Chapter 774: Drawing the Wastes South

  Chapter 757: The Wastewater Drawn South

After the war in the Near East entered a white-hot state, the French civil war was also nearing its end.

Since Britain stepped in to mediate the contradictions between the three royalist factions, the forces pulling back have greatly reduced, and the monarchist faction has gained an absolute advantage over the revolutionaries.

The sphere of influence controlled by the revolutionary government was suppressed to a corner of Paris, which, despite being the essence of France, could not withstand the war.

After the blockade of Paris by Napoleon IV, the revolutionary government of Paris, in a state of isolation, gradually fell into the predicament of insufficient supplies.

Empty pile of factories, not enough industrial raw materials. Even if the revolutionary government of Paris took emergency measures in time, unified distribution of materials, still can not stand to sit on the empty.

In addition to the Italian independence organization as an “ally” is still insisting on the struggle, the rest of France’s revolutionary movement, basically by Napoleon IV cut down.

On June 29, 1882, government troops defeated the main force of the revolutionaries outside Paris, and the situation became clearer.


The stormy situation in France aroused Franz’s great attention. Don’t look at the latter days the French made a lot of jokes, this year they are still the bullish French Empire.

Vienna Palace, Foreign Minister Weissenberg analyzed: “From the current situation, under the counterattack of the government forces, the revolutionary government in Paris can not last long.

Once the Paris Revolution is over, the Italian Independent Independence Organization won’t last long either, especially after both us and the British give up on supporting them.

The French, having resolved their civil strife, will again devote their attention to the international scene, and it is likely that Britain and France will be on the same side on the Near East issue.

With one more ally, I’m afraid the British government won’t be so peaceful in the days to come.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, the Foreign Office recommends that the offensive against the Ottomans be intensified, and that we strive to exterminate the Ottomans before Britain and France can take action, creating an established fact.”

Franz shook his head, “That’s hard to do. The potential that an ancient empire can explode in the face of life and death should never be underestimated.

With the failure of the revolutionary government in Paris, Napoleon IV was able to concentrate his forces on suppressing the Italian independence movement. It was a miracle that that rabble managed to hold out for two months.

The revolution did bring heavy losses to France, but the crisis was also accompanied by opportunities, in this civil war Napoleon IV also killed a lot of hostile elements, ease the relationship with the Orleans dynasty, the Bourbon dynasty, from the side of the consolidation of the rule.

If the right measures were taken, the next period of time would be the time when France’s internal conflicts would be eased the most.

Against this background, a year later the government of Napoleon IV would have basically stabilized and once again set its sights on the outside world.

We may have the ability to exterminate the Ottomans within a year, but this will leave very many after-effects, and the later period of governance will inevitably be more costly.”

From a purely military point of view, it was natural that the soldiers would be quicker, ending the war in the shortest possible time and at the least cost.

However, Austria was not out to defeat the Ottomans this time, but to annex them.

Albrecht deliberately delayed the speed of the allied army’s action, leaving the Ottoman Empire ample time to prepare, not because he did not understand the military.

It was true that a quick battle could reduce losses, but the losses of both the enemy and the Ottomans were diminishing, and there would be a whole lot of leftovers left behind after the battle.

Instead of dealing with guerrillas after the war, it would only cost less to allow the enemy to fully mobilize and finish them off on the battlefield.

The more people the Sudanese government arms, the less of a local legacy it will leave after the war.

If you carry a gun, you are the enemy, and when it comes time to liquidate them after the war, you can still make a wave of strains and exile the whole family.

So from the very beginning, Franz set up a long-term battle plan. Anyway, this economic crisis is far-reaching, can not end in the short term, just use the war to transfer the crisis.

Prime Minister Felix reminded, “Your Majesty, if the French slow down, I’m afraid our plan to annex Ottoman will not go so smoothly.”

Franz nodded, “This is inevitable, but no matter how bad it gets, it is unlikely that Britain and France will support sending troops to intervene.

The situation in France is not good, and even after suppressing the civil unrest, Napoleon IV doesn’t have the guts to start a war at this time.

With the Anti-Turkish Alliance sharing the international pressure, even if Britain and France unite with the European countries to put pressure on us, we will be able to withstand it.”

The aftermath is naturally not so simple, with this stimulus, Britain and France will certainly step up their pace of convergence.

This is something sooner or later, even if there is no Near East War, with the gradual strength of Austria, Britain and France will also be close.

The balance of Europe is the basic state policy of the London government, the weakness of France is exposed, the balance has been broken, the British suppression object naturally became Austria.

They would even draw in the Russians to form an anti-Austrian alliance to suppress Austria’s development. Influenced by geopolitics, the probability of the ambitious Woolly Bear falling to Britain and France was very high.

Since this was the case, Franz naturally had to take advantage of the fact that the British, French and Russians had not yet adjusted their mentality, and knocked out the Ottomans in the rear in advance.

If possible, Franz did not mind going even further, pulling the Russians together to partition Persia and running to be neighbors with the British.

Anything was possible in the face of profit. For the poor and desperate Tsarist government, the lure of India was in no way less than moving westward into the European continent.

It was a phallic scheme, and it was obviously less risky to forge ahead into India than to fight for continental Europe. The former is and continental countries as an enemy, the latter only need to face a John Bull.

As long as the Russians were introduced into India, the Anglo-French-Russian alliance lost the possibility of establishing, the British absolutely can not afford to take their own interests and allies to divide.

Without the hairy bear as a meat shield, facing the Anglo-French alliance Franz was no wimp. An Austrian empire spanning the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa is inherently invincible.


Outside of Paris, the flag of the Bonaparte dynasty has begun to flutter, and Napoleon IV is now on the front line to boost morale.

It’s not easy, as the monarch of France, the greatest enemy is always – revolution.

From Louis XVI, who was guillotined, to Louis-Philippe, who fled in a hurry, two successive dynasties were destroyed in revolutions.

Frankly speaking, after the outbreak of the Paris revolution, Napoleon IV was also confused.

If not for his defiant character, he was also persuaded by the Empress to flee from the vortex of France. Because of his unwillingness, he chose to stay, which led to today’s counterattack.

From this point alone, he was more than a step ahead of Louis-Philippe.

If Louis-Philippe I had not rushed to run out of the country back then, but had organized an army to suppress the rebellion, the Orleans dynasty would not have been overthrown so easily.

Theoretically, any rebellion in France could be extinguished as long as the army remained loyal to the king.

There was a great deal of popular enthusiasm for revolution in France, but this enthusiasm “came and went”. Whenever it was found to be detrimental to their own interests, the revolution was abandoned in droves.

This revolution was a real case in point, and along the way Napoleon IV had pardoned more than five figures of revolutionaries.

The wave of revolutions quickly turned to a downturn as the people realized that the revolution did not benefit them.

The people of Paris felt this most acutely, as their standard of living plummeted due to the economic crisis, and some of them couldn’t even fill their stomachs before they rose up to revolution.

After the success of the revolution, people suddenly realized that the standard of living had not been improved except for the expulsion of the emperor, and the quality of life of most people had instead declined.

The new revolutionary government was inexperienced in governing, and it often gave many orders and contradicted each other, which made everyone suffer even more.

This was nothing. What really led to the failure of the revolution was that the revolutionaries did not fight out and spread the revolutionary fire in the first place, but instead rushed to form a government and scramble for power, missing the best opportunity.

Of course, the revolutionary government cannot be blamed for this, it was completely misled by the success of its predecessors.

The First Republic and the Second Republic, all of which responded in droves across the country as soon as the Paris Revolution succeeded, simply did not need to fight all the way there.

This misperception made everyone ignore the fact that the Bonaparte dynasty was not the same as the two previous dynasties, which were supported by the peasant class and did not have no roots at the local level.

Thanks to a series of policies formulated by Napoleon III that year, most French workers had a favorable impression of the emperor.

Revolutions broke out in many places because of waves of unemployment, inflation, and soaring prices, and people lost their incomes and had no way to fill their stomachs before they broke out, not to take the Emperor’s life.

Napoleon IV was able to fight his way to the outskirts of Paris so quickly, not because he was so militarily impressive, but mainly because he had money to relieve the unemployed population, while the revolutionary government did not.

With the roar of artillery fire, the attack and defense of Paris was officially launched. Napoleon IV took the binoculars to look out over the battlefield, and all that met his eyes was a plume of smoke rising.

The chief of the guards hurriedly persuaded, “Your Majesty, it is dangerous here, it is better to go into the artillery caves!”

Napoleon IV waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry, Germain. This is a good five or six kilometers from the battlefield, the enemy’s shells won’t come over that easily.”

Germain was very much against the Emperor coming to the front line, and seeing this scene made him even more anxious. In case the Emperor bumped into something, his sin would be great.

After hesitating for a while, Gelman put his heart across and directly dragged Napoleon IV ……

(End of chapter)

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