Chapter 790: Withdrawal from the group

  Chapter 773 – Withdrawing from the Group

The economic crisis was still raging, and all industries had been hit, though the shipping industry was an exception.

Influenced by the Vienna government’s policies, European companies engaged in ocean shipping have seen a huge increase in business and a boom against the market.

First there was the great migration policy of Eastern Europe, millions of people from East and West Prussia went to the African continent, and now there is a wave of transnational “resettlement”.

Shipping companies engaged in international trade are living a very good life, and even the economy is showing signs of recovery.

Of course, this is only an illusion. The economic crisis is more serious than it seems, and in order to combat competitors, Britain and Austria continue to play dumping.

With the double advantages in technology and raw materials, the cost of industrial products in Britain and Austria is mostly lower than that of European countries, which creates favorable conditions for dumping.

Everyone is losing money, people can still save money, the game can naturally continue. In order to drag the competitors to death, the British and Austrian capitalists are also blood money.

As a result, the call for withdrawal from the free trade system and the establishment of a tariff protection system is also growing in the European world.

Paris, just after the end of a revolution, the blood has not yet dried, the citizens of Paris once again on the demonstration: protesting against the British and Austrian commodity dumping, demanding the government to protect the market.

Listening to the “voices of the capitalists” outside, no is the voice of the people, in the temporary palace of Napoleon IV only feel a lot of pressure.

Minister of Economy Elsa analyzed seriously: “Although the domestic economy is showing signs of recovery, the speed of recovery is too slow.

Most industries, under the impact of foreign goods, are struggling.

To recover the economy in a short period of time, there is no better way than to withdraw from the free trade system and protect the domestic market.

But in doing so, we are easily isolated internationally. We need to pull some more countries together to withdraw from the free trade system, so that we can share the pressure from Britain and Austria.

Many countries around the world are suffering under the Anglo-Australian policy of dumping, and there is an urgent need to change the situation.

As a world power, France has the responsibility to lead everyone to get rid of the oppression from Britain and Austria and establish a harmonious business system without dumping.”

The first part was the economic minister’s specialty, and the latter part was clearly a line grab. Generally speaking, pulling allies that was the business of the Foreign Ministry.

Foreign Minister Terence Burgin frowned, “Your Excellency, things are not that simple.

Those seriously affected by the British-Australian big dumping are mainly industrial countries, like Holland, Spain, Portugal, these colonial empires, their own degree of industrialization is limited, the impact is very limited.

Maybe they are still cheering and excited about the price reduction of goods. Without their own interests being involved, they will not stand with us.

The only ones in Europe that are truly impacted, besides us, are Belgium and North Germany, are you sure we want to pull them in?”

It wasn’t a matter of pulling or not pulling, the point was that it simply wasn’t possible.

Britain and Austria’s big dumping at most hurt the money, not likely to last, tolerate it will be over, the French but want to swallow them in one bite.

Paris government again how to cover up, the voice of the folk eastward, or to make the two countries than the German fear. Do not hold the thighs of Britain and Austria, so that people how to sleep?

Economy Minister Elsa did not hesitate to say: “Of course! After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the unemployed population in all countries are increasing, than the German and German governments are also under enormous pressure.

To be able to get out of the crisis, I don’t think they will refuse. As for their worries, it would be good to give them a guarantee.

We can sign a treaty with the two countries to guarantee their defense and let them act as our raw material source.”

Hearing the Economy Minister’s explanation, Terrence Burgin was all a bit teary-eyed and questioned, “Your Excellency, do you think that the rulers of the two countries of Belgium and Germany are all fools?

You have to know that they are not like us, without colonies for support.

After withdrawing from the free trade system, to whom do they sell their goods? Where will the raw materials for industry come from?

Being a source of raw materials for us, Your Excellency, you really dare to think!

Guarantee their security, with what, on what basis can people trust you?”

The increase in unemployment these days was really not a big deal. Both the major colonial empires and the countries of the Americas were welcoming European immigrants.

Moreover, Belgium and North Germany are both key areas for Austrian immigrants, and with the colonial government in charge of the boat tickets, people can still emigrate overseas if they lose their jobs and lose their livelihoods.

The government only had to cooperate with the propaganda to send the trouble away. Without the revolutionary pressure brought about by the wave of unemployment, it was natural for everyone to weigh the pros and cons.

The market and industrial raw materials are only one aspect, the key is to mix with Britain and Austria everyone together to speculate on the high price of coal exports and make huge profits does not smell good?

The brain is in the water, only to turn away the interests of the door to the door, run to do the French raw materials origin.

Security is even more of a joke, if a treaty can work, then what do we need the army for?

France’s credibility, in fact, only better than the British and Russian a drop, want to rely on this thing to fight the world, but also need the Paris government to work hard.

Doesn’t the Minister of Economy know about these problems? Obviously, this is impossible. Can climb to such a high position, and how can be really stupid?

It’s just that sometimes it’s hard to be confused, especially for politicians, and pretending to be confused is a must.

Basically all the strange policies are born in this context. On the surface it looks funny, but behind it there is often an invisible chain of interests.

The people who need to implement trade protection are domestic industrial and commercial capitalists, and if you want to develop the economy, you will have to deal with these people, and over and over again, we will become our own people.

Capitalists need to make money, Elsa also need political achievements. Promote trade protection policy, they are all beneficiaries.

Knowing that the reason is not tenable, the economic minister Elsa still hard-headed defense: “Is not there the Americans?

The United States of America is also close to completing industrialization, they also British and Austrian dumping under the victim, the urgent need to get rid of this yoke.”

The mention of this pitiful ally made the crowd angry. In order to finance the independence of the Americans, France is a pot of gold, after the outbreak of the war against France, the first big thing the U.S. government did was to fall on the well of France.

Of course, Napoleon III still retaliated back, the Civil War period of Britain, France, Austria and Spain together with the four countries to pull the blame, successfully split the United States of America.

Roy Vernon, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, chimed in, “The economic situation in the country is very bad, and along with it, government revenues have fallen dramatically, and our debt has reached a very dangerous point.

Perhaps you haven’t noticed, we are now the most indebted government in the world, and we are paying huge amounts of interest on our money every month.

If this situation does not change, it is not unlikely that sometime in the future, we will also go bankrupt.”

It may not be believable to say that France, which is not engaged in a major war, has a government debt that exceeds that of the Russian Empire, but it is an indisputable fact.

As the first country in the world to rely on government investment to stimulate the economy, most of the time France was running a fiscal deficit, and as the days and months went by, the accumulated deficit became an astronomical amount.

In the short term everyone’s days did get better, but this also overdrew the future.

From the era of Napoleon III to transform Paris as the beginning, the government invested in infrastructure to stimulate the economy, the French economy entered a golden age.

Originally, this model can continue for many years, but unfortunately, not long ago, Britain and Austria attacked the French financial, franc value once fell by one-third.

Immediately followed by the economic crisis, civil war, a series of combinations of punches down, directly hit the French financial system, the Paris government’s ability to finance the decline.

In this context, the French government had to tighten its belt to live.

Napoleon IV nodded: “Withdrawing from the free trade system, there is no way out. If the domestic economic situation improves, we can still go back again.

The Foreign Ministry must pull in as many allies as possible to share the international pressure with us.

At the same time, it must also do a good job of explaining, as much as possible, so that everyone understands the difficulties we are facing, and reduce the international community’s hostility towards us.”

Withdrawing from the free trade system, the big deal is to offend Britain and Austria and suffer diplomatic isolation for a while.

They’re used to it anyway, just isolate if you want to, it’s not like there’s a piece of meat missing.

If you continue to insist on staying in the free trade system, it will be a long time to be sheared by others.

Maybe one day, Britain and Austria feel that the return rate of wool reduction is too low, and directly begin to eat mutton.

The world is so marvelous, in the interests of the drive, France actually have to stand together with their own eyes to see the guy again.

Of course, compared with the “blasphemous alliance”, this is a child’s play.

The United States of America was ostracized, that is, the alliance of countries do good public relations, and peacefully as a source of raw materials and commodity dumping market, the powers naturally want to welcome this kind of can bring benefits, but also the attitude of the right little brother.

Essentially, we are still inside the cultural circle, even if they do not see eye to eye is only because of the interests, deep hatred can not talk about.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Foreign Minister Terrence Burgin replied in a depressed manner

(End of chapter)

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