Chapter 867: Limited War Liability

  Chapter 850 Limited War Liability

The two camps in Europe are opposed to each other, but the most worried but not the four countries involved. Whether it is Russia, Austria, or Britain and France, they all have their own advantages, enough to protect themselves.

The real bad luck is still sandwiched in the middle of the two alliances of small countries. Now that the conflict between the two camps has not yet intensified, everyone can still barely cope.

Once the conflict between the two sides escalates, everyone will be forced to take sides. As a matter of fact, geopolitics has already decided the direction of the countries’ stand, and it is simply not possible for them to make their own choices.

Western European countries can only support Britain and France, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe countries must support Russia and Austria, Central European countries are the most miserable, simply do not know what to choose.


No problem for the time being, once the two major alliances were pitted against each other, they became the earliest casualties.

No matter which side they fall to, they will be beaten up by the other side. Especially for a bitter bastard like Belgium, whose poor strategic location dictates that they can’t go it alone.

Of course, this is the worst possible ending. In the short term, the two alliances don’t see any signs of war breaking out yet.

Leopold II, who had a strong sense of worry, could no longer sit still. Originally, Britain and Austria were all quasi-allies of Belgium, and they all worked together to resist the French expansion into Central Europe.

Now the situation has fundamentally changed, the British and French alliance, then the British commitment to protect the security of Belgium is still valid?

Foreign Minister Jules said cautiously, “Your Majesty, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a note inviting us to conclude a treaty for the maintenance of peace and stability in Europe with Switzerland, the North German Confederation, and Spain.”

When you open the map, you can see that the above countries are all good neighbors of the French. After excluding the French, it is self-evident against whom such a treaty is to be concluded.

This can be seen as a counterattack to the Anglo-French alliance, and Austria is ready to prove with practical actions that it is still possible to besiege the French without the participation of the British.

Leopold II asked suspiciously, “The Austrians only invited four countries to participate, there is no further invitation?”

Theoretically, the above four countries have to face the threat of the French directly, and it is easiest to lean on Austria when they have the pain.

However, the “anti-French” has always been a common issue for all European countries, not just one country. The sudden change was difficult for Leopold II to accept.

Foreign Minister Jules replied affirmatively: “It is true that Austria invited only four of us, and it is said that the government of Vienna feared that other countries, not having the pain, would not be firm in their stance to curb the French, and might accept the French’s bribe to play havoc in the middle of the alliance.

Perhaps in the Vienna government’s view, containing the French from expanding to the outside world is enough for the five countries to join forces.”

This was also the view of most people, although France was powerful, it did not open a qualitative gap with Austria, and after adding the four countries of Sibylline Germany, the anti-French alliance was stable.

Compared to an internally divided alliance, it is not as reliable as a small alliance that has common interests and can cooperate with each other.

Prime Minister Auguste sighed and said, ”If that’s the case, then next, we’ll be in big trouble.

Without the European countries participating together to share the pressure, the pro-French Spanish government most likely won’t participate, after all, the possibility of the French moving westward is almost zero now, and the pressure on them isn’t great.

Switzerland, because of their geographical location, their position was essentially unimportant. If the Swiss government insisted on neutrality, Austria most likely wouldn’t force it.

Choosing between France and Austria, the North German Confederation was definitely in favor of Austria, and even if Britain and France had made an alliance, they would have been more inclined towards Austria.

Because of its strength, the North German Confederation had the power of temporary neutrality for a short time.

As long as the two alliances did not go to war, they could act as a buffer between France and Austria, and did not have to take sides for the time being.

What appears to be a tentative invitation is actually forcing us to take sides. Between Russia and Austria and Britain and France, we have to choose a side.”

There is nothing more tragic than this, everyone else may be able to avoid it, leaving the bitter Belgium to avoid it.

There was no way around it; the French ambition to plot against Belgium always needed to be contained.

Originally to undertake this important task is the British and Austrian two countries, now the British turn and the French alliance, can continue to curb the French ambitions only Austria.

If Austria is rejected now, then Belgium will have to fight alone when it encounters a French invasion in the future.

As for the British, people really had no confidence. Even if the London government was willing to send troops to intervene, not waiting for the completion of the expansion of the British Army, Belgium is ancient.

After hesitating again and again, Leopold II slowly said: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send people and Austria to talk about the conditions of common defense against the French we can sign, but the precondition is that it must be strictly confidential.

Austria can not care about offending the French, we do not have that part of the ability to cause trouble. Remember to agree in the content of the treaty that Austria must provide us with security protection.

At the same time, send people to strengthen our ties with the North German Confederation, Switzerland, Holland and other countries, when it really comes to the critical moment, their position is also very important.”

Belgium fell to Austria out of necessity; it was the French who were now ambitious for them, not Austria, hundreds of miles away.

To join the British and French side would be to seek the skin of the tiger. The status of an ally was worthless in the face of profit. One bad maneuver, and they were flayed alive.

Choosing to sign the secret treaty was actually Leopold II’s hedge.

It is best to be able to hide from the world, really can’t hide from the world, can be exposed one day later, also one day later to take the risk.


Compared to Belgium, the North German Confederation was lively, with opposition and support.

Originally agreed to keep it a secret, but in the end, not waiting for a result to come out of the debate, the news is already flying all over the place.

There was no surprise, when the matter was on the table, it also meant that Austria’s plan to pull the strings failed.

Forced by the pressure of Britain and France, Spain and Switzerland have politely rejected the Vienna government’s proposal, as for Belgium is only secretly in contact, the Belgian government also dare not stand on the surface.


The news of the failure came, Franz did not feel strange. Who is not a fool, Austria is now out to engage in anti-French alliance is essentially pulling cannon fodder, simply can not fool the smart people.

With the recovery of the French economy, the voice of the main war faction in the country is getting louder and louder.

The military, led by the nobility, wanted war credits, and the capitalists wanted to solve the problem of coal supply, all of which happened to be solved by the war.

Otherwise, there would not have been a situation where the British threw out a bait and the French government was willing to give up the centuries-old hatred between the two countries – an alliance.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg took out a document and said: ”Your Majesty, this is the preliminary result of the negotiations with the Belgian government, and the biggest problem at the moment is the distribution of rights and obligations.

The Belgian government is only willing to take part of the responsibility for the war under the pretext of its own lack of strength.

Limited to: the French invasion of Central Europe, they will only send troops to participate in the war.

If war breaks out between us and the French in the Italian area, Belgium will only promise to give material assistance, and explicitly they will have to remain neutral.”

Limited war responsibility, in effect, amounts to no war responsibility.

Open a map of Europe and you will see that the best route for the French to invade Central Europe is to borrow from Belgium.

The enemy has hit the door, even if there is no joint defense treaty, Belgium can only hard top.

It may seem that Ming Austria has suffered a bit, in fact, this is a relatively fair treaty.

On the volume of Belgium, really if France and Austria in the Italian region to start fighting, they join in also can not play a role.

The French a partial division can defeat them, when Austria is still inevitable to send troops to the rescue.

The greatest value of pulling Belgium together is not to expect Belgium to be able to break out how strong the fighting force, play a big role.

The main thing is that the Austrian army in the battlefield after the upper hand, can be borrowed from Belgium long drive, to obtain the strategic initiative.

Without much hesitation, Franz made a decision: “Agree to their request, but add a requirement of borrowing a road.

If a war breaks out between us and the French and we need to borrow a road, as an ally they must release it and help maintain the logistics.

In return, they will have a share of the spoils after the war is won, and the territories that are disputed between France and Belgium can all be returned to them.”

Who wouldn’t write a blank check, anyway, the promise went out to French territories, if Belgium has the stomach for it, just give it to them.

Not only Belgium, but wherever there were allies joining in, Franz didn’t mind them getting a piece of land in France.

To treat the enemy, naturally, we must be hard to weaken. The Franco-Prussian War in the original time and space, did not end perfectly, is not from the true meaning of weakening France.

Whether it is reparations, or ceded land, can only make people feel pain, simply can not cause life.

If the Kingdom of Prussia was a little more flexible diplomacy, fooled Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and other countries, pulling everyone up to share the spoils, perhaps the end will be very different.

When all the neighbors took the benefits, everyone was on the same page. As victors, no one wants to see their enemies revived.

When the time comes, it will be everyone joining together to suppress France. The Paris government, even if it is powerful, can’t stand up to so many enemies taking care of it together.

(End of chapter)

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