Chapter 880: The Minister’s Case Breaks Out

  Chapter 863 – Minister Case Outbreak

Inside the Prime Minister’s office in Downing Street, the atmosphere at this moment seemed particularly strange.

Prime Minister Gladstone growled, “What is the police department doing, why did this happen?”

There was no way around it, just a few hours ago, the Russian Minister in London, Wyatt Nicholas, had been attacked on his way to the British Foreign Office and had now met his death.

Not to mention that Britain and Russia hadn’t officially gone to war yet, even if they had, the most the British government could do was to expel the Russian minister and still have to guarantee people’s personal safety before they left.

According to the rules of the game, all governments have the obligation to protect the personal safety of foreign ministers, and now that the Russian minister has had an accident, the British government can hardly absolve itself of the blame.

Police Minister Rogers replied bitterly, “It was a complete accident, Minister White was on his way to the Foreign Office when he encountered a demonstration.

A reporter following among the people went up to interview him, and Minister White replied in language that was a little too harsh, provoking the people’s displeasure, and a clash broke out between the two sides.

Although the police accompanying the protection stopped the crowd, I do not know who led the way to throw debris at Minister White, and a stone happened to hit Minister White’s head, and he died on the spot after being rescued.”

Explanation is a cover-up, things have already happened, the police’s security work was not done properly is a fact, no amount of explanation can wash it away.

Seems to be an accidental conflict, things really have such a coincidence?

Prime Minister Gladstone expressed deep skepticism, sneered: “All accidental coincidence, the police department has no responsibility.

Then you tell me, the accident occurred in London’s busiest street, flying out of the stone is how to come?”

Accidental encounters, language clashes, are understandable, after all, the two sides stand for different positions.

But the stone that flew out, it is very problematic. London’s busiest street, if there are stones on the ground, sanitation workers would have already cleaned up.

It is understandable to bring some bread to a demonstration, but who would bring a stone to a demonstration when they are full of food?

Even if someone has a quirk, it is not possible for a group of people to have a quirk. There was only one stone that hit the vitals, but there were many stones that attacked Minister White.

Police Minister Rogers explained: “According to the suspects arrested by the police, the stones were intended to be used to smash windows.

We have confirmed that the demonstration was directed at the Russian Embassy. For the third time in recent times, people have smashed the glass of the Russian Embassy.

It was only after combining all the information that we were able to determine that this was accidental, and that it was mainly the Russians who had bullied them.

According to the account of the people at the scene, when the reporter asked about the Russians’ sneak attack on our Afghan garrison, Minister White had openly clamored: even if we had done it, what could we do about it?

This statement triggered the anger of the people, which led to what happened later.

It happened so suddenly that the police responsible for Minister White’s security had no time to disperse the crowd.”

Avoidance and artistry equals the final answer.

It wasn’t that Rogers was irresponsible, it was mainly that there was no way to go deeper into this kind of thing, and the best thing to do was to close the case as soon as possible.

The longer things dragged on, the more trouble would follow. Regardless of what the government decided, in the hearts of many of the people, the person who took out Minister White was the hero of Britain.

Prime Minister Gladstone wanted to say something, the people didn’t know what was going on, how could they, the planners, not know anymore.

The Russian army sneak attack on the British garrison in Afghanistan was originally a fake, the Russians, who took the blame, naturally could not admit it.

The Russian Minister in London, White, was originally a straight man. It is normal to be provoked by the reporter to say a few overly aggressive words.

Seeing the atmosphere is not right, Foreign Minister George spoke: “Things have come to this point, how Minister White died is no longer important.

No matter what answer is given, the Russians will not recognize it, and we must prepare for the worst.”

With a dead minister, no country would accept such a doubtful explanation until they were compensated with benefits.

There is no doubt that Anglo-Russian relations have broken down, and it is impossible for the British Government to come up with benefits to compensate its enemies now.


Prime Minister Gladstone sighed.

At first, the dumping of the Russians was just an attempt to quell the adverse effects of the loss at the front and to avoid the outbreak of a political crisis.

Because of its geographical location, it was impossible for Britain to attack the Russians, no matter how fierce the civil unrest was.

The lords of Parliament had their heads in the sand from time to time, but one thing they were clear about was that they had no confidence in the British Army.

They don’t take the initiative to start a war, and the Tsarist government is not prepared for a long war, for the sake of verbal conflict, the likelihood of a war breaking out is almost zero, there is no need to worry about the situation getting out of control.

According to the original plan, it is nothing more than the Anglo-Russian relations continue to deteriorate, and diplomacy slowly pulls the rug out from under them.

Nay, the plan did not change quickly, the Russian Minister was killed in public, and both the British and Russian governments were forced into a corner.

The British government could not give an answer that would satisfy the Russians, and could not even hand over the murderer because of political factors.

As you can see from the fact that the London police defined the incident as an accident, the guys were not sold by public opinion.

If the British government had a hard time, why wouldn’t the Russian government?

Originally, with the loss of the British army in the Afghan region, the power of the main war faction in the Tsarist government had swelled dramatically.

Now this has happened again, if we can’t get a satisfactory answer, no one but God can stop the war from breaking out.

After hesitating for a few moments, Prime Minister Gladstone slowly said: ”Order the Governor General of India to prepare for war with all his might, and prepare the country as well.

The Indian colony alone is not a match for the Russians, once the war breaks out, we need to send troops to reinforce the Afghan region in the shortest possible time.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues its diplomatic efforts, if possible, this war is still something that can be avoided.”

The Afghan region has already been in the hands of the British government, for the British government, the most important thing now is to purge the place as soon as possible and re-establish social order. To run off to war with the Russians at this time would be a complete and pure loss.

If they win the war, they will not be able to enter the Central Asian region; if they lose the war, not only will they have to throw out the Afghanistan that they have just acquired, but even the Indian colonies will be under constant threat from the Russians.


Despite the British government’s efforts to block the news, the murder of the Russian minister was still like wings, passed out.

It was the afternoon of the next day when the news reached the Vienna Palace. Franz’s first reaction on receiving the news was – it can’t be.

“A minister of a country killed in public”, is not this an international joke?

The British defined it as an “accident”, which had to be believed.

It doesn’t matter if it was an accidental injury from a flying stone or something else. Anyway, from the very beginning, the “Minister’s Case” was related to conspiracy.

As for who is behind the conspiracy, it is difficult to answer this question. It’s not that it’s hard to guess, it’s that there are too many suspects.

The culprit could be an enemy of the British, or an enemy of the Russians, or even a warlike faction of the British and Russians.

If one were to dig deeper, one would realize that both Britain and Russia are the kings of pulling the hatchet, and the enemies of both of them combined would be about equal to the whole world.

Not the more the merrier are the black hands, and for Franz, such peers, hidden behind the scenes, must also be on heightened alert.

“Analyzing the current international situation, who do you guys think is most likely to have done this?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Franz felt that he had asked a silly question. In terms of suspicion, Austria was definitely one of the best.

In order to provoke the Anglo-Russian war, the Vienna government could have done a lot of things. Some of these things, there was even no way to keep them secret.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied, “In terms of suspicion, we and the French are the most suspicious. After excluding us, the most probable are the French.

This inference, however, is not very reasonable. There are many ways of provoking an Anglo-Russian war, and under normal circumstances the French government would not go after a minister of a country.”

Inwardly, Franz was still a little embarrassed. Reminiscent of the year ……, forget about it or don’t think about it, the black history that can’t see the light let it disappear in the long river of history.

But Weissenberg’s reasoning is still no problem, under normal circumstances, politicians will not choose extreme measures.

After all, this is a high-risk job, in case the news is exposed, it is going to be a big deal. At the same time offended the death of Britain and Russia, that would be finished.

Even if you have to do it, everyone will choose to kill with a borrowed knife, to check can only be checked to the backstabber.

Franz shook his head: ”Forget it, this problem will be left to the British and Russian governments to have a headache!

Regardless of who the black hand behind the scenes is, in the short term, it is still favorable to us.

At this juncture, with this kind of thing happening, an Anglo-Russian war is almost unavoidable.

We don’t need to get involved next, leave the stage to Britain and Russia, we’ll just watch them perform.”

The more critical the moment, the less you can risk your head. In case Britain and Russia were taken as the masterminds behind the scene, wouldn’t it be an injustice?

This kind of thing can only be smeared more and more black, but there is no way to prove one’s innocence. But whenever one is involved, one should not think of washing out.

(End of chapter)

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