Chapter 87: Preparing to Kill the Sheep

  Chapter 87: Preparing to Kill the Sheep

Attacking the heart is the top, attacking the city is the bottom.

This is a truth that many people understand, but very few are truly able to do it. Julius did it so well this time that probably no one would be able to associate him with General Butcher anymore.

Emancipating the serfs and dividing up the fields are all powerful tools to buy the hearts of the people, and even though these lands still need to be redeemed by the peasants out of their pockets, Julius still reaps a wave of popularity.

After the local people learned that they could get land for free by cooperating with government forces in suppressing the rebellion, the peasants around Budapest turned into volunteers on their own accord.

The Kossuth government’s ability to enforce the law was limited, and with a siege of three, they couldn’t do enough to block the news.

After the news of the distribution of the land was passed to the city, many people’s minds changed. The aristocrats were gnashing their teeth in hatred, the capitalists were trembling, while the lower class workers saw a new hope.

Since the Austrian government’s bill for the peasants had already been honored, it was only natural that the bill for the protection of the working class might also be honored.

Against this background, the intelligence organizations in Franz’s hands acted. Seeing that the broken ship of the Hungarian Republic was about to sink, there were many who were not willing to give them a burial.

Even if the big nobles are still annoyed at the Austrian government’s approach, they now have to hold their noses and admit that they have a big family and can’t afford to fight for their lives.

With the cooperation of these local snakes, the work of the intelligence organization is carried out very smoothly, no governing experience of the Kossuth government, on these two eyes.

Perhaps scourged by the secret police, these organizations were abolished as soon as the revolutionaries came to power. Security in Budapest was now maintained by the Internal Self-Defense Forces, which had been transformed into the hired guns of the capitalists and aristocrats.

If it continues, it may be that in another three or five months the Austrian government will be able to liberate Budapest without bloodshed.


“Your Highness, the Croatian Legion has already successfully met up with the Bohemian Legion in Budapest, it’s time for the Hungarian War to end, and it will be very unfavorable for us if it drags on like this!” Prince Windischgraetz said seriously

He wasn’t exaggerating, the reason why the rebels were a ragtag bunch was because they started in haste and had no formal training at all.

Such an enemy could be easily handled by the regular army, if time passed and these rabble completed their training, they wouldn’t be so easy to deal with.

Historically, the Hungarian Revolution took so much energy from Austria, and the Russians had to help to suppress it, which left them too much time to prepare.

“Well, in that case then let’s launch the attack, and order the officers to be disciplined, I don’t want to wipe their asses!” Franz said cautiously

“Yes, Your Highness!” Prince Windischgraetz replied

“Prime Minister, how are the aftermath preparations going, once the suppression of the Hungarian Revolution is over, how is the government going to govern the Hungarian region?” Franz asked with concern

Prime Minister Felix replied with confidence, “Your Highness, considering the special situation of Hungary, our cabinet is prepared to further split the Hungarian province, dividing it into three provinces with the Tisza River and the Danube River as the boundaries.

They are: the West Hungarian province west of the Danube, with the provincial capital in Pécs; the Central Hungarian province east of the Danube and west of the Tisza, with the provincial capital in Miskolc; and the East Hungarian province east of the Tisza, with the provincial capital in Debrecen.

Together with the already divided provinces of Croatia, Transylvania, Slavonia, and Vojvodina, the Kingdom of Hungary would be divided into seven.

After the war the Magyar settlement was also divided into three, and the government will also invest a lot of money in local education to help the local people integrate into the Austrian family as soon as possible.”

Franz nodded with satisfaction, the splitting of administrative regions and the assimilation of language and culture, this set of combination punches, after a few decades Hungary would be just a regional term.

“What about education funding?” Franz asked with concern

Austria is now engaged in the wartime economic system, the so-called planned economy, and confiscated a large number of reactionary property, naturally there is no shortage of money.

This economic model, only suitable for a short-term emergency, or a reckless wave of outbreaks, a long time with the rigidity of the system, and will restrict the development of the economy, when the time will inevitably be cultivated to restore the normal economic model.

If you have to let the central government funding, in the economy to return to normal after the government’s financial pressure is too great. After all, the Hungarian region to be assimilated, other regions of Austria also need to be assimilated.

“Your Highness, we are prepared to abolish the church tithe and replace it with a compulsory education tax levied by the government, which will be used to solve the funding gap!” Felix said with some hesitation

Franz’s eyes lit up, he has long wanted to abolish the church tithe, but as a Catholic “devotee”, if there is not a suitable reason to abolish the tithe, it will be against the church.

Now that the Prime Minister had proposed it, Franz was naturally in favor of it. If the Church has a problem with it, it can go to the Cabinet for trouble, this is what they proposed, Franz thought very unscrupulously.

Anyway, this era was no longer the Middle Ages, the Pope had been made to go into exile in Naples by the revolutionaries, the Church could not do anything about the government. Of course discredit someone, they could still do that.

“Is there enough money? The whole country will need to invest a lot of money in education next, will the tithes alone be enough?” Franz asked worriedly

Felix said fiercely, “Your Majesty, the religious personnel in the country are seriously corrupted, as devout followers of God, it is necessary for us to clean up the bad culture of the church.

The cabinet is prepared to conduct a severe investigation of church personnel, severely punish church personnel who violate the precepts, and confiscate the church’s illegal property.

All of this money we will use for education, and together with the compulsory education tax, I think Austria’s compulsory education funding is already sufficient.”

Anyway, he had already offended the church once, so he simply broke the mold and continued to catch the church as a fat sheep.

How rich was the Church in Austria in the mid-19th century? This question is difficult to have an accurate answer, anyway, after so many years of accumulation, the church is much richer than the Austrian government.

It is not a crime to be rich, but it is a sin to be rich.

More money may not be a good thing, and now the Austrian government has been targeted. Franz, a “devout Catholic”, naturally had to clean up for God.

“The Prime Minister has a point, the moral cultivation of religious personnel must be strengthened, as God’s believers, we have the obligation to help God’s servants who are on the wrong path, to guide back on the right track!!!”

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Oh, don’t bother with the monthly votes, can’t vote ????

(End of chapter)

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