Chapter 626: Containment

  Chapter 613 Containment

The capitalists gave in, and the Dakor textile factory strike was successfully resolved.

It was an inevitable outcome, workers don’t demand much these days, striking just to be able to feed their families. The capitalists were willing to give in, and the strike naturally came to an end.

However, the impact has only just begun. The victory of the workers in the Dacor textile factory has undoubtedly stimulated the workers in other areas and strengthened their determination to fight for welfare benefits.

This was no longer an Austrian affair; in the space of just one month, the wave of strikes spread across the continent, and no industrialized country was left alone.

In the face of the intensifying workers’ movement, Franz was also thinking of countermeasures. How to develop a set of effective mechanisms to protect the interests of both labor and capital at the same time has become the biggest problem of the government in Vienna at the moment.

Involving the interests of all parties, Franz could not afford to be careless when formulating policies.

Minister of Labor Marjorie hurriedly arrived, “Your Majesty, something has happened, the police in Venice have also gone on strike.”

“Police strike,” hearing the news, Franz suspected that his ears were besides the problem. Workers strike is a common thing, the government officials strike is the first time.

Franz forced himself to hold back his anger and asked, “What is the reason for their strike?”

Inwardly, he had already made up his mind to take on the Venetian bureaucracy, not even able to watch his own people, simply a bunch of waste.

Labor Minister Marjorie: “The work is too intense, no days off for a month straight, and there’s also their request for a pay raise.”

After the outbreak of the strike movement, police personnel everywhere are under so much pressure that overtime is a common occurrence, and Venice is naturally no exception.

Yet Franz was still angry that “the work was intense and there were no days off,” and these problems were only temporary; it’s not as if overtime pay wasn’t being paid. Businesses may show deductions, and absolutely no one in the government dares to discount them.

As for the issue of treatment, that’s total bullshit. The treatment of public officials in Austria is not low, police officers are generally treated above the per capita line, and a bit more in big cities like Venice.

Franz slammed the table: ”Since there is going to be a strike, they don’t need to come back. Send a garrison to maintain order, and all public employees involved in this strike will be dismissed on the spot.

The government, state-owned enterprises, and other relevant organizations are not allowed to recruit these dismissed personnel again.

The whole country will be informed as a warning, and all public officials will be told to remember the duties they have been entrusted with.

If they are too tired to do the job, they should give up their positions and replace them with capable people. Messing up and threatening the government at critical moments, this kind of behavior can never be tolerated.”

Having to play hardball, the lessons of the February Revolution in France were still fresh in Franz’s mind. Had it not been for the malfeasance of the police officers, it would still be the Orleans dynasty.

The police officers’ strike in Venice was undoubtedly a wake-up call for him. If this bad seed is not broken off in advance, there is no chance that tomorrow will be the Vienna police strike.

Perhaps in the end, it will spread to other government departments. There are many such examples in later times, for example:

Liberian healthcare workers went on strike after the Ebola outbreak;

Ukrainian troops went on strike during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict;

Bolivian police, dissatisfied with their treatment, directly occupied the headquarters of the National Riot Police (PNR) in the capital city, even disguising themselves as civilians and blocking their faces, and attacked the headquarters of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR), smashing the glass, taking away the furniture, documents and computers, and setting it on fire;

Brazilian police and army ……

These tawdry maneuvers forced Franz to take precautions. As a government official, you have to see the big picture. If you have a problem, you can bring it up. What’s the point of dropping the ball and threatening the government at a critical moment?

As for the salary package, as long as it’s not below per capita income, plus the ancillary benefits, it’s practically a high earner – after all, the vast majority of people are averaged out.

Labor Minister Marjorie: “Yes, Your Majesty.”

There was no need to object; making an example of them was a must. By going on strike at this time, the Venice police have hit the bull’s-eye and become the archetype.

Thanks to compulsory education, Austria was never short of public officials. Recruiting a group of newcomers and drawing some of the backbone from all over the country, the local police system can soon be restored.

After sighing, Franz asked, “Marjorie, how far has the strike wave developed, how many people in the country are involved, and how much has been quelled so far?”

Minister of Labor Marjorie: “Your Majesty, the strike wave has spread to the entire continent of Europe, the most serious situation is currently in France, if the government in Paris does not handle it well, a revolution is likely to break out.

The situation in the country has improved, as of now, 1,876 companies have gone on strike in the country, with over three million workers participating in the strike.

Less than one-third have resumed production so far through negotiated compromises. The rest are still under negotiation, and the government has strengthened the police force to maintain order, and the situation has stabilized for the time being, with no outbreak of large-scale chaos.

It’s just that many of the striking companies’ negotiations are not going well, and the gap between the two sides’ conditions is so wide that it’s hard to compromise for a while.”

The number made Franz breathe a sigh of relief, no matter what, the number of strikers was decreasing, it was a good start.

From the data, there should be many capitalists who listened to the government’s warnings and took measures in advance to pacify the workers, otherwise the strike wave wouldn’t have been contained.

Whether it was an increase in salary, or an increase in benefits, or purely by lulling, was not Franz’s concern.

“Well, continue to do the ideological work of both sides, but don’t get directly involved in it, the government is just doing mediation. If you can’t reach an agreement, you don’t have to force it, lest you end up inside or outside.”

This was Franz’s real idea, the treatment can’t be negotiated, reluctantly put together, sooner or later there will still be problems. Instead of that, it is better to separate in advance.

Workers can choose to leave, the capitalists can also choose to lay off, in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Protection Act can be carried out.

Anyway, the Great Migration Program has already begun, and even if a wave of unemployment breaks out, it can be quickly digested. When the supply and demand in the labor market changes, the treatment naturally goes up.

It is far better for the market to regulate labor wages than for the government to intervene by force.

The gap between man and man is huge, the same workers, productivity is not the same. Some people have good skills, some people have poor skills, really if the same treatment to eat pot rice, that is the problem.


As a revolutionary mecca, Paris has been at the center of every workers’ movement in Europe. This time was no exception. Although the strike wave started in Milan, the Parisian workers could not help but be enthusiastic.

Unlike the Austrian workers who went on strike and that was the end of it, the Parisian workers had already appeared in the streets with banners and demonstrations, and the marching public had completely paralyzed the city’s traffic.

At Versailles, Napoleon IV had a big headache. Strike on strike, want to increase wages to find the capitalists ah, running to the palace door to protest what is the matter?

Allen, Minister of Finance: “Your Majesty, this strike is extraordinary, all of Europe is in chaos since the strike at the Dacor textile factory.

The people who are marching now, appearing in front of the palace gates, are likely to be deliberately guided by someone. We must be vigilant lest the February Revolution reappear.”

The French government appeared to be stable, but it couldn’t help that the Parisian public was highly enthusiastic about revolution. A wave of strikes broke out, and as long as it was guided by someone with the intention to do so, it could trigger chaos at any time.

Napoleon III had gone, but the political enemies remained. The Orthodox, the Orleanists, the Republicans, were all enemies of Napoleon IV.

These enemies were not only outside, but there were just as many inside the French government. The checks and balances deliberately devised by Napoleon III actually had the intention of drawing the snakes out of their holes.

Enemies hidden in the shadows are far more formidable than those exposed in the open. The Orléans dynasty was a negative example, if not for the cooperation of someone inside the government, the February Revolution would not have succeeded so easily.

After hesitating for a few moments, Napoleon IV gritted his teeth: ”Transfer the fifth division into the city, Paris enters a state of martial law, prohibiting any parade.

At the same time, send someone to invite the representatives of workers and capitalists to negotiate, to calm down this storm as soon as possible.”

The position under his ass was important, as for the bad influence caused, Napoleon IV could no longer care.

Police Minister Ansorge hurriedly discouraged, “Your Majesty, no. The situation has not reached that point yet, once the army is transferred into the city, it is likely to intensify the conflict and let the situation get further out of control.”

Paris was different from other cities, demonstrations had become a part of everyone’s life and were still an integral part.

Although not to the development of: bad mood parade, good mood parade, boredom parade, but ten days and a half months to participate in a demonstration, or beneficial to physical and mental health.

Preventing people from marching and demonstrating is bound to cause resentment. If someone guides it, it is likely to cause unforeseen consequences.

Napoleon IV shook his head, ”As long as we control the army, the situation is within our grasp, and those jumping clowns can’t turn over a big wave.

The task at hand is to quell the wave of strikes as soon as possible, many cities are now paralyzed, and our losses will be very high if it continues.”

Ever since Napoleon III’s death, he had been insecure, and even the guards in the palace had been increased by half, as if the army was the only thing that could increase security.

Whether this change was good or bad could not be concluded in a short time, but the increased relationship with the military was a fact.

I write has been very restrained, there is no way to be afraid of 404 ah, I should have known to skip directly!

Book reviews and so on, there are sensitive words I will delete, do not complain, do not spray me, are forced!

(End of chapter)

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