Chapter 903: Preparations in Austria

  Chapter 885 Austria’s Preparation

Once the people made a fuss, the whole world knew what the French wanted to do. Than Germany and Germany began to prepare for war, the other neighbors were not idle.

Switzerland enlisted 50,000 militiamen for a six-month military training; Spain expanded five infantry divisions, which were declared to be used to suppress colonial rebellions.

The Austrian government announced a six-month delay in the retirement of officers and soldiers this year, while anti-invasion drills were conducted throughout the country.

Although not explicitly stated, but everyone knows this is against the French go. The situation on the European continent was suddenly tense, and the French government at the center of the storm was embarrassed.


That is the more smeared the blacker, even if it is known that the French target is mostly than Germany two countries, but we still raise the vigilance, for fear of the French to play the dark position.

Influenced by the tense situation in Europe, the Austrian Foreign Ministry buzzed with activity. European countries have made their positions clear, hoping that Austria will be able to check the ambitions of France.

Franz has never been a fan of the same old diplomatic rhetoric, and after casually flipping through it, he frowned and asked, “Is there any substance?

This kind of meaningless moral support can only be taken out to fool small children, and does not have the slightest significance for us.”

Specific support was not mentioned, anyway, are in support of Austria and the French confrontation, it is best for France and Austria to play a lose-lose, we can live in peace of mind.

Naturally there was nothing behind it in the diplomatic note, but Franz was also known to brainstorm. To be fair, this is not excessive.

If we were to change places, in the position of the European countries, Franz would also encourage France and Austria to kill each other.

Meaningless support is better than nothing. At least it proves that Austria is still well liked and not isolated by everyone.

It can also be used as a morale booster when necessary to increase the righteousness of your side and gain an advantage in public opinion.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: “Yes! The Duchy of Baden invites us to station our troops for a joint defense against French invasion; Belgium proposes that the three countries conduct a military exercise to deter French ambitions.”

Since ancient times, inviting foreign troops in has been a very politically risky endeavor.

Franz was still slightly shocked when Baden bypassed the central government to invite an Austrian garrison. But considering the complicated relationship between the two countries, he was again not surprised.

Despite the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire over the decades, the sign had not fallen, especially after the rise of nationalism, the Holy Roman Empire was the juridical foundation of the Greater German idea.

Generally speaking the main opposition to the presence of foreign troops was nationalism, but in the eyes of Baden’s nationalism as a member of the German nation, Austria was also one of their own.

With the internal dangers gone, the external German federal government had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of Baden, and if the central government was not satisfied, it could just send troops to guard the borders.

The Reichstag was still in progress, and the states were quarreling over the distribution of troops. As the central government, Hanover was under pressure to defend the Rhineland, and it was too difficult to reinforce Baden.

In addition to these factors, the government of Baden dared to invite the Austrian garrison of the most central factor or because of the marriage relationship between the two countries.

Austria swallowed who, but also not possible to turn the other cheek and swallowed Baden, or the Habsburg dynasty can not mix in the aristocratic circle.

After a little thought, Franz shook his head: “Both proposals are unrealistic. Garrisoning Baden at this time will not only irritate the French, but also worsen our relationship with the German Confederation.

Once the French advance eastward, the German Confederation is the best meat shield, what we need to do now is to encourage them as much as possible to fight the French to the death, rather than carry the French pressure for them.

The Belgian maneuver plan is even less reliable, too many troops involved in the maneuvers cost money, the French haven’t hit them yet after all, and they don’t have the courage to take the initiative to seek out the bad luck of the French.

Participate in less troops, not only can not deter the French, I am afraid that will also inspire the French ambition. There’s no chance that the French government will strike first and directly take out the troops involved in the maneuvers.”

There was no doubt that these were all excuses. There was only one real reason in the final analysis, Franz was not willing to be the wrongdoer and rush to the front line of the resistance against France.

Human nature can’t stand the test, don’t look at everyone talking nice now, if we really defeat the French, the object of everyone’s defense will become Austria.

Instead of contributing to the situation, it is better to sit at home and wait for the situation to develop. When the two countries were beaten by the French, then to help the situation is very different.

Prime Minister Karl worried: “The situation in France has changed too suddenly, some people can not understand, always feel that someone behind the manipulation.

It is understandable that the French, guided by public opinion and stimulated by their pride, advocate tough measures against the two countries.

But what are the Italians up to? I don’t believe that they have such a strong sense of belonging to the French government.”

It’s been less than twenty years since France actually annexed Italy, the older generation is still alive, and the younger generation grew up in that particular era, so talking about a sense of belonging is a joke.

It’s nice that the Bonaparte family came from Italy, but their roots are so shallow that they don’t have much power in the Italian region at all.

In addition to the influence left behind by the Napoleonic era, it can be said that there is nothing. Influence to be transformed into strength, no one to cooperate can not be accomplished.

The Italian capitalists who originally supported the French government were directly pushed to the opposite side because they lost in the competition with French capital.

If they hadn’t been deterred by the power of France, the Italian regions would have gone up in smoke. At least the royal families of the states that had been hollowed out wanted to regain power.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg explained, “The problems in the Italian region have been clarified by the embassy in Rome.

There is the shadow of the Italian Independence Organization behind it, and they are involved in order to provoke a continental war and create an opportunity for the Italian region to become independent.

From the source of funding for the activities, the hint points directly to the British. Combined with the current international situation, the British government does have a motive to provoke a continental war.”

It is best to check the funding of the activities, there are two major gold masters of the Italian independence organizations, the Austrian government did not pay for it, so it must be the British government that paid for it.

Other countries don’t have the guts even if they have the heart, in case the news leaks out, the pot of provoking a continental war is snapped down, that can crush people to death.

Minister of Finance Mark Leo von Joseph: “The truth is no longer important, the key is the war can still be avoided?

If possible, it would be best to push it back another ten years, even five, when we will be able to kill the French once and for all.”

Settling the French in one go was the most ideal state of affairs. The fact that the Anti-French War hadn’t even been able to truly settle the French was enough to explain a lot.

In continental Europe, it was easy to defeat a country, but difficult to completely resolve a country. The price to be paid on the battlefield aside, the key is international interference.

France this kind of European big country, if you can’t solve once and for all, to stay is the endless trouble.

Austria does not have the strength to ignore the interference of European countries, which means that after a battle with the French, the west will have one more mortal enemy.

Otherwise, as early as in the Paris revolution, Austria will fall on the French, do not have to wait until now.

Weissenberg shook his head: ”I’m afraid this question has to be asked to the French. If they are going to implement the Central European strategy, this war cannot be avoided.

From the current situation, we have to prepare for the worst. I’m afraid that mere deterrence will not dissuade the French from their ambitions.”

Austria’s Near East development program has already shown its first signs, which are not deeply felt by ordinary people, but cannot be hidden from shrewd politicians.

The Tsarist government was lulled into Central Asia, half because it wanted to recover Central Asia and wash away its previous disgrace; the other half was forced to do so.

Seeing Austria’s neighbor is growing, the Russian Empire is deteriorating, anyone will feel the pressure.

If there is no choice, then Russia and Austria will certainly go their separate ways, and finally because of the strategic conflict on the opposite side.

As a result, at this time the British sent to the door, was ready to recover Central Asia after the czarist government to stop, after seeing the British army’s poor performance, did not resist the temptation of India rushed up.

Strategically, the tsarist government’s decision was not wrong. Fighting the British on land definitely had a better chance of winning than fighting Austria; the gains that could be made by defeating the British were also far greater than those of defeating Austria.

Anyway, as long as India was annexed, the Russian Empire’s shortcomings were made up, so naturally there was no need to be afraid of Austria.

The Russians took the initiative to strike, the British passively responded to the war, and among the big countries, France and Austria were left with free time.

After the outbreak of the production crisis, the British a provocation, the loss of heavy French interests, ambitious people can not help it.

The problem was singled out, and politicians couldn’t even be ostriches if they wanted to. Without completing the Central European strategy, France will remain at a disadvantage in future international competition.

Franz, who had been silent for a long time, slowly spoke, “There is no need to look forward to it, at this point, the French government has no choice.

Unless the French government are a group of guys who do not have the slightest ambition and only think of waiting for death, the war will break out sooner or later.

From now on, the country enters a three-level state of alert. All the military industrialization enterprises will be in operation from now on.

All local governments to register retired officers and soldiers within their jurisdiction, the government has to ensure that within a week after the war breaks out, it will be able to mobilize half a million reservists.

The Governor of the Middle East and the Governor of East Africa are ordered to make first-class war preparations to seize the Suez Canal and Egypt in the event of a French invasion of Central Europe.

Inform the state governments that an Imperial Conference will be held on the 11th of next month to discuss the defense against the French invasion.”

Regardless of where the French attacked, Franz made a note to run for the Suez Canal anyway.

As for the rest of Africa, not being a strategic location and separated by a vast desert, Franz was not interested for the time being.

For the government of Vienna, the impending war was both a disaster and an opportunity.

Before this, the Vienna government only got the right to issue money and tariffs, the army command is the emperor’s, the central government has no right to intervene.

Although the judicial system was unified, but in order to protect judicial justice from outside interference, the judicial system of the new Holy Roman Empire was independent of the government, including the courts, anti-corruption bureau and other judicial departments, all only need to be accountable to the emperor.

Against this background, the central government was naturally powerless to do anything about the highly autonomous state governments.

Apart from influencing through economic means, the government in Vienna never issued formal administrative orders to the state governments.

Theoretically, the central government could also intervene if the state governments became angry.

Unfortunately, after enjoying the dividends of expansion, Austria’s overall economic development has been good in recent years, and the reputation of the state governments is good, so there is no chance for the central government to intervene.

Now it was different, once the war broke out. The state governments will have no way to refuse the unification of the central government, especially the states located in the first line, without the support of the central government they can not top.

Exactly how to do it is a matter between the cabinet and the state governments. Power struggles are always fought over, and no one is going to give them away if they stay put.

(End of chapter)

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