Chapter 952: The Strongest Brainstorming

  Chapter 933 – The Strongest Brainstorm

European countries relaxed the material restrictions on France, originally a good thing, but Napoleon IV was not happy in the slightest.

There is no way, the shift in the political stance of the countries, the same also means that the European world does not think that France can win the war.

These days the center of the world is in Europe, the European world’s point of view will directly affect the judgment of the world’s countries.

In recent times, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been working hard overseas to bring in allies, and has already achieved milestones, especially after the British joined in.

Without this bad news, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, and Japan could have become part of the anti-Olympic alliance.

Now all that is out of the question, politicians are not fools, it’s okay to ask them to speculate along the way, it’s a no-brainer to ask them to swim against the tide and fight alongside France.

Open the map to know, Egypt has a vital role in this war, once in the hands of Austria, the anti-French alliance is invincible.

Seeing that France is strategically passive, this time the Paris government promises more benefits, the wallflowers will not be able to take the corn in the fire for them.

Forced to hold back his anger, Napoleon IV asked: “How did the Egyptian region fall so quickly?

You know that not long ago we just carried out a reinforcement. 23 infantry divisions plus the troops in the Egyptian region, the total strength of up to more than 800,000, is our army are all wine bags?”

Rumors are not just put, the Vienna government dares to take the occupation of Egypt to fool people, that also has the capital.

Just a week ago, the French army lost the Egyptian region of the sea, the French government also lost contact with the French army in the Egyptian region, what happened on the front who do not know.

Standing on the position of the bystanders, France has just carried out an increase in troops on the front line, the loss of access to the sea, it is clear that the Austrians are deliberately baiting the enemy.

Since it is baiting the enemy, it is natural that there is a certainty of victory. It makes sense that the Egyptian region fell so quickly.

The outside world can make up this kind of brain, Napoleon IV can not tolerate. Not only lost Egypt, but also an additional loss of more than 300,000 regular army, is simply a loss to the grandmother’s house.

If I had known this, I would have been better off to draw back the troops of French Egypt and fight the anti-French alliance in Europe, at least it would have increased the chances of victory.

In the face of the emperor is about to storm out, the equally dumbfounded Minister of War Luskinia helplessly explained: “Your Majesty, the Egyptian region of what exactly happened, now no one knows. It’s not possible, it’s just fake news put out by the Austrians.

Together with the reinforcements we sent, the regular army alone in the Egyptian region is more than half a million, and Governor Jacob has a wealth of combat experience, so even if we were unable to defeat the enemy, it’s unlikely that the entire army would be wiped out so quickly.

The last time we contacted the Egyptian region before the port fell, Governor Jacob had also guaranteed that he would be able to hold out for at least half a year.”

Holding out for half a year was naturally a prerequisite. War is fought with supplies, and with adequate logistics, half a million French regulars plus 300,000 cannon fodder troops certainly had the power to fight.

But the plan did not change quickly, the French heavily guarded port fell first, and the French Egyptian troops directly became a lone army.

According to the intelligence from the navy, they were attacked by the Austrian sea and air forces at the same time, and were forced to evacuate after heavy losses, and then there was no more.

This is the tragedy of the loss of air power, the Mediterranean Sea and not too big, from Libya to take off the Austrian air force can monitor the French Navy’s every move, but the French can not lock the Austrian Navy’s mobilization.

In this era of no wireless telegraphy, even if the spies gathered intelligence, there is no way to pass it back in time.

Information was not equal, and the French navy had to adopt a conservative state in a series of actions. The main fleet did not even dare to divide their forces for fear of being ambushed by the Austrian navy.

Stationed in the Egyptian region is only a sub-fleet, the scale is very limited, was suddenly attacked by the Austrian sea and air together, naturally can not resist.

Not a total loss, enough to prove that the French admiral is still reliable. As for the safety of the harbor, is really too difficult for people.

Without the support of the navy’s firepower, but also by the Austrian army’s air, land and sea combined strike, France in Egypt’s port fall also became inevitable.

Hearing this explanation, Napoleon IV looked a little slower: “You mean the Austrians are creating rumors, but what good does it do them? Just to deter that gang of wallflowers?

In essence, we all know clearly that pulling in allies to attack Austria’s overseas colonies is only to get rid of the passive situation of political isolation, and can’t really affect the war.

For Austria, winning the war, even if all the overseas colonies were lost, they would all be back in their hands after the war.

Releasing this rumor now would certainly preserve the overseas colonies, and likewise push them to the opposite side of the European countries. Especially Britain and Russia are absolutely unwilling to see them continue to grow.”

Releasing this rumor was more costly to Austria than it was worth, this was the conclusion that Napoleon IV came to based on the current international situation, and the reason why the international community was willing to believe the rumor.

Foreign Minister Karel Kadlec: “Your Majesty, this may be the Austrians planning for the post-war international situation.

After all, once our strategy succeeds, Austria will add a large wave of enemies abroad. With so many countries involved, if we hit all of them to retaliate, it’s bound to cost a fortune; it’s not an option not to retaliate, it’s a matter of national dignity.

If this is the case, then we need to be careful. The enemy may have the certainty of winning the war to do so.

Word has come from the embassy in Russia that Russia and Austria have been in frequent contact in recent times. We all know that Russia and Austria are very close, and that Austrian influence in the Russian Empire is very strong.

Those Eastern European barbarians are simple-minded and often do things without thinking. If Austria is allowed to draw the Russians in, then the war behind will be difficult to fight.”

The chain of contempt has always existed, for a long time the European continent has been Western Europe developed Eastern Europe backward, the most Eastern European Russians naturally became the object of everyone’s contempt.

Undoubtedly, Karel Kadlec was deeply affected by this notion and was always prejudiced against the Tsarist government.

Strategy or profit, as long as people are stupid, it is not a problem.

According to the principle of “one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers”, Russia and Austria, as neighbors, should be incompatible, but the reality is just the opposite, the relationship between Russia and Austria exceeded everyone’s expectations.

So much so that European experts in international relations have been sidetracked, and some have even openly suggested that all conflicts can be resolved by political means, provided that politicians exercise restraint.

Frankly speaking, this view is not without possibility of success. Without the British as a shit-stirrer, it would have been possible for the European continent in this realm to resolve disputes by political means.

Keep in mind that twenty years ago, France and Austria were still allies. The conflict between the two countries began to escalate, or after the British joined the alliance.

With no confidence in the Tsarist government, fearing the worst. The French government had no choice but to make a quick decision to force the front line to launch an attack, and the European war was once again pushed to a climax.


London, Prime Minister Gladstone had been losing sleep since the news of French Egypt.

A contiguous Austria was too terrifying, and the presence of this behemoth had seriously threatened Britain’s strategic security.

From this day onwards, Britain’s maritime hegemony lost its check on Austria, and in case the two countries flipped someday, Britain would still have to go on land and Austria to the death.

There is no way, the Suez Canal has fallen into the hands of Austria, the Cape of Good Hope has become the only hub of Britain connected to India, became the military must defend the place.

Losing this place also meant losing India. As for the detour to the past, what is theoretically feasible is actually not operable at all.

The detour is easy to say, really if the detour tens of thousands of miles, not only increased the sea navigation time, risk and cost, but also weakened the British government’s control over India.

If the Russians were to move south again, the British government would not be able to guarantee that it would be able to send reinforcements and strategic supplies over in time.

Inside the conference room, Prime Minister Gladstone’s face was clouded over, and he said seriously, “Gentlemen, the worst situation we feared has still occurred.

With the fall of French Egypt, all of our means of restraining Austria have been rendered useless. Right now we must not only find a way to pull the French along, but also consider how to secure the Cape of Good Hope.”

Crisis awareness or paranoia. Theoretically, as long as Russia and Austria made a deal, Austria had the possibility of laying hands on the Cape of Good Hope.

Even the content of the deal was completed by the brainstorming of the people present. Russian troops to the European continent to help deal with the French, in exchange for Austria to send troops to occupy the Cape of Good Hope, cut off the link between Britain and India.

One to take the European hegemony and African hegemony, one to obtain British India, the two countries and then join forces to divide the world. In terms of benefits, both Russia and Austria made a bloody profit.

Foreign Secretary George: “The Foreign Office has already begun to act, and we will find a way to sabotage Russia and Austria from moving closer together.

But this is not enough, unless the French can hit Austria hard in the Continental War, the Cape of Good Hope will not be safe from now on.

It’s impossible to say what will happen on the battlefield, and based purely on paper strength, I don’t think the French have a chance of winning the war.

Even if we fully support the French, they don’t have the strength to hit Austria hard. You have to know that the current Austrian Empire is not only the world’s number one industrial power, but also a colossus sitting on more than 30 million square kilometers of land and hundreds of millions of people.

If you add in the other countries in the Anti-French Alliance, even if we and the French combined, it would be hard to gain an advantage.

Against this background, either we go down to war ourselves; or we force the French to fight for their lives and use them to deplete Austria’s strength.

The advantage of doing so is very obvious, both France and Austria have been weakened, and no matter who wins or loses, they will not have the power to dominate the European continent alone after the war.”

The multiple choice question was a good one, Britain had just pk’d the Russians and lost over 200,000 native troops on the battlefield of Afghanistan, and simply couldn’t afford to continue a friendly match with Austria.

Not wanting to fight for their lives themselves, they had to let their allies on. France is also a big country, if all efforts are made, it is also enough for Austria to drink a pot.

Once Austria’s strength was hit hard, that is when Russia and Austria parted ways. After all, there can only be one European hegemony, can not win the fight is no way to be forced to give up; once a new opportunity arises, who will not let go.

Colonial Minister Primrose concurred, ”Sir’s proposal is good, I strongly agree with it. But before that, we first need to reinforce the Cape of Good Hope and not give the Austrians an opportunity to take advantage of it.

It would be best to send the troops that were withdrawn from the Afghan battlefield to garrison the Cape of Good Hope area to dampen the Austrians’ ambitions.”


BOOK PUSH: Bun’s new book, My Italy. Italy at the end of the nineteenth century is in a state of social unrest and desperate for change. With the appearance of a traveler, this all changes and Italy has its day on its feet.

(End of chapter)

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