Chapter 707:

  Chapter 691 – Chips

No matter how many calculations there were, the war still had to be decided on the battlefield. At the same time as the diplomatic game between Prussia and Russia, the Battle of Lithuania also broke out.

By this time, Mauch had fallen into an awkward situation. Whether or not to fight the enemy in the Lithuanian area was a nagging question.

The Russian navy had been stagnant for more than a decade and had long fallen behind the times. But this aging fleet was no match for the pocket-sized navy of the Pupo Federation.

Today’s times are different, this war Prussia and Russia have made preparations, the tsarist government in St. Petersburg hoarded a large number of strategic materials, a year and a half will not lack of supplies at all.

In this context, the advantage of sea power can be fully realized. Ivanov now launched the Battle of Lithuania, is to want to take advantage of these advantages.

Losing sea power and running to the Baltic coast to fight the enemy, or in a situation where the enemy is prepared, Mauch said: he is not crazy yet.

The problem was that war is not something you can stop fighting if you want to. The Russians have launched an attack, unless you give up Lithuania, Latvia and other areas, or you have to go hard.

Giving up was impossible, once the Lithuanian region fell, the war would once again burn to the East Prussian region. All the gains made in the First Russo-Prussian War would be lost.

If a different enemy, Mauch may still dare to gamble, looking for an opportunity to break the enemy, but unfortunately met with Ivanov, who is known for his conservatism, that does not have any effect at all.

Warsaw, General Headquarters of the Pupo Federation

“Marshal, why don’t we launch an attack from the Belarusian region, make a counter-attack on Smolensk, and force the enemy to abandon the Lithuanian battle plan?” A middle-aged officer suggested.

There is no such thing as a “siege” in Europe, but there is still no shortage of similar war templates.

Mauch shook his head: “It’s useless, the enemy has deployed thirty infantry divisions and two cavalry divisions in the Belarusian region, we don’t have any chance at all.”

If in a field battle, Mauch had the confidence to finish off this enemy army, but this was impossible, with Ivanov’s style, these Russian troops would definitely choose to die in defense.

If you really want to fight all the way through, regardless of whether the time is not too late, Mao Qi hands this valuable maneuvering force also consumed seven or eight. People are gone, but also want to land why?

Looking at the Russian military deployment marked on the map, Mao Qi sighed deeply. From the beginning of the outbreak of the Second Russo-Prussian War, the Prussian army fought a very stifling fight.

It’s not that they don’t try hard, the problem is that there is simply no room to play. Although the Prussian army’s fighting strength was slightly stronger, this gap was still limited, and the Russian army could make up for it with numbers.

After hesitating for a few moments of effort, Mauch pointed at the map, “Order the troops on the northern front to abandon Latvia and retreat to the Lithuanian region.”

Winning first is not winning, the last winner is the victor. Mauch has already prepared for another East Prussia battle, it doesn’t matter if the loss is big, the most important thing is that it has to be the winner.


On the battlefield Prussia and Russia fought with wisdom and courage, diplomacy of the two countries is also full of smoke. Vienna has once again become the battlefield of the two countries fighting, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs lively, Mei Quan Palace is also lively.

In order to avoid trouble, Franz are closed. No way too many lobbyists, the emperor is also worried, the best way is not to see guests.

Franz once again found more relatives of the trouble, not that these people do not know the rules, gibberish, nonsense meddling, really if this is the opposite is good.

The aristocrats who are able to make a name for themselves are not many fools, and there are techniques to be a lobbyist, most of them are just passing a message or knocking on the side of the door.

Some people want the Russians to win, some want the Puppo Federation to win, and some just want to test Franz’s position and judge the government’s decision-making direction.

There is no way around it, deciding the direction of a country is never a matter for the emperor alone, but all the domestic interest groups, big and small, are participants.

This is part of the European political game, for example: want to promote a certain bill, resolution, not Franz himself want to do it on the line, usually through these channels to release the news to test the reaction of the outside world.

Or it is implied that these people to the government proposal, the equivalent of the emperor’s imperial sounding board, lest the emperor himself down the game.

The Russo-Prussian War involved too much, including: the future pattern of the European continent, the process of unification of the German region, and a large number of political and economic interests ……

The more involved, the more interest groups are involved and the more people are concerned.

Franz did not want to take a position in advance, so naturally he hid. The emperor could hide, but the top levels of government could not, and Prime Minister Felix’s hairline receded much further back.


In the Prime Minister’s Viewing Residence in Vienna, Feldman, the minister of the P&P Federation, rattled off, “World peace is being seriously challenged, and the international order in Europe is being a ……”

Felix frowned, “Your Excellency the Minister, don’t say these un-nutritious words, our time is all precious, there is no need to waste it like this.”

Impatience, nakedly displayed, it was evident that Felix was truly annoyed, and was even too lazy to listen to diplomatic rhetoric.

Feldman wasn’t annoyed either, it wasn’t the first or second time something like this had happened. As a professional diplomat, he still knew how to restrain his emotions, and would not bring his personal feelings into his work.

“Your Excellency the Prime Minister, a strong Russian Empire is not a good choice for Europe, or even the world, and your country’s interests ……”

Not waiting for Feldman to finish, Felix directly interrupted, “Not only the Russian Empire, a strong Pupo Federation is also not good for us, you have to realize that rule breakers are often more annoying.”

A staunch Greater Germanist naturally did not feel good about the existence of a breakaway country. The existence of the Pupo Federation was a tumor in the eyes of German nationalists.

Chancellor Felix was the leader of Greater Germanism put out by Austria, and anti-Popper was a must, so naturally he didn’t have to save face.

But everything is possible before politics, as long as the interests are enough, there is nothing that can not be negotiated.

“Rule breaker” is a joke, no one is much better than anyone else, Austria if the rules are followed, there is no foundation now.

The only thing is that the Vienna government is the rule maker, early to leave the back door for themselves, looks not so ugly.

Feldman slightly embarrassed, a flash of light in his mind, and then recovered. The heart has long been cursed open, almost set up.

This is a diplomatic meeting, Felix Prime Minister’s bad attitude, how is it not a diplomatic tactic?

After this little episode, Feldman didn’t have the heart to continue circling around, he was afraid that he couldn’t stand his heart if he continued.

“Your Excellency Prime Minister, we are very sincere. As long as your country is willing to stop supporting the Russians, Ukraine and the Russian Balkans will be yours after the war.”

With interests involved, Felix’s attitude eased a bit and asked in a mock puzzled manner, “Sincerity, in what way? Why don’t I see it?

Taking Russian territory as sincerity and asking us to send our own troops to get it, such sincerity of your country is really surprising!”

Without having to do anything, the Popo Federation supported Austria’s acquisition of Ukraine and the Russian Balkans, seemingly taking advantage of the situation.

The two Prussian-Russian wars have already made the Berlin government completely awake, the Russian Empire is a small force that can not die, even if it wins this war, it will not be long before it will also be resurgent.

If they keep going on like this, they won’t have to do anything at all. If you want an international environment for peaceful development, you have to find someone to share the hatred.

The ideal ally would be the Ottoman Empire, but unfortunately this one sucks and really isn’t up to the task.

The next best was the Nordic Confederation, unfortunately they had offended the Danes to death, and with the Danes pulling the strings, the Nordic Confederation was not likely to ally with them at all.

Then there are the Central Asian countries and the Far East Empire, similar to the Ottoman Empire, all are useless, and can’t be brought together to play much of a role.

Austria was not among the Berlin government’s allies, but the situation forced them to give up their support for the Russians in order to win the war.

Been demolished, Feldman is not annoyed, still smilingly said: “Prime Minister, his Excellency, words can not be said so. We hit the Tsarist government hard in the war, and your country’s occupation of these areas is an armed march.

If your country is willing, you can also directly take even the Volga together, we will all support.”

Felix shook his head, opened the map to know “Volga River” is what place, that is Austria can reach out?

“We do not have your country so good appetite, Russia and Austria friendship has a long history, we have no interest in the territory of the Russian Empire.”

This is true, Felix has no interest in the Russians’ territory, and the Vienna government has no intention of snooping.

Of course, if the Russians didn’t want it and insisted on sending it over, no one would refuse.

After hesitating for a few moments, as if having a violent mental struggle, Feldman slowly said: “What if we add the German Confederation?

As long as your country is willing to stop supporting the Russians, we will no longer oppose your annexation of the German Confederation.”

The implication was clear to Felix. “No longer oppose” means, in other words, not to support, not to oppose, to acquiesce in Austria’s annexation of the German Confederation.

Frankly speaking, Chancellor Felix was moved. But he didn’t show it. Under the present circumstances, the Berlin government was already at the limit of what it could promise.

The same thing, in the Tsarist government, no preparations for people also directly expressed support.

There is no need to doubt Alexander II to win the war determination, any male master is able to bend the generation.

For the Russian Empire, the hegemony of the European continent that is the future, but for the moment or first win the war.

The same was true of the Popo Confederation, except that they were too influenced by the British to do that.

“Your Excellency’s proposal has no value, if your country had this kind of sincerity in 1853, then the matter would have been settled long ago.

By now, does Your Excellency think your position is still important? As far as I know, your country has not even licked the wounds of the last war.

How long will it take for your country to recuperate after this war, 20 years, or 30 years?

If we really want to take action, what can you do even if you are against it? Go to the battlefield and fight a battle, do you dare?”

This is not contempt, reality is so cruel. Winning the war was just the beginning, the Pupo Federation still had a long way to go if it wanted to recover its strength.

One couldn’t just gamble all of one’s family’s wealth in order to interfere with Austria?

With the precedent of Colombia, no one can guarantee that the Vienna government will change its mind, beat them up and call it quits.

Chips also depend on the time they are thrown out, even if they are worth a lot of money and appear at the wrong time, they are still worthless.

Feldman’s complexion changed slightly, then recovered: ”Your Excellency the Prime Minister, that depends on what you think. If these conditions do not move you, then what if the Russians win the war?

Looking around the world, there aren’t many people left who have the power to threaten your country, and the Russian Empire happens to be one of them.

It’s only been a short time since Alexander II’s reforms, and the Russians have come out of the last war, so if they are allowed to win the war, will your country feel comfortable continuing to grow?

The Tsarist government’s greed for land knows no bounds, and opening up a map shows just how long the border line between your country and the Russian Empire is, and future friction is inevitable.

Instead of leaving a hidden danger, we should remove them now. Your country can also take the opportunity to enter the Black Sea, with your country’s strength turning the Black Sea into an inland sea is all a matter of time, no one has the ability to stop it.”

Feldman voiced the Vienna government’s fears, the Russians had too much potential for development, and with such a huge territory, no one knew what kind of monsters would be spawned.

In comparison, the Pupo Federation was much less of a threat. Even if they won the war, they wouldn’t be able to eat much land with their national power, and it would take at least a few more decades for them to become a truly great power.

This is still the ideal state, Austria also came step by step, the Vienna government knows the difficulty of national integration better than anyone else.

Suffice it to say, the more population the Popo Federation took from the Russian Empire, the worse the ethnic problems at home would become.

A binary empire is not that easy to play with, an active Polish nation is hard enough, add some more nationalities in, and what’s the difference between that and the Austro-Hungarian Empire of the original time and space?

Even worse than the Austro-Hungarian Empire, at least the Habsburg family has been operating for hundreds of years, the rule has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and there are genuinely not many people who make a fuss about independence.

After a moment’s effort of silence, Felix shook his head: ”Your Excellency the Minister, you are wrong. Austria has always been neutral and has never supported the Russians.

What you see is just normal commercial trade, as a member of the free trade system, we will not interfere with the market.

If your country wants to cut off the Russians’ supplies, then spend money on them, once you have bought up all the supplies, the Russians will naturally not be able to buy them.”

Feldman’s face grimaced, he knew very well that Felix was clearly moved just now, but still refused, not even leaving him a chance to negotiate further.

(End of chapter)

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