Chapter 691: Stirring Up The Water

  Chapter 676 Stirring up the water

To seek international support, the Berlin government naturally will not only look for Austria, almost at the same time, the European countries have received an invitation from the Berlin government.

What do you think in your heart, no one knows, anyway, mouth in the righteous condemnation of “robbers”.

If spittle could kill, the Russian Cossack cavalry would probably be dead by now.

Diplomacy was on the move, and so was the popular campaign. The Berlin government bought space in many newspapers to publish photos of Russian atrocities and the heartbreaking complaints of survivors.

These performances were not in vain; the Berlin government gained the sympathy of the European public, and public opinion was so lopsided in blaming the Russians that even the pro-Russian media were silent.

Many media accepted the Berlin government’s invitation to send war correspondents to collect first-hand information on the ground.

Not only that, but the Berlin government also staged a stage play, “Bandits on the Rampage,” which toured around the European continent with a theater troupe.

The plot is roughly as follows: in a happy village, a group of Russian bandits suddenly came, they burned, killed, looted, and did nothing to stop them, the heroic people fought back, but they were outnumbered, and in order to cover the evacuation of the children, we all ……

There is so little entertainment in this era that the Vienna Opera House, which has been on for a week, still attracts a large audience.

Tragedy is always easy to move, the stage performance is more impactful than the words, after each performance, the stage of the noblewomen are crying.

If fund-raising could have been organized, the Berlin government would have made a great deal of money this time. Public opinion was mobilized, the call for intervention grew stronger, and the pressure on the Austrian government increased.

Vienna Palace

Franz casually threw away a petition letter from the civil society, and asked in a depressed voice: “Don’t the Russians have any reaction? After such a big event, doesn’t the Tsarist government know to come forward and explain?”

Within a short month, Franz received 286 joint petition letters before and after, all asking the Austrian government to stop the massacre.

Dozens of organizations, including the German Folk Culture Exchange, the Committee for German Unity, the Germanic National Culture Exchange, and the Society for the Promotion of Culture and Economy of the Holy Roman Empire, all wanted the Austrian government to intervene.

The reason was very simple: the victims were not only Poles, but also many Germans, who, in the opinion of the nationalists, were their own people, and could not be scourged by the Russians.

“Your Majesty, the Tsarist government has also taken action, the Russian Foreign Ministry has spoken several times to dispel rumors, claiming that the Russian army was not involved in the massacre, and that it was all the work of domestic bandits in the Polish-Polish Commonwealth.

The Russians acted too late, the tide of public opinion had already set in, and with the Berlin government having ample evidence, it’s too hard to reverse it.” Prime Minister Felix replied

One slow step at a time, communication was unchanged these days, news traveled slowly, and the main channel through which everyone received news was the newspapers.

Once a preconceived idea is formed, it will be difficult to reverse it. Besides, the Berlin government didn’t stigmatize the Russians, they did it practically.

“The Tsarist government is a bunch of idiots!” Franz blurted out.

It was obvious that he meant it. The reality is in front of us, washing certainly can not be whitewashed, but the guidance of public opinion does not necessarily have to be whitewashed, as long as the competitors to the same level on the line.

“Do not recognize” is indeed a solution, the problem is that it is not the right time ah!

If a reputable country were to say it, it might still be able to fool some people, but with the credibility of the Tsar’s government, who would believe what they say?

In Franz’s case, he would have followed the example of the Berlin government, collected the atrocities committed by the Prussian army, made an art of it, magnified it a hundred times, and paid the newspapers to publish it.

It doesn’t matter how many people will believe it, but it will build up the momentum first. It was a well known secret that European armies had a tradition of looting anyway.

If you can’t whitewash your own reputation, pull the other side down with you. When everyone turns black, the matter will be solved.

“Your Majesty, not only the public opinion at home, but the public opinion of other countries is also very unfavorable to the Russians, especially France is making the most noise.

Just three days ago, 50,000 Parisians gathered in the square of Versailles to demonstrate and demand that the government intervene in this war.

This is not the first time that this has happened; according to the news from the Embassy, there have been 48 demonstrations, large and small, in France during this month, half of which have called for the intervention of the government in Paris.

Five days ago, a demonstration also broke out in London, only the number of participants was not as large as in France.

From the way things are going, if the Czarist government can’t break the ice, it probably won’t be long before governments intervene.” Weissenberg analyzed

The French public is still so enthusiastic, it is estimated that Napoleon IV wants to cry now. Intervening on one’s own initiative and being forced out by public opinion to intervene are two completely different concepts.

An emperor can not control the government’s diplomacy, but instead to be swayed by civil opinion, such a thing put on who can not stand.

There is one, there are two, once found that public opinion can sway the government decision-making, I am afraid that the future of similar things will continue one after another.

Governments have not jumped out to intervene in the first place, and I am afraid that they do not want the outside world to think that they are swayed by public opinion.

To a certain extent, the Berlin government’s plan has succeeded and failed at the same time.

While gaining the support of various countries, it also offended the top echelons of their governments. There will be interference, but how far it will go is hard to say.

“If possible, I would suggest that the interference of the nations be delayed as long as possible. In recent times the Immigration Department has obtained nearly fifty thousand emigrants from the Russians.

Though most of these are old and infirm, they are still a considerable addition to the labor-starved colonies.” Colonial Secretary Stephen said

Fifty thousand immigrants are not worth much, not if they are fifty thousand immigrants from the subject peoples.

Austrian Africa was the lifeblood of the Vienna government, and the government had always been intent on controlling the ethnic ratio. Fifty thousand immigrants might not seem like much, but it had actually increased the proportion of the subject population by two thousand points.

This is only a purely numerical calculation; the real impact will be even greater. In order to speed up the integration of nationalities, Austria has never been decentralizing the settlement of immigrants, and there have been numerous inter-ethnic marriages.

The colonization department was naturally reluctant to give up the visible benefits.

After a few moments of hesitation, Franz gathered his conscience: “Tell the Tsarist government that international intervention is imminent.

If they don’t want to be sanctioned, they should hurry up and expose the atrocities of the Prussian army and muddy the waters first.”

With national interests involved, there was no way for Franz to be irrational. Since the tsarist government didn’t know what to do, it would be better to teach them.

(End of chapter)

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