sake of restoring the country, even Vittorio Emanuele III, the boss, chose to compromise, not to mention the pawns below.

A stout middle-aged officer replied, ”As of now, the Sardinian Kingdom National Independence Army already has 200,000 people, the Pope’s Kingdom Independence Army has 80,000 people, and the other several independence armies are all still an empty shelf, adding up to less than 10,000 people.

If we want to form them, we will have to wait until we occupy these areas. From the current situation, it’s mostly impossible to count on it.”

Until now, the Austrian army’s main achievements on the southern front have been in the borders of the Papal States and the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the national independence armies that have been formed are naturally dominated by the people of these two countries.

In order to reflect the equal status of the Italian states, the troops of each country naturally could not be mixed. The polarization in numbers came out.

Empty army certainly can not go into battle, no matter how much need cannon fodder, Molex is not likely to consume all the seeds of “allies”.

Moreover, these seeds are the core of the future government of each state. In order to balance the strength of the Italian region of the states, Austria is too late to support, how could it be abandoned?

After contemplating for a while, Moorcakes shook his head: “Two hundred and eighty thousand people is still a little less, just take the city of Turin, I’m afraid that we have to fill in tens of thousands of people, and there are still a series of cities waiting for us to conquer.

Continue to increase recruitment in the area, in addition to publicizing national independence, you can also promise the soldiers land, tax exemptions, pensions, the specific numbers you guys look at, as long as there is temptation on the line.”

In order to recruit more Italian cannon fodder, Morquez had already given up the bottom line and directly made promises on behalf of these state governments.

As for whether or not it can be honored, it depends on the temperament and governing ability of these state governments, anyway, this is a war for Italian national independence, it is impossible for Austria to pay for it.

Some people think that the tank is too magical, here to explain, the author is checked the information, did not make things up.

Theoretically, it is possible to take out a tank with a single bullet or by throwing a rock, but this is based on extreme coincidence and the chances of success are less than one in ten thousand.

When formulating a military strategy, you can’t treat a probability of less than one in 10,000 as a scenario. In actual combat, there is no feasibility. The fact that ordinary bullets can penetrate steel plates several centimeters thick is the real magic.

Unlike later generations of artillery that specializes in dealing with tanks, nowadays artillery shells are mainly focused on killing infantry, which is commonly known as blooming bullets with limited penetration.

Armor-piercing rounds have more penetrating power, but the hit rate is low. Power again, can not directly hit is nothing, and the army is rarely equipped, many army artillery does not even have the ability to use armor-piercing rounds.

Small caliber artillery is basically a limited threat unless it hits a critical point. The combat value is far less than that of large-caliber artillery, and the military considers practicality first.

Tanks were not great, artillery was likewise not great, and both sides could only be considered half-assed. Rapid-fire artillery has appeared, but the mainstream is still the kind of slow-fire artillery.

A grenade in a god’s drama toppling a tank is impossible to happen in reality. Unless you are able to throw it down a tank’s gun barrel, a bundle of grenades will at best wound the tank.

(End of chapter)

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