Chapter 838: Legal Weapons

  Chapter 821 Legal Weapons

The Austrian government was not the only one to take action, all European governments joined in the feast.

It’s not true that Jewish capital pulls the hatchet, but it’s only a secondary factor, after all, capitalists these days are all one and the same, no one is nobler than anyone else.

The essence of the anti-Semitic movement has been the same throughout the ages in a few points:

One is the intensification of social contradictions, and the method of diversion adopted by the rulers in order to consolidate their rule;

The second is that there is no money in their pockets, they cannot afford to pay back the usury of the Jewish capital, and the rulers do not want to bear the bad reputation of reneging on their debts, so they renege on their debts in the name of anti-Semitism, and by the way, they can also make a fortune.

The religious factor and the Jewish capitalists pulling the hatchet were also part of the reason for the outbreak of the anti-Semitic movement, though it mostly became a secondary factor after modern times.

Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes Jewish capital is really deadly, and often has no bottom line when it comes to profit, and has triggered quite a few anti-Semitic movements, though this is mostly localized.

The essence of this anti-Semitic movement is very simple: the French government ran out of money, and all the other European countries followed suit.

Taking the Tsarist government as an example, after the outbreak of the anti-Semitic movement in Europe, Alexander III confiscated a large number of Jewish capitalists’ industries, especially the banking industry, and nationalized all those with a Jewish capital background.

Well, that latter one was added by bureaucrats.

The main reason is that more than ten years ago, the Russian Empire just carried out a powerful anti-Semitic campaign, and now the Jewish capitalists in Russia have not yet had time to recover, the family background is simply not enough for everyone to divide.

With no other choice, everyone just had to play with enlargement.

Other industries are not easy to move, involving the employment of workers, not well handled easy to cause a big mess, the bureaucrats in addition to greed, but also afraid of trouble at the same time.

The only exception was the banks, which themselves held large amounts of cash. Taking advantage of the nationalization, everyone completely private part of the cash, and then dumped it on the Jewish capitalists.

If the tactics are a bit more clever, after a while there can be another excuse to sell off the nationalized banks at a low price to private capital, and then make a profit fee out of it.

As for the other capitalists involved, it all depends on whether their backstage is tough enough.

Backstage hard natural is to return the industry, bribe a sum of money, and may even join the division of the team, take the opportunity to annex the shares of the Jewish legacy.

Backstage is not hard enough, that can only regret, to keep their own interests is considered lucky, bad luck directly to the confiscation.

Czarist government eating is not eating, not only the domestic national capitalists were affected by the loss of heavy, even the British and French these foreign capital are no exception.

This feast lasted until the Austrian capital suffered losses, the Vienna government to the tsarist government protested, Alexander III only intervened.

But that was already half a year later, the unlucky ones in the early stage, many people’s graves have grown grass.

In contrast, Austria was still in a position to eat. The unlucky ones are all illegal and criminal Jewish capitalists, and the peaceful ones still escaped.

Though the number of the quiet ones was very small, it didn’t matter. It is not easy to kill all of them at once, and it is not easy to intentionally expand the situation and involve more innocent people.


As winter turned to spring, the earth began to recover and the trees began to sprout.

The rows and rows of toon trees in the Vienna Palace have at this moment drawn out new branches, sprouted tender green leaves and spat out fragrant red buds, heralding Austria’s prosperous national fortune.

This beautiful time, as Franz this moment mood.

Looking at the prime minister handed over the income statement, Franz finally understand why the European countries love anti-Semitism, and why the Jews are not clicked off.

It is not that people do not want to, is completely unable to give up. This is a good leek, every few decades can be harvested once, and every time can get rich earnings.

If you get it all at once, what if future generations are short of money? In a sense, this is also a sustainable model of pig farming.

The confiscated cash wasn’t too much, less than 200 million divine guilders, but the seized businesses, factories, land, houses, and other real estate, bonds, stocks, and a series of other assets was an astronomical figure.

According to the Vienna government’s preliminary estimate, the value of these assets added up to more than three and a half billion divine guilders.

Of course, many of these were virtual assets that theoretically existed.

For example: the market capitalization of a certain listed company was thirty million God’s Guilders, but its actual assets might only be ten million God’s Guilders, or even only a few million God’s Guilders.

How much water is in this, no one can say. The valuation of the Vienna government, exactly how it was calculated, Franz was also unclear.

If he really took it out and sold it, he would definitely not be able to sell it for so much money in a short period of time, and he might not even be able to sell half of it.

So much money, no consortium in the world can take out, even Franz single-handedly created the royal family consortium, do not have this kind of strength.

After all, wealth and cash are two concepts, if you really want to talk about theoretical assets, Franz, Queen Victoria, Alexander III is definitely the world’s top three, each one is 10 billion Shendian +.

However these fortunes were only nominal. Theoretically speaking, Franz’s greatest wealth is a bunch of royal territories, an area of up to ten million square kilometers, compared to these, the royal family consortium is really nothing.

Britannia’s pile of colonies are theoretically the Queen’s property, the value of which can’t be estimated at all.

The same goes for Alexander III, the Russian Empire was big enough that the Tsar nominally owned tens of millions of square kilometers of land, and even if most of that land was tundra, it was still worth a lot.

All this theoretical wealth, if it could be realized, all the world’s consortia combined would be weak.

More than 5,000 Jewish capitalists were involved, accounting for sixty-eight and a half percent of all Jewish capitalists.

Undoubtedly, these 5,000 people are mostly small and medium-sized capitalists, and those who are at the top of the capitalist world are still only a minority, and those who hold the most wealth are precisely these few.

According to the statistics, the top ten billionaires all had assets of more than one hundred million Shendun, the top one hundred held more than two and a half billion Shendun, and the ones with the smallest assets also had more than one million.

It didn’t have to be said, these guys who were listed individually were dead. Although they were disposed of according to the law, their rich family background was the impetus for the Vienna government to lift their black history.

So much money was legally earned, whether others believed it or not, Franz did not believe it anyway.

Specifically can refer to the Habsburg family, an inheritance of several hundred years of royal family, before Franz took over all the assets together, converted to the current value of the shield are less than one hundred million dollars.

This has nothing to do with effort, but more to do with the productivity limitations of the times. The total wealth of the society is so much, you do business even more powerful upper limit is also stuck there.

The back of the case file is too much, Franz are too lazy to turn back, anyway, he is not a judge, trial of criminals is not his job.

Putting down the documents in his hands, Franz asked curiously, “According to the current laws and regulations, how will these people be sentenced?”

Prime Minister Karl replied with a bitter smile, “In fact, there are far more people suspected of committing crimes, and this list is already the result of the government’s leniency.

Those who committed lesser offenses, we only gave them fines and did not include them.

According to the current law, all these guys on the list are at least 10 years to start with. More than half of them could be sentenced to death by hanging.

This is still just an investigation based on the information provided by the informants, without going overly deep into the results of pursuing other offenses, otherwise I doubt any of these guys would be able to survive.”

Hearing this answer, Franz also stunned, this is not the real version of “ten capitalists kill nine, there is still a leakage”?

Franz has reason to believe that the guys who escaped are not because of how clean they are, or how lucky they are, but more because the number of people involved is too large.

In order to minimize the political impact, the Vienna government could not execute tens of thousands of people at once, and could only catch the “fat sheep” and the “worst offenders” to deal with.

As for why this is the case, then we have to ask the Austrian law. Compared to later generations, these days the law is much more punitive.

After all, now is the aristocrats in power, the bourgeoisie may threaten their own status, naturally will not be soft.

A simple example, hoarding in Austria, the circumstances are serious, you can confiscate all the property, and will lose his head.

Bribery of government officials, regardless of the severity of the circumstances, the bribed official and the bribe giver are the same crime, both are imprisoned for the same number of years.

Bribe more than one official, it is miserable, the prison term is cumulative, and is not capped.

If bad luck, bribe officials in the future was sentenced to death, then there is no need to say directly happy to be sentenced to 100 years in prison.

Is this fair?

Definitely not fair, but the world is not fair.

There was a power struggle involved, as well as an attempt to curb the pervasive corruption, and Franz still chose to acquiesce.

Besides, there was a back door, so if you wanted to escape punishment, then make a report.

Report the officials you’ve bribed, and you can get your sentence reduced. Theoretically one could report a few more, offset the offense, pay a fine and get out of jail.

As a result, basically every major anti-corruption case involves a large group of people.

In Austria, both giving and receiving bribes are high-risk activities. So far, the highest number of years sentenced to prison has been three thousand four hundred and sixteen years.

Franz asked with some apprehension, “How many officials are involved?”

Now he was really afraid, in case another shocking thunderbolt came out, the hitman’s performance this year was going to explode.

There is no way, the dignity of the law must be maintained. When it is found out, it must be dealt with, Franz will not use amnesty for these scum.

Prime Minister Carl lowered his head and replied, ”As of now, four thousand eight hundred and sixty-four public officials have surrendered to the Anti-Corruption Bureau one after another, submitting dirty money of thirteen million four hundred and seventy-seven million Shendian.

The exact number of officials involved is still under investigation. There have already been quite a few criminals who have reported to the government, only to suffer from a lack of evidence and no way to directly file a case.”

Hearing this answer, Franz instead breathed a sigh of relief.

The number of people involved in the case was large, and the amount of money involved was also large, but the amount of bribes per capita was not large, coupled with the fact that the crime was reduced by surrendering, most of these guys could be dealt with internally.

Confiscation of dirty money, dismissal from public office, and then punished with varying periods of compulsory labor, the matter will be over, finally do not need to kill.

As for the recalcitrant elements that are being identified, then there is no need to say, it is just right to take out to make an example of the chickens and monkeys.

Franz had a hunch that these guys who refused to admit their guilt, most of them are people who are guilty of the most heinous crimes, and generally people who see that things have happened, will not resist at all.

“Check! No matter who is implicated, give me an investigation to the end, this time never use to appease any criminals.”

Having taken down so many Jewish capitalists, without government officials following in their footsteps, no one would believe it.

The small shrimp that turned themselves in don’t count, but the big fish behind them haven’t surfaced. Franz did not believe in Jewish capital, which had no roots at all in Austria.

This time the Vienna government’s action can be successful, that is to catch them by surprise, who do not know the government will use the law as a weapon.

After all, the two core elements of the anti-Semitic movement, Austria is one of the two do not have, the Vienna government neither need to transfer the social contradictions, but also did not encounter financial difficulties.

According to past experience, the anti-Semitic movement in Europe is a violent start, the Vienna government did not have the slightest warning before the action.

In particular, the government has strengthened its police force to stop anti-Semitic actions by civil extremists, which has reassured many people.

This empirical illusion misled the judgment of the Jewish capitalists, and the Vienna government, without any forewarning, suddenly issued an arrest order, leaving them no time at all to react.

It is not true that money is powerful, but no amount of money is worth mentioning in front of the state apparatus.

In the past, the relationship and network of contacts have become fragmented, at least up to now, Franz has not met the Jewish capitalists to plead for mercy.

The fact that it has not been launched does not mean that it does not exist. Involved in light can take the opportunity to kick off the Jewish capitalists to get away, has long been tied together with the guy, this time want to get away from it will be difficult.

Without pulling out these Jewish capital buried in the government nails, Franz can not sleep.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


(End of chapter)

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