Chapter 696: The Unlucky Man

  Chapter 680 The Unlucky Egg

The game of Britain, France, and Austria, the competition of Chile, Peru, and Bolivia to be the first to pull the strings, and the fierce political struggle within the Colombian government broke out.

The presidential election of 1880 became the center of contention between all parties. Realizing the trouble, President Julián Trujillo Largacha decisively chose to withdraw from the election.

Julián’s withdrawal, instead of calming the strife, intensified it.

After a series of struggles, Rafael Núñez, the leader of the pro-British faction, was elected President of Colombia, and the situation began to develop in favor of Chile. (Remarks: a two-year term)

Vienna and Paris shook when the news reached Europe. The game between Britain, France and Austria was not only a struggle for South American interests, but also a struggle for everyone’s face.

Losing to the British in other places is not a problem, after all, France and Austria are latecomers, the influence can not be compared with John Bull.

Colombia is different, France and Austria’s forces are deep in the past, although it is later than the British, but the two countries together, how is not weaker than the British.

It is not surprising that the election was lost. Because of the relationship between interests, France and Austria in Colombia, each supported by agents.

Even if the French and Austrians chose to work together, conflicts still existed between these agents, and sincere cooperation was impossible.

It is normal to lose an election when forces are dispersed and cannot be centralized. Just because the top echelons of the government can understand this does not mean that everyone can.

To the outside world, it appeared that France and Austria had once again lost the South American competition to the British. This perception will inevitably affect the choices of other national and regional governments.

If this perception is not broken, France and Austria will be at a disadvantage in future international competition.


In this age of the weak and the strong, there is nothing that can’t be solved by force, if that there must be force that is not strong enough.

France and Austria are not to be messed with, since the Colombian pro-British faction came to power, then the British should make concessions elsewhere, for example: the war in South America.

On April 1, 1880, the French and Austrians sent two cruisers to the Pacific Ocean for the “April Fools’ Day Military Exercise”, visiting Barranquilla on the way.

It was President Rafael Núñez’s first day in office, and before he could celebrate his victory, he was hit in the face.

Rafael Núñez angrily tore up the telegram and roared: “Damn it, they are deliberately provoking me, they are trying to make things difficult for me!”

“Pass the order down, order the troops in the surrounding area to strengthen the alert, strictly prevent the enemy from landing ……”

Not waiting for President Rafael Nunez to finish, Foreign Minister Francesco interrupted, “Your Excellency President, France and Austria are only on a diplomatic visit.

Although impolite, it is normal diplomatic behavior. Risking to take action to anger the conflict, this consequence is not something we can bear.”

There was nothing wrong with it, it was indeed normal diplomacy. Although there was no prior notification and it came in a warship, a weak country has no diplomacy, so it would be fine to tolerate the issue of courtesy.

This reasoning, Raphael Nunez naturally knew. Otherwise, he would not have ordered the army to be on alert, but ordered the navy to expel these uninvited guests.

Forcibly suppressing his anger, Raphael Nunez grumbled with dissatisfaction: “Is it difficult to notify in advance for a normal diplomatic visit? A diplomatic visit that forces its way into a harbor, this is truly a miracle in the history of diplomacy!”

After a few moments of contemplative effort, Foreign Minister Francesco advised, “There are many more such miracles, you should get used to it, Mr. President.

Now that we’re the ruling party, we need to be responsible for this country, and we can’t be so aggressive when it comes to problems, or else things could easily go wrong.”

As a qualified politician, Rafael Núñez naturally knows that “you have to wimp out when it’s time to wimp out”. As for “face”, anyway, can not be recovered, it is better to put down first.

“You convinced me. Then send someone to keep an eye on them, and take action as soon as there are signs of landing.”

The joint French-Austrian fleet was visiting, naturally they wouldn’t bring their land forces along, landing that was impossible. Considering Raphael Nunez’s pride, Francesco naturally wouldn’t break it down.

“This is all a minor issue, the key now is how to get rid of this group of evil guests. The purpose of France and Austria’s actions is clear, they want us to guarantee the smooth flow of trade with Peru.

But before that, we made a promise to the British in order to gain their support: as long as we win the general election, we will close the trade channel with Peru.”

This was a problem that Rafael Nunez had considered before the election, only to underestimate the determination of France and Austria.

After a moment’s effort of hesitation, Rafael Nunez reluctantly made the decision, “Contact the British, this matter is due to them, can’t just ignore it now!”

Francesco was hesitant to say anything, although he knew that it would be “quenching the thirst”, but there was no other way.

Without bringing in the British to counteract the political pressure from the French and Austrians, they could not withstand the shock on their own.


The South American issue involves the relationship between Britain, France and Austria, and no amount of caution is too much.

After receiving a telegram from the Colombian government asking for help, Prime Minister Benjamin held a cabinet meeting at the first opportunity.

Benjamin: “All are here, so let’s begin! Sir Edward, you first present the general situation.”

“Yes, Prime Minister.”

Foreign Minister Edward: “In order to end the war in South America as soon as possible, thanks to the efforts of the Foreign Ministry, we have pulled together Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Ecuador to blockade the Peruvian-Bolivian alliance supported by Fao.

All that’s left is Colombia as a foreign trade route, and in order to cut off this trade line, not long ago we supported the pro-British faction in Colombia to win the general election.

Everything was looking up when France and Austria, unwilling to be defeated, suddenly overturned the table.

Three days ago, France and Austria formed a joint fleet and suddenly broke into the port of Barranquilla in the Republic of Colombia in an attempt to use the threat of force to force the Colombian government into submission.”

Seemingly in a flat tone, Edward had actually long been filled with anger.

Everyone had exerted diplomatic means to compete, it was the time for them to show off their skills, and as a result, at the last moment of picking the fruits of victory, the enemy suddenly stopped playing.

This is embarrassing, the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at once was nullified for the most part. Anyone would be angry if their political achievements suddenly flew out the window.

Seemingly realizing this, Prime Minister Benjamin pacified, “The efforts of the Foreign Ministry are there for all to see, and being able to force France and Austria to break the rules is a great victory in itself.”

After saying this, he led the applause, and the crowd followed suit. Even though this was just a situation, Edward’s mood was still quite soothed.

Although he wasn’t able to do all the work and pick the biggest political achievement, but being able to gain everyone’s recognition was no small gain.

“Thank you, this is our job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!”


Prime Minister Benjamin: “The matter is clear, now we need to make a decision. The Colombian government has asked us for help to send a fleet out to share their political pressure.”

There was no problem with sending the fleet, it was hard to switch to a pro-British government, and it was natural that the London government would not give up so easily. The question was what to do about relations with France and Austria.

When it came to international relations, the crowd turned their attention to Edward.

“France and Austria are both our foremost competitors, and it’s impossible to maintain good relations for a long period of time. In recent years, the conflicts between us and France and Austria have been increasing, and it’s only a matter of time before the alliance collapses.

However, that is something for the future. Right now we still need the alliance to exist, so the conflicts have to be kept under control.

It’s understandable that Fao has taken overzealous action, most of South America has fallen to us, and if they don’t fight back, they won’t stand a chance.

Expelling France and Austria from South America all at once is impossible, the stakes involved are too high and they certainly won’t stop.

Now that France and Austria are already trending closer together, I suggest taking it as it comes, lest the excitement goes too far and triggers unavoidable consequences.”


At the invitation of the Colombian government, on April 6, 1880, the Royal Navy, which was blockading Peru, sent a detachment of its fleet to visit Micaí.

The Colombian government was dumbfounded, the script wasn’t right! The British did show their support in practical terms, the problem was: this was not what the Colombian government wanted.

The British, French and Austrians chose a very clever location for their visit, which happened to be separated by the Americas, so that even if the conflict had escalated, it would have been out of reach for both sides.

There is no doubt that all three countries are maintaining their rationality and are intentionally controlling the conflict. They deliberately avoided a frontal confrontation, leaving the pressure on the Colombian government.

This can be worried about Rafael Nunez, even if the reaction is slow, he knows that the British have been counted.

When you think about it, it is not difficult to find the problem, these days, the regime of a small country without the support of international forces is very unstable.

In front of Rafael Nunez, there are two ways, either to offend the British to compromise with France and Austria, to ensure the smooth flow of trade lines with Peru; or to follow the pace of the British, and France and Austria to break up.

In reality, Rafael Núñez had no choice. The French and Austrians had their own advocates in Colombia, and even if they wanted to support them, it was not his turn.

It is not easy to follow the British, and if he offends the French and Austrians, he is bound to suffer the retaliation of both countries.

The Powers all want to save face, France and Austria can not help the British, can not seek their bad luck?

As for the British boss can not be relied on, Rafael Nunez has personally experienced.


(End of chapter)

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