Chapter 73: Hungary’s Lack of Money

  Chapter 73 The Hungary that lacks money

Leopold sneered and asked, ”So that’s it, so what are we being called here for today? Is it just to have everyone come and listen to a speech?

I admit that Mr. Kosut’s speech just now was wonderful, but everyone is tired of hearing this kind of speech, how about a different twist?”

Kosut’s face was horribly gloomy, he couldn’t say that he was worried that you guys were unreliable before and would be traitors at any time, but now that the Austrian government had confiscated your land, we were all on the same boat.

These things we all know in our hearts is good, if you pierce the windowpaper, how to get along ah?

Don’t look at these big nobles seem to be losing a lot of energy, think they are really a tiger, can be bullied by the dog, in fact, the strength of their hands is not weak at all.

“Your Excellency the Duke, that’s enough!”

“Austria has all but raised the butcher’s knife, what we need now is unity, if you want to pursue responsibility, I can resign.

All of you, whoever thinks they have the ability to lead the Republic of Hungary out of its predicament, I can cede the presidency to someone more capable!”

In his anger, Kossuth simply gambled and gave up. The faces of the people present all changed drastically, the president of the Republic of Hungary at this time could not be a good one, at least Duke Leopold was not interested.

Everyone knows that the president of the Republic of Hungary is not good to do, history when the Austrian government decided to force the suppression of the Hungarian government closed down, and then to Kossuth as the head of the revolutionary party to take power.

Under Franz’s butterfly effect, the Hungarian Republic is now facing an even worse situation, and no one wants to be the head of the pack before Kossuth becomes the Führer.

Because of his low approval rating, Kossuth did not have much prestige in the government and many nobles did not take him seriously.

Looking childlike and gambling, how was this not a form of resistance on Kosut’s part?

No matter how many shortcomings Kossuth had and how childish his political ideas were, he was the founder of the Hungarian nation.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, another representative of the nobility, the Marquis of Loki, stood up and changed the topic.

“Well, let’s not mention the past, it is imperative that we still think about how to cope with the situation at hand, and make a decision on the war and everyone else!”

“War and peace”, there is no doubt that the revolutionaries led by Kosut are the main war faction, most of these people are idealists and young college students, while the weak nobles and capitalists are the main peace faction.

Kossuth said with a grimace, “Is it necessary to consider this? The Vienna government is moving to split up Hungary, and even if we are able to reach an agreement with Austria, Hungary will be left with less than thirty-five percent of its territory and less than forty percent of its population.

If such a Hungary were to remain in Austria, we wouldn’t even be able to keep our current position, would we just stand by and watch the Austrians exploit us every day?”

Kossuth also knew that he was too naïve at first, because of the opposition of the nobles, did not solve the land problem, because of the opposition of the emerging capitalists, did not solve the national problem.

That’s right, the bad national policy of the Hungarian Republic came about because the emerging bourgeoisie feared competition.

Even though neither the Croats, nor the Romanians, nor the Slovaks are competing with them yet.

But once they are given equal rights in politics, then soon this competition will arise, and the Republic of Hungary is too small to accommodate so much competition, and they will have to suppress their rivals in advance.

This was already confirmed in the Austrian Empire, where almost all of the country’s industry was in German hands because of political advantages, and Hungarian capitalists survived only because of tariffs and local protectionism.

Now that it was their turn to be in charge, it was natural to follow suit; after all, no capitalist could resist the temptation, and they even went even further.

Driven by profit, ultra-nationalism became the dominant ideology in Hungary, which made other minorities in the country very dissatisfied, and after the Vienna government threw out an olive branch, they decisively turned against the government.

Kossuth’s words awakened the new bourgeoisie, and for the sake of their own interests and heads, they had to support the government to go to war with the Austrians, and only by winning the war could they get what they wanted.

Despite the low probability of winning, they were already on board. The Vienna government might be lenient to the nobles, but there was no mercy for the capitalists.

The concept of “no businessman is an adulterer” has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and it is absolutely politically correct to kill the adulterers.

Unfortunately, as the earliest capitalists, they are the blackest of the black, they are the real cases of unscrupulous capitalists in the history books, kill them not only can harvest a fortune, but also can buy a wave of people’s hearts.

“Mr. Kosut, now that Hungary has enemies on all sides, how should we fight this war?” Marquis Lochy asked with concern

There was no doubt that Marquis Loki was doing this on purpose. As a great noble of Hungary, Marquis Loki was not afraid of the liquidation of the Vienna government.

As long as the Habsburg family is still in control of Austria, it is impossible to kill the great nobles, this is the benefit of having many relatives.

Without the pressure of survival, the big nobles consider and capitalists are different again, their main purpose is to stop the loss.

After saying that, Marquis of Loki opened the map that had already been prepared, the map of Hungary sandwiched between the three big countries of Russia, Ottoman and Austria, the position was clearly marked out.

There was no doubt that Hungary was surrounded by enemies. Russia and Austria were allies, and the Tsarist government had openly declared that it would help Austria and Prussia to suppress the revolution, so they were enemies even if they were not.

They couldn’t turn to their good neighbors next door, the Ottomans, for help, could they? If they had to fight alongside the Ottomans, they probably wouldn’t even need the Austrians to fight, they would fight first.

“Right now the enemy is strong and we are weak, but the enemy is not without weaknesses, right now the Austrian government is still fighting the Italian states, this is our chance.” Kosut uttered what he thought was a reasonable scenario

Yes, theoretically this was indeed an opportunity, militarily the simplest blow by blow.

However, Duke Leopold shook his head and sighed, “Mr. Kosut, militarily this is not feasible to succeed, the enemy is not a fool, it is unlikely that they will leave us that much time to break them down one by one.”

Kosut laughed, “Your Excellency the Duke, as long as we have a large enough number of troops that we can stall the enemy from other directions.

Austria is strong and fragile at the same time, as long as we achieve one victory, it will cause a chain reaction and the climax of the revolution will erupt again!”

Everyone understood that Kosut had gone around in such a big circle, or to ask for money!

(End of chapter)

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