Chapter 794: The Four-Power Pact

  Chapter 777: The Convention of Four Nations

Constantinople, a meeting to divide the spoils was taking place within the allied command at the moment. Since the anti-Turkish alliance consisted of four countries, it was only natural that the division of the spoils would be four together.

In this regard, the Vienna government was very careful to eat, no matter how to say Greece and Montenegro is also a victorious country, the spoils of war still have a share of them.

The Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Weissenberg, who was the leader of the Anti-Turkish League, was the first to speak: “With the joint efforts of all of us, we have finally won the war in the Near East.

Now that the war is over, it is time to distribute the spoils. In principle, we will distribute the spoils according to the size of each country’s contribution in the war.

If everyone has any special requests, you can raise them first, and we will prioritize those that can be met.”

“Prioritize” not “prioritize” set the tone for the meeting. Weissenberg’s meaning is very clear, excessive requirements do not need to mention, it is impossible to pass.

The Russian governor of Constantinople, Vtoryak, smiled and said, “The Black Sea Straits are the gateway to the Russian Empire, and we would like to have access to the Ottoman territories along the Sea of Marmara.”

Selling land is selling land, and the spoils of war are still up for grabs. As long as the curtain did not fall on the St. Petersburg negotiations, the Russian-Austrian territorial deal on the Asia Minor Peninsula could not be made.

Only Vtoriak was much more relaxed than the nervous Greek and Montenegrin delegates.

As a high-ranking member of the Russian Empire, Vtolyak knew how determined the tsarist government was to get rid of this burden.

Negotiations are still at a standstill, that is only to maximize the benefits, the deal is almost inevitable, otherwise the negotiator would not be him as the governor.

Greek Foreign Minister Nislav followed suit and said, “We wish to acquire the Izmir region for the resettlement of Greeks in Ottoman territory.”

The Vienna government’s immigration program is also a matter of opinion, there is a background background is not in the first batch of relocation list, only after determining the background to let go of the matter, it will be packaged and sent away.

Greece, although a little weaker, it is also a member of the anti-Turkish alliance, the Greeks who survived in Ottoman territory, for the time being, is not in the scope of migration.

Despite Nislav’s best efforts at restraint, Weissenberg was still stunned by the Greeks’ lion’s share of the money.

The region of Izmir was no poor country, after the loss of Constantinople, it was the busiest port in the Ottoman Empire and the first city in the country.

Located on the western coast of the Ottomans, it can be said to be the most elite area on the Asia Minor Peninsula, even the capital city of Ankara was not as prosperous as this place before the war.

Diplomatic work done for a long time, Weissenberg is also well-informed, upset expression flashed away, still wearing a smile, cast his eyes on the Montenegrin representative.

The Foreign Minister of the Duchy of Montenegro, Nikolaus Cage, said with an expressionless face, “We have no demands for territory, we only wish to receive economic compensation.”

Is it true that there are no territorial claims?

The answer is: no!

The problem is that Montenegro is too weak to run an enclave. What they wanted were neighboring territories, and the problem was that those areas were all Austria proper, so who dared to bring them up?

Spying on the Great Powers’ homelands? This joke can’t be made indiscriminately, revealing half a thought, may lead to the disaster of the destruction of the country.

Weissenberg nodded with satisfaction: ”I understand everyone’s requirements, in addition to Baron Nicholas Cage’s requirements can be clearly answered, the others need to be further negotiated.

In this war, everyone has captured a lot of property, and in principle, they all belong to their respective owners.

Since the Duchy of Montenegro has given up its territorial claims, a portion of the Austrian military’s loot will be taken to compensate your country, in addition to gifting your country an active first-class battleship.”

With this result, Nicholas Cage was already satisfied. The strategic materials of this war were all from Austria, and the price paid by the Duchy of Montenegro was only two battalion casualties, and only a hundred or eighty people were really killed in battle.

First-class battleship is not cheap, this thing Montenegro does not have, the specific cost is how much Nicholas Cage also do not know, but the Austrian offer is as high as 1.15 million guilders.

Now is the age of the sea, who all have a naval dream. In order to access to the sea, the Principality of Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire is a dead heat for hundreds of years.

Regrettably, the government revenue is limited, can be invested in the Navy’s funding some of the naval fleet on a few sail battleships to support the facade.

Can have this harvest, Nicholas Cage will be enough to return to the country. As for the compensation of other booty, he no longer expect.

The ones that can be realized have long been disposed of, and now the rest are the kind of commodities that are not good to sell, and are not worth anything at all.

After a little thought, Nicolas Cage replied, “No problem, we are very satisfied with this compensation.”

A war of words, that didn’t exist. Diplomatic negotiations were sometimes troublesome and sometimes simple.

The need to bargain all the time was based on the fact that both sides were close in strength, had the ability to bargain, and the negotiation conditions were far apart.

Now the conditions offered by Austria have exceeded the expectations of the Duchy of Montenegro, so naturally there is no need to bargain.

When the negotiation was entering the next stage, the voice of the guard outside the door rang out, “Your Excellency the Governor, an urgent telegram from St. Petersburg.”

“Bring it in!” Governor Vtoryak said

After receiving the telegram, Vtoriak didn’t shun it in the slightest and directly flipped through it.

“Gentlemen, I think this negotiation can already be concluded.”

After saying that, Ftoriak directly handed the telegram to Weissenberg, and the title on it was clearly “Letter of Agreement between Russia and Austria on the Disposition of Ottoman Territory”.

Both Russia and Austria had signed the treaty, and the Tsarist government had already sold all of its post-war interests, so further negotiations would not be of any value.

As for the Greeks, they were naturally ignored by Vtoriak.

Anyway, the interests belonging to the Russian Empire got it, the Greeks want a share of the Asia Minor Peninsula, then go to the Austrians to ask for it, it is no longer his business.

Quickly skimming through the documents, Weissenberg slowly said, “There is indeed no need to talk about it, since the treaty has been signed, let’s just fulfill it according to the contents of the treaty.”

Weisenberg didn’t think that the Russians would play any fake telegram games, anyway, the treaty didn’t need to be re-signed, there was no point in deceiving him except to ask for trouble.

The treaty read as follows:

1, The Russian Empire gave up its territorial claims to the Ottoman Empire and supported Austria’s annexation of the Ottoman Empire, in return for which the government of Vienna was required to compensate the Czarist government with 68 million Shendian in cash;

2, the Russian Empire promised to resettle the people in the Ottoman Empire, and the Vienna government needed to pay 125 million guilders for the resettlement; (guaranteed to be resettled in territories 1,000 kilometers away from Austria)

3, the Vienna government promises that the Austrian Navy will not establish ports in the Black Sea, and that warships with a displacement of more than 2,000 tons will have to seek Russian consent before entering the Black Sea;

4, Russia and Austria will join forces to fight ……


After circulating the contents of the treaty, Nislav was embarrassed. Originally, he had thought that when Russia and Austria had a dispute and needed Greek support, he could take advantage of the situation.

Reality tells Nislav that this is completely overthinking, people have closed the door to take care of themselves, there is no intention to ask them.

Not counting the war expenses, just pay the Russians funds, the Austrians have to pay out 193 million guilders. If you add the war expenses, before and after the Vienna government to pay out at least 400 million guilders.

With the Austrians paying such a large price, what gave Greece the right to get a piece of the Asia Minor Peninsula?

Perhaps realizing this, Weissenberg added: “Sir Nislav, in view of your country’s performance in this war, I would like to suggest that we refer to Montenegro’s standard for compensating your country.

As for the Izmir region, in order to avoid the outbreak of unnecessary conflicts in the future, I think it would be better for Your Excellency to give it up.”

Hearing this “suggestion”, cold sweat broke out on Nislav’s forehead. Where was he discussing, he was clearly notifying the outcome.

The scene immediately became awkward, and Nislav didn’t know how to reply.

Rejecting Weissenberg’s “suggestion”?

Even if he were to give Izmir to Greece, Nislav would not dare to accept it now. Otherwise, if a conflict broke out later, he would be responsible for it.

But if he agreed to do so, Nislav was not willing to go back without fighting for it.

Seeing that the negotiation is going to be at an impasse, as the host of the Vtoriak Governor came out to round off the situation and said: “The two Izmir issue, may as well put it aside for a while.

The Ottoman Empire has already been extinguished, and now it is necessary for us to send a proclamation to the outside world to warn those villains who are making trouble behind the scenes.”

On this issue, the four countries of the Anti-Turkish Alliance were all united in their stance, and did not feel half as good about the British who were making small moves behind the scenes.

Austrian Foreign Minister Weissenberg concurred, “Your Excellency’s suggestion is very constructive. We should indeed warn the villains who are making trouble behind the scenes, lest they do not know how to move forward and continue to do some disgusting and rotten things.”

The two bosses both said it was fine, so Nislav and Nicolas Cage naturally wouldn’t have a problem with it.

Shouting threats at the British from across the air, imagining it all felt exciting, it was something that the European countries wanted to do, but didn’t dare to do.

If not for the banner of the Anti-Turkish Alliance, Russia and Austria rushed in the front to carry the thunder, this kind of things that show their faces, say what they do not dare to participate.

Soon a sternly worded announcement was born, Russia, Austria, Black Greece, four countries on behalf of the joint signatures at the back, the title is directly titled “Anti-Turkish Alliance four countries Convention”.

1, From this day forward, the evil Ottoman Empire is hereby extinguished;

2、For the sake of world peace and stability, the Anti-Turkish Alliance will continue to fight against the remaining Ottoman Empire all over the world;

3、Any act of harboring or covering up the remaining Ottoman elements will be regarded as a challenge to the Anti-Turkish Alliance, and once discovered the Anti-Turkish Alliance will take extraordinary means to combat them, including means of war;


(End of chapter)

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