Chapter 959: Wealth can be a god.

  Chapter 940: Wealth can lead to God

As the British action began, the original French-Austrian diplomatic dark war, has been taken over by the British. Not looking down on the French, mainly because the French government’s diplomacy is really not good.

Of course, this is also directly related to the Bonaparte dynasty in the European continent hate value is too high. The Napoleon III period did ease relations with everyone for a while, but unfortunately with the annexation of the Italian regions by France, this relaxed international environment was gone.

In a sense, Napoleon III was also screwing his son. The annexation of the Italian region accomplished himself, but left a huge pit that could not be filled.

It couldn’t be helped, it wasn’t the Middle Ages anymore. European nationalism has risen, eaten but not digested, and pulled full of hatred.

Especially for the many small countries, in order to safeguard their own security, they had to unite to ostracize the French, in order to deter the other European powers, lest everyone follow suit.

This was the main reason why the French Foreign Ministry could not achieve results. It’s not that the wallflowers are strong-willed, it’s that people are politically determined not to stand with France.

Small countries can not be pulled together, not to mention the big countries. There is only one hegemon, everyone is a competitor, and even an alliance is only temporary.

Especially in the context of Russia and Austria have been hugging for a long time, leaving the French Foreign Ministry to play only a Britain.

Originally group of enemies, plus a pitiful teammate, France beyond the Russians to become the first continental European “villain” is also a natural thing.

Professionalism is for professionals. Although not willing to admit, but Napoleon IV is still very clear to play diplomacy England and Austria is the king, as a silver-level players they really do not need to go up to drag their feet.


The British and Austrian diplomatic game opened, the European continent once again staged a change of wind and clouds, busy attacking the Japanese government in the Philippines, do not know that they have just walked from the ghost gate to a time.

If not Spain did not indicate the position, the British think they still have value, now the Royal Navy to tell them what is called social evil.

Colonization can not only have the strength on the line, Spain, Holland, Portugal, these countries can keep the overseas colonies, naturally have their own way of survival.

If purely from the point of view of strength, the world’s colonies have been divided up by the British, French and Austrian three countries, where the turn of the Netherlands and Portugal such a small country to get involved.

The hooligans did not take action to rob, not because these lands have no oil water. In fact, this year’s Philippines, Cuba, Indonesia and other areas are rich places, have not been robbed because of politics.

As a member of a vested interest group, the big hooligans also have to abide by the rules of the game. If they act recklessly, the rules are bound to backfire on them.

So the challengers are usually emerging powers. The barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, was not in the system, naturally not afraid of the rules backfire.

Of course, the challenger is also risky, if you do not choose the right time, you may just venture out and be shot to death.

The risks here, Grand Admiral Ito Yuken could not care less, right now he was still immersed in the joy of the success of the sneak attack on Luzon Island.

Relying on the sudden attack + inside and outside, the Japanese army not only successfully completed the landing, but also seized the three Spanish warships that stayed in the harbor.

Although these sailing warships are outdated and have been withdrawn from the mainstream of the navy, and two of them were wounded in last night’s battle, Yukio Ito didn’t mind them at all.

Don’t look at the three big rascals, Britain, France and Austria, have eliminated the sail battleships, and have even crossed over the ironclad era and entered the pre-dreadnought era, but the navies of most countries around the world are still dominated by sail battleships.

The Japanese Navy is naturally no exception, except for a few ironclads purchased from the British to support the facade, most of the warships are sail battleships.

There was no other reason, just one word – “poor”. The cost of building one ironclad was enough to build several sail battleships of the same tonnage.

As for the more advanced former dreadnoughts, it is even more needless to say. With the Japanese Navy’s military spending, it simply can’t afford to play.

Look at the Japanese government’s financial revenue to know, 80 million yen of financial revenue seems not low, in fact, it is just so, converted into Shendian is also more than 16 million, converted into pounds is only more than 8 million.

(Note: 1 yen is equivalent to 0.75 grams of gold, and the value of the rupiah and the yen is about 1:4.88.)

The cost of a former dreadnought up to millions of pounds, export is estimated to double, join the messy service renewal fee that is even more. No matter how militaristic the Japanese government is, there’s no way they’re going to take a third of their revenue to buy a ship.

Landing success, the navy’s work is basically completed, then just keep an eye on the rest of the Spanish Navy, to ensure the smooth flow of the sea on the line.

A duel at sea does not exist, in the battle of the sneak attack on Luzon, the Spaniards’ Philippine fleet has lost one-third of its warships.

This makes the Philippine fleet, which was already at a disadvantage, even worse, not to mention the duel with the Japanese, because of the speed, they even perform the task of breaking the crossroads is difficult enough.

At the command headquarters of the Japanese southern fleet, a middle-aged officer reported in a helpless tone, “Your Excellency, Commander, we have already sent our men to inspect the captured Spanish warships, the damage is not too serious, and they can be repaired in Luzon Island.

The damage is not too serious and can be repaired in Luzon. However, the ships are a bit old, the latest one was commissioned in 1875 and will be decommissioned in a few years.

I don’t know what the Spaniards were thinking, one of the warships actually didn’t consider the steam engine when it was designed, or it was retrofitted on the back, very incongruous.”

It’s not without reason that an empire falls, usually there is a general problem of rampant bureaucracy and corruption, and naturally Spain is no exception.

Existence is bound to have its rationale. Seemingly irrational odd design, behind the actually also contains the officialdom university question.

Of course, these questions were not something that the fledgling Japanese naval officers in Japan could understand. They are full of blood to fight for the rise of Japan, and have not yet had time to fall.

Admiral Ito Yuken nodded thoughtfully, ”Don’t dwell on these small issues, if the Spanish government wasn’t corrupt, there would be nothing left for us.

It doesn’t matter if the ships are old, the elimination of sail battleships has become a foregone conclusion, using them to make do for a few years will be enough.

The Philippine Islands are not small, and the Spaniards will not be able to hide and seek with us so easily. In the next battle, we need more warships.

Immediately send people to repair the damaged warships, I’ve already sent someone to inform the country, they will send officers and soldiers over to receive them as soon as possible, and try to form combat power as soon as possible.”

Frankly speaking, the southbound fleet should not stay in Luzon now, riding on the victory to crush Spain’s Philippine fleet in one fell swoop is the best choice.

But there was no way around it, a successful landing was always going to reap benefits. The Army was making a fortune, and the Navy couldn’t just watch.

Japan’s army and navy are not in harmony, if the navy does not participate in it, the Spanish in the Philippines hundreds of years of accumulation, will all fall into the hands of the army.

This thing ate in, there is no spit out. Even if the lawsuit to the Meiji Emperor, do not expect the army will give in.

The family is too thin, the eyes are so shallow. Compared to the benefits that are within reach, it is not so important to pursue the victory and eliminate the remnants of the enemy.


As the Hongmen’s home base in Luzon, the Chen Public House was packed with people at the moment. Many people are dragging their families over, and from time to time there are children’s cries coming, causing Chen Tao as the leader of the more upset, but also can not vent.

Outside has been all messed up, the Japanese army after driving away the Spaniards, began to carry out unscrupulous robbery, everyone had to come over to warm up.

Mixed gangs also need someone to support, convergence over these people is the roots of the Hongmen in Luzon. Either a junior brother, or a junior brother’s family, or a clan that is close to the family.

Glancing at the chaotic scene, Chen Tao Yue sighed. There was no way, things happened too suddenly, there was not even a little time to react.

Unlike the previous Chinese exclusion movement, that all had signs of happening beforehand, these well-informed guys of theirs were all ready to run away from the main in advance.

Now not only did not have time to make preparations, but also received a large group, to always worry about the Japanese army suddenly came to the door.

“Master, the weapons are all ready, do you think it’s time to send them down first?”

The housekeeper’s voice, pulled Chen Tao Yue’s thoughts back. Times are different nowadays, with the Chinese base camp in Lanfang Province, it’s much easier for everyone to get arms.

As long as someone offered money to buy, Austrian arms dealers dared to sell. If not afraid of the Spanish reaction, artillery can get.

Originally, these weapons were to be used against the natives in the future. Although the anti-Chinese movement was planned by the colonial government, the executors who pushed it out were still the natives. When it was almost carried out, they jumped out to pick the peaches.

Times are changing, and the colonial government also has to consider the impact of public opinion. Besides, how can they shear sheep and eat mutton if they keep going into battle with bare shoulders and scare all the sheep away?

Chen Tao Viet’s leading position was also killed all the way out, since there are weapons, naturally not ready to sit and wait for death.

“Send it out first, then send someone to contact Mr. Honorino, we need his help now.”

It is not impossible to personally appear and coordinate with the Japanese, by virtue of the Hongmen’s connections in the South Seas, Chen Tao Yue has also befriended many Japanese, these people may not be able to do the Japanese army’s main body, but bridge-building can still be done.

The Japanese want to seize the Philippines, naturally need to cooperate with the local snake. Just rely on the Japanese in the local power is not enough, if the Hongmen are willing to rely on the past Japanese have no reason to refuse, now the problem is that he is not willing to get involved with the Japanese.

Like most of the Chinese in the South China Sea in this era, Chen Taoyue also possessed a phobia of foreigners. Despite the fact that the Japanese have already gained the upper hand, he is still more optimistic about the Spanish.

There is no doubt that if the Spaniards win the war, they will surely carry out a big purge of those who defected to the Japanese, and Chen Tao Yue does not want to be involved in this kind of thing.

In this context, naturally, can only let the people who are not afraid of trouble to help deal with it. As the Austrian foreign affairs officer in the Philippines, Honorino was one of those who were not afraid of trouble.

Since the establishment of the Lanfang Autonomous Province, he had encountered similar things many times a year, and for the sake of the S.H.I.E.L.D., Mr. Honorino had never come to the rescue.

This is also regarded as legitimate extra money, as a middleman to help people to bridge the gap, or simply accept the commission to negotiate on behalf of the government of Vienna under the premise of not harming the interests of Austria, are permitted.

In fact, he did not harm Austria’s interests. This kind of foreign affairs officer sounds very bullish, in fact, the right is very small, simply can not represent Austria, really have the right to represent or all over the minister or ambassador.

On the one hand, the setting up of foreign affairs officers was for the sake of commercial convenience and the settlement of some commercial disputes; on the other hand, it was because the cost of setting up diplomatic embassies was too high, and the political influence had to be taken into consideration.

To set up embassies in other people’s colonies was obviously unjustifiable, and the status of the two sides was completely unequal.

Speak of the devil, speak of the devil. Without waiting for the butler to take action, a large white man with a large stature walked in.

“No need to bother Chen, I came here first thing when I received the news, enough to be a friend!”

The person who came was none other than Honorino, to this self-centered guy, originally Chen Tao the more he was not a fan, now he suddenly realized that this guy was also very cute.

Even though he knew that the visitor was only here for the Divine Shield, but to be able to come forward to help at the moment of crisis, then the vast majority of friends were reliable.

“Of course, you’re the best friend. Now I need your help to dispatch the Japanese, as long as the Japanese army doesn’t enter Chinatown to loot, I’m willing to pay them no more than 200,000 Shendian in compensation.”

At the moment of crisis, Chen Tao Yue couldn’t care less about money. Moreover, the money was not from him alone, but was shared by everyone.

Everyone knew that if they didn’t bleed at this time, when the Japanese army rushed in, it would be a double loss.

Hearing this figure, Honorino only exclaimed, “It’s hard to see that you guys are actually so rich!”

After a pause, he then added: “Chen, are you sure you want to pay for this? Do you know that after giving the Japanese money, if the Spanish win the war, it will bring you very much trouble in the future.”

The crowd looked grim, this amount of money was almost the limit of what everyone could afford, if not compelled, no one would be willing to spend money to buy peace.

The trouble was twofold; one was the possibility of triggering the greed of the Japanese; the other was that the Spaniards would come back with a vengeance and then reach out to them.

Chen Tao Yue asked rhetorically, “Mr. Honorino, if you don’t pay, do you have any way to avoid the Japanese coming to loot?”

Honorino waved his hand and said, “No! However, if you guys are willing to pay, I have a way.

It’s all about spending money to buy peace anyway, so instead of giving it to the Japanese, why don’t you just give it to us? For one price of three hundred and fifty thousand divine guilders, I’ll take care of both the Japanese and the Spaniards’ troubles for you.”

Looking at the big-hearted Honorino, Chen Tao Yue frowned, this was too full of words. It would be more or less the same if it was a promise made by some big shot in Austria, a foreign affairs officer I’m afraid doesn’t have that much face.

Seems to be from the crowd’s eyes perceived something, Honolino continued to add: “Rest assured, this money is not what I want, I have not such a big appetite.

This money is for the Vienna government, as long as you are willing to pay, on behalf of the Vienna government, I will authorize you to fly the flag of the Holy Roman Empire.

And to come forward and communicate with the Japanese to prove that you are citizens of the Empire. I’ve spent time in Japan. I know what the Japanese government is like. They wouldn’t dare challenge the Empire.

Even if these guys don’t follow the rules and enter Chinatown to rob, the future Empire will double the claims from them on your behalf.

Of course, this citizenship is only temporary. After the crisis is over, it will disappear with it.

In order to show our sincerity, we can sign a contract first and pay after it’s over, anyway, we are all friends, and I’m not afraid of you reneging on your debt.”

For the sake of promotion, Honorino also put up a fight. Although it was easy for a foreign affairs officer to make oil and water, it was difficult to produce political achievements. What’s even more troublesome is that even after the achievements are made, the country can’t see them.

If you want to go further, you have to have a good performance to prove your ability to the country.

Hundreds of thousands of guilders, to the Vienna government is naturally nothing, but if you don’t have to blow this money for the empire, that’s enough to prove Honolino’s ability.

Perhaps it was the after-payment that struck a chord, the original skeptical gaze no longer existed, and an old man asked in a deep voice: “Mr. Honorino, if we want to obtain permanent citizenship, how much do we need to pay?”

The more you experience, the more you know the preciousness of security. The crowd present, not that there was no one who had gotten the nationality of other European countries, the problem was that the effectiveness of the skin color was greatly reduced at first glance.

Small problems are not so bad, you can money to open the way, encountered this kind of big trouble, there is no one to stand up for them.

In contrast, Austria is much better, at least in the South China Sea area is equal, no matter what color, get nationality will be protected.

Honorino shook his head: ”This is not a matter of money, if you want to get the Austrian nationality, the key depends on the contribution, what are the specific requirements, you can go to the colonial government to consult.

Anyway, it’s very difficult, I personally suggest that you guys can go to Lanfang Autonomous Province. Compared to other places in the South Seas, it’s a bit more suitable for you guys to survive.”

Hearing this explanation, many people sighed. Everyone knew the situation in Lanfang Autonomous Province, if it wasn’t for the fact that the plantations and mines couldn’t be moved, everyone would have already moved their families there.


(End of chapter)

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