Chapter 909: Qualified Bureaucrat

  Chapter 891 qualified bureaucrat

Originally because of the international tensions, the price of food in France has seen a big increase, the announcement issued by the Paris government at this time is even more fuel to the fire.

Everyone knows that there is a problem with the French food supply. Despite the French government’s repeated assurances that the domestic food supply will not be affected, the people still broke out to grab food.

In order to make huge profits, capitalists deliberately exaggerated the food crisis, and all kinds of rumors flew at once.

Calm food prices can not rely on words, other can be fooled, the inflow of food into France is decreasing, but it is an indisputable fact.

Affected by the fluctuation of food prices, Raphaël’s days are not easy. In order to calm domestic food prices, Napoleon IV ordered the state-owned farms in the fall harvest, immediately after the shipment back to the country.

As the head of the farm program, Raphaël was well aware of the operations of the overseas farms. The production on the books and the actual production of the farms were two completely different concepts.

Because of natural conditions and bureaucratic factors, the cost of food production on overseas farms remains high, far exceeding international prices.

Because of tariff barriers, the inflow of foreign food is subject to high tariffs, and the price of food in metropolitan France remains at a high level.

Importing food makes more money than growing it themselves, and bureaucrats, who don’t mess with money, naturally know what to choose.

Napoleon IV cleaned up once, and only partly more face-saving, the vast majority of farms are still indiscriminate.

Doing a full set, the central government is not a fool, if the farms produce 100,000 tons of wheat, but send 110,000 tons of wheat to the country, will certainly be found to have problems.

The stupid bureaucrats are out of the picture and those who are able to stay and rake in the money are the smart ones. For the sake of profiteering, everyone has become a model for opening up the farms.

The farms on the books reclaimed a lot of land every year, and the grain production capacity climbed even higher, artificially creating a thriving situation.

With the fabricated data, they cheated the government for financial subsidies on the one hand, and engaged in grain smuggling for profiteering on the other.

Now no longer, the international food prices soared, originally a profitable business, now become a money-losing business, aware of the crisis coming bureaucrats, have begun to look for a way out.

In recent times, Raphaël receives a bunch of resignation letters every day, many of which are the kind that hang up the seal and go.

After Napoleon IV’s order to ship grain, not waiting for Raphaël to react, the farm officials are one-third less.

Big people have run away, the rest are small fish that can’t run away, the mess is smashed in the hands of Raphaël.

“Bang” a sound, Raphaël threw away the hands of the thick pile of resignation letters, said fiercely: “Cole told these damn guys, want to resign can, first of all, this time to solve the problem before.

Otherwise everyone will go down together, no matter who their backstage is, I will send them to hell before going to jail.

By the way, contact the ones who ran away, and if they don’t return within a week, their big names will be on the wanted list as spies.”

It was impossible not to be ruthless, the mess exploding at this point was enough to smash anyone to death, and Rafael hadn’t lived long enough to take the fall.

As serious as the crisis was, it wasn’t without a silver lining. Theoretically, as long as a way was found to fill the food hole, this crisis could be weathered.

For so many years, everyone had made a lot of money. Purely from an economic point of view, it was still affordable to take out a portion to make up the difference.

Cole’s man replied with a face full of bitterness, ”Your Excellency the Count, once this order is given, I’m afraid that the rest of the people will have to run away.

The issue now is not money, if it was simply a matter of losing a fortune, people wouldn’t run so fast.

After all, the positions on the farm can be fat jobs, and any money that needs to be paid now can be doubled back in the future.

The point was that there was money now, and no place to buy enough food!

After the Austrian government swept the goods in advance, the monopoly operation in the international market, prohibiting the flow of food into France.

Even smuggling does not work, and then bullish smuggling merchants, there is no way to smuggle millions of tons of grain in a short period of time, are not found.

The most we can do is to pay a high price to resell a small portion of grain back from another country, and we can’t fulfill the government’s mission at all.”

After hearing Cole’s explanation, Rafael finally understood why there were so many officials running away.

It was because the matter this time was too big and rushed at this juncture, once it was exposed, the community would not be able to spare them.

If they don’t run away at this time, they won’t have a chance to run away later. Anyway, it is easy to run away these days, as long as there is money to casually hide in some overseas country, and then come back after the wind has passed.

Count Raphaël angrily scolded: “are a group of idiots, stupid! Can’t buy abroad, can’t buy at home?

As long as we follow the government’s requirements, the full amount of food will be shipped back to the country, who cares where the food comes from!

If we really can’t, we’ll first borrow a batch of grain from the grain wholesalers we’re working with for emergencies, and the farm’s grain will be sold to them anyway.”

Inwardly, Raphaël deeply despised those hurriedly running bureaucrats under his command, without the slightest bit of resilience.

After a pause, Raphaël added: “Order all farms to organize a report on the locust plague, with detailed information notes, and attach the photographs that were prepared beforehand, and report them to the government together.

Remember, as long as the farms in Algeria and Morocco to reduce production on the line, the Egyptian side first do not move, too deliberate will be discovered.

Reduced production and crop failure combined, tentatively set at about 25 percent, so that the following people do not give me smart.

We all work together to find a way to borrow or not, buy or not, cheat or not, I do not care, after the fall harvest each farm at least to bring back the required share of thirty percent of the grain to.

Find excuses for me to delay the rest, and when war breaks out, find a way to dump it on the Austrians.”

A completely extinct harvest was out of the question, and if it were, it was expected that Napoleon IV would have to kill someone.

Raphaël hadn’t lived long enough to want to challenge the Emperor’s bottom line. A quarter reduction in production would be about right.

Misrepresentation of political achievements was supposed to be the norm in the French government, and everyone was bragging about it, or how else would France be on a par with England and Austria?

Only misrepresentation should also have a limit, zoom in on ten or twenty percent, everyone can accept; if you turn up a few times, dozens of times, it would be intolerable.

There is no doubt that the French farm program, water is a few times, dozens of times the kind of water, the specific water how much, depending on the specific bureaucrats in charge of the temperament.

In a sense, Raphaël’s distribution, too, takes into account the principle of fairness.

Moisture small farms, the bureaucrats take less benefit, their own capacity is not likely to be enough, now do not need to hemorrhage.

Farms with serious moisture, or simply exist on paper, the money is swallowed by the bureaucrats in charge, and it’s their turn to bleed now.

Besides, it’s not a total loss. The government pays for the grain that is surrendered, and all the bureaucrats lose is the difference in price.

Bleeding is not so bad that it hurts, and for the vast majority of bureaucrats, it is acceptable.

After all, we all have golden rice bowls at our disposal, and any loss now can be doubled back in the future. There’s no need to get ruined just for the sake of such a small benefit.

“Yes, Earl!”

Now Cole was admiring Count Raffaele, such a big matter was solved in a few words.


(End of chapter)

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