Chapter 783: Strategic Misdirection

  Chapter 766 Strategic Misdirection

At the same time that the establishment of the North German Empire detonated European public opinion, there was also a polarization within the German nationalist elements.

Optimists believe that this is a further step in the process of unification of the German region, from a three-part world to a two-pronged force, a step away from unification.

The pessimists, on the other hand, thought that this was the beginning of a disaster. After the merger of Germany and Prussia, they became even more powerful, and with the intervention of the European powers, the unification had become “a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water”, which could not be seen or touched.

In order to calm the people, Franz sent a congratulatory telegram to George I and wrote an article entitled “The Road to Reunification”.

He clearly pointed out that the merger of Germany and Prussia was a small step in the process of unification of the German region, and that the next step was the return of North Germany to the embrace of the German Empire.

Naturally, the text was not without its thanks to the British, greatly recognizing the contribution of the London government to the Prussian-German merger, and Franz encouraged them to continue their efforts.

What the British thought when they read it, Franz did not know, anyway, anti-British sentiment in Germany rose.

Incidentally stirred up the situation, George I’s coronation ceremony became extraordinarily shabby, most of the European monarchs are sent on behalf of the meaning, the German region monarchs are collectively absent.

Including the Prussian King Frederick III was absent in ill health, went to support the scene, only the Gotha dynasty’s own family.

There is no way, the atmosphere is too weird. France and Russia directly expressed opposition, Franz’s was sent to send a sincere blessing, just the effect seems to be reversed.

The European continent is still the world of France, Russia and Austria, the British again, that is only in the sea, even if it is added to the newly established North Germany is not top.

At such a sensitive time, any action may be subject to political interpretation.

Monarchs with political skills on the line naturally knew how to take sides. Moreover, everyone was envious of the two crowns on George I’s head.

So far, most of the nobles in the European world did not recognize the legitimacy of George I’s throne. There was no way around it, there was really no legal basis to be found.

Turning to history?

Franz was the juridical legitimacy of the Shinra Empire, and Hanover wanted to gain juridical legitimacy from the Shinra by drying out Austria first.

Electoral legitimacy?

Electoral law in Germany is based on the Golden Seal. Hanover is not even an Elector.

And even if he could get one, it’s not possible, because in this code it is stipulated that the Pope must be crowned “King of Germany” before he can succeed the Emperor.

This is even more tragic. Unless the Roman Catholic Church was insane, they would never have recognized a Protestant emperor.

Prussia in the original time and space because of the unlawful means of force to the throne, not recognized by everyone, William I can only take a watery throne to make up the numbers.

The crown on George I’s head is even more watery, the value of the existence of the name is probably more dignified, in the official documents of the countries basically do not recognize.

Even more watery throne, that is still the emperor. For the good face of the aristocracy, this is also enough for everyone to be jealous.

Once stirred up by Franz, the London government became embarrassed.

The European media were praising the London government for its brilliant tactics and pounding out the North German Empire, accomplishing the great strategy of killing three birds with one stone.

Sounds great, a great diplomatic victory. It’s just that accidentally offending a bit too many people has left the British government diplomatically isolated.

An Anglo-French alliance?

Naturally, it doesn’t exist, having just been put on the spot, Napoleon IV would be out of his mind to ally with the British.

After this lesson, Napoleon IV has fully understood: why has always been pro-British, hatred of Austria’s father, would rather and his hatred of Austria, not and close to the British team.

No matter what the London government thinks, the French government has already labeled them: “no credibility, pit allies”.

Every time he saw the newspapers bragging about the London government’s diplomatic skills, Prime Minister Gladstone felt a headache.

Although the content of this is the truth, but some words can not be said ah, the matter has been provoked, let the prospective ally of the French people how to think?

Every report is a salt in the wounds of others, the more public opinion blowing, the more the French government will not be able to step down.

Gladstone: “The North German Empire was sort of established, it’s just that the situation was a little out of control.

I put an end to Austria’s move to unify the German region, which was wrongly interpreted by the outside world, and both France and Russia felt that we were targeting them.

This puts us in a very awkward position internationally, and if we don’t get a solution anytime soon, we’re going to be in diplomatic isolation again.”

Diplomatic isolation by European countries is not the first time that the London government has experienced this, it’s just that the situation at hand is a bit different.

When they were isolated by European countries, it was the London government’s own volition, at that time, they were busy opening up overseas colonies, and they themselves did not have the effort to participate in European affairs.

In the case of the European continent situation stabilization, the London government is naturally more things than less things.

Now the situation is obviously different, the strength of the European continent countries have been out of balance. Preferring to fall into the inferiority of France, but also indulged in the past glory, unable to extricate themselves.

What is worse is that France and Austria are colonial powers, with Britain there is a conflict of interest in a very large number of areas, the tsarist government and the Central Asian region is not forgotten.

While being isolated in Europe, Britain was at risk of retaliation from all three countries. At the same time to one against three, not to mention the army, even the Royal Navy may not be able to stand.

Foreign Secretary George replied with a bitter smile, “This is a mistake in our work, ignoring the sensitivity of France and Russia to the establishment of the North German Empire.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will try to find a way to repair relations with each country as soon as possible, but it will take some time.

On top of that, after going through these things, we have also discovered that the conflict between Austria and France and Russia is not as big as we expected.

It is true that France, Austria, and Russia are contenders for the hegemony of Europe and are each other’s greatest rivals, but rivals does not mean that they are immediately hostile.

The Russian Empire is still recovering and will not be able to compete for hegemony for a long time to come.

In order to safeguard its own interests, in a short period of time the Tsarist government would mostly follow Austria’s lead in diplomacy.

The Near East War was a Russian-Austrian conference to divide the spoils. The Vienna government chained the Russians with Ottoman interests, and it was very difficult to dissociate the Russian-Austrian relationship.

The Franco-Austrian relationship was unintelligible. It stands to reason that with both French emperors having anti-Austrian tendencies, relations between France and Austria should have been very bad.

However, the reality is just the opposite. Two countries with serious conflicts of interest and a long history of hatred have appeared as allies most of the time.

Including the recent French civil unrest, the Austrians did not fall on their sword, but instead ran to start the Near East War.

If the Vienna government had sent troops to give the French a blow, the Italian region would more than likely have become independent.

Wasting an opportunity to finish off the French, the Vienna government didn’t lose out, the arch-enemy Ottoman Empire was on the verge of being finished, and there was a détente in Franco-Austrian relations.

There were signs that Napoleon IV’s anti-Austrian tendencies were no longer so pronounced, and hostility to Austria was not as strong within the French government.

This is a dangerous signal, and if Franco-Austrian relations continue to heat up, the government in Vienna will probably push for an alliance between France, Russia, and Austria to dominate the European continent together in an alliance situation.”

Is there really only “domination of the European continent”?

The impact of the Franco-Russian-Austrian alliance is not much weaker than that of the previous Anglo-French-Austrian alliance.

There are only two reasons for the alliance: either to have common interests; or to have a common enemy.

The world has been divided almost, the remaining leftovers certainly can not satisfy the appetite of the three countries, then only to go to the fourth hand to seize.

Against this background, Britain, which got the biggest benefit of the colonial era, naturally became the target.

In addition to the interests, Britain is also barely counted as the common enemy of the three countries. In a sense, the friendship between France, Russia, and Austria depended on Britain.

Gladstone nodded, looked grave: “This situation has to be prevented, Russia and Austria have leaned together, the French must not let Austria pull over.

Our next diplomatic work is necessary to carry out a comprehensive adjustment, not that the previous diplomatic strategy is wrong, mainly now the international situation has changed, many strategies become out of date.

There is no problem with the continental balance, but there is a problem with the setting of imaginary enemies. Who is powerful to suppress who, indeed very effective, but the consequences are also very serious, directly led to the deterioration of our relations with the European powers.

Anglo-French relations, Anglo-Russian relations have all deteriorated in this context, and now it is the turn of Anglo-Austrian relations.

The Habsburgs were the best at dancing on their sleeves and had a very high reputation in the European world, never having more allies than enemies.

Especially after Franz succeeded to the throne, he improved Franco-Austrian relations, and after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Austria had no mortal enemy in continental Europe.

Playing with such an enemy, we must be doubly careful and never let them pull together an anti-British alliance.”

There’s no problem with suppressing rivals, it’s just the means that must be taken care of. The kind of strategy that kills three birds with one stone must first consider whether it will trigger public anger.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Xiaoji Childers: “Actually, thinking in another direction, things are not that bad.

Austria is not as warlike as the Russians, not as capable as the French, and their strength lies in domestic and foreign affairs.

The North German Empire has already been established, and its strength is almost catching up with the previous Pupper Confederation. As long as we are wary of the Austrians playing peaceful evolution, unifying the German region by force is simply not realistic.

If Austria could not unify the German region, it would not be able to establish absolute superiority over France and Russia. In favor of Austria and in the middle of France and Russia, the strategy is limited.

In order to avoid being jointly targeted, before establishing absolute superiority, the Vienna government could only replicate the Vienna system after 1815, relying on diplomacy to maintain the balance between the parties.

With the European continent stabilized, even if we are excluded, Britain’s core interests will still not be damaged.”

Everything is afraid of comparison, compared to France and Russia two play with guns to flaunt the country, play diplomacy Austria to do big risk is indeed the smallest.

Facts once again prove that image is important, just look at the reaction of European countries, everyone is far more wary of France and Russia than Austria.

Vienna’s government is also really in accordance with their own persona to go, in the European continent all rely on diplomacy to fight the world, force are used overseas.


(End of chapter)

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