Chapter 69: The Pragmatist

  Chapter 69: The Pragmatist

In this era, the major industries in Italy were concentrated in the northern part of the country, which was divided into the “Turin-Genoa” and “Milan-Venice” industrial zones due to political and geographic factors. The “Turin-Genoa” industrial zone and the “Milan-Venice” industrial zone were divided because of political and geographical factors.

Undoubtedly, the industrial revolution in Italy had just begun, and it was still dominated by traditional handicrafts, with the addition of many mechanical tools.

The capitalists in Venice and the capitalists in Sardinia cooperated and competed with each other, and many of them had their own industries in the two regions, so it was not easy for them to clear up the relationship between the two sides.

When the conditions proposed by Marshal Radkis spread in the Venice area, the capitalists responded one after another, as to who he supported in his heart, it is hard to say clearly.

It doesn’t matter, this is a conspiracy, even the most hostile Austrian capitalists, they also need the Kingdom of Sardinia as soon as possible to send troops to Venice.

Every day the war continues, will bring them immeasurable losses, including the Kingdom of Sardinia’s local capitalists are no exception, the national mobilization also prevented them from making money.

Turin became more lively, the Venetian capitalists joined the public opinion offensive, as if it became the last straw that broke the camel’s back, looking at the black crowd of demonstrators, Charles Albert had to order the army to launch the attack in advance.

To do so, he also sent the last available 40,000 troops in the country, the Kingdom of Sardinia’s army alone is as high as 190,000, if you add the power of the allies, now their total strength are theoretically approaching 250,000 people.

The reason why I say theoretically is because apart from the Sardinian Kingdom’s army, the rest of the several state armies are still in the sauce.

Especially the Neapolitan army, which was the furthest away, had stopped in the Papal States because of a large number of soldiers suffering from heatstroke. Only God knows why they got heatstroke in the spring.

In short, the 40,000 troops that Naples had promised would not be able to make it to this war, but for the sake of the early unification of the Italian region, they still sent a few hundred warriors to the battlefield with sickness.

No matter how ridiculous this reason was, at least one thing was certain, the Neapolitan army would not come.

Franz did not feel that this was a credit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; one only had to look at the origins of the present King of Naples, Ferdinand II.

This was the King of the Two Sicilies, son of Clementina, daughter of François I and Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II. (The Kingdom of Sicily and Naples united to form the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, with Naples dominating)

In short, this one was the junior brother of the Habsburgs who had been fostered in the Italian region, although Austria’s international prestige was now declining, which wasn’t enough to make them jump back.

Just look at the map, it’s Naples that is separated by the Papal States, even if they can drive Austria out of Italy, they won’t gain any substantial benefits.

Any Italian state has the ambition to unify the Italian region, and it is not a good choice to capitalize on the enemy at this time. Even if Austria occupied Venice and Lombardy, it would still be more in their interest than the Sardinian Kingdom occupying the said regions.

History changed, as Austria had a stronger military force in the Venice region, and now the Kingdom of Sardinia had begun to cast the Heavenly Demon Unraveling Technique, which was a battle of national fortunes.

By May, Austria’s mobilized reserves, after more than a month of grinding, were in fighting shape. Franz did not move to increase his troops to Hungary, and war was imminent.


Franz again exclaimed that Nicholas I was a good comrade, and the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that 300,000 Russian troops were ready to help Austria and Prussia suppress the revolution.

The strong support of the Tsarist government had a very strong effect in Europe, and both the Austrian and Prussian revolutionaries were dealt a blow.

The newly independent Hungarian regime became precarious, and the head of the Hungarian Republic, Kossuth, could not sleep at night for fear that the Russians would stab them in the back.

Metternich gasped, “Your Highness, the French have moved on, they have terminated all aid to the Kingdom of Sardinia, and now we are negotiating the division of the territory of the Kingdom of Sardinia.”

Franz’s heart rejoiced and secretly thought, “Sure enough, Metternich is still suitable for diplomacy, to be the Prime Minister that’s a complete professional mismatch!”

Being able to fool the French, the next battlefield in Italy would have no surprises, without the help of the French, the Sardinian Kingdom’s army is a weakling.

In just over a month’s time, Sardinia’s army has rapidly swelled from 20,000 to 30,000 to nearly 200,000, and anyone with a little bit of military common sense knows that such an army is unreliable.

Of course, if the soldiers of the Sardinian Kingdom were all humongous or honestly carried out the orders of their superiors like the German soldiers, it wouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Probably the Kingdom of Sardinia had been mesmerized by the radical public opinion in the country, thinking that these soldiers could be as good as they were when they shouted slogans when they got to the battlefield.

Franz made a direct decision, “Well, sign a treaty with the French government as soon as possible, the speed at which they change governments is not much slower than a woman changing her clothes, so don’t make any more complications!”

“Your Highness, it would be too much of a loss to sign a treaty right away, the French have a bigger appetite than we thought.” Metternich reminded

“It doesn’t matter, whether or not the treaty we signed with the French can be enforced depends on whether or not the French can carry the pressure of the English.

Judging from the current situation, the French government is constantly selling out to the British, and as long as the London government is tougher, the French will more than likely make compromises.

If they choose to give up on their own, it will not be our fault. Even at that time, we can condemn them for their treachery.” Franz said indifferently

Not only was this provisional government on its knees to the British, but several French governments behind it had followed the British around, and it would be unrealistic to ask them to fight the British hard, at least for five years.

“Your Highness, if the French retreat, then I’m afraid we are also alone, in the current situation, it is not suitable for us to annex the Kingdom of Sardinia!” Archduke Louis reminded

“It’s a pity that such a good opportunity was missed, it’s not so easy to make the Sardinian Kingdom send itself to the door!” Prime Minister Felix sighed

Exclusive domination of Italy is not only the dream of the French, but likewise Austria’s dream, except that it is just a dream, the European powers will not let them have their way.

“There is no way, who let us have bad teeth now? If we really eat the Kingdom of Sardinia in one bite, let’s prepare to choke to death!” Franz said helplessly

(End of chapter)

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