Chapter 849: Killing a Man and Killing His Heart

  Chapter 832 – Killing to Kill

As one official after another fell into the net, the original anti-Semitic campaign gradually came to a close, and a vigorous anti-corruption campaign was opened instead.

Throughout the dynasties, catching corrupt officials has been a favorite among the populace, and Austria is no exception.

Although there is no direct corruption, but the transfer of benefits under the power and money transactions, essentially the same, exactly the same punishment on the Austrian legal provisions.

Watching a big man fall into the net, the most happy is the news media, every day there are big news, but also not with the same, even with the 1886 newspaper sales have hit an all-time high.

The melon people are also satisfied, so many stories staged, after dinner talk has.

Even the public officials in the government were satisfied, the emotion of the rabbit’s death was there, but could not stop the enthusiasm for promotion.

A carrot, the top does not retreat, the following simply can not go up. Get in the way, that is the enemy.

To this point, the investigation team set off the anti-corruption case, has been completely out of control, not to say stop can stop.

One after another, the further down the investigation involves more and more people, see Franz are dumbfounded.

To know the transfer of benefits than direct corruption is much more technical, ordinary public officials simply can not afford to play, really involved in the case are officials.

A lot of local chief officials have gone in, along with the local senior was a pot, leaving a bunch of grass-roots personnel to preside over the work.

Then, the local functional organizations actually functioned normally. Well, in contrast to those cases in the latter days when the government shut down and the country functioned normally, this doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

The international situation is very stable now, and as long as the localities are not in chaos, the anti-corruption campaign can continue.

When officials go in, the bribe takers can’t get away with it. Whistleblowing is bound to happen in order to reduce sentences.

Unless the crime is so heinous that it is certain that the death penalty will be imposed, it is possible to choose to carry the death penalty, and people generally have to think for themselves and want to lessen the culpability on their bodies.

Looking at the ever-increasing number of people involved, Franz could finally announce to the outside world that the Austrian government was not anti-Semitic, this was an anti-corruption fight.

There is no problem, only more than 40% of the Jews in prison, are less than half, or there is solid evidence of crime, is not anti-corruption to fight the black, what is it?

Just because Franz doesn’t care doesn’t mean others don’t care. Count Vitus, who was a party to the case, was terrified that the prison was about to be overcrowded and that the case could not be brought to an end.

Within the last month, Count Vitus Count suffered three assassinations, the initiator of the assassins are Jews, the real black hand is who, no one knows.

Anyway, Vitus did not believe that the Jews, who were leaderless, were still capable of orchestrating one assassination after another.

Not only did he himself suffer, but even his family was attacked by the mob. Fortunately, the Vienna police were able to show up in time to solve the problem.

In the Prime Minister’s residence, Count Wittels complained anxiously, “Prime Minister, it’s crazy out there, yes they are a bunch of crazy people!”

Looking at his former deputy, Prime Minister Karl secretly sighed inwardly, honestly he still sympathized a little with Count Wittes.

But when you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. This road was chosen by Vester himself, and no matter how many potholes there were in front of him, it could only be stepped over by himself.

“Vester, calm down, your current state is very wrong. The sky hasn’t fallen yet, what are a bunch of crazy people afraid of!”

Prime Minister Karl had this confidence that the Austrian bourgeoisie had limited strength, especially in terms of force, which was almost zero.

The so-called influence was nothing more than a network of relationships built on power and money deals.

However, this kind of network of relations is the most unreliable, the bureaucrats derive their power from the government, and once the order is given they can be knocked down to the dust.

Anyway, the Austrian government is well organized and can function normally no matter who gets in.

If the chief official goes in, there is a deputy to fill in; if the deputy goes in, there is a next level to fill in, anyway, according to the administrative level all the way to fill in.

For example, in a few cities in Garcia, it’s the ordinary staff who now act as mayors. It may not be possible to do something, but it is enough to maintain the status quo.

After so many years of compulsory education, there is no shortage of officials in the Vienna government, and any additional vacancies can be filled quickly.

If there is not enough manpower, the big thing is to recruit again, even if it is. Prime Minister Karl is not the least bit worried that these guys can make a big mess.

Count Vitus: “But Prime Minister, they are …… now.”

Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, Karl interrupted, “Count, I know what you mean.

It’s just that certain clowns are a bit too active, and have interfered to the investigation team’s investigation of the case, and your normal life.

Don’t worry, the police have already deployed enough police force to protect your safety. The cabinet has just made a decision to conduct a nationwide crackdown.

All thugs will be punished to the fullest extent, including the masterminds behind the scenes.

It doesn’t matter how high their status or how prominent they are, as long as you are able to uncover them, you won’t have to worry about anyone retaliating behind you.”

Seemingly plain, in reality, Prime Minister Karl had already moved to kill. Assassinating a government official was a slap in the face of the Vienna government.

To these guys who broke the rules of the game, Prime Minister Karl was abhorrent. Once uncovered, not dead is also a hundred years in prison, custodial have in and out of the special package.

Vitus does not want to be retaliated against in the future, the best way is to dig out all the enemies this time, once and for all, to eliminate future problems forever.

It seemed simple, but it was a fallacy. Don’t look at the number of suspects that have been identified now, there are still a handful that actually have solid evidence and can be sent to prison.

Neither the capitalists, nor the bureaucrats are alone, if they are in trouble, their minions will not escape.

If all the suspects were caught, the number of people in prison would not be 40,000, but would have already exceeded the 100,000 mark.

There are fish in the net, it is destined to Vitus and other people pulled out of the hatred can not disappear, the future is still less likely to be retaliated against.

After hesitating for a few moments, Earl Vestal hardened his heart and said, “Prime Minister, there are already quite a few criminals whose evidence is conclusive, do you think you can first hand them over to the court for trial.”

Kill the chicken to make an example of the monkey!

The number of people involved this time is too large, many people think that the Vienna government will be “high up, gently fall”, lack of sufficient reverence.

The best way to do this is to kill them, to let them know with blood that wrongdoing is a death sentence.

After a little thought, Prime Minister Karl nodded: “Then first select a group of felons out to be severely punished, the number of people tentatively set at 1,000 people.”

The fate of a thousand unlucky people was decided just like that, as a list of typical examples to make an example of, they would be disposed of according to the strictest standards stipulated by the law.

Hearing this answer, Count Vitus sucked in a breath of cold air. One thousand people which was almost the total number of criminals executed in Austria last year, and now it was a direct step.

No need to doubt, let alone picking a thousand felons out for execution, even if it was two or three thousand, that would be more than enough.

Don’t look at the outside world focusing on anti-corruption and anti-Semitism, but in reality the most arrested are still gangsters.

There was no other reason, it was because the evidence of these scum’s crimes was the easiest to collect.

Most of the crimes committed by other people are economic, and even if there is a murder, it’s behind the scenes, and these guys are the ones who carry it out.

Seeing the prime minister’s attitude is resolute, Vitus secretly thankful, fortunately, his role changed quickly, or else he will now become a chicken to be killed.

Don’t say anything about not killing nobles, if you become the boss of this kind of tens of thousands of criminal gangs, no matter how prominent your identity is, you won’t be able to run away.


Bukovina’s central square, at this moment, was already packed with people, countless melon eaters rushing to watch the court’s public trial.

The aged Fielder and his group also appeared in the crowd, only compared to the excitement of the surrounding people, Fielder and the others’ faces were horribly gloomy.

Today’s trial was the famous Mr. Leo Cohen, perhaps to others it was an unscrupulous scum, but to them it was a compatriot worthy of respect.

As one of the charges was confirmed, Fielder closed his eyes and said slowly, “Let’s go!”

It was impossible to make a scene; it was okay for any ethnic group in Europe to make a scene these days, only not the Jews.

With their tails tucked between their legs, they are all precarious, if they jump out and make trouble, it would be sending excuses to the anti-Semitic forces.

Emotionally excited Osidor said unwillingly, “That defense lawyer, is an idiot, I want to ……”

See around the people cast a different gaze, afraid of Osidor say anything stupid again, Fielder hastily reprimanded: “Shut up!”

Whether the defense lawyer gives or does not give is secondary, the key is that the evidence is too full, and there is a whole lot of human evidence and material evidence.

Whether they wanted to accept it or not, the court found Leo Cohen guilty anyway.

With Fielder’s years of life experience, he knew from the murmurs of the crowd around him that Leo Cohen had done a lot of rotten things.

Ordinary Jews were very low-key and went about their daily lives minimizing their presence as much as possible, lest they attract hostility.

The more arrogant Jews generally hooked up with the local Establishment, and Leo Cohen was very unlucky to be betrayed by his own boss.

The evidence that was originally used to fish out of the water is now all turned into evidence of his wrongdoing in framing Austrian officials, attempting to manipulate politics, and plotting to subvert …… the country.

What is there to say about the evidence that he provided himself, all of which was able to send himself to the guillotine.


Back to the resident, Fielder said in a serious tone: “Osidor, you first calm down a come.

We’re all very sorry about Mr. Leo, but there’s no way we can overturn the police’s evidence. Especially since a lot of the evidence is still explained by Mr. Leo himself.

I’m sure you know what this means, for the Austrians to bring it out for a public trial means that the charges can’t be overturned.

It’s not easy for you to get out of this.

You know, Greer and the others haven’t come out until now. If nothing else, they may never get out.

If you get involved again, not only will you not be able to save Mr. Leo, you will also bury more of your compatriots.

I believe, you understand what I mean.”

Couldn’t you understand, Osidor hadn’t been involved, that was because the Jews were ready to push him into politics, politicians couldn’t have visible dirt, so Leo had kept Osidor out of his business.

Of course, that was all before. Now there was no need to think about it, after this incident, the Jewish power in the Bukovina area had been greatly damaged and was no longer able to push Osido into politics.

Without external support, coupled with his sensitive ethnic identity, even if he passes the examination and enters the officialdom, he is doomed to not go far.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Fielder. I know what to do next and won’t cause trouble for everyone.”


After pacifying these close friends of Leo, Fielder had another headache over whether to leave Austria or not.

After spending a few months here, he had pretty much figured out the situation. Austria was still relatively friendly to ordinary Jews, it just wasn’t very suitable for Jewish capitalists to survive.

Not to mention other problems, only a ban on usury, can kill a lot of Jewish capitalists.

It’s not impossible to do it secretly, but with the Austrian government’s anti-corruption and anti-blackmail efforts, it’s a matter of losing one’s head if one isn’t careful.

Soon to be executed Reo Cohen is a lesson from the past, originally was still the Austrian capitalist community resounding big man, the result of a one-time incident, said finished.

Compliance with the law to do business, there is indeed no problem, but legal business are not profitable ah!

To date, the Austrian domestic market competition has been very cruel, most of the industry’s profits are limited.

As a latecomer, it is even more difficult to get in and get a piece of the pie.

The high profit industry has a very high barrier to entry. Not only do you need to invest a large amount of capital, but also have high technical requirements, but also full of uncertainty, even the return cycle is also very long.

Of course, there are short cycle, high profit industry, for example: stock market, futures, in addition to the risk of a little bit, there is no other disadvantage.

This is certainly not what the Jewish capitalists want, the pursuit of profiteering is not false, is not the same as willing to be a leek.

Playing financial connoisseurs, who do not know the depth of the water. Strong dragons do not suppress the snake, they are at most a caterpillar, rushing in is to die.

Not waiting for Felder to weigh the pros and cons, the cruel reality of the choice made for him.

The execution of Leo Cohen was just the beginning. As the trial continued, more and more people were sent to the guillotine.

Watching the continuous fall of a human head, the rich Jewish capitalists, who were themselves insecure, could not sit still and urged Fielder to leave.

There was no way out, this place was not suitable for everyone to get rich. To the Austrian harsh laws, expressed twelve points of resistance.

If all the rich lords left, leaving just a few ordinary Jews, would it still be Jewish?

Without money to invest, the ordinary people wouldn’t last long under Austria’s assimilation policy.

After all, cultural transmission takes time. Ordinary people have to work hard for three meals a day, and they don’t have that much time to educate the next generation.

Once the language and writing were lost, it wouldn’t take more than a few generations for it to deteriorate.

(End of chapter)

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