Chapter 916: A Scary Return Journey

  Chapter 898 – The Thrilling Journey Home

“Stupid! Don’t you even know the way to deal with rats?”

Looking at his men who were still confused, Marshal Adrian explained helplessly, “To catch a mouse, use a cat, such a simple question, you can’t even think of it?

If the enemy doesn’t venture out, find a way to lure them out. Find a few groundlings and ask them to catch the rebels.

Use both coercion and enticement for me, not everyone is hardcore, if you catch one you can bring out a nest.”

Coercion is not a new tactic, it was already used at the beginning of France’s annexation of the Italian region, and the effect was still quite good.

It was only with the passage of time that things gradually changed. The domesticated cats were living too comfortably, and even their ability to catch mice had deteriorated.

The middle-aged officer was worried, “But Marshal, we don’t have the right to intervene in local affairs, and I’m afraid that taking the risk of doing so will cause resentment from the local government.”

For a country to be stable, the separation of military and government was an essential part. Undoubtedly, France was a country where the military and government were separated.

The military could arrest members of the Italian Independence Organization who sabotaged logistical transportation, but pulling in powerhouses at the local level was a political taboo.

After hesitating for a few moments of effort, Adrien nodded. To be able to mix into the current position, Adrien was not a political novice.

Many inconspicuous unspoken rules in the official world were not to be violated, and even if he was the high and mighty Marshal of the French Army, he likewise couldn’t not be an exception.

“Send a telegram to the cabinet explaining the situation, and ask them to find a way to coordinate with the local government and cooperate with us to eliminate the Italian rebel party that colluded with Austria.”

The shitiness of French bureaucrats was something Adrien knew all too well. Those who were able to reach high positions were those who practiced “doing more is better than doing less”.

Without the central government’s intervention, the military would have dealt directly with the local government, and the final result would have been nothing.

No matter how important the big picture is, it is not as important as the hat on everyone’s head. As long as nothing major happens, the local government will never admit that there is a rebellious party in its jurisdiction.



The outbreak of war in Europe should have been great news for the Italian revolutionary organizations, yet Vittorio Emanuele III was not happy now.

Since the outbreak of the war, the police force arranged by the British around the area had increased significantly, and even traveling was followed and protected 24 hours a day.

There is no doubt that Vittorio Emanuele III, as a favorable pawn of Britain’s intervention in the Italian region, is under house arrest.

Although his personal freedom was not restricted, it was limited to the British Isles, and it was impossible for him to leave the country.

There is no free lunch in the world, the British took in the Italian independence organizations, and paid for and contributed to them, so naturally they had to play a role.

In this regard, Vittorio Emanuele III was still thoughtful. It was nothing but a matter of interests, as long as he could support his restoration, the rest was negotiable.

“Fien, how is the communication with the British, are they willing to support our restoration now?”

The foreign policy of the British was fickle, and their support for the Italian independence organizations changed frequently.

Whenever the relationship between Britain and France was at its worst, the Independence Organization was able to receive large sums of funding, and vice versa was when the Independence Organization was having the hardest time.

It is logical that now that Britain and France are allies, the Italian independence organizations should be having a hard time.

However, there are exceptions to the rule, and the government in London is still counting on the defeat of France and Austria. The British would not let Vittorio Emanuele III go until the situation was clear.

After all, his political value was high, and in case the French won the war, the Italian Independence Organization was a powerful counterweight to the French.

If Austria won the war, they could also support the Italian Independence Organization to unify the Italian regions and create trouble for Austria.

Regardless of which scenario would happen in the future, the British could not afford to let the pawn of Vittorio Emanuele III out of their control.

“Your Majesty, the British have rejected our offer, citing the uncertainty of the situation.”

From the desperate expression on Fern’s face, it was clear that the situation was going to be even more serious than he had said.

The Italian Independence Organization had now gained Austria’s support, and if the British simply didn’t support it, it wouldn’t be enough to make Fern feel desperate.

After sighing, Vittorio Emanuele III said helplessly, ”I should have thought of this. With so many guards added outside during this recent period, it’s obvious that they are there to keep an eye on us.

It seems like England is going to support the French this time, worried that we will now go back and join forces with the Austrians and make the French lose the war.”

Vittorio Emanuele III now had nothing but regret. Prior to this, the Austrian minister had repeatedly invited him to Milan to command the Italian independence movement at close quarters.

In order not to become a puppet of the Austrians, Vittorio Emanuele III decisively chose to refuse.

How could he avoid the first day, but not the fifteenth? The risk of becoming a puppet of the Austrians was dodged, only to be greeted by the even blacker British.

Being an Austrian puppet was only temporary, after the war was over Vittorio Emanuele III still had a chance to restore his country, barely a deal.

Staying in London and sitting back and watching the situation unfold was a different story, not only was he unable to lead the independence movement in the Italian regions, but even his chances of restoration were buried.

Even if the French were defeated and the Italian regions regained their independence, it would have nothing to do with Vittorio Emanuele III.

The government of Vienna could not be so kind as to give away the fruits of the war that it had so fortunately fought, and Vittorio Emanuele III was not the only one in the Kingdom of Sardinia who was qualified to inherit the throne.

Prime Minister Leonid said firmly: “In any case, we must leave London as soon as possible and go back to preside over the independence movement.

The more the British don’t want us to return, the more it is clear that the French are at a disadvantage on the battlefield, and they are the ones who fear that our return will be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Now is the closest we’ll ever get to restoring our country, and missing this opportunity will make it harder to do so in the future.”

The Continental Balance Policy that was a trick of the British, and had not the slightest relation to everyone, even if it was to be considered that was a problem after the success of the restoration.

As long as the country can be restored, Prime Minister Leonid does not care who becomes the boss. In any case, no matter who becomes the hegemon in Britain, France, Russia and Austria, it can’t be the Kingdom of Sardinia that becomes the hegemon.

Vittorio Emanuele III nodded, ”The Prime Minister is right, we must find a way to leave, this opportunity must not be missed.

It’s just that the British have us staked out, we can’t leave the British Isles at all, not even by smuggling.”

For the sake of restoring the country, all the people present were sociable and active, and frequented various banquets from time to time.

The British police officers on duty outside were probably able to clearly call out each and every one of their names, and it was simply unrealistic to want to leave.

Seemingly thinking of something, a smile appeared on Foreign Minister Fearn’s face, and then quickly disappeared.

After hesitating again and again, he spoke: ”If all of them leave together, it will definitely be impossible to hide from the ears of the British.

If we just send one or two people away, there is still hope, but we will only be taking some risks.

If it is recognized by the British, it may even be …… possible.”

Without waiting for Fionn to finish his sentence, Vittorio Emanuele III interrupted, “Doing anything involves taking risks, and the restoration movement we are carrying out is itself the riskiest.

State your plan, Fionn. I am willing to take any risk as long as I can revive Italy.”

It wasn’t that Vittorio Emanuele III had a fearless spirit, but under the European political system, there was little need to worry about security as a king; their personal safety was protected by all nations in common.

No one in their right mind would kill a king, except for a middle-of-the-road revolutionary party. Even if Vittorio Emanuele III had done something that was even more repugnant to the British, the government in London could not have clicked him off.

Even in the hands of the French, Vittorio Emanuele III was confident of his personal safety and would even be treated with courtesy.

Anyway, there was no danger to his life, Vittorio Emanuele III naturally did not mind showing some valor in front of his supporters.

Fei En nodded, ”My plan is for His Majesty to pretend to be sick first and reduce contact with the outside world.

In the short term, the British will definitely send people over to check on them, but they can’t be on guard 24 hours a day, and this kind of vigilance can’t last.

When after a while, the British relax their vigilance and the frequency of checking drops, the opportunity will come.

His Majesty’s personal physician is one of ours. Arrange for a man of similar stature to His Majesty to pose as Dr. Jack’s assistant and enter the estate to replace his identity with His Majesty.

There are a lot of people who have seen His Majesty, but those who have been in close contact with His Majesty are all big shots, and which of the guys out there are just looking from afar and shouldn’t be familiar with His Majesty’s facial expressions.

When we leave with Dr. Jack at night, under the cover of night, we’ll put on a little more makeup for His Majesty, and the chances of concealing him from the guards are very high.

The night is rest time, even if someone comes to visit, we can use the excuse that His Majesty is not feeling well.

We can contact the Austrians first and arrange for a ship to meet us in advance, and after His Majesty leaves the manor, he will take a ship out of London in the night.

Even if the British found out the next day, the ship was out of the harbor. For a while, the British could not determine the direction of the ship, and even if they wanted to send a navy to intercept it, they would not know how to chase it.

To be on the safe side, we can also have the Austrians arrange for a few more ships to sail in different directions at the same time to distract the British.”

Typical plummy, without much technical skill, but the best option for Vittorio Emanuele III to get out of his cage at the moment.

As to whether the British would be annoyed afterward, it no longer mattered. No matter how angry the British government was, it was unlikely to click the man who stayed behind.

There weren’t just one or two governments in exile in Britain these days, and if they went too far, the other governments in exile would also be hare-brained.

Without these organizations waving the flag, the British will also be in a passive situation internationally, and it will not be so easy to do things.

In essence, Britain’s purpose in hosting these governments was not only to gain an opportunity to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but also to make political deals in secret.

Simply put, if you are pro-British and everyone plays nice, then nothing will happen; if one day you are anti-British, then they support the restoration of the government in exile to screw you.

Maybe not enough to make things happen, but definitely more than enough to make things bad. Especially for smaller countries that had to make political and diplomatic concessions to the British because they couldn’t afford that kind of torment.

Vittorio Emanuele III said fiercely, “I have decided to gamble! For the sake of the great Italy, I’ll get rid of everyone for the rest.”

The risk was manageable, and even if it failed, the situation would not be worse than it was now, so naturally the people had no reason to oppose it.


In times of crisis, independent organizations are still very efficient, and Vittorio Emanuele III fell ill the same day.

In order to disgust the British, the independent organization also secretly released the news that Vittorio Emanuele III was sick of being angry with the British.

In these days, medical technology is not developed, illness is very fatal, the slightest disease can kill people.

The king’s illness is even more important, even if Vittorio Emanuele III is the king in exile, but because of the continental war, he is still by the British government’s attention.

The famous doctors of London, who visited the estate of Vittorio Emanuele III one after another, failed to find the cause of the illness.

Even in the newspapers, there were stories of Vittorio Emanuele III seeking medical attention, as if he was dying.

In the Prime Minister’s residence in Downing Street, Prime Minister Gladstone, who had just finished a busy day, inadvertently browsed a newspaper on his desk, which happened to carry the news of Vittorio Emanuele III’s serious illness.

Soon Gladstone’s prime minister’s brow wrinkled, now this time, the Italian independence organization has become Britain’s intervention in the continental war a bargaining chip, Vittorio Emanuele III is the core of this bargaining chip.

Although the weight of this chip is not sufficient, but now for Britain to choose the chip is not much, the importance of the Italian independence organization has come to the fore.

If Vittorio Emanuele III died, the already fragmented Italian independence organization would be completely destroyed.

This would have been a very bad outcome for Britain. According to the plan, Prime Minister Gladstone wanted to rewrite the European political landscape after France and Austria had lost.

The most ideal result, naturally, was to split France and Austria at the same time. South Germany was to be separated from Austria and merged with North Germany to create a small German Empire.

Let the Italian regions become independent from French rule, and add Lombardy and Venetia to form a Kingdom of Italy.

To do this, the importance of the Italian Independence Organization cannot be overstated. Although there was no power, the political appeal was ……

In a hurry ????

(End of chapter)

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