Chapter 630: Immigration

  Chapter 617 Immigration

Prime Minister Felix: “As of now, the number of bankrupt companies in the country has reached as high as 1,876, and the number of unemployed people has surpassed 2.47 million, a record high.

Among them, the cotton textile industry suffered the heaviest losses, a quarter of the textile mills went bankrupt, and more than half of the cotton textile mills announced production cuts, with production capacity falling by 37% directly.

Followed closely by the shipbuilding industry, affected by the decline in international trade, shipyards in recent months almost no new orders. Even a large proportion of the original orders have been affected by the economic crisis and have been declared in default.

Steel ……”

Bad news keeps ringing in Franz’s ears, an inevitable consequence of the economic crisis.

The market shrinks during the Great Depression, and companies cut capacity and layoffs to get through the crisis, causing the market to shrink further and forming a vicious cycle.

It was very simple to solve the crisis, either find a new market to divert the crisis or wait for the market to recover naturally.

Now the situation is very obvious, the whole of Europe is dragged down by Austria, want to transfer the crisis have no place to go, can only rely on the market to recover itself.

After the survival of the fittest, the backward production capacity was eliminated. Most of the surviving enterprises have made great efforts in management or technology, and every time after the economy, there is also an outbreak of science and technology.

Unlike in the past, after the outbreak of the economic crisis, the government of Vienna did not increase the investment in public facilities to increase jobs, but rather let the market adjust freely.

Franz asked, “How is the immigration work going?”

The crisis is not scary, what is scary is the unemployed population created in the crisis. The risk resistance of the working class is seriously lacking these days, and being unemployed for two or three months is fine, but if you don’t have an income for a year and a half, something big is going to happen.

The solution to the crisis is very simple: emigration. The colonies were in a state of development and lacked a large number of laborers.

Under normal circumstances, except for those who are restless and want to get rich, very few people are willing to leave their homes to work in the colonies.

To put it bluntly, the golden time to go to the colonies to get rich had passed. As the development continues, the conditions in the colonies are getting better and better, but the chances of getting rich are getting fewer and fewer.

Early immigrants, as long as they were willing to work hard and not die, they were basically able to get rich. By now, it can only be said that there are more opportunities than at home.

If you want to get ahead, in addition to the courage to fight, you must also have a flexible mind, plus a little luck.

The temptation has diminished, and everyone’s enthusiasm to emigrate has also decreased. Even though Austria has begun the colonial localization strategy, but after all, the time is still short, the infrastructure is still far from being able to compare with the domestic.

Especially in the areas of transportation, healthcare, and education, the gap is huge. The problem of transportation is that the development time is too short, medical care and education is the lack of talent.

It is not that Austria lacks doctors and teachers, but mainly that these people can live well at home and have no motivation to go to the colonies to fight.

In order to solve these problems, the Government of Vienna has also set up schools on the African continent to train doctors and teachers on the spot.

This is not something that can be seen in a short period of time, and it will take time to accumulate. Especially in training doctors, according to the current education system in Austria, there is no medical specialty that takes less than seven years, and the training of a qualified doctor starts at ten years.

This is not that Franz is demanding, but the reality is necessary. In the era of the lack of medical instruments, seeing a patient all depends on the doctor’s personal ability, quick success is impossible.

Colonial Minister Stephen replied, “As of now, the number of people who have signed up to immigrate has exceeded the one million two hundred thousand mark, and the resettlement of six hundred and eighty thousand immigrants has already been completed.

The number of enrollments continues to increase, and according to the current economic situation in the country, it is estimated that the final total number of immigrants may exceed three million.”

This is a characteristic of the economic crisis, in the early stage the people still have savings in hand to support, the more to the back of the day will be more difficult.

In order to survive, it is not surprising to sign up for immigration. If people were really allowed to choose voluntarily, it was estimated that the whole of Austria would not be able to find a few who wanted to go to the colonies.

In order to encourage people to emigrate, the government of Vienna was also very worried. Many colonization companies recruited immigrants in two ways: one was direct emigration and the other was to go to Africa to work.

Most people chose the second, and even if the Vienna government would subsidize the settling-in fee in the case of direct emigration, it could not shake people’s resolve.

Many people still fantasize about working on the African continent for a few years, saving enough money and then returning home to buy a home. The reality is that after a few years on the continent, most people stay.

There is no way around it, income is the key. With the lack of labor on the continent, the average worker is naturally treated better than on the mainland.

After getting used to the high wages, and then go back to get low wages, the standard of living will not rise but fall, not many people can stand it.

In order to attract more people, the colonial government encouraged people to bring their families. Nowadays, Africa is no longer a barbaric land, and many people will bring their families to the colonies for the sake of living convenience.

Franz nodded: ”Immigration work, continue to hold tight. Now is the best opportunity, once the economic crisis is over, it won’t be easy to have so many immigrants later.

How is the situation abroad, how far did the Paris conference go, is it possible for the countries to reach a consensus in the short term?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! The Colonial Ministry has made plans to absorb as many immigrants as possible during the economic crisis.” Stefan replied

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: “Your Majesty, all the European countries are deep in the economy and things are not going well for everyone right now.

However, overall the situation has stabilized. The French have suppressed the Italian uprising, Napoleon IV has direct military control of Paris, and the opposition has no power to carry it out if they wish to cause trouble.

It is worth mentioning that Prussian-German relations deteriorated drastically, as the outbreak of the Rhineland Uprising directly pierced the last layer of windowpaper holding the relationship between the two countries.

As agreed, the outbreak of the Rhineland Uprising was actually close to the time of the treaty handover, and the German federal government’s attempt to advance the handover was rejected by the Berlin government.

In order to obtain more immigrants, the Prussians sent troops to suppress the uprising and forcibly moved a large number of people out.

From the intelligence we have received, the Berlin government has basically emptied the Rhineland of its cream of the crop, engineers, scientists, doctors, teachers, and all these talents, almost all of them.

With the intervention of European countries, the Berlin government has only just made the handover to the German Federal Reich, only this is progressing very slowly.

Initial estimates are that the Berlin government may delay until later in the year. Right now they are still using the last hours to dig up people, perhaps when the German Federal Empire takes over, there will not even be any skilled workers left in the area.

Affected by the economic crisis, the Paris Conference went very poorly. The governments’ minds were not on the conference, and some even had the whimsical idea of transferring the crisis through colonies.

In the fight for colonies, everyone was at odds. Together with the fact that the British are deliberately messing things up again and seem to be trying to fish in troubled waters, it makes the prospects for the Paris Conference even less optimistic.”

Franz nodded, the Kingdom of Prussia had gotten millions of immigrants out of the Rhineland, it was a wonder that the German Federal Empire could be happy.

This is all digging into the wall of the German Federal Empire, the most valuable thing in the Rhineland region is not the mineral resources, but these high quality talents. Both sides did not start a direct fight, have been considered very restrained.

As for the British deliberately leaving hidden dangers between countries, this is all a familiar recipe and familiar flavor. If they didn’t do it, Franz would only think there was a problem.

It is true that the Paris Peace Conference was convened to mediate conflicts between countries and to reduce international conflicts, but in the position of the British, the real purpose was still to reduce the conflicts between themselves and the countries.

What business is it of theirs whether other colonial empires would be in conflict or not? Deliberately provoking the relations of various countries is entirely a habitual operation of John Bull.

If there were no more conflicts among the countries of Europe, and everyone lived in peace and good neighborliness, would the London government still be able to sleep?

(End of chapter)

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