Chapter 817: French Counterattack Plan

  Chapter 800 The French Counterattack Plan

After the news of the French defeat in Egypt was sent back to the European continent, it immediately caused a furor. Many people’s first reaction after getting the newspaper was – is today April Fool’s Day?

In the original time and space, Italy’s defeat in Africa was laughed at by the European world for hundreds of years, and now the French are enjoying the same treatment.

Because the hate value is so high, the French attracted firepower that is even more intensive than Italy in the original time and space.

As the official media of the Austrian government, the Vienna Daily News then published the news of the French defeat with a very exaggerated headline – France in the Fall of the Empire.

It was a series of stories going back to the Roman Empire, but any country that had been influential in European history was on the list.

For credibility, even the Habsburg dynasty was on the list, along with the oxymoronic name – the First Sunless Empire.

The history of the family, naturally, can not be sloppy. A certain degree of artistic processing is inevitable, summed up: the French are too despicable, actually colluded with the pagans.

This is also the biggest black history of France, how to wash away.

As a Catholic country, cheeky to join the Protestant Alliance is also even, after all, we all believe in God, barely acceptable.

But hooked up with the European public enemy Ottoman, that can not be tolerated. The end result was, naturally, the fall of the Habsburg dynasty.

As the victor of the French, but also did not have a long time to be complacent, in the European continent was isolated by everyone.

Catholic countries regarded them as traitors, and Protestant countries were reluctant to accept them as “heretics”, until the religion did not fall behind, this situation is gradually improved.

If this was an old grudge, the new one was the war against France.

Napoleon the Great used the European countries as stepping stones to forge his supreme fame, as his descendants have to inherit these hatreds themselves.

Especially after Napoleon III annexed the Italian region, the hate value once again exploded, and has since fallen into isolation.

This is not the worst, at least Napoleon III also signed an alliance with Britain and Austria.

Although not very reliable, and no military alliance obligations in the European continent, but even more unreliable allies are better than none.

By the time Napoleon IV arrived, the situation had changed. The Triple Alliance was not renewed after its expiration date, and without a treaty to bind them, Britain and Austria were not polite when it came to getting things done.

Happened in Egypt is the reality of one of the cases, without the support of the British and Austrians, it is estimated that the rebels have long been finished, where is the ambition to liberate Egypt?

To know the rebel program of the insurgent army, are skillful business skills of the British handled. This time, Aswan defeated, is also John Bull to make trouble.

The black hand of Austria is in the making and has not yet had time to break out.


The media, no matter how unbiased, is biased. With their own black history published, France, as a backdrop, is naturally and being blackened into charcoal.

Of course, this is all done after the revival of the Habsburg dynasty, the empire series. Otherwise, Franz did not have the courage to face up to this part of history.

Against this backdrop, “France in the Fall of the Empire” naturally doesn’t have anything good to say. The fact that the French army is the largest in the world is, frankly speaking, just a subjective judgment.

In addition to the excellent military quality of the French army, more psychological factors.

In order to eliminate the fear of their own troops against the French, black French army combat power, in continental Europe is also politically correct.

The minor setback in Annam ahead was nothing, after all, the French Army did not suffer many casualties. At most, it was mocked by the European press, and when the treaty was signed everyone tacitly shut up.

This time, the battle of Egypt is different, 40,000 French troops did not even win the African natives, the shame has been lost to the grandmother’s house.

There is no problem, rounding up a bit, the colonial troops also algorithmic army main force.

It’s enough for the European public to know that the French lost the battle in Egypt, the details don’t matter at all.

First there was the financial meltdown, the economic crisis of the Great Depression, and by way of another revolution in Paris, the domestic economy was in shambles.

Not waiting to take a breath, and then there was a major defeat in Egypt, said France is not falling Franz are almost believe.

Times are different now, and Austria now no longer needs France to be at the front, attracting the attention of the British.

The next important policy of the government in Vienna was to sing the praises of France.

It was not necessary that all the European populace should believe it; it was enough that the Germans and Italians believed it.

It was not only Austria that gave the French government a hard time, but almost all the European countries pushed on, only with mockery.

Watching the French joke was a popular show for the European public. As the planner of the Great Battle of Aswan, Lieutenant General Jarrett also became famous in one battle.

It is worth mentioning that it was the French newspapers that made Lieutenant General Jarrett’s name for him.

It was not that the French were willing to publicize for the enemy, but mainly because they were forced to do so. Losing to the British was more acceptable than losing to the natives of Africa.

Not only was the news of British support for the rebels disclosed, even Austria did not hide it, and the government in Vienna received a protest from the French government as a matter of course.

The famous literary figure Victor Hugo even wrote an article himself to expose the shameless behavior of Britain and Austria – “The Conspiracy of Two Clowns”.


In Paris, angry French people have taken to the streets to protest against the government. Adolf, as governor of Egypt, was now synonymous with stupidity and waste.

Napoleon IV also had a headache in the face of the public’s anger. No matter what the government tried to explain, the crowds of protesting demonstrators refused to disperse.

Even after pulling out the British and Austrians, the French public stubbornly believed that the government had made a mistake in hiring, and many were questioning the French government’s talent selection system.

Adolf, as the person in question, pulled out his ancestors and finally came to the conclusion – Noble Connected = Incompetent Waste.

If it was not beyond the reach of the whip, Napoleon IV wanted to bring back Adolf to calm the anger of the people.

Of course, this kind of thing just think about it. There are rules for everything, and the emperor can’t act recklessly.

Even if the battle is lost, to hold Adolf personally responsible, that is also the first to go to the military court.

Popular protests are just child’s play, anyway, have seen a lot, Napoleon IV is also used to it.

It had happened not long before with the loss of Annam, and when the treaty came back, all problems were solved.

The priority now was still the suppression of the rebellion. As soon as the rebels were suppressed, the matter would soon fade into the past.

Napoleon IV asked, “You are all aware of the situation in the country, when will the War Ministry be able to send troops?”

Minister of War Luskinia Hafiz replied, “Your Majesty, there are too many preparations that need to be made for the laboring army, the earliest would be a week.

And after arriving in Egypt, there will be at least a week of rest and recuperation before the troops can be put into battle.

With the time spent marching, launching an attack on the rebels will be at least a month away.”

In a sense, Napoleon IV’s urgency was one of the reasons for Adolf’s defeat. If not for the Emperor’s urging, he wouldn’t have rushed into a showdown with the rebels.

It was just that this kind of thing, naturally, couldn’t be the emperor’s responsibility, so Adolf could only admit his own bad luck.

With a lesson learned from the past, Luskinia Hafiz had to be much more cautious. This time it was the Ministry of War that chose the man, if there was another defeat, he, the Minister of War, could not absolve himself of the blame.

Napoleon IV frowned: “The situation in Egypt is at stake, and the public pressure at home is so great, can’t the Ministry of War hurry up?”

Minister of War Luskinia Hafiz: “Your Majesty, this is already the fastest speed. Reinforcing Egypt requires a sea march, and we have to screen out the seasick soldiers first.

After arriving at the place, we also have to consider the problem of water sickness. Generally speaking, this kind of cross-sea combat usually has a preparation time of half a year, or even longer.”

It’s not nonsense, if you go out blindly, even if the Mediterranean is calm, the number of non-combat attrition would be staggering.

Especially after arriving at the place, without the necessary rest and reorganization, it was put into the battle, and the troops with the most formidable combat strength would turn into limp shrimps.

In the face of the Minister of War, Napoleon IV could do nothing.

At least he was a graduate of a military academy, how could he not know this kind of basic common sense?

It was just that the internal and external pressure was so great that he panicked for a while. There was a hint of unrealistic fantasies about the rapid pacification of the rebellion.

After sighing, Napoleon IV waved his hand and said, “That’s just it, just follow your plan.

But we still need to hurry up and quell this rebellion as soon as possible to reduce our losses.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Luskinia Hafiz replied.

After staring at the map on the wall and surveying it for half a second’s effort, he seemed to have thought of something.

Suddenly, Napoleon IV slammed the table and said fiercely, “Britain and Austria have been causing us trouble one after another, now we must strike back.”

As soon as the word “counterattack” appeared, the crowd was in a daze.

The French government has long wanted to fight back against the successive big moves of Britain and Austria, but they did not know where to start.

Counterattack the financial system of Britain and Austria?

This thing think on the line, Britain and Austria do not lack of gold reserves, the value of the pound and the guilder are stable as a mountain.

Supporting revolutionaries and nationalist separatists?

The Parisian government was already doing that, only with a very touching result. With the exception of the Irish Independence Organization, which has made a few waves, all the other organizations have seen nothing but commitment.

There was even a fraudulent gang posing as a Hungarian independence organization that swindled the French government out of a whopping 5 million francs.

Returning blood for blood and making things happen in the other side’s colonies?

The French government has always done that, with little success. The British engaged in proxy rule, and the rebellions were first and foremost the locals killing each other.

Austria, while under direct rule, had a hold on the colonies that was clearly too strong.

Especially with Austrian Africa next door, if you want to plan a colonial rebellion, you don’t even know who to go to.

Local powerhouses certainly existed, but people had become Austrian nobles, as vested interests, there was no reason to create their own rebellion.

None of these tactics work, so you can’t add to the two countries’ problems diplomatically, can you?

The French government is still self-aware, it is not their diplomatic ability garbage, the main thing is that France in the continent of Europe’s hate value is too high, by the European countries to reject.

Diplomatic games with Britain and Austria is completely self-defeating. It would be better to directly send troops to hit the door, the success rate may even be a little higher.

Study to study, finally the French government helplessly came to the conclusion: to retaliate against the British and Austrian countries, must have the time, geographical advantage, and people and, foolishly rushing upwards is no future.

Foreign Minister Terence Burgin advised, “Your Majesty, Britain and Austria are in league with each other, I’m afraid that venturing into action will cause even more chaos, we must act cautiously.”

The “collusion” is certainly not true, except for the last joint shorting of the franc, Britain and Austria have not really jointly targeting France again.

However, there is no need to look deeper into these internal information, the French government is also to save face, if they do not exaggerate the strength of the enemy a little bit, it would appear to be too incompetent.

Anyway, from the surface, Britain and Austria are in support of the Egyptian rebels, said the two countries joined forces in the suppression of France is not too exaggerated.

(End of chapter)

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