Chapter 68: Zero Risk and High Returns

  Chapter 68 – Zero Risk High Return

By now, there was no room for him to back down. Clenching his teeth Rusty said, “Your Excellency the Marshal, there are many innocent people in this rebellion that were held hostage by the rebels and are now under arrest as well.

They all have families to feed, when do you think, can they be released?”

Marshal Radetsky snorted, “That is indeed a problem, but put your heart back into it. We’re in the middle of a review, but it’s going to take a while.

The problem of their family, that’s a good one, the Venice city government has already started releasing food, everyone can receive a ration, they won’t starve!”

Trying to figure out who were the real insurgents and who were the people being held hostage was not something that could be accomplished overnight either.

The enemy is about to hit, this time stability overrides everything, Marshal Radetzky does not want to take risks, Franz is even more unlikely to take risks, that’s why the government of Vienna will be the first time to take the people away.

Anyway, most of these people are workers, mistake does not matter, when the government to pay a salary, and then arranged them to the state-run factories, it will be enough to calm their hearts of grievances.

A little guidance can shift the target of their hatred to the chaotic party, after all, if not these pull them down, there is no such thing as this trip.

The government of course justice, mistaken, not also pay wages? It also comes with a job settlement, and the state-run factories, no matter what, treat them much better than the capitalists.

There is no comparison there is no harm, people are realistic, especially these ordinary people who worry about food, drink and sleep every day, and follow whoever has a better life, naturally, they will follow whoever they want.

This has already been confirmed, the initial Venice area revolution serfs, now do not all become a loyal supporter of the Habsburg family?

Marshal Radetzky was able to easily take care of the Venetian rebels because the serfs turned against him? As long as you help the government forces to suppress the rebellion, you can share the land, who can refuse?

The revolutionaries boasted a lot, but in fact, when it came to concrete measures, they did not consider the interests of the lower classes, independent or republican, just can not help them fill their stomachs.

At Franz’s strong request, this time the Austrian army strictly implemented the policy of suppressing the rebel party and dividing up the land, in addition to dividing up the land, the government was also very considerate to take out the rebel nobles’ agricultural tools and food to be divided up.

The countryside in the Venice area is now stabilized, and the remaining part of the nobles who escaped, also had to be careful for fear of being involved with the rebel party.

Now that the serfs had been liberated by force, the newly freed peasants were staring at them, expecting them to join the rebellion, so that they could share their land.

This is also the reason why the Austrian government after the killing spree, these rabbit death of the aristocrats did not jump out of the reason, really has been scared.

There is no way, the Austrian Italian region has not been very stable, in the Austrian Empire naturally unpopular, political suppression, not much say.

Marshal Radetzky killed in Venice are almost blood, the Vienna government did not have any reaction, is a kind of bayonet to give them a deep lesson, let them understand who is the boss.

In this short period of more than a month, the Venice area has nearly seven layers of nobles have been deprived of their titles, nearly eight layers of capitalists have been copied, these people have either escaped or have been clicked.

For the remaining capitalists, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the competitors have fallen so much, it would be foolish not to seize the market.

Anyway, no matter who rules Venice, the capitalists need to pay taxes, they just don’t run to revolt, no one will touch them.

The Austrian government this time to kill hard, not some people play too high, think their wings are hard, even if it is to provide funds and weapons to the revolutionaries, it is not a thing?

Well, in fact, these are not unable to do, as long as a little bit of caution, not to be caught by the Austrian government is also fine, blame it on these people are too arrogant.

Nothing to learn what the French, run to engage in banquet movement, afraid and the revolutionaries can not relate to like, now the Austrian government liquidated, light witnesses have a dozen.

Survived are smart people, see Rootes family and Marshal Radetzky family has a few friendship, capitalists in order to resume production as soon as possible, seize the market now on the public push him as a representative to come to the negotiation.

Hearing the words of Marshal Radetzky, Rootes knew that there was trouble, but he was still undaunted and fought for it.

“Your Excellency Marshal, since the outbreak of the rebellion in Venice, the local economy has been hit hard, if we can’t resume production as soon as possible, I’m afraid this year’s tax revenue will be a problem!”

Marshal Radetzky looked at him and laughed, then said in an unhurried manner, “Rotus, isn’t it obvious?

Because of the war, the local economy has been devastated, and I’ve already reported it to the Vienna government, requesting that this year’s taxes be waived.

Could it be that if I release the people back, you will be able to guarantee that this year’s taxes in the Venice region will not be reduced?”

Rothes stammered and replied, “I can’t!”

This he really did not dare to give a promise, this year’s Venice region’s tax revenue, to be able to receive one-fifth of the previous years, that is God’s blessing.

What about the rest of the difference, can’t let them pay to make up for it? They are not thirteen lines of business, dry tax system business!

Marshal Radetzky compelled: ”Your intention is clear to me, the war between us and Sardinian Kingdom is about to start, in order to ensure the stability of Venice region, before the completion of the review, these people certainly can’t come back.

I understand that you want to take this opportunity to expand your production and seize the market. There is no need to rush, when we defeat the Sardinian Kingdom, your harvest will be even greater.

Since the capitalists in the Lombardy region have sided with the Sardinian Kingdom, they are naturally ineligible to continue to exist as losers, and I feel that you can fill the void they left behind!”

This is a naked hint, as long as the support of Austria to win the war, the main business circle in the North Italy region will become Venice.

Rothes barely managed to control his emotions and said, “Your Excellency the Marshal, what price do we need to pay?”

“It’s very simple, you just need to create momentum in the Sardinian Kingdom to get them to send troops to Venice early!” Marshal Radetzky replied calmly

Rothes was overjoyed, this was a low investment, high return, and zero risk investment, he really couldn’t find a reason to refuse.

Failure was a big deal to pay a small amount of propaganda funds, success could double everyone’s industry, or even multiply it by several times.

The two chapters are sent together, too lazy to separate them

(End of chapter)

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