Chapter 624: Ludwig II.

  Chapter 611 Ludwig II

Times are progressing and so are people.

At the Dakor Textile Factory, the workers involved in the strike have been talking in twos and threes since the management announced the company’s decision.

An ordinary-looking young man sneered, “It’s the same thing again, don’t they know how to change to something else?”

Obviously, the young man still had some scruples and didn’t dare to call him by his name. The fact that there were the boss’s eyes among the workers was clear to everyone, and someone had been fired before for complaining in private.

But times are different today, dismissal is dismissal, the big deal is to work in another factory, really can not find a job can also go to the colony, anyway, can not starve.

One more way, everyone’s bottom line is a lot more. If Dacor textile factory treatment is good, I guess we can not afford to lose their jobs.

Unfortunately, perhaps ten years ago the Dakor Textile Factory could be said to be treated well, but now it is definitely not.

A middle-aged man next to him glared at him fiercely, “Shut up, Lake!”

It could be seen that the middle-aged man’s eyes were filled with worry. Factory management was not harmonious in this era, and punches and kicks were common.

Lanno’s father and son had built up their authority for a long time and had zero tolerance for anything that challenged their majesty.

Although Lake’s words didn’t directly name them, once they were spread, there was still a possibility of retaliation.

Ordinary workers can’t fight capitalists, and some years ago there were people who had accidents because they badmouthed their bosses.

The public said it was an accident, but in fact those in the know know that it was arranged by someone to create an accident to take out the unlucky man, to make an example of him.

Accidents cannot be traced back to the boss at all. The worker who caused the accident voluntarily took full responsibility, the factory paid out a pension, and the matter was over.

For a time, everyone is at risk, everyone knows that there is a boss around the eye, unless they are friends and relatives, the rest are distrustful of each other.

In recent years, the Lombardy Kingdom began to rectify the chaotic image of the factory, often accidents in the factory, the safety audit will not pass, Lanno father and son only convergence.

The Lanno father and son have only tightened their grip. They don’t dare to create accidents, but it’s not uncommon for them to deliberately make things difficult for themselves at work, or to fire them.

A young man next to him, about fifteen or sixteen years old, “Don’t worry, Uncle Lawless. Lake will be fine, who cares about such a small matter after such a big thing happened!”

It was true, now that 100,000 or so people were on strike, there were plenty of whiners, and if they wanted to retaliate, they would have to consider whether everyone would be at risk.

Right now the management is still fretting about how to get everyone back to work, so let’s step aside for the time being about the whining!


Inside the company conference room, it was now a sad day. The layoff method, which had always been held as a treasure by Dakota Leno, suddenly didn’t work.

Usually at this time of year, it usually lasted two or three days, and the workers, driven by the bought-and-paid-for spies, were quick to make compromises.

This time was different, it was the fifth day and less than a tenth of the people had returned to work, and the remaining workers seemed to prefer being laid off to compromising, which was embarrassing.

Fire all the remaining workers, just think about it. Every day that a factory is shut down brings with it no small amount of economic loss.

If they fired everyone, they wouldn’t be able to find so many replacements in a short period of time, and the Dakor textile factory might not be able to return to capacity for two or three years.

With such a long period of time, competitors would have already snatched up their market. Old Lanno’s face was gloomy and terrible, not being able to get the workers back to work in time was also a blow to his prestige.

Dacor textile factory can quickly develop and grow, naturally, not the Dacor family’s strength can do, in this period there are a lot of collaborators involved.

Especially after the listing, the board of directors to a certain extent also restrained the power of the old Leno. Although he still dominates the enterprise, but with the development of Dacor textile mills in trouble, there are more criticisms.

Many people thought that Leno was getting old and did not have the ability to continue to lead Dacor Textile Mills, and now there was this incident, which made the situation even more unfavorable.

The fragrant coffee on the table could not arouse the interest of Lenoir in the least. “Compromise” or not “compromise”, this is a headache.

The factory shutdown brought more than just the surface, but also the impact on the corporate brand, as well as the impact on the market share.

Dacor textile factory, is also a piece of gold, once the news of the strike spread, will inevitably impact on the brand gold, thus affecting the sales market.

A middle-aged man in fancy dress: ”Mr. Lanno, it’s already the fifth day. If the strike doesn’t end, we won’t be able to suppress it on the media side.

With the influence of Dakor Textile Factory, we are not yet capable of shielding all the newspapers around the world. There are already winds spreading out now, and perhaps the reporters are already on their way.”

Big business and the press are always inextricably linked, and the use of capital to influence public opinion is something that capitalists have long been unschooled in.

Unfortunately there were too many newspapers to buy off. All it takes is for one to spill the beans and the lid is lifted.

When the news of the strike got out, the first thing to suffer was the stock market, which meant that the wealth of the people present would be drastically reduced.

In fact, if the Vienna Securities and Exchange Commission hadn’t been so strict in its management, there would have been people in the boardroom selling their shares.

In recent years, the development of the Dacor textile factory has been very unsuccessful, and it is no longer a good investment project. Now that this had happened, it would be a good choice to cash in while the stock price was still good.

Unfortunately, the Austrian government strictly prohibits insider trading, even if you want to cash, but also must be after the public news.

Dacor textile factory listed in Vienna, naturally, to accept the supervision of the Austrian government. It is not impossible to hide the news, just be found out will be confiscated proceeds.

The “proceeds” were all the proceeds from the transaction. Franz believes that “illegal income” and “legal income” is too difficult to distinguish, in order not to bother the law enforcement officers, simply confiscated together.

The strict treatment of criminals will serve as a warning to those who come after them not to try to break the law.

In order to pay less tax, someone once made a private stock transaction with someone and intentionally reduced the amount of the contract.

When he was caught, he was directly confiscated of all his family assets because he was unable to distinguish between the illegal profits from this transaction and his past wealth.

We all have big families and are past the age of barefoot. It is not easy to get to the shore, so naturally, we are not willing to take the risk of hitching a ride on our families.

Old Lanno nodded, signaling that he knew. This is to be expected, more than a hundred thousand people strike, still want to keep secret that is simply impossible.

In addition to the newspapers did not publish, this is already the city of Milan open secret, perhaps the entire Lombardy Kingdom know.

“Newspaper side, continue to do good public relations work, we need time.

If we make concessions now, it will undoubtedly fuel the arrogance of those white-eyed wolves, and the factory will not be able to be managed properly in the future.

Today they asked for a wage increase and succeeded, tomorrow they will ask for better food, and the day after tomorrow they will ask for shorter labor hours and more holidays …….

It is true that the remuneration we pay is on the low side, but it is not the lowest. Since the market accepts the price, it proves that the price is reasonable.

They can increase their wages if they want to, but they have to wait until the enterprises’ efficiency improves. What can they pay them when the business is not making any money.

Xiao Lanuo, send someone to do ideological work for the workers. Tell them that the factory is in trouble right now, and that as long as they get through this current hurdle, I’ll give them a paycheck increase later.”

Old Lanno had already realized the crisis, the treatment at Dakor Textile Factory was not the lowest, but it was on the verge of being at the bottom.

It wasn’t that he hadn’t thought about raising the treatment of the workers, it was just that Dakor Textile Factory’s benefits had continuously declined, and by increasing the labor cost, the profit of the enterprise would further decline.

Poor performance statement, will undoubtedly affect the stock market, the light board of directors that pass is not good.

The most critical thing is that the old Lanno is the largest shareholder of Dacor Textile Factory, the enterprise profit decline, his loss is also the biggest.

It is very unusual for a large enterprise to look ahead even to increase labor wages.

Little Leno than his father to see some more understanding, he knows that the increase in wages has been imperative. There was no other reason, mainly because the workers could no longer feed their families.

Austria has been developing rapidly in recent years, with a large number of new jobs created every year, and not long ago the Vienna government announced its big immigration program.

These factors iterated together would inevitably affect the labor market supply and demand. Standing in his own position, little Lanno is naturally opposed to large-scale foreign immigration, which will increase the domestic labor costs.

Unfortunately, the arm can’t argue with the leg, the capitalists no matter how much they oppose, also can’t influence the Vienna government’s decision-making.

What’s more, not all capitalists are against it, there is no lack of supporters. For some capitalists, this is also an opportunity.

Labor costs have risen, the stubborn enterprises will certainly be slowly eliminated by the market, while the courage to innovate enterprises, but can be further.

On the one hand, there are fewer competitors, and on the other hand, the purchasing power of the market has increased.

Workers are also required to spend when their salaries are increased. With the increase of hot money in the market, it is also easier for everyone to make money. After turning around in the market, the money will eventually return to the capitalists.

This is a virtuous economic cycle. It does not mean that everyone’s profits will necessarily decrease as a result of an increase in the cost of labor.


The telegraph was a good thing that accelerated the spread of news. By the time Leno Jr. took action, it was too late.

Just as he entered the workers’ area, Llano Jr. was surrounded by a crowd of reporters, including official reporters who also showed up.

“Mr. Llano, what do you think of this strike?”

“Mr. Llano, will you suppress this strike?”


Looking at the cameras set up not far away, Llano Jr. was in tears.

“Of course he had an opinion, but there was no way to say it!

“Suppressing the strike” is not a joke, you are all here, who dares to suppress the strike?

Besides, they don’t have the strength to suppress a strike. Over 100,000 people, even if they’re a mob, once they start it’s going to be a big deal.

Now that the workers are on a legal strike, they’re just resting in their homes or hanging out. Anyone who dares to aggravate the conflict is prepared to be used by the Lombard government to sacrifice their flag.

The newspapers are being bought off to cover up the news. It seems to be doing a good job, yet they’re ignoring the feelings of the one in the palace.

What man in power wants to see an uncontrolled presence under his rule?

Ludwig II is no exception, on the surface the king is not good with them, does not mean that can not wear shoes.

The fact that so many journalists have appeared now speaks volumes.

Under normal circumstances, these distributed throughout the country newspaper journalists, it is impossible to arrive at the same time, unless someone behind the scenes manipulation.

Dakoer textile factory can not be small, in the local has established a solid interest group, the general public simply can not afford to mess with.

Strikes are the common enemy of the capitalists, and even rivals would not support a workers’ movement at this time, because strikes are contagious.

Once the workers of the Dakor textile factory succeeded in fighting for their rights, it would also spread to other factories in the neighborhood, and whoever lifted the lid would become a public enemy of the capitalists.

However, this does not include the Lombardy royal family, to put it bluntly, the scattered bourgeoisie, the essence is to bully the soft and afraid of the hard, when encountered with those who can’t afford to mess with the people will still decisively didn’t see.

Leno does not know who is targeting them, but he knows that this time the “Dacor Textile Factory” is in big trouble. Once the news was out, the workers would be even less likely to compromise.

The original plan was for the management to talk to the workers individually, and to use coercion, but now it could not be done.

Otherwise, if he met a hardened person and poked the news to the reporters, he would also have to suffer.


(End of chapter)

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