Chapter 648: Chapter Two Hundred and Four – The Road to Whitewashing

  Chapter 634: The Two Hundredth Collar Chapter 4: The Road to Whitewashing

Ambition is the need to use strength to support, it is to understand this reason, St. Durs can be from a grassroots mixed into the internationally renowned arms dealer.

There are no good people among arms dealers, which has been the consensus of all walks of life. Since the reputation is bad, the social status naturally do not want to be high.

Especially St. Dulce’s “famous” arms dealers, but also enemies all over the world, such as this time to offend the British.

For security reasons, many arms dealers do not dare to reveal their true identities.

“St. Dulce” is a typical pseudonym, that is, nowadays religion is weak, if in the Middle Ages, indiscriminate use of the “holy” name, the Heresy Inquisition has long been looking for the door.

Under normal circumstances, a person could only be canonized if he or she had made outstanding contributions to the cause of religion. Only after obtaining the approval of the Pope could the word “Saint” be added to the front of the name.

For example, if a person who has recovered Jerusalem receives the papal title of “Recoverer of the Holy Land”, he can add the word “holy” to his name.

Of course, people don’t usually add the word “holy” in front of their names, but usually add it in front of their titles to show their honor.

An arms dealer like St. Durs was obviously not qualified. With his accomplishments, he might be eligible for the guillotine.

This was not the life St. Dulce wanted, and he gave himself this pseudonym so that he could be “canonized” one day.

For the moment, that was a long way off. If he wanted to realize this great goal in life, he had to be cleansed before he could contribute to the cause of religion.

The colonial merchant was only the first step, unless he could become a nobleman, the ordinary colonial merchant was only a little bit better than an arms dealer, engaged in legitimate business, and could see the light of day.

Success is full of flukes, but there are no flukes in staying successful. St. Dulce also made a lot of preparations for the Ethiopian land he had set his sights on.

The information he now held in his hand was a map of the border area between Ethiopia and Austrian Africa. It was clearly labeled with information on roads, rivers, mountains, forests, mineral resources, indigenous tribes, and other information that perhaps the Ethiopian government didn’t even understand in such detail.

For this map, he consumed three years before and after, spending tens of thousands of divine guilders, and in the middle of the journey, he even personally brought along a survey, before completing the mapping.

St. Derrs: “Murdoch, how’s the PR work going?”

“It’s pretty much underway, we bribed Emperor E’s close minister. He promised to find a suitable opportunity to mention the land lease to the Emperors.

Now that the Ethiopian government’s finances are drying up, we’re just an ordinary commercial land lease that doesn’t involve sovereignty, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” Murdo replied

There is no sovereignty involved, that is no need to involve sovereignty. When the Ethiopian government collapses, then the people who are actually occupying the land can become the rightful owners.

Whether others admit it or not, the Vienna government will recognize his colonial rights anyway. That’s enough, as long as it’s recognized by the Vienna government, the British won’t be able to come and grab it in the open.

As to whether he would play tricks in secret, it depended on whether he could grasp the degree.

If not much is taken, the British are busy combing the newly occupied areas, and probably do not have time to count for a while.

If he is greedy and wants to pick the British’s peaches, and pisses off the British, then he will have to consider how to die.

There were not one or two colonial merchants who were finished in the colonial conflict. Most of them were eliminated because they did not control their greed, and the benefits they received exceeded their own strength.

St. Dulce: “Implement it as soon as possible, so as not to have a long night’s sleep. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of people who are interested in the Ethiopian region this time, if someone gets there first, we will have wasted our time.”

Not all land has colonial value, and the essence of colonization is to make money. If the wrong place is chosen and no profit can be realized, then selling it cheaply to the colonial government is the only option.

Since the opening of Austrian Africa, tens of thousands of colonial companies have been born before and after. The vast majority of colonial companies have collapsed in the middle of the road, and there are only a thousand or so that have survived.

Of the remaining colonial companies, more than ninety percent are family businesses, most of which are monopolized by the nobility.

Not to mention the grassroots, even the wealthy capitalists were at a disadvantage in this round of competition.

There was no way around it, colonization needed to be supported by force. In this regard the aristocrats had an absolute advantage, and capitalists were not suited to participate in war games.

What’s more, the capitalists who were well-mixed all became nobles in the colonization movement. The identity has changed and so has the position.

The source of the bourgeoisie was itself diversified, and a large proportion of the capitalists were the collateral lines of the nobility without inheritance rights, or were themselves nobles.

This part of the population has never recognized itself as capitalists and has always regarded itself as the sons of nobles. The goal in life for many of them is to obtain a knighthood of their own.

Not only Austria, but now the entire social climate of Europe is like this. Even the thugs of the Americas were chasing noble titles.

The social climate affected many people, and St. Dulce was naturally affected. Purely in terms of making money, there are not many industries that are more profiteering than the arms trade.

Murdoch reminded, “Mr. St. Durs, our investment is already very large.

To accelerate the progress, we need to continue to increase the investment, and the pressure to recover the cost in the future by doing so will be very high.”

“Money is not a problem, we can take the arms to pay for it and the cost will naturally come down.” St. Durs explained

The arms trade profiteering was indisputable, perhaps selling the Ethiopian government a million Shendian rupiahs of weaponry, the actual cost might be less than 300,000 Shendian rupiahs, and this was St. Deres’s bottom line.

Murdoch confidently replied, “No problem, at most one month, you can receive good news.”


Public relations Ethiopian government is only one aspect, want to get a foothold in the border area, the support of the Austrian East African colonial government is equally indispensable.

Without the colonial government to withstand the pressure of the British, St. Dulce doesn’t think he can keep the benefits he got from the Ethiopian government.

The British could not be expected to abide by international rules, could they?

“Mr. St. Dels, your proposal is very constructive, but what makes you able to guarantee the completion of the mission?”

The questioner was Landral, the secretary general of the Austrian Governor of East Africa, which was the highest ranking government official that St. Dels’ connections could reach.

As for the Governor of East Africa, unless St. Durs was already a noble, he would not personally talk to these matters.

St. Dels: ”Your Excellency the Baron, perhaps developing the colonial economy is not something I can do, but smuggling is my specialty, and it is the most basic survival skill of an arms dealer.

As long as I gain a foothold in the border region, domestic goods can be brought into the Ethiopian and Sudanese regions in a steady stream, and the colonial government can gain more tax revenue.”

Do one thing, love another.

In the field of expertise, St. Dels is definitely an elite in the industry. Engaged in the arms smuggling business for more than twenty years, he had never been caught, or he could not sit here and talk.

Secretary General Landral: ”I have never doubted Your Excellency’s professional ability, but the trade of ordinary commodities, is different from the arms trade.

I believe that Your Excellency has the ability to ship things there, but how do you sell them? The British and French colonial governments aren’t fools, and with the influx of smuggled goods, it’s impossible for them not to investigate.”

Entering the industrial society, Austria’s domestic industry and commerce had a growing need for markets, and the colonization movement arose out of this background.

These days the colonies of various countries, are all self-contained, foreign goods want to enter, will be subject to very many restrictions.

No one wanted to be subjected to such exploitation, and smuggling came into being. The Vienna government also supported the behavior of capitalists who smuggled their own goods into the colonies of other countries.

Anyway, as long as the domestic tax is paid, whether other countries can receive the tax is not within the scope of consideration of the Vienna government.

This is the general background of the times, narrowed down in the Austrian East Africa region to see. If a large number of Austrian goods from here into the British and French colonies, will also drive the prosperity of the regional economy, increase the government revenue.

The prosperity of the local economy and the increase of financial revenue are the achievements of the officials. St. Dulce’s certainty of gaining the support of the colonial government was based on this.

St. Dulce said as if nothing had happened, “It’s simple, just change the label. For example: change the German on the label to English and French.

I’ve been on a field trip to the British and French colonies, and their control over the colonies is not tight, and it can be said that there are loopholes everywhere.

Many colonial police are semi-literate, as long as the label is changed, they can not figure out if it is a national product or not.

Based on the principle that it is better to do more than less, as long as a little bit is played, these people will pretend that they have not seen anything.

If you want to be safer, then just copy the British and French products. With our technological prowess, we can produce exactly the same commercial products as Britain and France.

It would be even harder to find out, and even if the goods are found to be faulty, there’s a high chance that they’ll suspect these manufacturing companies, which as far as I know are also doing smuggling.”

Secretary General Landral nodded in satisfaction, “Very well, Mr. St. Dels, you have succeeded in convincing me.

However, I suggest that you change your name first, or else things will be troublesome if the Church’s people come to your door.”

Despite the church’s greatly reduced power, their influence in Austria was still huge, at least St. Dels, an arms dealer, couldn’t afford to mess with them.

Landrail’s reminder made St. Derse’s heart startle. In retrospect, he realized how much of a death wish he had made by taking this name.

The church didn’t come to his door, I’m afraid that they felt that he, an arms dealer, was a clown who couldn’t stand on the stage, and didn’t bother to lower his status to find trouble.

If he had been cleared, the situation would be different. The higher the status, the easier it is to attract trouble with this name.

St. Durs made a snap decision and said, “Yes, Your Excellency the Baron. If I didn’t have to, I wouldn’t be willing to use this name.

It won’t be long before there will be no St. Dels as an arms dealer in this world, only a colonial merchant named Dels.”

Since he was going to be whitewashed, of course he had to change his vest. Despite the fact that there was only a one-word difference between Derse and St. Derse, there were more than five digits of people named Derse in Austria, but there was only one person named St. Derse.

Derse didn’t think that by changing his name, no one would know him. For the really big people, it was too easy to find out this information, unless they ran away to hide in the deep forests, they could not hide.

(End of chapter)

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