Chapter 674: No Time to Care

  Chapter 659: No Time to Care

London, ever since the news of the outbreak of the Russo-Prussian War, the British government has been busy.

Prime Minister Benjamin: “What, you’re expanding the army again?”

Secretary of State for War Fox reminded in a serious manner, “Your Excellency the Prime Minister, we haven’t expanded the army for many years. Apart from times of war, the Army establishment has not been increased for almost fifty years.”

Benjamin replied with an embarrassed face, “Sorry, I was mistaken. Tell us the reason, why did you think of expanding the army?”

The British Army’s presence was so low that it was usually the Navy that asked for an expansion. Suddenly receiving the Army’s request for expansion, Prime Minister Benjamin habitually used “again”.

Fox was used to this situation. The status of the British Army is such that, except for the time of need, other times can rarely attract the attention of the government.

“With the outbreak of the Russo-Prussian War, the situation in Europe is about to be reshuffled, and we need a strong army to deal with unexpected situations.”

Finance Minister Garfield Bromley-Anhiron objected, “No, the situation in Europe is still under our control. As long as the Franco-Austrian balance is not broken, nothing will go wrong.

Besides, even if the Euro-Austrian balance is broken, I don’t think expanding the army will change anything.”

As harsh as it was, it was true. The Austrian standing army was over 600,000, and the French standing army was close to half a million.

Prussia and Russia, who were at war, had mobilized millions of troops on both sides, and the total number of troops committed to the battlefield by the two families alone exceeded a million and two hundred thousand.

The British standing army is only how much?

136,000 men!

Of course, that’s not all the British Empire was armed with. In the vast colonies, the British had another 500,000 to 600,000 colonial troops, as well as several civilian armed groups.

The fighting ability of the colonial army, though, was notoriously low. It is customary to ignore these troops when considering the problems of Europe.

Fox’s face instantly grimaced, this was a naked provocation. In the last few wars, the Army hadn’t performed well, leaving him speechless.

Regardless of the Army’s combat power, as the Secretary of State for War Fox had to maintain the dignity of the Army, and immediately asked, “Your Excellency, is this doubting the Army’s combat power?”

Doubt the army combat power can, but so blatantly say it, that will not work. Compared with the Royal Navy the British Army is the little brother, but this brother behind the same and a large group of people.

In order to say a word, offend such a large group of people, obviously not a wise person to do.

Realizing the slip of the tongue, Garfield immediately remedied the situation by saying, “No, I never meant to doubt the Army’s combat effectiveness.

What I meant was that the number of land forces is too small, there is no way to compare it with the European countries, even if our land forces are strong in combat, it is still hard to beat them with two fists.

Being an island nation has dictated that Britain’s center of gravity must be on the sea. Against this background, we are very limited in what we can put into our land forces.”

Hearing this explanation, Fox’s expression eased a little, “It is precisely because there is a gap that we have to rise to the occasion and narrow the gap with France and Austria.

The size of our army is completely disproportionate to Britain’s international status. Let alone deterring Fao, even a third-rate country would dare to despise us.”

Prime Minister Benjamin, who had finished reading the document, picked up a pen and circled a number on it, stopping the two from arguing, “Sir Fox, your plan to expand the army is beyond reality.

History has proven that Britain does not have the strength to compete for the continent, maintaining balance is the best option.

To achieve this goal, diplomacy is the core, there is no need for the Army to take Fao as an imaginary enemy, it is beyond our capabilities.”

Fox was unmoved in the face of this, and this was not the first time that the expansion of the Army had been vetoed. Something similar happens almost every year.

There’s no such thing as a military that doesn’t want to expand its army, especially the Army of the Sons and Daughters. Whether it passes or not, it’s tried every year-end.

There is no expectation that the full goal will be reached, and any increase of one regiment would be a great victory.

“Prime Minister, even if we don’t consider the situation in Europe, the colonies can’t be left alone, can they? The pressure on the colonies has been increasing in recent years.

Especially in the Indian colonies, we are still preparing to use our troops against Afghanistan and Persia.

If we don’t expand the army, I’m afraid that the colonial army alone won’t be able to fulfill the government’s plans.”

Benjamin frowned, Austria had expanded its power into the Persian Gulf region and they were feeling the pressure.

In order to curb Austria’s expansion, the London government formulated the Persian strategy, preparing to seize the Persian region before Austria finished digesting the Arabian Peninsula.

As for the Afghan strategy, it was a historical legacy. As the world’s hegemon, John Bull also wants to save face, and the failure of the invasion of Afghanistan in the previous years, naturally want to find a way back to the scene.

The outbreak of the Russo-Prussian War, the energy of the tsarist government was held in Europe, it is a good opportunity to do it. If you wait for the Russians to slow down, and then want to seize the place, it is not so simple now.

Seeing the Prime Minister’s intention, Navy Minister John Vasil immediately demolished the stage, “With the Army’s current size, it is indeed unable to accomplish so many tasks.

But we still have time, after Austria digests the Arabian Peninsula, their next target should be the Ottoman Empire. Before the demise of the Ottomans, we don’t have to worry about them competing with us for Persia.

The same goes for the Afghanistan region, the Russo-Prussian war won’t be over for a while. Only if the Tsarist government wins the war do we need to worry about this threat.

As things stand now, the chances of the Russians trying to win the war easily are almost nil. After this war, the Tsarist government will have to recuperate for at least ten years.

That’s long enough to do a lot of things. If the Army can’t accomplish the task, we Marines can take over.”

Suppressing the Army was the core strategy of the Royal Navy, no less important than suppressing France and Austria, if not more so.

Insufficient troops?

Just wait for the war to break out and expand temporarily, why bother to increase the establishment!

In the Navy’s view, the Army is superfluous. Overseas expansion is enough with the Royal Navy and colonial forces; maintaining local security is enough with the police, what is the army for?

Even if it is to suppress a rebellion, you can still let the Marines on ah! The big deal is to expand the establishment, there is no need for the army to join in the fun.

Of course, this is just a thought, the army no matter how unpopular, the London government is not likely to abolish it.

The simplest checks and balances are still clear to everyone. If there is no army, is not the military power of the country, all fall into the hands of the Navy.

Benjamin nodded: ”This issue will be put aside for now, and we will discuss it slowly later, if the Ministry of War has doubts, it can be submitted directly to the Parliament for discussion.

Now let’s talk about the Russo-Prussian War first, this war seems to be limited to Eastern Europe, but it has actually affected the world situation.”

Parliament is the best shield, any problem to the parliament, are not a day or two can discuss the results, can be called the best tool to delay time.

Foreign Minister Edward: “The Russo-Prussian War can be said to be the largest war in the history of Europe, and even in the history of mankind.

According to the intelligence coming from the embassy, the total troops mobilized by both Prussia and Russia are on the verge of exceeding three million. Perhaps it won’t be long before both sides commit millions of troops to the fight.

It is really hard to imagine, this is only Russia and Prussia, if France and Austria mobilized, I am afraid it will be even more terrible.

Now the war has just begun, who knows whether it will be won or lost. The only thing we can be sure of is that this war will be very grueling, and millions of lives may be lost.”

As he spoke, Edward still had some heart palpitations. Before the war broke out, no one had expected the Prussian and Russian countries to be so crazy.

Finance Minister Garfield directly spat, “All a bunch of crazy people!”

Prime Minister Benjamin waved his hand and said in a pretense of relaxation, “It doesn’t matter if Prussia and Russia are crazy or not, the key is the chain reaction brought about by the war, as well as what benefits we can gain from this change in the international situation winds and clouds?

Trade can go without saying, everyone knows that the arms dealers are going to get rich. Let’s talk about the situation in Europe, the change in the world situation.”

Foreign Minister Edward smiled easily, “It’s not that serious. The situation in Europe, if it changes, is still uncertain, but as long as France and Austria want to maintain stability, they can be suppressed.

The world situation has even less impact, although Prussia and Russia are not weak, neither of them is a colonial empire, and their influence is mainly in Eurasia.

At most, the Far East will be impacted somewhat, but the rulers of Ceres are so weak that even if the Russians have no time to look east, they most likely won’t dare to move.

In fact, we can just pick up our coffee, eat our pastries, and watch the Prussians and Russians kill each other now, we really don’t need to do anything!”

Britannia has the undercurrent of being an eating crowd, and no matter what the outcome of the Russo-Prussian war is, it won’t affect their interests.

Colonial Minister Robert shook his head, “No, we can still do something. Everyone’s attention is drawn to Eastern Europe, then the South American war can follow our script.

Before the end of the Russo-Prussian War, I don’t think the French and Austrians should be able to care about messing things up for us, and the Chileans are picking up a big bargain this time.”

Both Prussian and Russian navies are not very good, as a maritime country, Britain can be happy to make war money, but France and Austria, which are on the continent, can’t.

The European continent is too small to squeeze so many big countries, France and Austria can not let the rise of a new big country, squeezing self-interest.

Whether it is Austria, or France, now must maintain attention, dead eyes on the battlefield in Eastern Europe, ready to intervene in this war.

To ensure the investment of power in the European continent, a short period of time France and Austria naturally can not care about the South American region, Bolivia and Peru is considered a tragedy.


(End of chapter)

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