Chapter 678: Adding to the Blockage

  Chapter 663: Adding Blockage

Just when everyone thought that the Prussian-Russian war was at a stalemate, on November 2, 1879, a Prussian division suddenly bypassed Kamen and headed straight for Pinsk.

After the outbreak of the Russo-Prussian War, Franz had been paying close attention and occasionally sent out airships for high-altitude reconnaissance.

Austria was the country with the most developed airship technology, and the most advanced reconnaissance airships could operate at heights of up to 8,000 meters.

These days, air defense weapons are not yet developed, as long as it is above 3000 meters, no matter whether it is an anti-aircraft machine gun, or artillery, there is no threat.

Without security threats, Austrian airships naturally often penetrate the airspace of other countries. At first Franz is not used to this kind of domineering style, but see the neighbors do not have much reaction, he also slowly get used to it.

At an altitude of several thousand meters, if you don’t use binoculars, many people will think it’s just a bird, and the chances of being detected are still very low.

Even if it was discovered, it could be shrugged off as the pilot being lost. Anyway, this kind of thing happens all the time, especially to small European countries’ airships that fly out of the range of their own airspace.

The unusual movement of the Prussian army attracted the attention of the pilots, reported it and attracted the attention of the idle and bored Franz, who directly called a meeting of the duty staff.

“Everyone has read the intelligence, what do you think Mauch’s purpose is?”

Regardless of what reason Franz was concerned about this issue, everyone was still very excited to be able to show their abilities in front of the Emperor.

Vice Chief of Staff Admiral Mox: “Your Majesty, the real goal of the Prussian army should not be Pinsk, this could be a distraction for the Russians.

Pinsk is located on a major river transportation route, about 180 kilometers away from Brest, which is already considered the rear. Going in alone like this is a very bad choice militarily.

Even if it was hidden from the Russians and not detected in advance, Pinsk still had a regiment of troops stationed there, and even if it couldn’t hold off the Prussian attack, it would still be okay to delay it for a few days.

Once the surrounding Russians reacted, this Prussian army would be finished. Unless they were able to capture Pinsk within a day and defend it for more than a month relying on the local fortifications, it would have strategic value.

The risk here is too great for Mauch, as a famous European general, not to realize, and then his real target could only be Brest.”

A staff officer objected, “It doesn’t have to be Brest, it’s possible that Mauch is the Pripyat River. Of course this possibility is very small, it’s the dry season, even if the blockage of the river brings little damage.

I think the greater likelihood is that it’s just a bluff, a deliberate attempt to attract the attention of the Russians and cover the real strategy of the Prussian army.

As for penetrating behind Brest, it looks great, but what good is just one infantry division?”


The brainpower of the staff officers was indeed impressive, and in a moment’s time, a dozen possibilities were analyzed, and Franz was directly confused.

There was no way, Franz was just an ordinary man, it was too difficult for him to figure out the strategic deployment of the military greats.

But on the contrary, Frederick, who came along, was excitedly discussing with his staff. Perhaps his son has the talent to become a military man, Franz thought secretly.

Of course, can only think about it, as the Crown Prince of Austria, Frederick is no chance to become a military man.

This is no longer the Middle Ages, and the era of the emperor leading troops into battle is over. As the Crown Prince, even if he goes to war, it is only gold plating, there is no chance for him to perform.

Frankly speaking, Franz thought that listening to the discussion of the staff officers was much more interesting than reading the newspaper, and it was really as exciting as a novel.

One by one, they all said the head of the road, can it work that only after trying to know, anyway, in theory are feasible.

The more you know, the more Franz feels that luck is very important, no longer superstitious so-called aura of the famous generals. Just like the twenty-eight generals of Gentai combined, it is not as powerful as Meteorite Skyfall.


While the Russo-Prussian War was still in a stalemate, the South American battlefield took a turn for the worse. Ever since the British Navy came down to pull the plug, Peru and Bolivia have been in tragedy.

The sea passage is gone, supplies can only be transferred from neighboring countries. Originally this is nothing, war money anyone like, but unfortunately the relationship between everyone is not good ah!

South American countries from the beginning of the establishment, there are a lot of contradictions. If France and Austria did not intervene to coordinate and warn ambitious people to be a little more peaceful, it is estimated that all these countries at this time have fallen into the well.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: ”Your Majesty, as of three days ago, the British have seized over two hundred ships bound for Peru and Bolivia, forty-five of which are registered to us.

In order to break the British blockade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposes to join forces with the countries in which these ships are located and together put pressure on the British.”

What’s coming is coming, and it’s still difficult for Chile alone to take one over the other.

If Bolivia and Peru are not cut off from the sea transportation channel, a steady stream of supplies pouring in, the two countries can arm much more troops than Chile.

With little difference in quality, the number of armies will determine whether a war is won or lost. In the earlier battles, Chile was actually at a disadvantage.

After a few moments of contemplation, Franz made a decision: “Not only should we order the British to open up the shipping lanes, but we should also make them pay for the losses, and if they don’t agree, we should encourage all the countries to join in the trouble.

If the conditions are ripe, pull the French to make a trade sanction against the British, pull some more countries to make a show of strength, and properly disgust the British.”

That’s right is to disgust the British, want trade sanctions against the British, that’s simply impossible.

These days John Bull is still the boss of international import and export trade, occupying nearly half of the total global trade, what to take to sanction?

It is impossible to sanction, but it is still possible to give them a hard time. Suffered such a big aggression, Austria can not stand, Franz does not think that the proud French can endure.

Can’t beat the British at sea, but it is always possible to fight a war of words. The public opinion will be mobilized, not afraid of the British do not give in. It is not possible to offend all countries just for the sake of Chile.


As a matter of fact, without waiting for the Vienna government to take action, the capitalists of the seized ships acted first.

This time the position of the media on the European continent was surprisingly uniform, with everyone berating the British for their shameless behavior and accusing the British government of undermining the normal conduct of free trade.

Not only were the continental newspapers cursing, the local British newspapers were also cursing the government. The opposition party has already organized a public demonstration to condemn the London Government for intervening in the South American war without authorization.

The capitalists have expounded with practical actions what capital knows no boundaries and only interests are constant.

Outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Downing Street, this time the outside has been surrounded by protesting people, everyone held up the banner of free trade, demanding the London government to release the blockade.

Clueless Prime Minister Benjamin, slammed the table: “Sir John, now I need an explanation, an explanation that can give the people an explanation.”

The Minister of the Navy, John Vasile, was filled with sorrow, “Your Excellency the Prime Minister, we have reached an agreement with the Chileans to purchase the supplies on these ships at their expense.

The front went very well, and the Chilean government and the capitalists reached an agreement that no more supplies would be transported into Peru and Bolivia for a year.

But these people, after receiving compensation, immediately organized another shipment of supplies, and the capitalists broke their agreement, so naturally the Chilean government did not agree to continue to finance the purchase, and the ships were seized.”

Hearing this explanation, Prime Minister Benjamin only wanted to curse. Expecting the capitalists to honor their agreement, wasn’t this bullshit?

With a random change of vest, the previous contract would be nullified. There was no way to legally hold them accountable for breach of contract, and these people were obviously trying to take advantage of the fire.

Benjamin also had some headaches, letting these ships go over definitely won’t work, if Chile loses the war, the dominance of the saltpeter trade will fall into the hands of Fao.

Let the Chilean government to continue to buy these materials also can not, to the capitalists of the urine, as long as the explosive profit, will not be long to organize a larger fleet of ships over.

You can’t let the Chilean government keep buying and buying, even if the saltpeter trade is profitable, Chile is not that rich!

Benjamin rubbed his forehead and said: ”First send someone to explain to the people outside that it is the Chilean government that is seizing the ships, and that we are just conducting military maneuvers in South America.

No matter what, first find a way to get the people outside to leave. The impact is really bad if it goes on like this.”

Foreign Minister Edward: “It’s not just the protesting people outside that need to be evacuated, we’re also under a lot of international pressure, as of now, we’ve received diplomatic protests from twenty-two countries, including Fao.

It doesn’t matter if it’s one country alone, if they conspire, things will be difficult.

Especially France and Austria, the Russo-Prussian war has held them back, but it’s still more on the military side, and the foreign ministries of both countries are still idle.”

Bolivia and Peru were both small countries, and there weren’t even necessarily twenty-two countries they traded with in normal times, and now that so many protests had sprung up, there was definitely a problem behind the scenes.

Edward didn’t say it, that was because he knew very well that it was better for this lid not to be lifted.

Apart from the possible behind-the-scenes manipulation by France and Austria, it was more likely that it was still the handiwork of the capitalists. The demonstration crowd outside was proof that absolutely domestic shipping companies were behind the planning.

In this era there is no Internet, communication between countries is very inconvenient, the nationality of the ship is very difficult to check.

For the sake of convenience, many ships are registered in several countries at the same time, and decide to use that nationality according to the actual need.

In order to make a strong statement and force the London government to give in and not stop everyone from making war money, of course the more countries involved the better.

Smaller countries also need to make their presence felt, and now is a good opportunity for them to protest against the unprovoked seizure of a ship registered in their own country.

With so many countries involved, even if the British want to settle scores, France and Austria will come forward to carry the burden, or else they will not be able to call on people next time.

(End of chapter)

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