Chapter 920: Brainwashed Strategy?

  Chapter 902: Brainwashed Strategy?

The Kingdom of Sardinia all still existed in theory, and the international influence of the Ossa Agreement was naturally limited.

Except for the newspapers of a few member states of the Antifa Alliance that published it, the international media acted very coldly.

No, there was no need to pull international opinion at this time.

There were only so many countries in Europe, and counting Montenegro and Greece, which had been dragged over to make up the numbers, the Antifa coalition took up half of them.

Among the remaining neutral countries, there were also those that favored the Antifa, and compared to the lonely France, the Antifa had already won without a fight in terms of political propaganda.

The main reason why public opinion did not care about the Ossa Agreement was that it was too much of a political show, which was exactly what intellectuals hated.

These people were the mainstay of newspaper subscriptions, and the newspapers would not go against their customers; since it was news that the customers did not like, it was better to filter it out.

Even if there is some mention, it’s just a passing reference. Now that Central and Southern Europe are in the midst of war, everyone has news stories.

Just because the media doesn’t care doesn’t mean the politicians don’t care either. People in different capacities look at things very differently.

The Austro-Saxon Agreement, which seems to be devoid of nutrients, is a sign to the outside world of Austria’s political position – that it will not annex the Italian regions.

Perhaps ordinary people would think that it was still too early to talk about these issues at this time when the Continental War was still going on. It would be a joke if the Antifa alliance lost the war.

But politicians do not see it this way, the Vienna government clearly stated that it would not seek expansion in the Italian region, which is good news for many countries.

Especially the neutral countries that favored the Antifa alliance, but also can put the hanging heart back into the stomach, rest assured that the French pull the hind legs.



In spite of his preparations, Napoleon IV was still stunned by the bad international situation. The British, who had high hopes, did not play the role they should.

After stabilizing Switzerland and Spain, the British government did a wall watch, waiting for France and Austria to fight.

Even the media in London spraying France, more than spraying the anti-French coalition, the British government did not help to channel public opinion.

Throwing away the “Ossa Agreement” in his hands, Napoleon IV growled, “How did Vittorio Emanuele III get to Vienna, what do the British want?”

No wonder he was not angry, the French army can have nearly a quarter of the Italian soldiers, Vittorio Emanuele III fell into the hands of Austria is an untimely bomb.

You should know that the British and French also agreed in advance, the British government promised to detain the top of the Italian independence organization, to ensure that they do not come out to cause trouble.

Napoleon IV also knew that the British were unreliable and that the promise was tantamount to nonsense. However, he thought that even if the British government backtracked, it would have to wait until after the European war had been decided.

If France won, or had the upper hand, then for the sake of continental balance, it would be normal operation to release Vittorio Emanuele III to cause trouble for them.

The problem is that now the continental war has just begun, although the French army in central Europe pressed than Germany two countries beat, but in terms of the overall battle situation, Austrian reinforcements are still on the way, France does not have the upper hand.

In a sense, France was at a disadvantage. The front line is slow to make a breakthrough, and when the Austrian reinforcements arrive, it is the Anti-French Alliance that will have the advantage in terms of military strength.

People with a little military common sense know that France’s advantage is in the land fighting strength. If the front can’t make a breakthrough, the war becomes a war of attrition, another replica of the Russo-Prussian War.

In the context of the population, industry, and economy in the overall underdog, the inability to achieve victory in the early stage, the latter will have even less chance.

Of course, another Napoleon-like hangover, there is still a chance to turn the tide.

At this time, the British released Vittorio Emanuele III to increase the strength of the anti-French alliance, which was completely asking for the life of France.

In case the Italian soldiers in the French army were compelled to be passive on the battlefield, how could this war be fought?

“Your Majesty, the British government explained that it was an accident. Vittorio Emanuele III left in secret and they found out too late.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the British did restrict Vittorio Emanuele III from leaving the country, but the officer in charge was derelict in his duties and let him slip away.”

As he said this, Foreign Minister Karel Kadlec was a bundle of embarrassment. It was important to know that convincing the British to restrict Italian independence organizations from leaving the country was one of the Foreign Ministry’s boasted achievements.

How could it be that the British teammates were ineffective and dropped the ball at the critical moment. The Italian Independence Organization was indeed left behind, but Vittorio Emanuele III, the big fish, missed the net.

Napoleon IV sneered and sneered, “Accident?”

“Accidents don’t happen early, accidents don’t happen late, but at the critical moment, they happen. What the British have been playing at, is there any need to say?”

The key to maintaining alliance relations lies in trust, and what is most lacking between Britain and France is trust. It was fine if no problems were encountered, but when problems were encountered the alliance would immediately show cracks.

Hearing the emperor’s words, Karel Kadlec’s face became more and more ugly. With his eyes to colleagues for help, ushered in all is to ask for help.

Forced to do so, Karel Kadlec could only explain stiffly, “Your Majesty, the British are indeed unreliable, and we have never held out hope for them.

The current unfavorable situation boils down to the fact that our army has not made a breakthrough on the battlefield. As long as the Anti-French Alliance is defeated, everything will reverse back.”

A dead friend of the road, in order not to be unlucky himself, Karel Kadlec decisively chose to dump the pot.

Having suffered an undeserved disaster, Minister of War Luskinia immediately glared angrily and sneered, “Please rest assured, Your Excellency, the French Army will not think that some guys can’t do anything and will only shirk their responsibilities and muddle through.

We have already formulated a perfect plan, if not Vittorio Emanuele III suddenly appeared out of nowhere, has now begun to launch.

But it’s only a minor problem, and it’s the right opportunity to use it to clean out the army of guys with second thoughts.”

It was easy to say, but in reality, Luscinia had already started cursing in his heart.

Because of politics, after the annexation of the Italian region, in order to show France’s bosom, it was inevitable that Italian soldiers would be received in the army.

At first it was fine, the percentage of Italian soldiers was very low and could not make any big waves.

After the outbreak of the Continental War, it was different, after seeing the anti-French alliance to expand the momentum of the army, France can only be hard to follow.

There was no way around it, the French population was not motivated to procreate when they entered the 19th century, and there were only 37 million people until now.

Compared to the Anti-French Alliance, this number is even less than one-third.

Austria announced an expansion of five million troops, Biden and Germany together expanded by one and a half million, and together with the previous troops of each country, the total military strength was about to exceed eight million.

The classic case of the ant that bites the elephant has already been seen in the last war against France. In order to avoid repeating the same mistake, the French government had to utilize the manpower in the Italian region so as not to have too large a gap in strength.

Since Napoleon IV approved the five million expansion plan, a large number of Italian soldiers appeared in the French army combat sequence, and no one could ignore the feelings of the Italians at this time.

What about Vittorio Emanuele III’s call to arms is in fact a mystery, never exerted, no one knows exactly how much.

It was only because of military pride that Lusciania was not allowed to back down now.


On the Southern Front, in anticipation of Vittorio Emanuele III’s arrival, Admiral Morquez launched a special winter offensive.

Topographically, Austria occupied the best part of the Po River Plain, the rest of Italy was more mountainous and hilly.

It was natural to benefit from economic development in times of peace, but in times of war, the situation was reversed.

Inside the command headquarters

Admiral Molex was waving his baton at the sand table: ”This is a topographical map of the Italian region, you’ve all seen it many times, you should all have a number in your heads.

To launch an attack from the Lombardy region, we only have three paths, all with their own advantages and disadvantages.

First, use the Doraliparia River O and the Po River to move west into Turin;

Second, an attack along the Tanaro River towards Monferrato in the center;

Third, launching southward along the Segia and Po River basins to capture Bologna and San Marino.

Undoubtedly, the capture of Turin had the most to gain, and once it was captured the Kingdom of Sardinia would be able to re-establish itself and deal a fatal blow to the French rule in the Italian region.

But with the greatest gain came the greatest risk. The French have deployed a large number of troops in the Turin area, and it will be difficult for us to make a breakthrough in a short period of time.

A central breakthrough to capture Monferrato has a similar strategic core as taking Turin in the west.

The next step after capturing Monferrato is to liberate Genoa, splitting the Italian region in two and striking at French rule in the Italian region.

However, by adopting this strategy, we would not only have to defeat the enemy in the front, but would also expose both flanks to French attack, requiring the greatest military risk.

The final southern front strategy has the biggest advantage of being able to get naval help, the Adriatic Sea is our territory and we don’t have to worry about logistics.

The risk is the lowest, the benefit is also the lowest, basically there is not much military value except to fight a victory and decorate a little bit.

To expand the war effort, you have to go over the Northern Apennines. Or push forward along the peninsula to find a breakthrough.

This has to be based on the French making a mistake, or else we’ll just grab some territory and let the outside world think we have the upper hand.”

Don’t look at Admiral Morse’s cockamamie talk about the Southern Front Raid, in fact it was clear to everyone that he was in favor of launching it.

There was no other reason, just one word – stable.

Besides, the Southern Front Raid is not completely worthless. Ordinary people will not care what strategy is not strategy, in many seems who occupy more territory, who has the advantage.

Austria this time, but under the banner of the liberation of Italy to send troops, occupied land can be directly handed over to independent organizations, there is no need to maintain local stability.

As long as a few more victories are won, the national insurgents in the Italian regions will respond, and it is only a matter of time before a universal uprising breaks out.

Once the Italian regions were in turmoil, the French army would have to disperse their troops to suppress them, and would not be able to do their best to fight against the anti-French allies.

As time went by, the Antifa would gain more and more ground and eventually overwhelm the French with their strength.

The idea of steadiness was the mainstream of the Austrian army, for no other reason than the fact that the French army was too powerful for everyone to be sure of a quick battle.

Morquez’s intention of Cittorio Emanuele III naturally understand, but the ass decides the head, no matter what strategy is not strategic, what he needs now is to restore the country.

“Your Excellency Commander, please forgive me for interrupting. Looking at the current international situation, we need a victory, a victory that can break the invincibility of the French army.

Only if we win on the battlefield will we be able to bring in neutral Switzerland and Spain to strengthen the ranks of the Anti-French Alliance.

Of course, with the strength of your country to defeat the French alone, there is no problem. But in doing so, your country is bound to pay a terrible price.

The Russo-Prussian War has proved that war is terrible once it lasts. And it is that the longer it drags on, the greater the war losses to be borne.

If there is no accident, after the end of this war against France, your country is the new European hegemon.

The hegemony needs to be paved with war, and I’m afraid many people will be unconvinced if you just rely on your country’s power to crush the French, such as the British and the Russians, which will add uncertainty to the future.

The best option is to step on the French to get to the top and put the Austrian Army on the pedestal, dispelling any unrealistic fantasies in the minds of ambitious people.


Blowback, with no bottom line.

Listening to Vittorio Emanuele III’s words, Admiral Morquez even blushed a little.

Feeling that defeating the French is as easy as killing a chicken. When did Austria become so powerful, why don’t I know?

There was no way, if this had come from the mouth of an ordinary person, Admiral Morquez could have laughed it off, but now that it came from the mouth of a king, there was no way for him not to be proud.

Luckily, Admiral Moorcakes was used to hearing flattery from his high position, and his consciousness didn’t drift with it.

Vittorio Emanuele III was only encouraging Austria to send troops to Turin to help him restore his country.

These days the credibility of European countries are not good, even the reputation of Austria, Vittorio Emanuele III also dare not believe.

Don’t look at the two countries have gone to war, it is not likely that the two countries will turn around and make peace. Similar operations have happened too many times in the history of continental Europe.

To put it bluntly, the two countries declared war because of the conflict in Central Europe, the war broke out after the symbolic fight a few battles, and did not fight the real fire.

In case of an accident, France and Austria suddenly put out the fire, his restoration movement is finished.

After calming down, Admiral Molex slowly said, “Your Majesty, please rest assured. Our troop strength is sufficient, and we are fully capable of launching three lines of attack at the same time.”

“Three lines of attack at the same time”, such a brain-dead strategy. Vittorio Emanuele III was very skeptical of his ears, whether he had heard it wrong.

“Your Excellency the Commander, you are preparing a two-front feint right?”

It wasn’t impossible to start all three fronts at the same time, the problem was that the logistical maneuvering couldn’t keep up unless the Austrian armies all stayed put and didn’t gain ground.

Otherwise, as the front moves forward, logistical disorganization is inevitable. No amount of coordination would work, after all, there were only a few roads, and after exceeding the carrying capacity, the chaos would still be there.

Admiral Molex smiled slightly and looked at a group of people in the Italian Independence Organization without explanation.

(End of chapter)

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