Chapter 844: Split

  Chapter 827 Split

Faced with a knuckle-dragging emperor, there was nothing Adonis could do. How else could he investigate without being allowed to arrest someone?

Anyone who planned an assassination would be the first to take themselves off the hook, and if they were really exposed, there would be no place for them in the world.

Not to mention, the fact that there was not a single Jew among the assassins was, in Adonis’ opinion, the biggest suspect.

Logically, as victims, the Jews should hate Napoleon IV the most, and the emergence of a dragon slayer brave is completely normal operation.

Unfortunately, the unorganized assassination couldn’t even reach Napoleon IV’s heel before it was taken down by the police, and the police department wasn’t really a waste of money.

As far as Yadonis knew, from the beginning of the anti-Semitic campaign, the Police Department had arrested more than four figures of Jewish assassins and suspected assassins one after another.

There was no doubt that there must have been wrongdoers among them. It might be true that there was a motive for the crime, but the number of warriors who dared to assassinate the Emperor was definitely in the extreme minority.

Looking at the disappointed police ministers, Napoleon IV also had a headache. It wasn’t that he was willing to be credible with the Jews, he was completely forced to do so.

It was easy to raise the butcher’s knife, but what if he couldn’t kill anyone?

The penetration of Jewish capital into the French government was much deeper than into Austria, and no sooner had the government in Paris decided to turn over the table than someone tipped them off.

Not waiting for the government to order arrests, the gang of cunning financiers, all ran away.

The big fish have all run away, and the small shrimp left behind, even if they are caught, they can’t squeeze enough oil and water out of them.

For the sake of the franc, Napoleon IV had to choose to compromise. Otherwise it is a fish out of water, the Jewish group is certainly finished, France will also lose a lot of money.

These things, Napoleon IV can only be smothered in his heart, if leaked out, will definitely cause an uproar.

A government actually want to compromise with the Jewish capital, if you hear this appalling news, the arrogant French people most likely to revolution.

Now did not attack, does not mean that will never attack, several times three times assassination, has challenged to Napoleon IV bottom line.

It is conceivable that in the years to come, the survival of Jewish capitalists in France will not be too good.


Bukovina is located on the Russian-Austrian border, and since the outbreak of the anti-Semitic movement in Europe, it has become the largest Jewish ghetto in Austria.

It is also a place where Jews have gained valuable experience by wandering around Europe for thousands of years. Staying in the border area until the situation is clear makes for a better run.

The Jews could trust no one in this matter. The Habsburg sign is just as bad here, because Austria also has a long history of anti-Semitic traditions.

Documented anti-Semitic campaigns date back to the 13th century, about the same time that the Habsburgs were just getting started.

The expulsion of Jews from Austria continued until 1848, and was only abolished after Franz succeeded to the throne and implemented a comprehensive policy of national integration.

Undoubtedly, this expulsion decree was never seriously enforced, otherwise Austria would have been free of the Jewish people.

Instead, the integration decree of 1820 was implemented, which stipulated that all Jewish rabbis had to study philosophy and that only German could be used in public prayer. Jewish children were required to attend Christian schools.

Indeed, Franz’s policy of national integration, which was an expansion of this decree, intensified the promotion of language and culture.

This policy, which worked well with many of Austria’s nationalities, ran into trouble only with the Jews.

It could not be said that it was ineffective, at least the Jewish orphans adopted by the orphanages were assimilated very successfully. There were also those whose parents were busy working, and the next generation was also assimilated.

Of course, the fact that they were not fully assimilated does not mean that they were not affected.

Especially for those born after 1845, who grew up writing and speaking Austrian and learning Austrian history and culture, it was impossible not to be affected.

After all, boarding in compulsory education in Austria is so sick. There are only a few vacations a year, and you spend less than a month with your parents, and most of your time is spent at school.

Under this policy, Austria’s national assimilation policy can be said to be very smooth, the country’s many ethnic minorities are a hundred rivers into the sea.

Because of economic reasons, the average person, after completing compulsory education, went straight into the workforce and had no time to inherit the history and culture of his or her ethnic group.

The exception was the Jews, who were more commercially astute and were generally better off than the other ethnic groups.

After completing compulsory education, many parents send their children back to receive home education and inherit their own national culture.

There were even some Jewish schools that existed in the shadows, eluding the scrutiny of government authorities and lurking in the shadows of the Jewish community.

It’s not surprising that these guys are on the Vienna government’s blacklist after having completed their linguistic and cultural assimilation with great difficulty, only to be pulled back again.

Many of the arrested Jewish capitalists had a charge of “profiteering from illegal education”, which meant financing underground schools.

Undoubtedly, this kind of behavior, which is the reverse of history, is absolutely a serious crime in Austria, and the government is cracking down on it.

In a small manor house on the outskirts of the country, Jewish representatives from Russia and Austria are gathered together, all of them are red in the face, and the atmosphere is very tense.

Seeing the situation getting out of hand, the respected Jewish leader, Ferd Levy, stomped his cane and scolded, “Shut up!

Don’t forget what time it is, and you’re still arguing here. If we don’t unite, we’re going to die out.”

A middle-aged man said in dissatisfaction, “Respected Mr. Fielder, it’s not that we’re willing to argue, there’s really no way.

The situation in Europe right now is very unfavorable to us, and several of the most important leaders in the country have been captured by the Austrians.

We must find a way to rescue them and preside over the situation.”

There was a reason for the middle-aged man’s dissatisfaction; although the Jewish nation was one family, it was still internally divided into large and small groups.

Influenced by the butterfly effect, by the 19th century, the Jewish people were mainly distributed within the territories of Britain, France, Austria and Russia.

British and French Jews have the strongest capital, the strongest influence on the government, and the small life is also the most nourishing.

With the development of the economy, riding on the Austrian economic development of the express train, the Austrian Jewish capital also rose rapidly, and even appeared later on the first signs of success.

In contrast, the largest number of Russian Jews on the bitter, the Russian economy is not good, favoring the tsarist government is notorious for not speaking the rules.

After the Russian and Austrian economies became one, the Jewish capitalists of the two countries also leaned together because of their interests, and in general the Austrian Jewish capital was dominant.

However, as the saying goes, “no flower is good for a hundred days, and no man is good for a thousand days”, the anti-Semitic movement had just begun when the Austrian Jewish capitalists and national leaders were eliminated in one fell swoop.

With the loss of their leader, the Austrian Jews, who were not a monolithic group, quickly fell into a state of division.

After the outbreak of the anti-Semitic campaign in Russia, a large number of Russian Jews fled to Bukovina, relying on the S.D.A. to open the way, and vaguely took control of the Jewish community.

The middle-aged man’s proposal was clearly not representative of all Austrian Jews.

The young Osidor then jumped in, “Mr. Grylls, it’s not that serious, the Austrian anti-Semitic movement has been quelled by the government.

There were some unpleasant occurrences in between, but on the whole it was peaceful, and our lives have not been affected too much.

The original evacuation plan can no longer be used, what we need to do is to adjust as soon as possible and embrace a new life, instead of having meaningless meetings here.

As for rescuing the arrested compatriots, I think finding them a good lawyer is more reliable than any rescue plan.”

Not all of the Jewish elite are willing to stand with the arrested capitalists, and in the opinion of many, the Austrian government is arresting people by legal means this time, so the problem should be solved by legal means.

Family members know their own business, and everyone still has a good idea in their hearts of what those fellow Jews who were arrested really are.

Moreover, not only Jewish capitalists were imprisoned this time, but also many capitalists of other nationalities were arrested and imprisoned, only that there were more Jewish capitalists.

It can’t be helped, there are always some ungrateful people in this world. Since they had jumped out, Franz could only reluctantly greet them together.

The Viennese government did not raise the banner of anti-Semitism, and the crackdown was not confined to the Jews.

Although there were many Jewish capitalists in prison, not all of them went in, and there were also some legitimate Jewish businessmen who escaped.

In the eyes of many, this was a large-scale crackdown on criminal behavior by the government.

For the sake of these criminal compatriots, jumped out and the Austrian government against, how to see how it is not cost-effective, naturally, there are people against it.

Grylls said with dissatisfaction, “Osidor, don’t forget who funded you to finish your education, this is just where you’ve flipped out!”

Osidor’s face sank, “Naturally I don’t dare to forget, the matter of rescuing Mr. Leo, I will hire the best lawyer for him and defend him.

But I absolutely do not agree with resorting to violent rescue, much less an armed riot, which would push all my compatriots to the point of no return, and bring about doom for everyone.

Mr. Grylls, I know that Mr. Reaux and the others must have deep connections in the Vienna government, and you should know how to get in touch.

If you really want to rescue them, then start here! Both bribing and threatening have a much higher success rate than an armed uprising.”

Hearing this inside story, the elder Fielder also persuaded, “Grylls, Osidor has a point, force won’t solve the problem.

We Jews are so few in number that even if the uprising succeeds, it will be quickly suppressed.

By that time there will not be one or two deaths, it may even lead to the end of all our compatriots in Austria.

If you don’t want a repeat of the old events that took place in Vienna in 1420, then do as Osidor proposes!”

Joking aside, it was so hard to run from the Russian Empire to Austria to escape the storm, if the Greer started an armed rebellion and triggered the Austrian government to become anti-Semitic, it would be the end of the line.

As for the capitalists arrested by the Vienna government, in Fielder’s opinion, that was no matter at all.

Judging by his life experience, as long as the money is in place, these people can come out at any time, to Grylls such reckless action, he is completely look at.

There was no way to gain the support of the crowd, and Grylls knew that in the absence of the bosses, he was not yet capable of instigating an uprising based solely on his prestige among the Jewish people.

Helplessly explained: “Gentlemen, it’s not that I want to go to extremes, the key Austrians want to cut off all the people, simply do not give Mr. Reo and them a way out.

You may not know, the Vienna government a number of high-ranking officials, openly expressed their views to request the court to punish severely, the highest status is a financial undersecretary.

Their position basically represents that of the Vienna Government. Together with the unfavorable influence of public opinion, the court’s trial will certainly be affected.

If there are no surprises, more than 3,000 compatriots, including Mr. Reo, may be sentenced to death.”

No way, too much black history.

(End of chapter)

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