Chapter 634: A Bitter Foreign Student

  Chapter 620 – Bitter Foreign Students

Vienna Palace, since the British took the lead in breaking the rules, Franz’s desk had frequent reports of requests for war.

Don’t get me wrong, they are not to fight the British. The Austrian military wasn’t that headstrong yet, and the Royal Navy was still a deterrent.

The target of the invitation to war was, naturally, the unclaimed territories that had not yet been divided. Since it was a grab with their fists, the Austrian military was not willing to be left behind.

Franz said as if nothing had happened, “The military’s battle plans are all here, basically all the terra nullius, are in these plans.

If there’s any that slipped through the net, it’s beyond our ability to get, so now you guys just pick one of them!”

The much-talked-about colonial division movement was as if it had become child’s play here, and it was impossible to see that Franz took it half as seriously as he did.

Colonial Secretary Stephen: “First, we can rule out Persia. The British have been operating here for a long time, and with India to fall back on, it is difficult for us as latecomers to compete with them.

Secondly, the Central and South Peninsula can also be excluded, the British, French and Prussian forces are gathered and the situation is complicated.

By the way, according to the intelligence we have received, Britain and France are competing very fiercely, and the Prussians are on the verge of being squeezed out. If we join in, we expect the same fate.

The only things left that are more suitable for expansion are East Africa and South America.

The South American countries are already independent and recognized by the European world. Making a move against them will easily cause panic among the smaller European countries, which will hurt our international image too much.

Comparatively speaking, it is easier to expand into East Africa. If the British want to make a move on Ethiopia, we can also get a share of the pie, for example, by occupying the Horn of Africa (Somali Peninsula).”

When he heard “Horn of Africa”, Franz’s first thought was “chicken feed”.

What’s on the Somali Peninsula?

Answer: Pirates!

That was the impression that Franz got of Somalia, not to mention “poor”. There may be resources, minerals, but definitely not much, otherwise Franz would not have been completely unimpressed.

The only value is probably the strategic “importance”, which depends on the situation, for example, the strategic value of the Somali peninsula is not realized now.

It seems to be in the path of the Suez Canal, but the British are stuck in front of it.

Austria already owns the Arabian Peninsula, and its navy is unable to compete with the Royal Navy, so the strategic value of the Somali Peninsula is greatly reduced in the hands of the Vienna government.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: “In the present international situation, East Africa is the most suitable region for our colonization. Apart from Britain and France, there are no other competitors.

The French are aiming at the Sudanese region, and their power has not yet extended over and will not compete with us for the Somali Peninsula.

Although the London government attaches importance to the East African region, they are limited in the strength they can invest in the continent and are no longer able to compete with us for the Somali Peninsula while waging the Ethiopian War.

The only unfortunate thing is that the Somali Peninsula’s economic value is so low that the benefits it can bring us are very limited.”

The East African region is crisscrossed by the forces of Britain, France and Austria, and is obviously the three major countries’ own land, so naturally there will not be any country that is unenlightened and foolish enough to run over to grab the land.

Fewer people are involved, and the competition is naturally small. Unfortunately the interests are also less, if not because of the opening of the Suez Canal, it is estimated that the British will not even look at Ethiopia.

Franz nodded: “Then the Somali Peninsula is fine. Even if it doesn’t have any economic value, the strategic gains from being able to suppress British expansion are enough to pay for themselves.”

Expectations themselves were not high, so naturally there was no talk of disappointment. The world had already been carved up, and what was left was marginal, and it would be good not to lose money.


Austria moved, other countries have not been idle. The new merger has begun, as for the Paris conference has been reduced to a joke.

Perhaps after the last round of colonial division, Paris may be able to talk about the results. The fact that the conference was not declared to have ended prematurely was all due to good British diplomacy.

The London government also wants to save face, the Paris conference was held under the call of the British, if it is because they broke the contract and ended, Britain’s face will be completely lost.

Even if it is to deceive themselves and others, this piece of cloth of shame should still be kept. Only governments are not in the importance of the delegation have returned home, stay to continue negotiations, are based in Paris, the diplomatic staff.


Vienna University City, Austria’s largest educational base. It is home to more than thirty colleges and universities, large and small, and has the most advanced education system in the world.

Today, the influence of Austrian universities is not limited to the local area. International students from all over the world give the city an international flavor.

In this day and age, studying in Austria is not easy. Not only do you have to get good grades, but you also have to pay high tuition fees and there is a limit to the number of places available.

The Ministry of Education has set a limit of four percent of the total number of students enrolled in a university.

The annual enrollment of Austrian universities is usually between 500 and 1,000 students, and in order to ensure the quality of teaching, the largest enrollment of universities will not exceed 1,500 students.

This means that each university can accept no more than 60 international students per year, which seems like a lot, given that there are hundreds of universities in Austria.

After all, there are hundreds of other universities in Austria. In reality, this is only an ideal figure, as most of the places for international students are taken up by students from the German Confederation and the Kingdom of Prussia.

They account for 43% and 29% of the total number of students, followed by the Swiss Confederation with 5% of the total, and the rest is divided among the other countries.

The proportion is so disparate, not that the quality of education in these three countries is so high, it is entirely because of the same culture, easy to get a student visa, plus the Vienna government provides them with student loans.

In this era, all countries practiced elitist education, and universities were simply not something that ordinary people were qualified to touch.

Not to mention the international students, their own educational resources were not enough to share, let alone for outsiders.

Almost all foreign students have to pay high tuition fees. Taking the University of Vienna as an example, foreign students have to pay tuition fees ranging from 2,000 to 3,000 Shenduan per year according to their majors.

This is not a small amount, bearing in mind that the per capita annual income in Austria is less than 70 guilders, and the income of an ordinary person in his or her whole life is not enough to pay the tuition fee for one year at the university.

Of course, this is only external. Internal enrollment tuition is much more affordable, usually between 50 to 500 guilders, there are student loans can apply.

As long as you get into the university, the cost is not a problem at all. Some of the scarce specialties, the government is also responsible for providing tuition.

Austria is not the only country that enrolls few foreign students, other countries are similar. Even if they do, they are mostly European students, but rarely from abroad.

The feeling that there are many foreign students in this era is actually an illusion. The so-called foreign students do go out to study, but it is hard to say whether they have learned anything or not.

Schools are also divided into three, six, nine grades. Real colleges and universities enroll a small number of international students, but there is no limit to the number of places in the following pheasant universities.

There are even “universities” that specialize in recruiting foreign students, and they just find a few unqualified “famous scholars” to be their teachers, and they teach them all kinds of nonsense.

It doesn’t matter if you fail the exams. Schools have special packages for school dropouts, and as long as you pay, you can get a diploma.

If you want to learn real knowledge, don’t dream about it. These school teachers, do not look at the beautiful packaging, in fact, the vast majority of these people have never been to college.

Austria naturally also want this kind of “for-profit universities”, in addition to the academic qualifications are not recognized by the Vienna government, on the surface seems to be almost the same as ordinary universities, fool foreign students or enough.

For example: Austrian Army and Navy Higher Command College, this is a typical wild chicken university, the Austrian Army Higher Command College and the Austrian Navy Higher Command College.

One word difference, worlds apart. People with a little common sense know that the army and the navy are completely two systems, training is naturally carried out separately.

At the same time training army commanders and navy commanders, not impossible to do, just difficult to do specialization.

Like people, the school’s energy was not unlimited. Franz was not interested in training generalists, and Austrian universities paid special attention to training specialists.

This can be seen in the Austrian entrance exams, where those with high overall scores can go to university, and those with awesome specialized scores can likewise be admitted directly.

The latter admits a bit more people, after all, there are more people who specialize in one subject than those who are well-rounded.

Doing so is not without limitations, specializing in a subject can apply for a very limited number of majors, almost no choice.

After graduation, it is difficult to change careers across specialties because there is basically no foundation in other areas.

Most of these people are suitable for technology, and after graduation, most of them become engineers in specialized fields, with a few outstanding ones entering scientific research institutions.

All-round development of students, the development of space is much wider, all walks of life have their figures, only the number of generalist is too small.

In the short term, the Austrian education model is a success. In the case of limited educational resources, specialization in training talents can maximize cost savings and increase the success rate.


Moores was a victim of a pheasant university. With excellent grades, he killed his way out of the thousands and managed to qualify to study in Austria.

Finally, in order to save money on tuition, he enrolled in the Austrian Army and Navy Higher Command College to study military affairs, which sounded very impressive.

Compared to other countries in Europe, Austria’s pheasant university is not too bad, at least the basic military training is still qualified.

Thanks to the universal military service system, the school’s teachers are also serious military service, professional skills are still retained some.

Command ability may not be as strong, but these teachers can’t help but be fooled. Taking the theoretical textbooks, they can talk for hours without stopping.

This also made the pheasant university a little more real, and Moores was quickly fooled into it, and he didn’t give a damn about any of the bad reviews of the school from the outside world.

In time, though, he became skeptical. The school was actually full of international students, with very few native Austrian students.

The limited number of local students, from time to time, deserted the all-important strategy class, and Morse hated them all a little.

This is very wrong, if the training of high-ranking officers are this kind of goods, the Austrian army is expected to be close to the Mexican warlord forces.

In fact, it is not so, Moores still visited the Austrian military camp. Whether it is training, or equipment, have left a deep impression on him.

As a Mexican, ran to Austria to study, and this is directly related to Moores’ origin.

Ancestors of the German region immigrants, and Austria is the German region of the cultural circle of the most powerful countries, a little bit of native plot let him choose Austria.

In this era of continental Europe, the status of international students was not high, and in many places they were still discriminated against. Thanks to his ethnic German status, he was quickly integrated into the circle.

Just two hours ago, he got a bolt from the blue. Inviting a few of his classmates to a small gathering at a tavern, a local student spilled the beans to him over drinks.

The Austrian Higher Command College of the Army and Navy, which he believed to be highly professional, was actually an empty shell and not recognized by the Austrian government.

Of course, it is not completely unrecognized, at least you can graduate here with the equivalent of a higher education institution.

What is trained is not a high-level officer, but a qualified soldier, and those with excellent grades can also be qualified as low-level officers.

This can be seen in many places, where most of the day is spent in military training, and command classes are limited to theoretical knowledge.

The school teachers were gushing when they emphasized small group combat, and when they talked about big battle cases, they were cows flying in the sky.

It couldn’t be helped, who let these teachers only served as basic officers? Those who have personally experienced it themselves, of course, talk about it, and those who are unfamiliar with it naturally can only rely on blowing it up.

Most of the local students who go to school here are related families who don’t charge tuition. Because of unsatisfactory grades, they were not able to enter the regular military school.

Although it’s a bit watered down here, some of the knowledge is still useful. Receive some military knowledge in advance before military service so that you can stand out faster when you enter military service.

This was also the reason why Morse found that many local students deserted, it wasn’t that these people were lazy, they were still struggling to learn when the teacher was talking about specialized knowledge.

The so-called strategy class, people knew it was bullshit, so naturally they wouldn’t take it seriously.

It was also correct to say that the Austrian Army and Navy Higher Command College was a military school, there was no falsification of military training, and every year it still had to send a number of qualified soldiers to the Austrian army, half of whom were able to become basic officers.

In the words of my classmates, the outstanding graduates here, into the Austrian army to become a company platoon level officers is no problem. If you are lucky enough to be in a war and make a good contribution, you can even move up a few steps.

As for the higher level of commanders, you need to continue to study. Austrian officer training system is very perfect, as long as they are good enough, you can go all the way to further education.

Straw marshal did not appear, but straw generals still appear several. These people are the goal of ordinary soldiers, although the opportunity is a little bit slim, it is also an opportunity.

This was undoubtedly disastrous for Moores. The Mexican army can not have the so-called training system, just here to learn the military literacy limited to the company platoon command ability, can do what?

He came here to learn military knowledge, but in order to build a strong Mexico, not in order to serve as a basic officer.

However, the road is his own choice. Obviously, he could have entered a regular military school, but in order to save money, he jumped into a huge pit.

(End of chapter)

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